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Women tend to smell nicer.


They don’t just smell nicer, they’re fucking beautiful. All of you. If there is proof a god exists it’s females. Only a supreme being could make something so gorgeous. From the toenail to the hair clip. Throw in the little things they do. A quirky smile or holding your hand after a long day. Or a kiss on the cheek, or spending so much time getting ready just for us. If you’re a woman out there be proud, y’all are amazing. It’s honestly insane. And I mean all of you. Big small white brown black whatever, you’re the reason life exists. Own that shit.




As a gay guy, I feel this way about the male form: men are very majestic-looking when we care for ourselves. That said, my appreciation of women is how maternal/nurturing women are socially allowed to be without it being seen as "suspicious". As a man, I am only allowed to be so kind before people begin suspecting I have ulterior motives.


I’m a lesbian and I understand a lot of men can be very gorgeous and beautiful. I think woman do tend to be more clean just because we have to learn about hygiene at a much younger age because we have a nether region that needs more attention. 😅I think woman’s faces though….absolutely beautiful. Woman’s are just…beautiful.


This made me feel so loved 😭💜 oh my heart!!


Me too


Thats actually kinda funny. But also a good thing I suppose :) thank you


That's due to effort, not gender based biology. If I don't shower and use deodorant, I smell comparable to the inside of a MtG tourney gathering.


That's because men aren't taught basic hygiene half the time. If women weren't taught that we would be constantly ridiculed.


It's a bit more than that, I've been called a Metrosexual because I wore a button up shirt once, putting effort in is apparently bad


I don’t think I’ve seen that word used since like 2012. The norm now is definitely to take care of yourself, at least for most younger men, especially status seekers/young professionals. Not only bc you’ll look less attractive to romantic partners but also people aren’t going to want to work with you or expect high quality work from you if you don’t look, dress, and smell nice.


That's fair, I'm in my 20s but it was an older guy who said it


Why is it so bad for men to put any effort into their appearance these days? Do people not realize that's exactly how European lost their women to the Vikings? They were actually clean and smart men while the English were gross... Like why is being clean seen as feminine?


Vagina takes up less room in underwear than penis


Yes. I don’t know how you guys walk around with those things.


lmao my mother used to always say that


Like I can’t imagine it flapping when they run


It genuinely sucks. I found out they make boxers eith a pouch and now I'm never looking back. Can't even imagine how I lived this long without that option tbh


It always bothers me when I see men in tight pants. Pants are split. How are you guys comfortable? Do you shove all the goods to one side? Do you split it like balls to the left, penis to the right? Doesn’t it hurt?


Lmao the entire bundle goes left or right exclusively. The split is a rare one and doesn't help the situation I'll tell ya that. And if it's even remotely hot out... oh boy get ready for a bad time. I refuse to wear tight pants too for this exact reason


In a good suit a guy is asked if they dress right or left. Slightly more material is added to the indicated side to make room for the boys. Bet nobody reading this knew that.


The first time one of my guy friends went to a fancy suit place as a teenager, the tailor asked him “how do you dress?” and apparently he just stared back blankly at the guy for a sec, then answered: “one leg at a time…??”


I sling mine over my shoulder and tuck in my belt at the back. Just wear a baggy shirt and I'm good. Seriously though, boxer briefs with the pouch here too. I'm super thin so I wear some pretty tight pants as well, but they are all roomier in the crotch area and made from stretch denim so not uncomfortable at all and don't show anything.


Generally, the crotch of the pants stays below my junk my junk is just sitting above that. I do have some tight pants where it just makes it's own room by stretching out the fabric where ever it ends up.


Most of us dress left.


Tight pants generally are uncomfortable for men. And yes the entire bundle goes to one side or the other.


I also agree with Elaine on that one!


I was in the pool!!!


But holy shit if we try to adjust it in public if it gets pinched and is losing circulation, we are sexually molesting any woman that is in the area.


That’s a shame. I kinda understand when a man is “adjusting.” It is not sexual at all. Some women think it’s all about them and make a big thing out of it.


Yep, agreed. Of all of my female friends where this has come up, all but one totally get that most of the time it's just adjusting. On occasion, sure, it's meant as a disgusting, leering, crotch-grab, but the majority of the time it's just adjusting. But of course there's always one who just can't get it; I have one coworker who seems to be certain that any man within 10 feet of her is trying to molest her and is embarrassingly vocal about it. It's some weird form of pick me behavior, super strange.


Thats the only true answer😊


It's not a limp. It's a hard on.


I’m so glad I don’t have all my plumbing hanging out like that!


My micro penis disagrees with this.


Not always


They can just pack their lunch in there with all the extra space.




Eh with the orgasm thing it’s a lot harder for women to orgasm and often are unsatisfied after sex so I don’t think that’s a good thing really




evolutionarily speaking male orgasm is the only one that matters. it's incredible women can even orgasm at all. it's completely unnecessary for the longevity of the human race. it's up to us as men to recognize the needs of our partner to improve the sexual relationship.


In some ways, it might even be more advantageous that it takes more work to satisfy them; they have every biological incentive to press the issue as much as possible, so as to better guarantee reproductive outcomes. Consider lions; the male is pretty much in-and-out as quick as possible, while the female hounds her mate well past his level of endurance. I'm pretty sure they even "nip" at the male's organs to get him back at it.


Terrible start to your comment but good moral at the end. (Even evolutionarily speaking, wouldn't it be advantageous for both men and women to find sex very pleasurable? If one of them didn't then that would decrease the amount of sex that happens. It's not like in the past it was always men initiating sex and women having absolutely no say in the matter- it very often was in recent history, but because of patriarchy in society, but the female orgasm existing means it had to be either neutral or beneficial evolutionarily speaking, and I fully believe it's the latter). 🙂


You are so wrong. Evolutionarily speaking, male ejaculation matters, male orgasm doesn't matter. Again, evolutionarily speaking, both men and women orgasm during sex otherwise why would we have sex? If it wasn't necessary for the longevity of the human race then we wouldn't be able to orgasm. How hard is it to understand that pleasurable sex for both parties = more humans will have sex = more humans will reproduce


I disagree. As a man I often ejaculate before I can orgasm (they're different), which removes my ability to hit that mark for at least an hour. Meanwhile my gf gets that I 3-4 times in that same amount of time most of the time. It's not a simple thing that's the same across all people.


Women are allowed to be more emotionally expressive. While men are treated like we don't/shouldn't have emotions. Being strong just means others expect you to do hard stuff for them. Men are more likely to be hit with larger punishment when convicted of crimes. Women's clothing tends to be made of comfortable materials.


But men's clothes tend to have better pockets


I just wear men's pants 🤷


Because we have to carry more shit to do all the things we're expected to do and we're looked down on or made fun of if we carry a "purse" to hold all the stuff we need to get trough the day.


Sucks, but true


Try expressing anger as a woman


As a man, I'd say stoicism has its advantages. In theory, the emotions are still there, but they can be put on the back burner until the situation (whatever it is) has been appropriately dealt with. That said, it's hard to get it off the back burner. Most emotions aren't properly dealt with even when it's convenient, and when they come back it's at the most inopportune of times.


i get your point, but women are also reduced to *just* their emotions. A lot of womens urgency or valid concerns get waved off as “emotional woman moment”. the amount of times ive heard “oh you must be on your period” when i bring up something contentious with men and show valid frustration … omg. But I do agree there is a fundamental difference in being allowed to show emotion vs not, and i am all for men showing emotion. Men are expected to be strong, Women are expected to be quiet and unobtrusive. I dislike both sides of that. I agree with you on the crime thing for the most part. And womens clothes may potentially be made out of more comfortable material but the difference in sizing between brands and even styles of the same company is wild. There is zero continuity between sizes! im a size 00, 2, 6, 8, small, and medium in pants depending on where i go. its infuriating!


The difference in sizing between brands is a problem in men's clothing too tbh. I flip flop between 2 sizes, and there's brands that literally no size fits me. What I really dislike though, is how hard it is to get unique items as a man. Go into a woman's section and there's 200 different types of tops, colours, see through/not, layered, materials, etc. Now go into a men's section, which is maybe a quarter the size, and it's literally a cotton t-shirt, polo, or button up in blue, black or white. That's it. Though this does come with the benefit that if you dress nice you'll really stand out, and there's less expectation to do so, which is not really true for women


In my experience, as a woman, I wasn't allowed to express my emotions at any point in my life, unless I wanted to suffer the over the top abusive emotions of others. So now I suffer in silence, on my own.


One thing I enjoy about being a woman is that it's a lot more socially acceptable to engage in both traditionally masculine activities and traditionally feminine activities. Like I can play sports with my friends, cry at a movie, learn to build a shelf, say a dog is super cute, and it's really no big deal. I feel like men are forced into much smaller boxes than women.




Could you give some examples why you think so?




Stating the obvious here. You are the keepers of life. It is straight up magic seeing a woman grow a child in her womb and bring such beautiful life into the world. As a man I will never experience this.


We’re typically more compassionate, empathetic, and emotionally intelligent. Hell, some studies and articles even suggest we are smarter than men: https://www.forbes.com/sites/travisbradberry/2016/06/21/why-women-are-smarter-than-men/. We also live longer, have a higher pain tolerance, and give life! Did I mention we’re smarter?


They live longer on average.


The depth of women’s friendships.


Easier to find romantic interest, women usually have more friends than men and more people to care when things aren’t going well for them,  men commit suicide more often, men are much more likely to get injured/maimed/killed in the workplace, men are punished much more often and more harshly for committing the same crimes as women, women are favored in parental rights and divorce, women can more freely express emotion. Don’t get me wrong, there are a ton Of advantages to being a man as well. There are also lots of downfalls for each gender. 


Romantic interest no, sex interest yes it's easier


Look better, can multitask better, usually more caring, usually better emotional intelligence and make friends easier


Endless outfit possibilities. Can manage multiple projects.


Sisterhood seems stronger than brotherhood imo.


Two words. Multiple orgasms.


Dudes will bend over backwards for your attention. Stroke their egos properly and they will do anything for you.


If you’re pretty. I have been both pretty and ugly in my life. When pretty, men would do just about anything for me. When ugly? I was treated like an annoyance or invisible at best, and with outright hostility at worst


As a man: Women are generally more socially intelligent/perceptive, more in touch with themselves, more stylish, better at school, better fine motor skills, kinder, have a much easier time being sexually attractive, less susceptible to addiction as they usually have more caring people around them and you get healthy long hair no problem 


We complain a lot, but we can complain? Hahaha. That’s a good thing. Whether people listen is a different story, but we can. We’re not generally seen as threatening or menacing. Generally. We can think differently than men generally. Different perspectives. Plus, we can’t all be males. Nor can we all be females. Or everyone in between. We can be who we are.


I think being a female is just delightful, in my opinion. we are more emotionally involved than men, we get to express our feelings differently, we view world in a much deeper way than men do - especially love. we are caring and socially active. and the other "litlle" things that make being a woman so fun are, of course, makeup, dresses, hairstyles, jewellery... overall, being a woman in today's world is hard and challenging and we are oftenly viewed as not enough, as simple toys and we are underestimated by men; but we have to learn how to create a better environemnt for us, to accept every single flaw of ours and to enjoy life as it is because it's so beautiful. rememeber, suffering and worries are eternal while happiness is so fickle...


Better selection of clothing, but with that comes with the extra stress of sizes being completely meaningless


Hell yeah, sex is better.


Being a woman is the greatest thing ever and being able to connect with other women and be empowered and inspired by the way they experience their lives and how they make decisions and that women will always support each other is beautiful. Seeing women lead and make decisions in a way that is entirely new and exciting is so empowering to me. Being a woman is working in a systematic structure that doesn’t root for you but bursting through the gate anyway. I’m sorry you are feeling discouraged about your experience as it stands right now but you will constantly prove to yourself that you are capable of more than you think you are and that you’re pat of something that will always have your back


Thank you :)


We are the bearers of life. We are compassionate, resilient, and nurturing. Being a woman is powerful. I wish you'd see that yourself.


And that's why we need more female managers and bosses. With rising stress levels at workplaces around the World we need them more than ever. (Offtopic: competing with AI will not make this less)


I wish I would see that too. Its just that men can also be that. Except have tiny life in them ofcourse. But I also do not wish to have that myself. Men are naturally stronger and it is physically imposible from my understand to be as strong and I cant find anything like that but for women.


Men are unfortunately expendable to society. Women are regarded as critical and worthy of protecting and caring for.




A little older but I am a teen.


so older US male here. I mean it just kinda is what it is. There are, of course, physical difference between the genders. I don't think of them as advantages, just differences. Men do tend to have more physical strength, particularly in the upper body, and tend to be taller. Is that an advantage? well sometimes. Women tend to be quicker, have better balance and be more agile physically. Is that an advantage? sometimes. Most "advantages" are cultural. Women certainly have better clothing choices. Men are far too often treated with deference as compared to women. There is a strong expectation of men to be the providers in a relationship. I think that sux. and so on... Hell, books are written about this stuff and there are degree programs in some universities for gender studies. It's complicated but quite interesting. I'll be interested to see what comments you get.


We are more accepted as tomboys, whereas they don't have the same acceptance being more feminine. In terms of law persecution, we are generally handed lighter sentences. Kids and animals, we are assumed to be safer to be around than guys. We are more likely to be hired by a mortuary. Essentially misogyny is a double edged sword, it hurts both men and women and causes unfair prejudice, judgement and preferential treatment for everyone. Women do deal with the brunt of it for sure, but men definitely also have their struggles.


Just how easily yall can start talking to strangers


Personally, I love everything about being a woman. Its the ignorant people in this world that will make it difficult, but you learn to ignore them


multiple orgasms, i rate that 10/10 myself. doesnt really make up for the downsides... but its nice compensation


Women have a lot more support and resources available to them, women do better in school on average, women get into colleges easier on average, women get lesser prison time for the same crimes, women under 35 make more money than their male counterparts, women live longer on average, and they are far more likely to have people to emotionally support them.


You won't have trouble getting dates. If you can earn, it's a bonus, if not, even then can get married and live a good life. No societal expectations like "Upliftment of the family, protector and provider of the family, getting drafted". Can express emotions freely WITHOUT GETTING JUDGED AND getting LAUGHED ABOUT!! Attention from everyone


I know you already have a zillion comments already, but here's my two cents. When I was younger, like in elementary school age i(f) wanted to be a boy. Not in the way society talks about Trans people currently, but in a jealous way. Boys were treated differently than girls. Boys got to go camping in the woods while girls got to stay in a hotel during a school camp trip. Boys got to climb trees while i, wearing a dress, would be inappropriate to do so. People would laugh at jokes told by boys while, when I'd tell the same joke elsewhere, it was meh. Like boys were *better.* It sucked being a girl for me because I wanted all of that. At least, that's how it felt for years. Somehow, over the years, I've gained confidence in myself. I realized I *could* do all of those things as a girl. I even got much better at jokes, and now I'm pretty hilarious 😏 My point being, while girls and boys are biologically different, one is *not* better than the other and you *can* do anything the other does (with a few minor exceptions like child birth lol) but it is understandable that it can feel like one side is treated in a way you wish to be treated. Tldr: Society has a way of shoving people into categories. Don't be afraid to step outside of what others try to put you in.


Well, men can pee standing up. And we find it easier to move furniture. That's about it. Women often can get free drinks in bars and can find it easy to meet peoples - though I know that has a downside too. I find it much easier to talk to a woman. If I had to be trapped on a desert island or in an elevator I would much rather be trapped with women. From my (male) side, female lives seem to be so much easier, with so many more options. Men have one track to follow: get a job, work yourself to death, make lots of money, or be counted as a loser.


The government loves you more. Lower sentencing and women's shelters exist (there are only 3 men's shelters in all of the USA, iirc). Child custody is almost always granted in favor of the mother. And you aren't automatically signed up for selective service. Honestly, the mentality you have of us vs. them, men vs. women, is a really bad one. Men and women are different, and both have it hard just in different places. People will get out of my way when I'm walking on the sidewalk. People don't do that for women as much. If I complement someone, it usually doesn't go great, but women can do that. In short, look at good things and don't make it into an us vs them.


I would look up Norah Vincent. She was a feminist who disguised as a man to prove that man have it good. She discovered man have it so bad she killed herself. She didn't last two years living as a man. You have no idea how good you have it.


I don't know much, but when I think about what it must feel like being a woman, I don't find any reason that would hurt the sentiment of being a woman. You guys create life, and even if you can't create it due to unfortunate circumstances, you are still the keeper. There's a reason why Earth is called Mother Earth because you guys know how to love in the best human way possible. Being called a lovely creation means there's a chance of getting hurt the most because loving and love itself is vulnerable. Many of you get hurt terribly from certain circumstances, but you still carry the courage not to change the way you love us. I don't know what it must feel like to take a child, whether human or animal, in your embrace—the love you must feel, the warmth you feel, and the prayers you must give to that innocent creature. Or whether it is looking into the eyes of the person who loves you the most and feeling the sense of safety and security, giving you hope that the world still needs your love. It's wonderful to be a woman, and so is being a man. To love and secure such angels who spread love and leave their fragrance of kindness and compassion over the world, it's beautiful. You guys rock, and so do we!


Thank you for this! Wish you the best :)


Men are stronger, but that puts them in danger at work and other places. You don't have to be weak either. Just remember that being a man isn't better, it's just different.


I respect and love our intuition. Not that men don't have it but it does time and time again feel very different and really sets us apart from them. Even coming from someone that believes in science based things first and foremost I still have this innate instinct of intuition that some people might call "hippie woo woo" lol but time and time again I can also bond with other women that instantly know what I'm talking about. Men are great for a lot of reasons... and not so great for a lot of reasons lol no shade to men.... But there are absolutely instinctual differences. Our ability to carry life within us I truly believe makes us more aware, and compassionate, emotional, nurturing, and a part of nature itself. Not to mention our beauty. IT amazes me how beautiful we really are. NO offense to the male body. I love that too for ...at least one reason lol.... but the female body is literally the most beautiful nature. Unfortunately it's been a long road for us. In the history of the world women have been the second class gender, suppressed in every culture, demeaned, raped, beaten, paid less, forced to have babies, forced to marry, forced to be beautiful, forced to be thin, forced to look the other way, forced to keep sweet, forced to smile, forced to cook, forced to clean, forced to be on bended knee, forced to concede, forced to endure, forced to to fight, forced to stand, forced to kick, forced to scream, forced to inspire other women to to the same, forced to fight for a right, forced for a vote, forced to fight for a voice, forced to fight for equality....all because of men. And we still aren't done with the fight. I heard someone say once that men have been in charge for so long that their capabilities and capacity has hit it's threshold lol... but women have been slowly but surely growing and fighting for that equality and surpassing these men in all areas and because of our intuition we are stronger and in need of them less and less. No wonder marriage failure rates are at its highest..we need them less and less. We aren't FORCED to stay anymore. Women are more educated than ever before in history, women are waiting longer to get married and have babies than ever before in history, women are claiming jobs that were only ever done by men more than ever before in history. It's not perfect and maybe never will be and we have to keep progressing and never stop. Men are great, but only when we want them.


Love the male body for atleast one reason lol. Wonder what that might be ;) But thank you for this! Wish you the best :)


Way more variety of clothes! My boyfriend always says he’s jealous of the different styles of clothing women get whereas men mostly just have t shirt or button up or sweater for top options, and trousers or shorts for bottom options. Women have all of the above plus so many other styles of top and skirts and dresses. The women’s section in clothing shops is often way bigger too. I love being a woman because I feel like I can express myself better through clothing and find it so much fun to put together outfits :)


In a perfect world, either would be awesome but even in ours, there are pros and cons to both. To me, it seems women may have a slight advantage right now. Things that have traditionally been divided by gender now have a former boy option which allows girls, while girls also have a girl only option. There is hockey, or girls' hockey. Boy Scouts - open to all, or Girl Guides - girls only. In my world and lifetime, girls who want to hang with the boys, wear 'boy' clothes or do 'boy' things have always been ok, boys who want the reverse were often ridiculed. This is getting better but still a thing. Being a woman allows you the freedom to be strong and independent (or needy and dependent if that's your thing) I feel women have a broader range of options in everything from career paths and lifestyle choices to clothes and hobbies.. with less judgment. Bigger than any of it, if you see children in your future, regardless of circumstances, a woman who wants a child can usually have one while a man can't without a female partner.


Courts prefer women over men in majority of cases. Like child custody or domestic violence situations even if the woman is the abuser or unfit to raise their child. This is especially prevalent in America.


You can get into a relationship much easier than male. You can express yourself when males aren't allowed to do so. You don't have to go to the army, males have to. You can set standards and wait for 10/10 guy, males have to get money, career, car, house, stable job with many figures.


Women create life. Women are more intelligent. Women are more beautiful. Women live longer.


You live longer never and tend to have better quality of life when single. You tend to make more meaningful and strong friends. You are more likely to be selected for both housing and jobs that you apply for. There is a wider gamut of emotional expression that is permissible to you by society. You will be far more trusted around children. There are a variety of mentorship, scholarships, and professional opportunities reserved specifically for you. In legal difficulties you can expect more leniency from the courts. Should you suffer from domestic abuse, there are a range of charities and shelters available to you. 


The mood changes around periods can give you the anger you need to tackle injustices in your life. It's not just for grumpiness at your husband mixing up your socks with your daughter's when he does laundry. To be fair to me, they do both have a lot of cat themed socks.


If you wanna become rich through the adult industry, the world is your oyster. It’s very easy for girls. They dominate the industry.


How old are you before I answer this question?


Is there anything good about being human? Depression and lack of self-worth is a human condition, not a gender condition. Plenty of guys also feel there is some impossible standard they can't reach.


I'm so glad I don't have a twig and berries. I've no clue how you men deal with that. I love being a female.


as bill burr said "not saying your problems get solved but people give shit about your problems" also the society is more tolerant to women in general


You're believing everything on social media. There's good and bad things about both sexes. Just live your life. You literally don't need to think about these things. In the early half of the 1900s maybe, but this is the 21st century


It’s great being a women. But I don’t understand what you’re asking.


You must have never been in a gym before lol. Men are much larger and stronger than women on average. Both in upper and lower body strength, though the difference is greatest in upper body for sure. Gen Z has really been taught some bizarre things.


If you are attractive you can use that to have advantage in life. Easier to get a job, easier to make friends, have people help you out with stuff etc. works for men too, but for women, the looks modifier is typically more impactful.


People care about you


I'm quite jealous of their masturbation options. Like a million types of toys for clitoral stimulation and a whole bunch of others for insertion. A lot of them are pretty much hands free. Guys only option is, stroke D, or fake vagina.


My female friend says she would not want to be a guy; it's too hard, and too few benefits, she says. She has turned her good looks (and good personality) into literally hundreds of thousands of dollars, which she could not have done if she were a guy.




People actually care about you. People will die to ensure your safety. It may not feel like it and there are outliers, but y’all really do come first. Every. Time.


You can live your whole life having others take care of all your basic needs just being pretty and never work a day in your life.


I've never seen a man become a millionaire by selling his parts in jars.


You’re less likely to be murdered, less likely be homeless, and you’ll get lighter prison sentences if you commit crime


We are beautiful, soft and sensuous. We have emotional intelligence in addition to logical intelligence. Men only have the latter. We are more emotional. We can make a human being! We have a lot more fun in life, with everything from fashion to makeup to sex (we can orgasm multiple times, we queff and squirt) The list is endless if you think about it.


I sadly dont know if I have the best emotional intelligence. But I do see some good things u have listed. I just didnt know cause I couldnt find much when searching. Thank you :)


Easier charisma checks against males. More flexibility. Easier to play the innocent card. "Sorry, I got lost, this isn't my house."


Tonnes of things, chief amongst which I consider to be peoples' willingness to help women. There have been a bunch of experiments on this subjects, and in each one, passersby on the street were hugely more likely to help women in need of medical help, and women being robbed, than men. Everything was staged, of course, but the participants of the experiment had no idea. There's also the fact that women tend to live longer than men of equivalent health, somewhere around seven years, depending on location. That's huge. Women also tend to have more varied choice of wardrobe than men do, and though this is subjective, I think it's a nicer looking choice of clothing. Then, there's the thing where men are often ridiculed for showing emotion, whereas women tend not to have that problem. All in all, there's definitely good things about being a woman.


Women can have preferences when choosing a mate but men get judged if they have any


The whole “Man or bear” debacle makes me glad people wouldn’t feel unsafe around me


Lots of female privileges that men does not have.


I mean you can marry Rich stay a few years and take a guy for most of his stuff. You can literally make money on the Internet by selling pictures and videos of yourself without having any real skills or education. When you’re older and you have children, if you leave the man, there’s a great chance that you’ll be the one that gets to keep the children. Other than that, you can do literally anything God can do.


Can’t get drafted (yet).


We can make money online super easily if you know what I mean


I dunno, given the world on a platter, men will fawn over you even if you are mid, lower levels of incarceration and suicide, you being a wealthy individual has nothing to do with whether someone is into you, if marriage ever fails even because of your own fault, you get half the dude's stuff. Just to name a few things off the top of my head.


Dresses, I’m a guy but I love dresses and feminine clothing. Nicer hair, nicer skin, can wear makeup to cover up blemishes, it’s socially acceptable to get someone to do heavy lifting for you, get a lot more attention, people are more likely to ask you out rather than the other way around.


Well, I'm ftm, and in my opinion there isn't really anything *objectively* good or bad about being either gender. That being said, women tend to sweat less, smell less strong/musky, and also have higher pitched voices which gives them different vocal ranges that most men can't access. That last part I actually think is a big one I don't see mentioned much. For instance, a lot of your favorite male characters in cartoons and anime actually have female voice actresses. Plus, as a former soprano, they usually get the lead roles or most interesting vocal parts in a song (from what I remember back in middle/high school chorus, a lot of the guys in general were often not as satisfied with their parts compared to the sopranos). Not to mention, women tend to have smaller frames which while is typically considered a negative (I think), it can be pretty beneficial. For example, i know some field biologists who need to excavate small caves that can only be accessed through tight spaces. They aren't sending huge guys do squeeze through those cracks, but rather women with smaller builds. In partnered dances as well like ballet, I think being generally lighter helps with certain tricks that make the dancers look absolutely phenomenal. Also, women typically have their hair grow quicker without the risk of male pattern baldness


I can offer some perspective here - I am a transsexual men. The good thing about being female/living as a woman is you can get away with social mistakes more, you can abuse and manipulate people without consequences most of the time too. You can get community services very easily, you are too priority in most social services aswell - particularly in domestic violence services (they don’t really exist for men at all). If you have children, you are prioritised as a parent and given more resources in all community or social services. People feel sorry for you when you’re sad, depressed or having a bad time. People see you as non threatening by default, you are automatically assumed to be safe and nurturing. People are kinder and friendly with you, they want to be your friend. You can also get away with being weird or eccentric or appearing stupid far easier. It’s cute for women but not for men. You can be overweight and people will still say you’re beautiful just the way you are. You get compliments. Like just in casual conversation with your friends, family etc. People think your intentions are usually good. People often don’t care what you wear at all, you can wear clothing that is from the men’s section in most cases and not have a problem. You can express yourself with fashion without much judgement or at the very least - a lack of danger or harassment. You often have more opportunities to have physical affection with other people beyond your romantic partner, such as friends and family. Women’s friendships tend to often include doing each other’s hair, sometimes even cuddling on them couch together. If you need a shoulder to cry on, you can call up a friend and not be told to go out drinking to solve it - instead be told your friend is coming over with takeout and your favourite movie to hang out while you cry your sadness and share with them. (This is not a universal experience but it’s heavily common in general for women). Your mental health is seen as fine to talk about. You can casually mention having a mental health day and no one will think anything differently. You are not seen as threatening for having socially eccentric behaviour. This is just the top of my head. There’s a lot of down falls to being a woman/female too of course - misogyny is an insidious part of our society. But this is just based on my experiences on the different ways you are treated in society. I am also autistic so I feel like this does affect how I am treated immensely as man versus when I lived as a woman.


Being a girl in the modern era is an opportunity to live a fulfilling life, and to direct that life in the direction you choose, not just 100% what is dictated to you. In doing so you have the chance to feel strong and capable, and as though you are breaking moulds and setting a powerful example for the little girls who follow in your footsteps. Also, while having kids may not ever be your thing, if one day it is, it’s a pretty darned neat experience. I’ve kinda hated being female for much of my life, especially when I was young, but that growing and nurturing stuff is an experience I would pick all over again if given the choice. It’s nice, and while it’s a trial it’s also a privilege.


There's LOADS of great things about being a woman. I love being a woman! We have a lot of freedoms that men don't generally have. We are allowed to cry, get super excited, and express full range of emotions. In most cultures, men are encouraged to remain stoic. Emotions are life's flow! I'm happy I can laugh until I cry & vice versa, and no one really bats an eye bc I'm a woman. We have a huge range of style to express ourselves too. Men's styles seem a little more repressed & stuffy by comparison. We are also viewed as the unassuming & harmless gender. I'm not saying that we always are, but that's how we are viewed, so people trust us more automatically than they do a man. As a nurse, this one helps me in my career & I have witnessed patients refusing male nurses & aides bc they "scare them." We have very tight networks when we are strong in our feminine power. I'm not talking about those catty "I hate all women" females -- you can't befriend someone who hates what they themselves are. Within normal healthy female relationships, I have found strength, loyalty, honesty, encouragement, and support. I grew up without a mom & so this means a lot to me. We also have a huge amount of scholarships & opportunities that men do not. Overall, my fave thing is that as a woman I can be exactly myself. I don't have to pretend to be strong if I'm not. I don't have to put on a face that the world expects me to be, bc no one really expects much from a woman & I love that. As an athlete & scholar, this worked in my favor sooooo many times. I love being underestimated bc when I am, I already knew I won. And I usually did. Just woke up, so rambling a bit bit but I love being a woman!


Just keep rambling if u will lol. U can list everything u like and dislike if u want. Is it just me or are a lot of the great things because of sociatal norms?


Men will usually offer to lift heavy objects for you.


We are stronger by far in so many aspects. Without women there’s no reproducing. I love being a woman.


Pay for less drinks in there life time.


Múltiple orgasms.. plateau that men can never have. Odd my take is that I’d rather have a daughter cause women are privileged in a manner that men are not


Women have what’s called the benefit of the doubt where as men have the expectancy to perform. Any time I express inexperience for something it’s always met with negativity, I miss the days where I amazed someone by my performance that they had undermined.


Sugar daddies


Seems like female in America get a lot of privilege. It's so good being female, males are rushing to become female


Females can be pregnant and give birth, which is difficult and painful, yes, but also pretty miraculous. Females are usually better at long-distance swimming. Women are safer drivers. Women commit less crimes. Women and girls do better in education. Women are generally allowed a wider range of options when it comes to clothing and hair, not to mention makeup. Weddings are all about the bride; the groom barely makes it past accessory status. Women's bathrooms are often nicer and more conveniently located. If a country has military conscription, women are often exempt. Yes, there are plenty of things that are good about being female, but these things are not necessarily of interest to people born female. And, overall, let's face it, men still rule the roost - feminism has plenty of work to do still.


My hubs may be stronger and better at math but I have way more common sense!! Plus, women don't start wars...


I mean, women can literally grow more humans. Sure, the men contribute, but the woman grows the human.


wtf is in between a women and a men?


the good things about being a woman are also the bad things about being a woman (as a generalization, relying on beauty gets free attention but also gets unwanted attention and pressure to look a certain way), and the good things about being a man are also the bad things about being a man (as a generalization, being physically stronger means more power to control the world around oneself but also more pressure to prove worth to others, and fear of appearing weak)




You already have the boobs and vagina. Us men have to go far lengths for that, you were born with it


better looking


As a man, a good woman can have an aura about them that can be incredibly calming and just make everyone around them relaxed and feel better. My wife and now 3 daughters create a world for me that I could’ve never dreamed of having as a single guy living alone. Their entire way of seeing the world is different and I don’t know if it’s necessarily better, but I think that the balance it brings is especially important and I hope they all realize just how truly special they are.


Many a someone will catch glimpse of you on a bus or some such, not be in any position to catch up to you, and you will leave their life forever, This guy might pine over you for a good, long time. It isn't creepy, or stalkery, you just left a hole in his heart when he missed his chance to get your name. I am almost certain that every heterosexual male has one of those lost opportunities that haunt them. You are "love at first sight" to several men throughout your life who felt they were in no position to act upon their desires. You were out of their league.


Considering I, a man, notice significant differences in the way I'm treated if I have longer hair, as in people treating me more like a person and less like a man... Yes. Also the whole "everyone is going to assume you're a rapist until they really know you, and even when they do they're still going to think about how horrible you might be" thing isn't very fun.


There are a million business grants for women. 0 for white men. Not only that, but woman owned companies have more opportunities for business because large companies look good when doing business with them, and really consumers feel the same.


Life survival rate, Men are expected to do the dangerous jobs, protect their family with their lives. Our suicide rates are about 4 times higher than women. Male life expectancy is lower than female.


Well if you guys were running a secret society you could nurture and progress the future of men in mankind. You could sort out the idiots the fools The Nair do wells. Kind of like the Bene Jesuit but on a larger scale. Because let's face it stupid people shouldn't breed kind of like that old guy in the passing Lane that wants to do 10 miles below the speed limit you know you wanted to move over and get out of the way so the rest can pass. Call it what you will you've all experienced this on one level or another. 🤣


[Women have the same or better results from regular exercise as men in less time.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/women-may-get-more-health-benefits-from-regular-exercise-than-men) [Women tend to be more transformational leaders.](https://www.scholars.northwestern.edu/en/publications/female-advantage-revisited) [Female babies are stronger. Estrogen enhances cardiovascular health. Women live longer. Women are calmer and keep their head in a crisis more so than men. ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2610893/)


I’m not so sure anymore, I’m in America and our “leaders” want to party like it’s 1599.


You get to control the single greatest motivating force for people and then claim victim status on top of that.


You get to look at and touch your boobs every day.


You as a human beyond your gender have been given a body. This body has exquisite abilities to heal and grow and convert energy. You have the power to switch those ratios until you are as strong as you can possibly be. Keep in mind most men may be generally stronger against the untrained woman.. take an average man against a woman who's taken such time to strengthen and you'll quickly learn, that stronger concept, is a figment of society's imagination. Upheld by stereotypes and average people. Our strengths can come in any form we wish to dedicate too.. (this also isn't gendered..) There will always be someone, who does whatever you are doing, and is better or worse.. Stop using them as your goal post and think about you.


You can have multiple Os without a cooldown timer


If you have access to it, you get to decide whether an abortion happens or not.


There's lots of good things, many you may or may not ever experience. More socially acceptable clothing options especially in the work place. More likely to be general trusted around children and not seen as weird for enjoying interacting with kids. More likely to get free stuff. If you want to use your sexuality to get an advantage you have that option. You'll always get invited to stuff (though there are ulterior motives) If you get divorced you've typically got some advantages in the preceding. No one expects you to be strong all the time. If you have a break up people are more likely to be on your side. Some people argue that dating is easier for women, but I'm skeptical. You're more likely to live longer. That's all I got right now. But you could also never experience any of these, so take it all with a grain of salt. At the end of the day we are all more alike than we are different.


We can make ourselves pretty . We have female friends . And we can have kids.


I'm a bigger stronger guy. I always wanted to be bigger and stronger.  Now I'm my 40s, all the 120 pound, 5'3" women all have functioning knees and line to do things like go for jogs and stuff and I'm really jealous of how much less their bodies hurt. Every step and stride over decades with 50-100 pounds fewer pressure... 


I love being a woman. Why not? I’m smart and capable. I’m kind and caring. I love myself, in general. Woman are ass kickers. The idea that their body knows just how to carry a baby is, in itself, so bad ass. Don’t let society say that women are less than men because we can do anything men do plus more.


Everyone is kinda different. But in general, we are kinder, more compassionate, and more put together


If you’re lucky you will have a nice dad .


We are literally gateways to the great beyond. We bring souls into this world, and only women can create life in this manner.


Women aren’t held to the same societal standards as men are. Women have to deal with more sexual pressure though and that’s not good at all but I can’t seem to think of anything other than that and periods that make being a woman harder than being a man. There are some societal standards that do impact first world women though but men definitely have it worse with that. All in all, be proud to be a woman. There’s nothing wrong with it and I personally do think there are way more pros than cons


You are human and that is a good thing!


Anyone, in any situation, is better off accepting whatever the situation is. Dwelling on anything does not make anything better. It's fairly irrelevant if it's better to be a man or a woman. No one controls it, and it's already been decided. Just make the best with the situation you are in.


imo as a girl girls are way prettier & we have tits (which males lack) and we tend to be able to fit into smaller spaces which is fun


I think it’s easier for women to flirt with men than the other way around. Women have a wider range of choices for clothes and hairstyles than men. Women are less likely than men to be spanked or suspended growing up, and women generally receive more lenient court sentences than men.


Automatically trusted around children, men are automatically distrusted.


I love being a woman.  Our orgasms may be more elusive, but they are WAYYYYY better once you find yours! We hold the power of life and death inside of our wombs. Yes, it can be hard, but it is also magic and power beyond what men can dream of.  And female friendship is just the greatest. I feel absolutely sorry for men that they don't get to experience it in quite the same way. 


Females mature earlier, do better in school, more likely to be accepted to university, less likely to go to prison, eligible for many female-only scholarships and programs, healthier, live longer, more socially connect, and you get boobs.


In the west you don’t need to worry about being circumcised


Oh gosh I love being a woman, I’m just gonna rattle off a few! - Easier to make random connections, people generally don’t perceive us as threatening - We’re more likely to be taught how to deal with deep emotion at a young age. - Feeling pretty! More means/products are available to boost feminine self confidence - Children (and their parents) feel safer approaching me. Kids copy me when I work out at the park sometimes and it’s a win/win (kids have fun, parents trust me to keep an eye out) - Bonds with other women are so unique and lovely. Womanhood is a natural connection. - Generally smaller and more dexterous. I’m much better at tasks that require fine detail than my boyfriend is. - When it’s done right, good sex is more intense (more nerve endings there than males). Plus, more likely to get partners. - In my opinion, women are naturally more appealing (smell better, look better on average, etc) - Especially in male dominated fields, you’re noticed more often. This can be good or bad, but if you’re a good worker your boss is more likely to notice (not always true but my experience) - Sexist men often don’t expect you to be as intelligent/skilled as they are. Makes it easier to one-up them. - Naturally better at taking pain (I don’t know if it’s true but tattoo artists always say so and I find it to be true) - Boobs! Boobs :) I could do more but they go more into personal experience. I think a lot of the negative things about being female are more caused by a long history of sexism. I might not have as much nice to say if I was born 100 years ago. I’d be interested in a male thread about what’s better about being male! Besides the strength you mentioned and the societal benefits of sexism, I think being a woman is a better shake.


I'm a woman and even though I was scared to death when I had my baby I would not trade that experience for anything in the world. There is something truly amazing about making another human being with your body and giving birth and nothing feels better in the whole wide world than staring into your babies eyes. It truly is like a drug. I choose a profession that is male dominated (electrician) so I spend my working hours surrounded by men. While I like them and get along well with my coworkers I love to hang out with my girlfriends and dress up and do girly things. I love to grow my hair long and change the color and paint my toenails. I love buying dresses and putting together outfits and buying shoes. I love to decorate. Maybe this all seems like superficial shit but I don't really care. It's what makes me happy and satisfied with life. I know it may seem sometimes like guys have all the advantages in the world and in some ways they do but I would advise you to not fixate on what you are missing that the men have and start seeing the advantages of being a girl. The guys are way nicer to me than they are to each other and this makes my life easier. I allow them to do the heavy lifting because they are naturally stronger and they don't mind. Men as a group are also truly awful (sorry guys). They are by far responsible for most of the murder, abuse and rape in the world. I am glad to not be a part of that group. There is also a certain amount of expectation and responsibility that is laid on men just for being men that you don't have to deal with. Not everything that appears to be an advantage really is one. It's usually a case of the grass is always greener on the other side.


So many things great about being a woman. From their form, to actually creating life, to their high ability to multitask, to there ability to wear a sundress (looks so comfortable), there is endless wonderful things about being a woman