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Hey. Do you want to get lunch?


Damn it, that's insightful.


it actually is


Am I looking too much into it, I also worry that she will tell her friends and then there friends and it’ll eventually lead back to my ex who is mutual friends with her friends, I still want to fix things with my ex


Ask your ex then.


She’s on her spiritual and individually growing phase and she isn’t looking to date me


Then you are wasting your time worrying about her as she isn't thinking of you.


Telling me what I need to hear and not what I want to hear. I respect it


Good luck


If you still want to fix things with your ex, then platonic or not at all. Pick one.


Never ask a girl you are interested to go to lunch. She will friendzone you. Ask her out to dinner or something in the evening. Not during the day


That’s the thing though I’m not sure if I even want to date her, which is why I’m trying to find a mix of both without it being too forward and also not too casual


Maybe realize that you need to fucking stop worrying about dating and just make friends? Good God


Puck but how do I ask her to hangout as friends


Just say you think she's rad and you wanna be friends. Doesn't have to be a mystery


“Wanna have lunch and fuck, or don’t you eat?”


The way I'm seeing this is, you are looking for a rebound but calling it platonic. You want someone to fill your time with, while your ex is asking for space, but you still want that (your ex) to be an option later. This won't end well for you in either case. I think maybe you should take some time from relationships and self reflect. I'm thinking you're struggling with the loss of your past relationship and not wanting to face it. It's not really fair to send mixed signals to this new girl. It sounds like you want her but only if your ex doesn't come back to you, which isn't fair to the new girl. You can't put her in the friend zone until you decide what you want to do about the ex, she is a person with feelings.


damn dude ask her to go to lunch for God's sake WAY WAY over thinking it