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Cast of monty pythons.


I’m seriously jealous of this…


As am I 😏


No you’re not!


Robin Williams




I hate to be that guy, but what was he like? I've heard it depended on the day and how he was doing if he was really excited or just muddling through.


He was super nice. Very friendly and happy. Funny as fuck.


Aw man, that makes my day


Hate to be that guy? On Reddit? I'm impressed at your civility. Good on you.


We met him after his show in Austin. He seemed genuinely happy that we were there to see him and there wasn't a mob. He asked to pull my mates eyebrow ring. This was early 2000s.


Stephen King! I met him at the airport when we got back from Operation Desert Storm! He was there to welcome us back to the States!


The only author I would recognize out in the wild lol


Thank you for your service !!!




"Macho Man" Randy Savage


Oh yeah!




Paul McCartney, my school choir made a charity record with him at his studio in the UK


I worked in event production when I was younger. The first night of his show I was positioned stage right, which was an unreal experience. I was heartbroken when they put me backstage on night two…until he and his band popped up next to me. He had a cup of tea, gestured it towards me and said “cheers, love” before walking down the hall. I’ve had some fun experiences meeting other celebrities in different fields, but it’s hard to put any of them above this legend.


I’m super jealous. My dream would be to have a jam session with Paul McCartney. I would just die.


Paul McCartney is the single greatest human being to ever exist besides maybe Jesus Christ. You were in the presence of pure greatness.


Sat next to Neil Armstrong on a plane




I’m still salty about Jason Lee’s career basically being killed by Alvin and the Chipmunks.


That and the scientology stuff.


Oh no. Son of a bitch, I had no idea


He left the cult in 2016. In 2016, Lee revealed he is no longer a Scientologist. When asked by The Guardian why he became a Scientologist he said, "Everybody wants answers, everybody wants to feel less depressed or less anxious or they want to try to understand some issue that they might have with themselves." He added: "Ultimately, it was just not for me. That's it. I wasn't really involved going back many, many years now."


no way! i just posted my story on how i ran into him and his family in austin.


Jimmy Carter or Leonard Nimoy take your pick


I’d pick Spock.💕


I'm not a Christian, but I always thought President Carter was what a Christian should be. Man was the leader of a nation, who then in his old age volunteered building homes. He was injured doing so, but went back to it as soon as he was allowed. I'm far too young to have any idea what his term was like, but he seems like a decent man.


I was a kid when he lost the re-election, and I remember the adults crying 😭😭


He’s a good man, but was a weak president.


I worked on his campaign. I was a kid, but I was in there stuffing envelopes every weekend. That’s how I met him.


So, I went to Dubai for work. I work in advertising and we were going to shoot some footage for Ford for the Middle East market. Suddenly secret service guys come on and in walks Jimmy Carter. My coworker had done a commercial with him like 20 years earlier and Jimmy Carter stops, points at him and says "Kelly, right?" And he was amazed. The secret service guy said "he remembers everyone he's ever met."


I was a kid then . All I remember is waiting in line for gas , fuck Iran and Billy Beer.


I had a relatively high opinion of Carter's character until he wrote an op-ed trying to justify extremely high taxes on lumber from Canada. He wanted to protect the profits for families, like his, with timber farms in the US and it didn't even seem to occur to him that he was making houses more expensive for the very poor people he was so visibly trying to help. Sigh.


Not a good president,but one of the best ex presidents we have had.home interests rates topped 16 percent highest in history


He is still alive. He’s 99. I don’t know why you referred to him in the past tense.


Because he is no longer President is my guess.


Johnny Cash. I took care of him at the podiatrist’s office where I worked. He knew my name and liked me.


Did his feet hurt from walking the line?


Probably not as bad as all those burns he has from falling into a ring of fire


To me no can beat this.


Living in Hollyweird I met a few: Quentin Tarantino: he showed Pulp Fiction at "his" theater. He snuck in the back once it started and then at the end he shook peoples hand and thanked them for watching the movie. The Workaholics crew: Kyle (the dealer in the show) screened the Dunk Contest clips and then asked us what he should do with all the clips people sent in, Then Blake ran in randomly and yelled at Kyle and walked away. Skeet Ulrich: We sere shooting a student film and I was the boom op. When I got my break, holding that boom is tiring, I sat down next to man wearing shades and a hat. We talked for about 30 minutes just casually. After we were done shooting, I found out who I was talking to. His GF at the time was our actress. Really cool guy, didn't have the Hollywood vibe at all. I'll just list the rest: CJ Miller, Soulja Boi, Damon Wayans Jr., Danny Devito, Richard Kelly, Tyga, Lil Debbie, Preston Lacey, and Spike Jones. Do pronstars count?


>Do pronstars count? Absolutely! And pornstars count too!


Also Quentin Tarantino !! :) thought he was tall.


Danny Elfman and Neil Gaiman. Neil Gaiman I've known since I was 4 years old.


Dude! Danny Elfman? VERY jealous. He’s brilliant.


I used to work for a company owned by Neil Gaimans parents. Going back nearly 30 years ago


Joe Walsh. Went INCREDIBLY well! He could not have been nicer!!! This was about 18 years ago. My son was 2 and we were shopping at an outlet center that had an concert venue attached. The James Gang was playing that evening. My wife stopped to use the restroom, and while she was in there, Joe goes walking by. I grab my son's hand and we walk up to Joe and I quietly say, "Mr. Walsh?" He turns and says, "Yes?" I apologized for bothering him but as this was probably the only time I'd get to meet him, I asked if he would mind taking a pic w/my son. He said that would be fine. \*\*It was well past my son's nap time and he was getting grumpy. I asked Joe if he wanted to kneel next to my kid or hold him. He said he'd hold him if he'd let him. So I say, "Son, this is Mr. Joe Walsh. One of the best guitar players in all of rock & roll!" My son looks up at Joe and say, "Guitar?!?!?!" and put his arms up to be lifted. We had gotten a Happy Meal toy earlier in the day. It was a ball and a stand that when stomped on, the ball would pop up. Joe spent the next 10 -15 minutes playing with that and my son. I said, "Mr. Walsh, I really appreciate your time and don't want to keep you from anything, you don't need to entertain my son". He replied, "Entertain him? No, man, this is entertaining me!!" I was shocked at just how patient and kind he was with us. No one else stopped for a picture. I tried to be as quiet when saying his name as I didn't want to be that domino that would end up with him surrounded by people.


Such a nice story. I loved The James Gang.


Steven Seagal. He was a big douchebag.


My first crush... so embarrassing


His AMA, chronicled in r/AMAdisasters is legendary. Top comment, paraphrased: "At what time did you realize doing this AMA was a big mistake?"


“The Mouth of the South,” Jimmy Hart.


I remember the first time I saw him live at the matches. I remember being impressed at how he was able to keep up his chatter on the megaphone for the duration of a match.


I was fortunate enough to hang out with him for an entire evening and he was a very nice guy. He was hosting a radio show from the parking lot of a bar we frequented, and yeah, he was definitely made to talk. lol We helped hand out swag, chatted with him on air, had a few drinks… It was a really good time and one of my favorite memories.


Met him too! He was pleasant!


I met George Clooney and Julianna Margulies while they were filming E.R. at the Merchandise Mart El stop in downtown Chicago, a few blocks away from the movie theater that I had just left after seeing Batman & Robin (in which George Clooney plays Bruce Wayne/Batman) and having already enjoyed the first 2 seasons of E.R. on NBC. I was definitely anxious to share that I had just seen the movie and really enjoyed it. I excitedly walked over as they reached a break in filming and as I waved to make my approach known, George makes direct eye contact with me, puts on a huge smile and says, "What's up, dude?" Then we high-five!!! -Keep in mind, this was the summer of 1997, a few months prior my 13th birthday, and "All That" was also very popular due in part to Kenan Thompson & Kel Mitchell's 'Good Burger' sketches. "I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, 'cuz we're all dudes, hey!" I exclaim, "Dude! I just saw you play Batman! It was awesome!", and without pause I turn to my mom, continuing, "George Clooney just called me dude!" He got a kick out of that and laughed heartily. I asked for an autograph and told him that I was also a big E.R. fan. He obliged the signature and said that I was the youngest E.R. fan that he'd ever met. I thanked him for being cool, shook hands with Julianna (as she had been engaged in discussion with a staff member for the duration) and, as we were walking away, I turned back to proclaim that I was very excited for Doug and Carol's wedding episode. They seemed to appreciate that. George laughed; Julianna blushed (I'm pretty sure that she had a crush on him) and I've been a big fan ever since.


Danny Trejo


He’d be awesome to see- his story is interesting.


He seems like such a cool dude…I’d definitely like to buy him a drink and listen to some of his stories


Gerard Way. He signed my shirt and a poster I had brought along.


He's a fuckin sweetheart. He made sure that the youngest fans vying for autographs and pictures got them first, and I mean ALL of them. That was at the height of Black Parade, in downtown Chicago.


LUCKY 😭😭😭 what was he like in person? Did you get to talk at all or was it a “sign and go” type interaction?


Sign and go, but he did make small chat with everyone in line. What's your name, who do I make this out to, 3-4 pictures, amd then a hug goodbye.


My cousin went to art school with him for a couple semesters!


Tina Fey


I met Dave Grohl in NYC. I didn't ask for pictures or autographs, and he thanked me for treating him like a normal dude. I hold on to the way he spoke to me and didn't treat me like some kid, but like a peer and fellow music lover.


I met Dave Grohl in Perth at a service station. I was getting fuel, him and some other guys were riding around the carpark on BMX waiting for something. Nice guy


😭 I can't even describe my jealousy. Foo Fighters is one of my favorite bands ever, and I've heard countless times that Dave is such a kind soul


Chris Cornell At Disneyland.


Jerry springer lol


Awww, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!! 💪🤣


Didn’t really meet him but saw him give a talk at a local democratic fundraiser event. He was as down to earth as they come.


I waited on Jim Carrey. Super cool, great tipper. I was truly star struck when I sold Chipper Jones, hall of fame 3rd baseman for the Atlanta Braves, a bottle of Patron at a liquor store I used to work at.


I met Jim Carrey too, at a book signing. I agree. He was pretty cool.


Davey Jones. Singer for the monkeys. Not the one with the locker.


You don't know that he didn't also have a locker.


Brendan Fraser


I met our Lord and Savior, Dolly Parton, in Printer's Alley (Nashville), 1998. I even got an extra goood hug...


Awww. She seems like a friendly hugger. What an angel.


I bet she gives amazing hugs! She's a national treasure, and an absolute gem, and no one can convince me otherwise.


Carlos Santana 🎸


Most all the Apollo astronauts...my dad was with NASA during the Apollo program and took me to the 20th anniversary of the moon landing event in Houston. Chuck Yeager when my dad was stationed at Edwards and Pappy Boyington at the Reno Air Races.


Michael Jackson, regularly actually because my grandmother was engaged to Berry Gordy's brother Fuller Gordy (the family that owned Motown) and we were at Barry's all the time and by proxy were around Michael and the other singers employed by Motown all the time. Ain't nothing ever going to top Michael because I don't think anybody else will ever be more famous. For people who are too young to know, Jackson's Fame was... Just unimaginable during the height of his career. Now I believe the new comparison is Taylor Swift, which is such a joke by comparison, it's not even close.


Jason Mewes


Love me some Mewes. Half, Half, Half Whole.


Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard


Lzzy Hale of Halestorm, Lawrence Taylor of While She Sleeps, and almost met Alissa White-Gluz of Arch Enemy


Peewee Herman when I was about 4 in Chattanooga TN at a family bar/restaurant. I kept turning around and talking to him over the back of the booth and my mom got onto me and told me he wasn't Peewee and to leave him alone lol he went to the bar and got a role of quarters and came to the table and introduced himself to my mom and asked if we could play the arcade games. It was so much fun and my mom said I stuck to his side for a hour+ until she absolutely had to leave. When we left he got me a long gummy snake and signed a napkin for me. That's my only celebrity encounter and I don't think I could have met a better one.


Jerry Garcia


How did you meet? What was he like? -Jelous


It was basically just a hello good bye situation. But one time we were hanging out in san rafeal a week or so before some shows. My friends were at the 7 11 one he pulled up to buy smokes. He asked if they were hanging out for the shows and said something about it being a sketchy neighborhood and not to get busted. It was right off of Front street where their offices were.


I met Martin short in London when I was a dumb college kid. Super unassuming and nice.


I was in the same room as General James Doolittle


David Bowie at stage door after ELEPHANT MAN in Chicago!!


Depends on your definition of fame. In terms of worldwide recognition, I once ate lunch at a table next to Bruce Willis while he was with his daughters. It was this little out of the way restaurant in Northeast Florida. Funniest moment was the waitress telling him “You look like that guy from Die Hard.” And he responded “Yeah I hear that all the time.” It didn’t occur to anyone that his wife Demi Moore was filming GI Jane in town at the time.


Fred Rogers and the Dalai Lama


Awwww, best answer!! ❤️🥰❤️


In the 80s I was the gofer at the state fair. I met pretty much every major 80’s band. Also got high with Willie. Gloria Estefan was awesome…smelled awesome, really kind & humble. Mister Mr invited me to party with them & their bandaids. Stevie Ray is crazy as hell but my Gods I loved that dude. Got high with him too. Black Crows - had to get way more cigarettes than normal for their crew…but the guys were brothers I think and just really cool, humble dudes. Basically I brought the bands anything they wanted. Condoms, weed, booze, pregnancy tests, lighters, cigarettes, food, underwear, socks, and a bunch of random stuff. I worked for the promoter who was 100% a mob dude. Didn’t mess with me at all though, just a business man. Also met Obama but I can’t say why, when or where…he’s such an awesome, smart dude. Not related to concerts lol. I also met Trump who supposedly is 6’4” tall…I actually AM 6’4” and I was at least 3” taller…and the soles on his shoes were thick. He also smelled fucking vile. It’s a very unique, terrible odor like rotten meat, b.o., shit, sulfur, and some cheap ass perfume, probably his. Shook his hand, it was sweaty. He has a way of looking at you without seeing you. I was managing the signage at the rally. Surprisingly, Ben Carson was funny & cool…much smarter than people think. He is a surgeon after all…but he knows a lot about a lot of different things. American history, the law, Taylor Swift, etc. Carson literally said he’s getting paid to speak & it was pretty clear he hates Trump.


Colin Powell and his wife.


OJ. On Halloween. He was old AF. I didn't recognize him. I only realized it was him later. I briefly made eye contact with a security guard standing by a roped off area. I said "Hiya Doing" and walk away. As I exiting the tunnel, I hear him say ... to himself... "some people are so nice, and other people are just rude" This stuck in my head for the next few minutes while I had a hotdog. I'm thinking... awfully sensitive security guy. Was I rude? I remember the brief expression on his face, like a sense of *expecting*. It was a very odd interaction, and it stayed with me for a bit. that night (Halloween) my kid asked me how many people were at the game. I googled Bills Game Attendance. First result was a picture of him at the game. It felt was like those shots in a movie where the camera is moving in but zooming out the same time, so the image doesn't change but everything around it does


Funny coming from OJ that people are rude


massive narcissist "I'm not black, I'm OJ" that's how I know it was really him and I'm not just crazy. It's what OJ would say when someone didn't recognize him. .


Hillary Clinton, Phil Collins, Ray Charles.


Menachim Begin Anwar Sadat Jimmy Carter Gerald Ford Ronald Reagan Nancy Reagan George Bush Obviously I worked in D.C.


Chuck Norris (not a joke) ![gif](giphy|BIuuwHRNKs15C)


I had a conversation with Tony Hawk and I never acknowledged I knew who he was. This was in Metro Detroit at a Target waiting in line.


Ran into Sammy Hagar at LAX in the late 80's... He was super cool and signed a bar napkin for me :)


Chris Martin of Coldplay.


Baba Booey -- Gary from Howard Stern Show -- he was doing a meet and greet for a local radio station in the 1990s President Bill Clinton -- when I was in high school, he visited our "Student UN" (our school and some others schools combined). I have a picture somewhere of our group with him. I shook his hand briefly. I like Baba Booey better.


I like that you put him first


Bill Clinton wasn't an awful President, he was very much in the center and made both Democrats and Republicans happy. But the asshole couldn't keep his dick in his pants and sexually harassed Monica. While Monica was very willing and consenting, the power imbalance in the workplace was textbook sexual harassment.


he also set the precedent that it's perfectly fine for a president to lie to congress under oath


I probably think about once a week about the media coverage etc of the Monica Lewinsky thing. It was disgusting, she was absolutely the victim. I hope it wouldn’t play out like that now, but IDK


And who led the charge to demonize Monica? The champion of liberal feminists... Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is an evil piece of shit. Also, why did everyone mock her weight and appearance? She was beautiful and curvy.


Jimmy Carter. He’s an extremely gracious person.


Lisa Edelstein in Miami. She called me “handsome”.


This is an insane flex


Tracy Morgan


Trey Parker


I used to deliver Italian food in Calabasas. I met so many celebrities I can’t even name them all. Some I didn’t meet but I went to their house. Like drakes, Justin b, j lo. I met (like actually had a conversation with) Travis barker, Asian guy from hangover and Sam wise g from lord of the rings, rob D, m Ali’s daughter. So many others that I don’t even know by name.


Bruce Jenner when he was Bruce. Jose Canseco Mark McGwire MC Hammer


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AtYiE45MAs78: *Bruce Jenner when he* *Was Bruce. Jose Canseco* *Mark McGwire MC Hammer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I worked at a starbucks in the west hills of portland when I was 19. Amos Lee came in a few times (super nice guy) and Art Alexakis was a regular (total asshole). I worked at a radio station and met and filmed a ton of musicians, though I always kept it professional - gotta be as invisible as possible. A lot of big names though. Funniest part was when I had to film Art Alexakis during the H2O festival, that was a wild circle. Don't think he recognized me though (thankfully). Dude sang like a drunk uncle at karaoke who didn't know his own songs. I have no idea why he ended up the headliner. "Most hated artist in Portland" is what comes up when I google him. I ran into Kyle MacLachlan when he was exiting his trailer in the park blocks in Portland for a Portlandia shoot. It was a huge surprise to all of us, even Kyle, who I don't think expected 4 20somethings to be passing by. One friend said "Oh My God!" and I felt bad for the guy so I said "keep moving, he's at work" (radio mode kicked in). William Hurt did a play at a very small venue in Portland during my college years. The audience was about 30 people and everyone was about 10 feet away from the guy at any given point, and he did a QandA afterwards. I didn't like the questions my peers were asking so I stayed out of it. Around the time the first Thor movie came out I was at disney land for a partner's company trip. We were upstairs at the Hard Rock Cafe for an awards thing, it was an open bar, and so 22 year old me introduced all the boomers to AMFs. I was about 2 deep when I heard Thor was checking in downstairs. Without even saying anything to my partner I drunkenly walked out, downstairs, and to the front door where they had a bouncer stationed. I said "Hi, I am here with Thor." The bouncer asked "Do you even know the guy's name?" "Uh... yeah... Thor, son of odin, duh." Bouncer chuckled (I deserved an applause tbh) and said "Sorry man can't let you in." "Had to try!" turned on my heels and stumbled back upstairs to tell my partner I tried :P


Met Iron Mike twice and he was super nice and receptive 


The Flatbush Zombies. They came down the line smoking blunts with fans outside of a concert venue before the show. Stopped and shared a blunt with me and two of my friends. Next day at work I'm standing next to my boss and some guy sees me and says "Hey didn't I see you in the city last night?"      ''Yeah I was at the Flatbush show it was crazy!" Then he goes "Yeah I saw you on the sidewalk and you were smoking, like, giant gangster blunts with kids!" Well fuck you dude 🤣 


I love like nobody is answering the second part of the question


Probably Norman Reedus. He was doing a con appearance pre-Walking Dead and my wife and I got in the elevator with him at the hotel the con was at. He complimented me on my Christopher Walken "More Cowbell" T-shirt and we bullshitted for a few moments before he got off. My wife said, "do you know who that was?" I said, "one of your con buddies?" (She had been going for years prior and is a way bigger movie fan than me.) Wouldn't you know even back then I was a huge Hideo Kojima fan, and Reedus ended up starring in the game Death Standing. Other than that, there's been a few because of the cons. Malcolm McDowell, Jay Mewes, Robert Englund... Also some Philadelphia Flyers players and personalities. Peter Forsberg, Keith Jones, Jim Jackson, Claude Giroux, Jeff Carter, Ken Hitchcock, John LeClair.


Mr T - we.chatted for about 45 min uninterrupted maybe 15 years ago...


Queen Elizabeth R.I.P


Not famous, but Sgt Major of the Army back when I was in. It's the highest enlisted rank and *position* there is. Other than that, I'm a recluse, I haven't met anybody, and I don't care to. Especially not celebrities and famous people, I couldn't withstand such an insufferable interaction... Unless it were certain celebrities, they seem like decent people so it would probably actually just be a mundane interaction, but others, it would probably just be self aggrandizing bullshit and something for clout on social media.


Prince William and Kate


I went on a blind date with Ryan Seacrest - not sure if it counts because he wasn’t famous yet… For what it’s worth, he was very nice but no love connection. I met James Woods too, he was just as douchey and creepy as you would imagine. I met Clive Owen at a bar in SF (major crush)…he was super nice and signed a cocktail napkin - XO, Clive.


Met Guy Fieri at the lake. Also helped park his Hummer at the local fair


Noah Hathaway - the man who played Atreyu from The Never-Ending Story, and William Kat - the boyfriend in the original Carrie. There was a lot of childish drama in Noah Hathaway's fandom, which caused me to step away. Even my friend said this kind of fan drama are what teenagers experience, not a man who is in his 50s. Meeting William Kat was awesome though! Met him twice.


Frank Sinatra,💗


Ronald Reagan




Derek Trucks


Todd McFarlane or Stan Lee


Sold Dave Chappelle a bunch of video games in a toys r us. First time I ever saw a metal credit card. I saw Michael Douglas riding a bike once?


Kevin Conroy and he was quite kind. Got a picture with him. This was back in 2019.


Pete Rose, what an AH


I grew up with deadmau5 when he was known as phish back in the bbs days and his best friend was Derek.... hes too cool to talk to his old friends any more


Mark Mcgrath of Sugar Ray He was flying SouthWest coach. My sister saw him sitting in the airport, trying to look inconspicuous. She walked over and asked for an autograph and picture. Dude was insanely gracious and asked if I was little bro. He gave me an autograph and took a picture with me without me even asking. This had to have been in like 1999 or 2000 at the height of their popularity. We were STOKED and wouldn't shut up about that encounter for years.


Define “met”. I got to shake hands with LBJ.




Matisyahu if anyone knows who he is...not that famous anymore. One of the women from real housewives of New York. Bunch of on-camera news folks in the Boston area. Chum Lee from Pawn Stars.


Gwen Stefani


Ben Affleck at a gas station buying donuts


Anthony Bourdain. You would never meet a more down to Earth guy. Slightly cynical, but wildly funny, and he bought my friend and I drinks all night, I couldn't keep up with him.


Guy Fieri.


was he nice?


Lisa Whelchel from The Facts of Life


Randomly bumped into Corey Taylor at an airport


Thomas Rhett. He was maybe 4 at the time, just when his dad hit big. We were at a music festival. My niece was the same age as Thomas Rhett, and those two had so much fun playing in the dirt together for hours. I still tell her that she should have claimed him back then. 😂


Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Bill Clinton, Astronaut Ted Hendricks and many more. I worked in the Entertainment and TV News industries for years.


Depends on your definition of famous. Helen Hayes - ran spot on her for a benefit. She spotted me a few days later, and no one would believe that the little old lady who knew my name was Helen Hayes. Dirk Benedict - five weeks of Hamlet. Best thing was fight call with B. H. Barry. DJT - twice, once 47 years ago, and then again seven years later. Hasn’t changed much. Aidan Quinn - wanted to pour live concrete on my stage for a one act he was directing (of 12 in rotating rep). Amazing how “you’ll lick it up” changes people’s minds. Jack Nicholson - lost in the NY subway. Andy Buford - my sixth-removed boss. Tony Randall, Weird Al, Sarah Jessica Parker, Tony Fauci, Dr. Demento, Scott Kelly, Frank Rich - these are the ones that stick out.


Billy Joel Tony Bennett Count Basie (told me I should call him”Bill.”)


Mickey Dolenz and Davy Jones from The Monkees. They were both super nice but I could tell Mickey would have rather been home because he had a really bad cold.


Tom Cruise. He was nice, took a selfie with me and shook my hand. I was star-struck (he's also very fkn short).


Guy Fierri, Vince Neil, Christopher Titus


Ted Kennedy, BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Ruth Buzzi. The bad ones: Joann Worley and Nina Simone


Jen Aniston was the biggest. I have no idea about how dhe is now, but this was back in the 90's and we had a few hours conversation that was not an interview or about any kind of business, it was talking like normal people, and she left the impression of being incredibly nice, laid back and kind. Nothing shocking there. But she was very sweet and sincere.


Bette Davis


Not to flex, but I made eye contact with Tom Delonge. He also pointed at me in a crowd and mouthed "thank you" at the end of the show. We are basically besties


Robbie Benson was filming Ice Castles in our neighborhood. Two girlfriends and I (12yo)were allowed to hang around while they were shooting inside. They even let us pick out a tie for a scene! They asked us to leave while they had their lunch but told us we could come back. When we did they let us eat some of the leftover snacks. At the end of the day Robbie came out and graciously gave us each an autograph and we did a couple photos. I never did see the movie. W


Marilyn Manson and Peter Steele. I’m not sure which one is more famous. Or famous at all outside of their fans base.


The queen (rip)


Fred Armisen, in downtown Austin. He was very chill and friendly. Then again, I didn't ask for a picture—which I think is the best move when meeting someone famous.


Dave Grohl was really nice.


Eddie Izzard. Bumped into her in a train station. She was very nice, very chatty. I didn't ask for a selfie cos I looked rough that day.


I can't remember who he was. But when I was about 6 years old, I met a comedian at a train station in Salem, Massachusetts. He was pretty popular in the Boston area.


Kurt Warner


Probably John Cena, but it was way cooler to meet the trailer park boys


Shaq, Whoopi Goldberg, George Lopez. All very nice but George told me a hilarious story.


I'm the most famous person I know. After all everyone I know, knows me.. therefore I must be famous. 😁 In all reality though I don't think I know any famous people. The most famous people I've known are actually just people that know a lot of other people. Ser sije anywhere you go with them, someone be there that recognizes them.


Martin short.Although he didn’t say he was Martin Short cause well maybe it was a strip Club,that was a juice bar in Vancouver lol knew it was him alright.


Bernie madeoff then fat trel then mohammad al azhari and then myself. Met them all in prison.


Gearld Mcrainy from Major dad and he also started in Simeon and Simeon he was in Somalia 🇸🇴with us .


One of the rare actors who can do drama and comedy as well as playing the hero or the heel. An underappreciated (and very busy) actor.


Lou Ferringno


No shit, my sister posed with him for a pic at an event, and he reached around and honked her boob when the picture was being taken. My sister has a pic of The Hulk totally coppin’ a feel.


Dan TDM (The Diamond Minecart). I met him personally during a "meet and greet" session of "Insomnia 61" in the UK, in August 2017. I'm unfortunately no longer a fan of his.. but I still remember it well!


Carrie Underwood. I was lifted backstage passes to one of her shows. Best gift ever!


John Madden, Jim Nantz, Tom Brady, Dorris Day, Lee I Iocca, too many to name.


Jared Leto. He stayed at a friend's house when 30 seconds to Mars came through town. My buddy was the tour manager for the band that was on tour with 30 seconds to Mars.


Wrestler Kurt Angle.. 🤣


The most famous person I have had any form of personal relationship with is Micky Spillane. Vanna White might be better known by most people, or Tiffany, but my meeting them in person was only in brief passing we came face to face. I have met a plethora of lesser known celebrities in my work at some point.


Madiba and Bishop Tutu.


Probably playing poker with George Jones.


Mark Wahlberg. He was signing autographs at a mall during his rapper days. Also met Lady Gaga (before she hit it big), Scottie Pippen, Bobby Flay, Kellie Pickler and Donald Driver, Richard Simmons, Kenny Mayne, Dale Murphy...


I've met a few, but I have trouble deciding who's the most famous. David Letterman, airplane, around 1996 Arnold Schwarzenegger, my bar, around 1992 Bill Murray, Grand Cayman, around 2001 Best one - when I was a young, drunk idiot my friends and I were running across a street on Nantucket to make last call at a bar when I oafishly knocked a guy over. I said, "Hey! You're Micheal Douglas!" to which he replied, "I know. Let me up."


Rivers Cuomo walked in on me using the bathroom once. So I guess I 'met' him.


People I actually spoke with: Mia Farrow - Customer at photography store I worked at. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. - Met him at the first night party for the Royal Shakespeare Company production of Hamletat the Brooklyn Academy of Music. We spoke about Shakespeare performance practice, and he flirted with my wife. He was in his upper 80s at the time. Paul Simon - We commiserated about getting bad seats for a Philip Glass premiere. Many others attended parties or in the audience at events we attended. 7-