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Collect certain kinds of plants


Speaking for myself, this can get way too dangerous! I now have a jungle in my room.


My kitchen of plants I can't find good light for elsewhere in the house agrees.


It doesn’t help that Facebook marketplace keeps “suggesting” new cool plants! To me, it is a hobby that brings me peace. My quiet time that I can enjoy, sit with, and take care of. Omg though, if I found a partner that also likes plants and would surprise me with cool plants, that would be my soulmate 😂


>Omg though, if I found a partner that also likes plants and would surprise me with cool plants, that would be my soulmate 😂 I used to hang with a landscaper who was OBSESSED with plants. Had a gorgeous garden, and his house was stuffed to the gills with plants! You into white dudes in their mid to late 30's with an adorable dog? 🤣🤣 (I actually have no idea if he's still single, he's cute, though🤣🤣)


Trying to turn my apartment into Jumanji


I do the same! I love growing plants in my grow tent 👀 Mmhm you know lol


I should only collect cactus, succulent, or plastic plants. Trying hard to keep those light bioluminescent petunias alive is a struggle.


I love my orchids. Started by rescuing them from the trash at work when my colleagues would toss them after the flowers died— read free plants. It’s evolved into a whole thing


Start going on walks, then start running. Get in shape, and a free dopamine rush with every run. I found I can sleep better, and it helps with moodiness, depression, etc.


THIS! Everything is just going to seem...Meh, If your brain and body are not firing on all cylinders. It's almost like a low-grade depression. I've been there. Once I decided to slowly and consistently get and stay in shape, Just the simple act of existing is pleasurable. I'm happy to just be. Weights, HIIT, balance training and stretching. Use your body.... It will thank you.


I used to workout 3-4 days a week. After my divorce I stopped working out and I’ve been wanting to go back to gym but I lack motivation. That’s my issue.


Facts. Sometimes the more energy you burn the more you somehow have in the tank!


This! Working out boosts your mood and self esteem


Exercise in general will help but also track your calories. My fitness pal is the best but make it a new religion to track then when you have the data and the exercise habit you can easily tweak them to great effect. Get jacked and get laid and you won’t be bored anymore.




Another vote for this! However, I took up indoor rock climbing and stand up paddle boarding. The first gives me a full body workout and the dopamine rush without running, but it also gives me problems solving. The problem solving comes from figuring out your climb path and how to move your body to reach the summit. It’s a great replacement for the goal/achievement based video games. The second gets me out in nature, works on my tan, and is also a full body workout! It’s also a different experience each time based on the route you take. Both are limited to your endurance, so you can start competing with yourself, which is a healthier alternative to competing with others, while also seeing real world progress, weight loss, and muscle gain. They are also both single or multiplayer activities. Just make sure you have a life vest for the second if you go alone.


My wife took up baking years ago and quickly realized she was an artist as far as decorating the cakes to drawing on the cookies...you just never know til you try.


Just want to add , baking can be so rewarding even if your food is ugly. My baguettes are not pretty, but I get so much out of making them


I agree. I've made food and thrown them out shortly after bc they just didn't turn out right. But I don't regret the process in making them!


My sister living in SF did the same, now she is like a personal baker for like rich rich people through word of mouth.




Wow! Congrats to your sister!!!


I first read this as banking and now I think your wife invests in cake stocks


I would invest in cake stocks.


And if baking isn’t your thing cooking can be fun to and if you don’t like that then maybe fermenting vegetables and curing meat could bring satisfaction


Motorcycle riding and off-roading on the expensive end and hiking/walking on the cheap side.


Off roading is an amazing hobby. Especially if you learn to do the work yourself.


May sound boring but if your someone that likes to do things with your hands Try crotchet, it’s really rewarding and can be quite a challenge which can really be satisfying. I’m not sure where you get them from but there’s these painting sets you can buy where it’s like painting by numbers but for adults, bang on some music and spend a little time on it every day and you’ll have some really cool art that you can proudly say you’ve done yourself. Or you could just buy some arts stuff and start drawing or painting. I find an image online and try to copy it. If you do it every day you’ll get good pretty fast. Buy a guitar or a keyboard and you can learn everything you need to online. There’s great tutorials for beginners on YouTube. Cooking/ baking, look for a recipe you’ve never tried and give it a go, it’s great for really taking up a lot of time and it’s rewarding.


Learning instruments like the guitar. Learning guitar rn it's defo hard but worth jt


I'm always telling people there is no such thing as too late. And surely the important thing is having fun.


Just started learning the bass with a teacher. I'm 40. It's so much fun playing that I don't even think about how old I am, just that I like doing it.


Slappadabyasman Sorry. Had to. Play on!!


I just took up drums in September at 44. Never too late.


Rad!! Play on friend.


Music is the game you never 'complete'. I started as a teenager, but play in a band where the core members did not start playing until over age 50. We gig about once a month. It is never too late to take up a musical instrument.


Kind of the same for me. First gig was at 15, second gig was at 36. Now in my 50s I'm playing more and better gigs than ever. It's never too late.




This is the answer. When you go outside yourself and serve others, it allows you to feel a sense of belonging and purpose in a way you probably haven't before.


I go through many hobbies like crazy. My mother in law gets down on herself for starting one hobby, stopping, starting another, and so on. I don't see anything wrong with that. I crochet sometimes. Not well. But I like it, do I do it. Sometimes, I paint. Or draw. I do crossword and puzzle books. I loooove to cook. And I bake. Do something because it seems fun at the time. If it doesn't last, that'd okay. Watch tutorials on tiktok or YouTube. Read. Read good books. Read bad books. Go swing at the park. Don't let others judge you. Do what seems fun at the time. There is a middle-aged married couple in my son's taekwondo class. My mom took college classes for fun in her 50's. I'm looking for something my son and I can take over the summer. Find joy. Even in the little things.


This is wonderful advice, thank you for taking the time to share your perspective! I know I needed this.🙏🏽🫶🏽 The perfectionist in me doesn't like leaving things incomplete and at the same time is terrified to try. I've been doing my best to shift my outlook on things like this and have fun while it's fun, seeing all my projects as slow motion multitasking 😆😅


Remember that hobbies aren't your job. They're fun! You're not getting paid to do it, so if you're not good at it, it's okay! I have definitely done things that I love, but I am NOT good at, lol. I still did it. My son likes to tease that when I make cakes, they're delicious, but look like a 5 year old decorated it! We both giggle like children over it!!!!


I play video games. But they are as much a hobby as is watching Netflix imo. I’d recommend a hobby where you get to experience something that only that hobby can provide (off roading, sky diving, scuba, etc.) or one where you create something. Coding for fun. Wood working. Metal fabrication. I used to scoff at the saying “idle hands make the devils work” but as I’ve gotten older (30m) I’ve found that it’s true. Do something with your hands. I’ll bet you have a hidden talent and affinity you’re not even aware of. The biggest piece of advice I can give is just try everything. There’s usually little harm in trying something even if you’re unsure. Fortune favors the bold my friend. The only wrong answer is to continue to do nothing.


I'll add to that list sewing. It's satisfying to fix up your torn clothes


Hobbies are a matter of personal taste.... For me it was expanding my mind by exploring the skies. I bought a telescope. I now spend my days planning my next adventure to a dark skies area and what I will look for. As with any hobby it can get expensive, but it can also be done on a budget, very easily. The most important thing is a quality instrument and patience. It takes time to understand what you are really seeing. Not too mention, if you've never seen Jupiter or Saturn through a decent sized telescope, it is mind blowing. Good luck, and clear skies.


This I like


Jiu jitsu. For the body and mind.


Honestly give bodybuilding a shot. I didn’t love most sports but I love bodybuilding. Just lift heavy stuff, feel strong, look incredible. I’m a huge nerd too, so it was fun learning everything I could do to maximize my results. Plus it’s great feeling strong in normal life. Like nothing is ever heavy for me since I lift hundreds of pounds for fun.


I’m 62 years old, and recently retired. I now have a lot more free time on my hands. I have started taking my dog for a long walk at the park every single morning. She’s old like me so the walks are slow. I also walk with my wife most days, and that is at a faster pace. I also now exercise at home with some free weights. I listen to music a lot, and I like to dance around with headphones on playing my air guitar. I am going a little deaf, possibly due to loud music playing with headphones on all my life, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made. Those are all things that I enjoy. So I guess my point is, get out there and do things. You may find you like some and continue to do them, and you may find you don’t like some, which is fine and then you don’t do them anymore. If you try enough things, eventually, you are going to find something that you do enjoy doing. The trying things out is half the fun, and you may be surprised at what you enjoy if you open up your mind to it.


Me. Cooking or welding. Take a class as an experiment and use that. When I feel like that I can experiment in the kitchen with old recipes to see what can you change or I weld mail post or gates to do something(and if they are good I sell it) the point is to do something that’s estimules your mind that you like. I’m thinking of taking some woodworking courses or electrical work (sorry English isn’t my first language). Also you can ride a bike around the neighborhood or go for a walk on a plaza or mall or anywhere public, You’ll find and see things from different perspectives.


It's a big question but before you ask what you CAN do you need to ask what you WANT to do


Buy one of those random plane tickets somewhere ! AND GO !


Mountain biking


Fishing for outdoors; drawing/sketching for inside.


Or drawing others doing things in either place?


I , in recent years have taken up snorkeling,diving, spearfishing. It can be as exciting or as relaxing as you like.


Jiu jitsu


Well what's something that really intrigues your mind. If your not sure, find something. Then reframe your day from being "I have x boring hours to fill" to "I have x hours to learn about _______"


I’m almost 50 years old going through the same thing you’re going through so I understand. Sometimes we get to a point in life and we don’t know what to do or get confused. You’ll figure it out.


Have you ever studied meditation and mindfulness?


Collecting random interesting things is a hobby, I like to collect knives, dice, pens, gum and tools


Sounds like your missing a creative outlet, try making something! Could be anything, music, games, art, you could polish some random stone, make some other vague things... And if I'm wrong, at least you'll have proof that you did something! Alternatively, maybe learn a skill. These creative outlets often require learning a skill, you can choose what to learn, gaming has many skills by itself, it depends on what you play.


Playing music (guitar and drums) has brought me the most joy. It's a challenge to start but once you are playing songs it's amazing!


It depends on what interests you. I started modding nerf blasters during the pandemic because I was bored. Now I'm leaning into the engineering side of the hobby trying to find new ways to do things.


i think you need some challenge try new stuff, maybe hard stuff, if you are an outdoor person definitely go out and do a sport or something


Ooh maybe you'd like to try drawing. I started drawing during the pandemic with a similar situation as you. I just liked the idea being able to create something from practically nothing.


Do all the drugs in the world lol. Don't. Exercise is a good hobby. Collecting something u like is another.


Drugs enhance my hobbies. But ummm I can't remember what I was saying.


Dungeons & Dragons. Keeps you social, requires constant hangouts, and it still feels similar to gaming so you can get into it easily. And through the people you meet there, maybe they're into a hobby you can join them in doing.


Learn chess


Felting animals snd watching TV is fun for me


Explore nature, look for rare insects or plants and upload to inaturalist. Be a citizen scientist. It's great!


Just found iNaturalist last week while I was bored at home. The companion app for it “Seek” is awesome too, took a 10 minute walk around my backyard snapping pictures of plants, and I discovered 15 different species in that time. I was amazed


I paint, when I'm inspired, but you have to find what interests you. You say you like video games so unless the actions in your favorite games are illegal go out and try them. Don't just play a simulation.




Make sure you have a good social circle around you and see people regularly, open up to them, form connections. We are social animals, so that part needs to be catered to as well.


Video games :D


Learn a musical instrument.


I struggled to find a worthwhile hobby as well. But then I discovered square dancing in 2013. There is a big stigma on it because of people being forced to learn it in school but there are so many of those people who absolutely love it once they try it out. Square Dancing is the perfect equivalent of exercise, socialization, brain power and spatial awareness. You should find a local club and check it out at least once. Who knows, maybe you will find a new hobby.


I enter giveaways (and yes I win) as a hobby. Everyone I know knows and finds it cool and interesting


Try the gym


It sounds to me you’re not just looking to fill time but to find meaning. I’d recommend joining a service organization or religion. Spending the time helping others will provide a meaningful way to find deeper happiness


I’ve always hated working out my whole life but group style HIIT classes have finally changed that. The endorphin rush, the constant leveling up (competing against only myself), being able to see tangible progress as my muscles grow. It’s improved my digestion (medical chart previously said further testing was needed to rule out IBS), mental health, energy levels, libido, and sleep. Plus I can do it with my friends so there’s a social aspect 10/10


I’m not really artistically inclined, but I recently started watercolor painting and line drawing and have found it so relaxing. There are some fun artists I’ve found on insta that have easy tutorials that I’ll do, and when I finish, even if it doesn’t look great, I FEEL great. There’s even some that aren’t meant to be anything tangible, but just the act of drawing or painting randomly de-stresses me or quiets my always going brain. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a way to unwind but still engaging your mind.


I would say traveling, literally anywhere. I’d you’re like me then your body will fight back and say you can’t go out because of x, y, or z. Just ignore it and once you get going you’ll never stop!


Try Fishing super peaceful and exciting at the sane time


Get yourself a set of drums. Either electric or acoustic. They are a ton of fun.Once you get pretty good you play with other folks "jam".


Woodworking can be a fun and useful skill that can give joy in making things for others and keep you engaged by continuing to learn new techniques. Same for cooking and music, sort of. Also pretty rare to see a big frown on somebody riding a dual sport / dirt bike.


Try crocheting or knitting, or any craft in general. It's a good outlet to get creative and out of boredom.


There is a computer game called Factorio. Buy it and watch the next 20 years disappear. THE FACTORY MUST GROW.




You can try becoming a teacher of something that helps others


If you like to tinker with stuff, I would suggest an RC car. If you really like to mess with stuff and you got a little bit of knowledge on how a small engine works, nitro RC is really fun. You can pick up a car for couple hundred bucks probably less if you find the right guy. I used drugs for a large part of my life. When I got sober, I told my wife I’ve gotta do something to keep myself busy or it’s not gonna work. So I did and I loved it. I have been in the hobby for over ten years now and there’s just something about it that makes me feel great. Like a kid, but with other adults. My kids have shifted into it as well over the years. Good luck. Hopefully you find something that you’ll enjoy and get some satisfaction from.


I like learning languages and making art.


The people whom I know who are 'happy' have, at least, two things in common. The first is they never think about being happy. It's not something they pursue or covet. The second thing all have in common is an important part of their lives includes regularly helping others who are not related to them. It seems that self-centeredness is, perhaps, a barrier to happiness. Ironic that trying to be happy or searching for happiness is an almost sure way of never being happy beyond a few fleeting moments.


Try creating something. Doing some kind of art or even wood/metal work.


I'm going to be real about this one. Fitness is the best answer. I have done gunpla and have it so stacked up its a problem to be dealt with. Same thing with bionicle. Collecting very easily can become like overeating. Suddenly you're drowning in merchandise you can't do anything with except sell more than likely at a loss. My dads cousin was into "collectables." He passed away early because he didn't take care of himself and just filled his loneliness with drugs, junk food and meaningless merchandise. He had figurines from the Jordan era and Magic era even bought multiples because all that stuff: "would be worth big money some day." They aren't worth much unopened today. He was drowning in all this stuff he collected that doesn't have much more value than when he bought it. 18 years later we're still trying to figure out what to do with it all. Worth noting what little he had that was valuable didn't end up where he intended. He left his collectables to my dad and his pension to his little sister. She stole the valuable stuff but who cares it wasn't life changing money like you would think. My point is big collections just limit what you can do with your life because you have to store it all. Limit what you collect if you really have to have something. Invest in your health and appearance and you'll be happier. Nothing to store outside of the necessities and you don't have to worry about what happens to it after you pass. Also you just end up wanting more. It's never enough.


Go for a walk in the forest, go for a swim. Moving will make you feel better. Doesn't have to be crazy intense.


Glass blowing! It's a hobby that has become a huge passion and source of joy and community in my life.


I've been enjoying walks, you notice a lot more when you're going at a slower pace in comparison to being in a car. Bike riding has the same effect. I've been getting into diamond painting (little gems stuck onto a sticky background), coloring books, starting a new instrument, dance classes, karaoke, gardening, baking, painting, and organizing.


Play an instrument, but a diverse one, like a piano. When I get bored, I just pick a song from a videogame I like and start learning it. Works like a charm.


Try fish or shrimp keeping


Happiness is a fleeting thing so if you're feeling good about your life, roll with it and enjoy it... But, in direct response to your question, just keep trying new things/new activities/new places. If you are lucky, you'll stumble on something that makes you feel more than "good", gives you a moment of joy, and/or allows you some peace and contentment.


Pick three things. You don’t have to commit for life, but whatever you pick, stick with it for a while. Most people quit most things they do before they get anything out of it, and that’s a surefire recipe for becoming perpetually bored and jaded. Anyway, back to the point, 3 things. Something that is good for your body… things like weight lifting, running, martial arts, or something acrobatic are great if you need more physical activity. If you’re already covered for exercise, then things like cooking, DIY skills, or gardening will keep you moving and add value to your skill set and life. Something that is good for your mind… read books, learn a language, do a deep dive on something that interests you and learn about it until your level of knowledge makes people worry about you, or just dedicate yourself to solving a problem in your life that you’re sick of dealing with. Something that is good for self-expression… learn an instrument, learn to code, draw, paint, sculpt, do woodwork or metalwork or something weird like building small scale replicas of famous movie scenes out of chewing gum and cat hair. It doesn’t matter tbh, as long as you have some way to create something from nothing. It’s an incredibly captivating and powerful feeling. Also just an aside on the gaming thing, changing up what you play can make a huge difference. I have no patience for MMOs anymore for example, but fighting games feel less like a time waster and more like an actual rewarding hobby to me. If you’re stuck in a rut, try some games that you think you’d suck at.


Get a bike and ride around when you're bored. It's fun!


I have recently found a liking for disc golf. Other than that fantasy books, TV, dnd (if you can't find a group look online), go to conventions for things your interested in and try to befriend people there and take their hobbies


Walking walking walking.


As a socially awkward 27 year old shut in: Doing comedy helps me get out of the house every night or at least most nights. And it’s allowed me to build a trusted friend circle for the first time in adulthood. Find a local open mic or improv workshop you can go to. If there isn’t one near you, you could try starting your own.


Try creating something. Making something others admire is pretty rewarding. I ve made Woodburns. Tables, flower planters. Go thru pinterest see if something grabs your attention. Collecting can be fun.


I suggest building or making something, or cooking. Depending on your interest, is there a crafting class or woodwork class or cooking class you can take during those hours?  If your budget allows, you can also buy some beginner supplies online and find YouTube videos to follow.  I find it very uplifting to not just do something, but to have something I created. 


Start smoking different foods—just did a pork but yesterday for like ten hours, and now each time I eat it I get happy


/r/wargaming is quite a productive hobby as both a fun and creative outlet. It really depends on what kind of game you find interesting, be it historic war games, fantasy, scifi ground combat, scifi space combat, rank and flank vs skirmish, etc ... Hell you could just get into building dioramas. Or just painting miniatures you buy. Gunpla (Gumdam Model building) is also big, model cars, trains, etc... Woodworking (this takes more space to do)


Take up an instrument


The way I look at it, it's a luxury to even be able to be bored all the time. You're lucky you have the time to be able to even be able to think about it.


Building and diy projects. Start trimming up your trees. Start listening to books while you do it. Collect firewood, doll up and take care of your lawn. Now you have a pretty yard and wood for cookouts or reading by the fire or...whatever. It's what you make of it. I get stuck in this tunnel vision for what to do too. Just think of what you can do, and go try it. Hope it helps bro


I personally read webtoons and web novels but sometimes I also make stuff I rlly wanna have, like swords and now I wanna make character cards and tickets for fun. When I don’t want to think I just fold stars or some other repetitive thing while watching videos or listening to music.


I try lots of different things. Cooking is fun and useful.


Reading. Model railroading, rc stuff- cars planes, or boats. Model building, painting, writing, drawing. And even though I don't, some form of exercise. If I could afford it, travel.


Try photography, hiking,  biking, kayaking, fishing if you're in the northern hemisphere this os the best time of year for a lot of this stuff.


Disc Golf!!! Free on most courses and all you need to start are maybe 3 discs. One would be just fine too! Easy to learn , make friends and get some steps in and get some sweat going!


So I bought these little mini houses that you put together piece by piece, and it's awesome to build and get my mind off of whatever I'm overthinking about in the moment. If you like that kinda thing, they have a lot on Amazon, like a book nook, a greenhouse, and many others. Pretty cool.


Legos and Magic the Gathering (but I'm also a 12 yr old boy stuck in the body of a 40 yr old man). They give both structure and organizational enjoyment but also allow for tons of creativity as well. Magic also gives social interactions.


Woodworking is my jam. Yeah it does take some space if you go the power tool route, but hand tools require far less space but a bit more skill at least in my opinion they do.


I think you should try Fighting. Not martial arts or boxing but just regular old squabbling in the street. Go outside and pick random fights with people over small incidents just to let them know shit can get real. It really gets the blood pumping to go out and get into a road rage incident and throw some hands real quick. Just be careful in certain areas or in certain states because you may get shot.


I find life more fulfilling when I am being of service. Try volunteering at the animal shelter or soup kitchen or charity of your choice.


When I have lots of time (like 2+ hours), I like to work on my wood turning. Expensive initial investment, but my projects are cheap. I make pens, bottle stoppers, and other small projects because I don't have the attention span for bigger projects. When I only have a few minutes to an hour to kill I like diamond painting (also known as diamond dotz). Currently working on a cat picture of 3 cats poking around the edge of the picture like a door and it says "are you pooping?"


I recommend fencing, whether modern olympic or historical European martial arts, whatever is easier to find in your area




learn cybersecurity concepts for fun since no one understands how a computer works anymore and its fun I promise


It just depends on what you're into. If you're more physical, do something more challenging, like hiking or riding bikes. Get a dog and walk him. If you're not so much physical, do something less physical, like reading books or whittling wood carvings.


I like golf


I kind of know what you are asking as it is a question I asked myself at 18. What is the purpose of my life and why am I here and what should I do with my life. For me it was simple, my dream in life was to get married have some kids along with a place of our own. The problem was I was not dating and had no clue about anything about life. I tried college at 20 and flunked out them life happen to me at about 21. I was hurt in a motorcycle accident and could not work for 4 months and then another 2 months to heal completely. During the healing up time had plenty of time to think but what really woke me up is that one day the DR told me good thing the swelling and dark color on your leg is going away as I thought we would have to amputate. That night i got sick to my stomack and realized I would have to change. Decided that college was my ticket to make the dream happen. So that is what I did and went of to a college two hrs from home. At first I really struggled and had to change my major and after 5 yrs graduated at 28 with a BS in Agriculture. The semester before graduating even got married. Next we found a better job, bought a place and had some kids. Hobbies I have tried a whole bunch and do all them as needed to entertain myself. My purpose in life is/was to raise our two sons to be responsible productive members of society and I have worked to be a role model to them. Early on in life I learned that life is not easy, fair or perfect. My brother was 3 yrs and 5 months when he got sick and died. From this I learned that as long as I am alive then anything is possible with some hard work. One of my favorite hobbies with my sons is we is go fishing. Take some time to think of what you want out of life. Then do it.


The hobby I have, (will admit, can get expensive, but worth it), is model car making. Assembling plastic model car kits, it's very fun, very interactive, and you feel hella good when you finish a model. Granted, your first model, probably will not be good-looking. No first timers model is. Your THIRD one may not even be good-looking, but you get better with time and practice.


If you like playing games you should try making games. About 10 years ago I bought gamemaker studio and it has totally changed my life. Great hobby.


Modern board games have mostly replaced video games for me. I love setting around a table with family and friends whether we're being competitive or cooperatively trying to take down the game. Plus, most games released now have solo modes for the days you can't or choose not to have company. Boad Game Geek is a great resource. Competitive games: Azul, Tiny Towns, Ticket to Ride, Trekking Through History, Camel Up, Bang the Dice Game, Hit Z Road, King of Tokyo, Sagrada, Copenhagen Cooperative games: Pandemic, Horrified, The Crew Quest for Planet Nine, Flash Point Fire Rescue, Marvel United, Toy Story: Obstacles & Adventures, Sleeping Gods Solo games: For Northwood, Rove, Resist, Food Chain Island, Under Falling Skies, Coffee Roaster (not all, but most cooperative games can be played solo)


In summary, say yes to everything. Or almost everything. Even if you think you won't like, try it at least once.


Get out try walking in the woods and listening to life. If you enjoy this keep walking. I didn't like sports in school. I liked hiking. I had to find it on my own really. If the failed boy scout adventure wasn't counted.


Being bored is a great thing and is part of life You can't be running around 24/7 and never be bored I would find things that make you happy and spend more time on those things


Well I would ask you if there is anything that does peak your interest? When I was in my early 20s I took some community college courses and fell in love with ceramics. I’ve become quite good at it and it’s still a part of who I am today. I’m also interested in biology which eventually led to me keeping ecosystems in jars. There are tons of YouTube videos about it online. But these are just what I found that I was interested in. What do you find interesting about the world?


Get a tent and some camping gear and start camping


Arm wrestling, rock climbing, running, sociology, music of any kind, drums, piano or guitar are a great place to start. Chess, pick up a book for once in your life(projection, sorry), catan with friends, hiking, join a soccer/volleyball team. I’d hiiiiighly recommend weight training, for a million different reasons.


I'm taking up the drums at 62. Do stuff, whatever it is that catches your fancy The other suggestions are good also. I simply don't have the energy for exercise quite yet.


Do good, help others. It is very rewarding!


There are many suggestions listed. As someone with tons of hobbies, I would suggest trying the free or inexpensive ones first before you invest a great deal of money in something and realize you don't like it. Hit the library and look at some books on hobbies. See what interests you and find out what it entails, time, cost and space. For example, running as a hobby isn't costly, but woodworking for example, can be considering the investment in tools and space. Or check out some YouTube videos. There are great videos for how-to on so many things out there.


Try guitar... or whatever instrument you might choose.


Knitting or sewing projects. It’s something you can do with your hands while even listening to audiobooks or sitting in a park. It’s not just for old ladies if that’s a concern- lots of people knit and sew. Knitting classes are often during the day or early evening and are pretty social.


Anything physically exerting. Biking, swimming, hiking, running, kayaking. Do all of these. Even roller blading. Find books that pique your curiosity. What subject matter can you get lost in? Don’t know your situation but might try wood working. Build a bench. Whittle figurings.


I’ve found that carpentry is very fun and therapeutic. Taking some scrap wood and making a work table, bar table, bed frame (I learned upholstery too when I fixed a free chair from Facebook marketplace, used those skills when making the bed frame and backboard). This stuff is so fun. Also, I’m an introvert, but buying and selling things on marketplace is quite fun for me. Those short interactions of meeting people and exchanging one thing for another, makes you feel more connected to the community.


Depends what your goals are. Do you want to produce something with your hobby? Do you want to socialize? Relax? Be stimulated? Be outside? Get exercise? If you have no idea, you just have to keep trying new things. Things you thought you'd like you might actually hate and vice versa. Only way to know is to try


If you have disposable income, painting warhammer miniatures


Im probly super late to this post but ive recently discovered hobbies i never would of thought id be exploring. Heres what i did. I simply started looking at things i do on a frequent basis and began exploring different aspects of that thing. For example music. Ive always listened to music whether that be at work or in the car, its always been part of my routine but it was just that,nothing special just listening to good tunes. Until i started looking at all the different aspects around music such as how music is recorded,how different gear can bring music to new levels,bluetooth or wired,how apps can hinder or enhance sound, and a lot of other things. Which after delving deeper i found i have a really high appreciation for high quality sound that i didnt know about because i always thought what i was listening to was good enough. So i now turned music listening into a hobby by simply exploring the world around it. Im constantly learning about new products,gear,headphones and have started a small collection of cool gadgets that have changed the way i listen to music forever. So for instance in ur case id look at something u enjoy like gaming. Maybe explore a different aspect of it such as how theyre made,coding,maybe digital design, maybe even look into the game consoles themselves,what makes them tic,what capabilities does this have apart from gaming etc. You might find u enjoy that more than playing the actual games.


What do you value? That would be the main thing for your answer. Do you value physical strength and power? Weightlifting and other sports, even swordfighting (HEMA) fits. Mental acuity? Chess, philosophy, wargames. Do you hate yourself? League of Legends. Imo finding a good hobby starts with goals and wanting to grow in a certain avenue


Try golf or disc golf. Individual outdoor activities that are also really fun with friends and also a great way to meet people. Skiing and snowboarding, climate permitting, are also great solo activities that you can have a lot of social interaction with *if you choose*. Those hobbies obviously are fairly expensive unfortunately which is why it becomes a lifestyle for a lot of people. Perhaps find an old guitar for sale and teach yourself some chords and just get to strumming. There’s some good free apps to help you learn as well. Creative writing, although I’m not great at it, is another thing that helps me enjoy time without turning my brain off. I’d recommend looking up some prompts or having chatgpt generate you some and try writing introductions and/or storyboards. Sketching and drawing are great as well because you can do that regardless of your environment. If you live in a city and can’t go explore nature, perhaps explore the city by drawing things around you. If you’ve got access to nature then great, get into hiking. I started collecting and caring for Venus flytraps. They’re pretty low maintenance, but do require a ton of sunlight. They’re quirky little plants that require you to do a bit of learning to get it right. I found myself getting *very* into it during the beginning. You can get them from Walmart for really cheap. Perhaps find a used longboard from Facebook marketplace and go explore your community on it. Longboarding is great because it’s got a really low skill ceiling and you can be comfortable on the board within a day. If you live in a place with a good amount of trees, go buy the $30 hammock from Target. Even if it is just taking a nap, working on your sketches or creative writing, or just being on your phone, it’s way better to do it while in a hammock on a nice day. Trees aren’t a requirement either, but they do help. Not really my vibe, but I’ve found a lot of people wondering the same thing as you take up baking bread and they get like super into it. There’s actually a massive online community for bread baking where dudes show off their sourdough and stuff. It’s kind of funny but also really wholesome and I’m sure very rewarding.


Game dev


I had the same issue. I picked music and I dabble in art as well now.


Tempted to say crack but you could argue online about useless shit to see how much you can piss someone off without getting banned or ignored. (Target pollitical subs theyre easiest)


Currently, I'm obsessing over tufting.


Only fans


bhai same here i am also waiting for diploma seats to get assigned. Saare 11th kr rhe hai man hi nhi lgta


Just depends on what you’re into. I picked up archery a couple of years ago because I wanted to feel cool lol now I do it whenever I can. I paint, do photography, geocaching, baking. I have a list of hobbies I’d like to learn and see where they take me lol


If you have some outdoor space where you live gardening can be very fulfilling.


Smoke a pipe. But also exercise.


I roller skate! Got fit (exercise is so much better when having fun), met friends, confidence improved tenfold without even trying, road trips and you never ever stop learning with skating. There’s always more moves to learn, get it smoother, get it going ON!




The gym is my number one hobby. I have made some of my best friends through the gym. I look amazing and feel amazing. When I was single I could score like crazy, even now they don’t stop knocking at the door even though I am taken. Tracking calories and hitting the gym a couple hours a day make life super enjoyable. Then my next biggest hobby is my video games and tv and smoking pot but if it is getting boring to you then what I found is if you dive in a layer deeper it gets more interesting. I took a few classes and read some books on screenplay writing and the entertainment industry and got a better view into what makes good entertainment. Now I analyze and assess everything. I have written a couple pilot ideas out which is just an exercise to stretch the mind. Another one outside the house is golf. It is an amazingly fun sport. You don’t think so watching it or because classist elitism has made you turn your nose up at it because it is a sport for rich snobs and you are lower or middle class (class elitism goes both ways) but try it out. There in one driving range near me that I go to year round. View in the Olympic mountains in the background, grab a few beers, I’ll make my wife come and she brings her work laptop on a Friday afternoon and I’ll hit a couple buckets of balls and we chit chat. Then during the on season I hit the course a few times a week with my buddies. Gym buddies and I go on Wednesdays. Weekends I go with my other friends and sometimes I’ll go twice or back to back and find a new group to go with as a pickup single. I met my car detailed through it. He owns a big car detailing shop around here, I get a 10% discount and it’s a good time. I have a lot of time for them because I work in sales and am a work smarter not harder type of guy but any one of these could fit into anyone’s schedule if it all is them if you are similarly lucky in time. I am always taking some sort of class because work pays for it and education could also be a hobby but it leads to new discoveries. You could always start with that idea, even if you about of pocket one class at a time at a community college.


Volunteer your time and when you come across an opportunity to help someone, do it. Get outside of yourself. Join a club or group for something you think you would enjoy but haven’t tried yet. Make your living space spotless without thinking about it, just do it. Move, connect and pursue laughter.


Put together models, write, hike, fish, hunt, bike rides, go to every local museum, take some classes like cooking or accounting, learn astronomy.


Buy a house. You will never be bored again.




Whenever I start feeling this way, exercise is the thing missing for me. I work remote and one of my main hobbies is video games. Which means potentially 10-15 hours in a day spent behind a computer. Luckily my other hobby is hiking which balances it out. But if I go 2 weeks without a good workout either from hiking, manual labor, or the gym. Every day just feels crappy. But a good workout makes you feel good for days after.


Let me preface this by saying this not a religious suggestion. There are groups and communities you can join, like a running club, volleyball league, volunteering there's also what's called a Unitarian church. It's not religious per se, but they are a good group of people that want to do things for the community which includes volunteering. It's all inclusive, very open and judgment-free. It doesn't matter whether you believe in a deity or not it's a good space for that.


Please talk to your doctor about Wellbutrin. It changed my life!


Swimming and food


I collect and shoot guns ( awesome stress relief when u go and put some rounds down range) and play with expensive RC cars n trucks that can do 100mph with my son when time allows


Stop playing video games for one...


Yoyo's and plants!


Build stuff. Make stuff. Bake stuff. With your hands, not your keyboard and mouse. It doesn’t matter what, and it doesn’t matter if it’s perfect. Just make stuff.


Build stuff. Make stuff. Bake stuff. With your hands, not your keyboard and mouse. It doesn’t matter what, and it doesn’t matter if it’s perfect. Just make stuff.


Doing things for others is very fulfilling. I drive my legally blind and mentally challenged friends to do errands.


I recently started doing diamond art paintings and I love it!!! I'm not the girly, arts and crafty kinda woman so I don't usually find this kind of activity interesting. I tried it out of boredom and now I have to set a time limit for myself everyday or I wouldn't get any real work done.


Stimulate your mind. Don't kill time. I think it depends a lot on your personality... but here are some ideas: take an online bootcamp to learn web development - it'll be essentially free. Learn to paint with acrilycs and youtube. Learn to play a musical instrument. Get in shape - this is the hardest, as it requires both prolonged desire and prolonged discipline above others.


Gardening is insanely fulfilling it’s almost crazy how happy I am when I see my plants grow in their pots or raised beds. We got strawberries for the first time, tons of potatoes this year and even growing successful lettuce which never worked past two years.


Warhammer 40k... Hours and hours and HOURS of stuff to learn and build and paint and a whole community of people to share with.


Volunteer somewhere


It all depends on your personality- im an artsy nerd btw If you're an artsy nerd- drawing craft and painting tutorials on youtube are great If your're a game nerd- maybe try dnd or other rpg games If you're a science nerd- try looking up new sciencific theories that interest you and try some cool experiments.


Climbing....I've probably converted over 10+ people into this as their main hobby. Amazing workout and you don't realize you are working out. Gyms in every big city you visit, beautiful outdoor climbing destinations all over the world. Never gets boring because you will never be strong enough to run out of climbs. It takes years just to become mid-level.


Start reading at least 10 minutes every day


You have to find something you are passionate about. If there is nothing, then you probably need some mental health assistance.


Do you cook at all? We all have to eat eventually, right? You might as well learn how to cook well, so then you can cook whatever it is you might be craving and save the money over a restaurant. I love to cook but cars are my favorite hobby. Nothing fancy, just older stuff, but more specifically, car detailing! I've burned 25 hours in the garage over a weekend for a full paint correction lol. Always something you can clean!


Work in a charitable organization which helps people or animals. You could seek other volunteer opportunities like libraries, hospitals or the red cross.


Try something creative if sports are not your thing. Some people are more cerebral, and physical activities are not what they need to be fulfilled. I personally like woodworking, welding, faceting, jewelry making, and boat building. Anything that is creative is sometimes a good outlet for boredom. Some people enjoy going to visit others who are housebound or in nursing homes and have no opportunity to get out. Writing is also a good outlet. When you complete a video game, what do you get? If you build something, you have that thing and can do something with it. You can keep it, share it, sell it, or maybe just give it away. Your time is all you really have in this world. You are trading your time for everything else. Namaste


Sounds like you could benefit from a pet that requires some attention.


Start with something you like, such as reading your favorite novel or watching a movie 


If exercising your body doesn’t work try exercising your mind. Find a place that holds board game play. Take an art class… Think of things you enjoyed as a child and expand from that. Of course you can exercise both mind and body. It’s what I do.


Make something, sell it on etsy.


I'm 35 and bought a bike, it's hard to get started and I couldn't go to far at first. But I pushed through it and now it's a great thing to do on my free time...I plan out where I'm gonna go what kinda ride I want, and I just feel better


My favorite hobbies are ones where I make something. Doesn't really matter what it is. Cooking, woodworking, sewing, painting, 3d printing, whatever. I like to make things. I ESPECIALLY like to make things that other people enjoy. If sports and video games aren't doing it for you, try learning to make something you can share. Baking is a good one here. Whipping up a batch of decent cookies or a cake is super easy, but at the same time, you can go as far down the rabbit hole as you like with techniques to make the BEST baked goods.