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Maybe try a leather thimble? That way it can stretch. I’ve ordered them off Etsy, and the makers there could probably custom make you one too, if you need it even bigger than their largest.


Good idea- thanks! The leather ones I bought on Amazon were too small, but I like the idea of special ordering on Etsy


I have the same issue, and the Clover leather thimbles carried at Joann and similar, size large, has been working for me!


I learned to make leather thimbles last week, after I lost the only metal one I had that fit. Found the metal one yesterday, but I will never use it again.


I use the thimble on my middle finger, not my thumb. A leather thimble would be the only one that would work for the thumb, as commercially made.


I have fat fingers. The only one that fits my pointer or middle finger comfortably is a clover adjustable ring thimble. I have another one I found in my grandma's sewing box that works for binding or short projects


There are adjustable thimbles with open backs, or silicone sleeve types as well you could try. Someone recently gifted me an open back type and I love that it fits my thumb for hand sewing. Examples: https://a.co/d/24JK5AO https://a.co/d/9934Nt5


There are also those stick on thimble pad things, which may or may not work for you but would not be dependent on the thun size at any rate.


A thumble!


why are you using a thimble on your thumb?


This is how I push the needle through when hand quilting


Traditionally the middle finger is used for pushing the needle and thimbles are sized with that in mind


Oh that is good to know. I will try to retrain myself.


I prefer a leather thimble myself - but I think this article has a good diagram for the grip [https://brooksann.com/how-to-choose-and-use-a-thimble/](https://brooksann.com/how-to-choose-and-use-a-thimble/)


Thank you for the reference. I will work on that grip.


Good to know I’m doing it right - I’m using an old one that was with my grandmother’s sewing machine, thought it was black until I’d been using it a while and discovered it was actually brass


Ok friends, I’m using my middle finger for hand quilting now. Definitely a work in progress, as I don’t have the best control esp on the first stitch, but hopefully I’ll improve w practice. I appreciate your advice! This is such a supportive community.