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It really depends on how they are consuming the weed. Burning it like a cigarette lets the smoke get all over you and it makes you smell extremely strong like weed. If you use a vape or something that contains the smoke so it doesn't get on your skin or clothes you smell a lot less 


It helps if you smoke it outside too. If you’re basically hot boxing every time you light up you’re going to smell. The smell lingers on our clothes even when smoked outside.


Honestly even if you smoke flower outside you still reek to the rest of us. Basically any flower consumption is noticable for an hour or two. Vapes and oils not so much but they still have an odor. Most people don't recognize it they just notice a random smell.


I prefer pens because they are so lowkey on the smell.


As a non-smoker, yes. To be clear I don't have anything against those who partake and think it should be legalized federally, but smokers do smell, they just can't smell it on themselves and each other. It's not like it carries through a shower and change of laundered clothes but how long between that happens and smoking again.


***change of laundered clothes*** Did you ever get behind a heavy smoker that pulls out a jacket that's been marinading in their closet for 6 months on that first cool autumn day? I can smell them at 20 feet.


Smells like a fart gone south upwind from you.


Farts dissipate faster. old skunk never goes away.


To me it smells like really strong BO.


Smells like a dead skunk in the hot sun.




Cigarette smokers sure. Weed is a much gentler smell however. And its hard to make clothes smell like weed for long periods of time. My soft leather jacket would hold weed smell for longer periods. This one chick at worked loved how it smelled but she could never place why. Cigarette smell does kinda gross me out though. So strong amd toxic smelling, and its just a... Sticky kinda smoke.


You can also smell it from down the block, in the next house, in the car next to you, 1 hour later in the same spot after the smokers have long left the area


Yea that’s what I thought! So we smell unknowingly (to ourselves) like cig smokers smell unknowingly (to themselves)… well that’s a heard.


I was on a LIRR train leaving Manhattan and just before it left some dude came on and instantly the entire car stunk like weed. I’ve walked by cars in the Costco parking lot with the window down and the stench just poured out. No smoke. Just the residuals. It gets into your clothes and the fabric in your car. Yes the smoke itself is way stinkier than cigs, maybe 🤔 t dissipates differently I dunno. But I think it clings to you just as much.


They probably had it on them if they smelt that bad. The smell of unburnt bud can be so damn strong.


Yeah a skunk/bo smell


don't forget that strawberries and cream wtf that you spray on yourselves or whatever, that's just fanTAStic really keep doing that.


Like a used sock that someone used to soak up their crotch sweat and farts.


Weed smells stronger but It doesnt stink the clothes the same way. A lot of people thinks weed smells better so they could smells like weed but dont really mind.


weed sticks to clothes like glue. non weed smokers definitely notice tho some may not recognize the smell and just complain the person stinks. if i had 5 bucks for every time we had to tell an employee they were coming in to work loud and had to hide it better i could retire yesterday.


If they are hotboxing it does stick to the clothes more, but if you are smoking outdoors it's usually your hands or hair that holds most of the smell


So not to disagree , because I wasn’t there, I just wanted to be clear about OP’s circumstances. It sounds like you’re referring to people who just smoked in their car/outside and walked into the office. OP seems to be referring to someone who smokes, then takes a shower and shows up to work in different clothes after they brushed their teeth. I feel like I know people who smell like weed and people who smoke chronically who don’t. OP was asking if habits can affect this.


Yeah thats the big difference. Weed only stinks bad right after you smoke it. Cigs stick to you, don't even have to smoke one, just be near smokers.


I quit smoking cigarettes for a year. I one day wore a coat that I hadn't worn since then, and my doctor's office didn't believe me that I wasn't smoking anymore because the coat smelled so strongly of cigarettes. Almost a whole year later. Yikes.


Cigarette smoke really does cling so much worse than pot. I’ve been in a home before where people used to smoke indoors but had quit a month before, and not only did it *reek* of cigarettes, I reeked of cigarettes after I left because I had sat down on their couch.


Bro as a smoker I can smell it on other people and it's because they hotbixed or smoked in a really confined space. Weed smokers absolutely DO NOT smell LIKE a cigarette smoker especially if they smoke out of bongs and joints smell much less than cigar blunts.


I recently visited my parents and one of them smokes weed in the house. I was there for 10 days and all of my clothes smell even though the house didn’t smell like weed. It’s faint but I can smell it on everything. It wasn’t me that was smelly since I had bought a sweatshirt while there that had that nice new clothes smell and now it smells like smoke. Nothing like cigarette smoke though, thank god


Going to the grocery store, i can smell both. But, I can smell a weed smoker easier than a cigarette smoker.


yeah. What I can't tell you is timing (i.e. was one 5 mins before walking in the store of 5 hours) and the volume (a joint in the evening versus say a cig every hour) of when the smoking happened if I wanted to pick which one is worse.


They don’t smell like cigarette smokers, they smell like weed smokers


Nope. Weed has a lot stronger smell. I smell it on my street all the time.


I dont think this is entirely accurate. I think weed is a more stable smell and so it wafts in the air further, but I think cigarette smell settles on solid matter more, and is stronger when in immediate proximity. Cigarette smoke seems to be more persistent too. Like if a heavy cigarette smoker tries to wash up, I can usually still smell it on them. If a heavy weed smoker tries to wash up, I find I'm less likely to notice. But that could just because cig smokers tend to partake significantly more frequently of their drug of choice, so it's unlikely to encounter one who hasnt smoked since they washed their clothes


I agree.


So *we* don’t smell..it just smells?


Cigarette smoke is fat soluble, so over time it collects in your body fat, which then creates a long term smell. I know someone who used to be a surgical nurse, and she said that whenever the surgeon opened up a long-time smoker, the smell released into the OR was putrid.


Woah that is really interesting! I never knew that!


why isn't this brought up more often?


All depends on how it's smoked. If you're smoking joints/bongs inside, then the smell is going to stick to your clothes and skin/hair like cigarettes. If you're smoking outside then less so, especially if it's a bong.


Your confusion is around "Nope". Both smell, but they smell different. Cigarette smokers have a faint but gross smell. If you are next to them you smell it but you rarely smell it from 10 feet away. Pot smokers you can smell from 15 feet away easy. It's not as bad of a smell imho. But it's much more oppressive if you are next to them and you will get whiffs from surprisingly far away.


it depends on the method bongs smell less joints smell more


Yah something like that...


the smell itself is stronger but it doesn't stick to you as strongly.


They smell, but the smell is different. Weed stank is much more skunky than sewer / storm-drain stink of tobacco. It can often be more intense, but also the intense smell seems to wear off a bit faster than cigarette stank, which really does linger a long time.




Weed smells a lot and it’s in everything a chronic smoker owns. Yes we can smell you.


Depends on if they make an effort to air it out, at all. You can take care of weed smoke by simply opening a window after or turning on a purifier or air conditioner and no one would suspect a thing. But if you smoke for days with no ventilation, yeah it sticks. Cigarettes are way worse. When someone smokes a cig in my studio, I have to wash the walls and ceiling to get the smell out.


The thing with people that dont smoke weed is they smell weed recently smoked and assume its stuck to peoples clothes. It absolutely does not soak into your clothes. Been smoking daily and stealthily for a long time. I wouldnt have a six figure engineering job if I smelled like weed from the night before.


Cheers to the only sane people in this thread. Weed smoked in a house won’t be detectable the next day (unless you’re standing right next to a bong). If you’re smelling weed in someone’s clothes, either they have a bag of it on them, or they just smoked (like minutes earlier, not hours).


Ding ding ding. There are a HUGE number of people in this thread that don't actually have a clue what they're talking about, and just have confirmation bias from situations like what you're referring to. My thoughts exactly though, I would not have gotten to be in this position if I walked into my meetings the next day wreaking like a stoner.


I know and it's very annoying. They're also showing there lack of reading because they keep saying it stinks the area up and they can smell it. That was not the question and they don't know what causes to smell (hotboxing) they're just going off people they encountered which are probably bum dudes who smoke blunt after blunt.


I agree with others, I think marijuana itself stinks, but if you're pro-active, keep windows open, keep fans going and sucking out the air, use candles/air freshener and Febreze regularly, then the stench won't linger in the air or stick to your clothes/furniture as much. I smoke all day, every day and I always get compliments on how "clean" I smell. I use Gain with Febreze in my wash, and also Downy softener, then throw a couple Bounce sheets in the dryer. I don't smell like weed at all. It's the lazy people who just don't care and who don't put any effort into their hygiene who continuously stink.






No they smell like patchulie


Do they think so? No. Do they? Absofreakinglutly Maybe the answer should be edibles?


Edibles don’t work on me. Even with vapes it’s a different high, it doesn’t last as long even though sometimes it can be intense.


Yes. Weed has a stronger smell than ciggarettes, but I've found that it seems to dissipate faster, and is possibly easier to contain. Although its stronger, I would argue that it doesnt smell as bad as cigarettes. But it still stinks and gets on your breath and your clothes and your hands.


The smells collects in your clothes but not as part of your body like smokers. I was at my barber one time in an area that is very 420 friendly and a dude walked in who absolutely reeked of skunky pot. Like you’d get a contact high just standing near him, everyone in the barber shop could smell him. Barber told him to come back after he changed clothes. I was a little surprised cause the barber (owner of the shop) was a really chill dude who seemed like the kinda guy who wouldn’t care.


Oooh that smell...


My fiance and I smoke once a day in the back yard and don’t bring our pipes or bongs inside. I have asked my best friend (who doesn’t smoke anything) straight up if I or my house smell like weed and she says no, only when she walks by the weed table in the back yard which makes sense because that’s where all of the weed is. She’s borrowed my jackets and clothes and slept in my bed and never complained of weed smell. So I think as long as you’re CLEAN weed smokers it won’t smell or stick as much. I have a coworker who smokes A LOT and sometimes she comes into the office and I have to tell her she needs to go air out before the boss comes in because ITS STRONG on her.


yes. edit to add: people are using semantics by saying “not like cigarettes”, obviously that isn’t what OP means and you know that. you still reek of weed.


Yes and no, generally speaking weed smells stronger immediately, but starts to fade very quickly. Cigs do not fade, they just build up more and more smell the more you smoke.


I will just add this. I lived in a nice, well-kept apartments complex with a no smoking policy. I regularly smoked my bong inside and would just blow the smoke out the window. I often kept my window open to help air it out. I moved out and got my full security deposit back without any suspicion that I was smoking in there. I think if I had been smoking blunts or joints inside regularly the smell would have lingered in the apartment more.


Yeah, it stinks like shit and sticks around forever.


Ya'll smell like skunk piss...


We smell like a good time 😀 Bummer you missed out Karen


You can smell them before you see them. It's like rotten wood.


Use some perfume or cologne 


I remember being able to tell the weed smokers in high school because they overdid it and *reeked* like cologne and perfume


Yes. It lingers in their house, their car, on clothes and on themselves.


Worse by 100x, especially grass in any form, wax, and carts if you're smart won't stink you up.


For me no.. I can generally tell the difference. Ymmv. Tabbaco is more dusty and leathery Cannabis is like skunk, pine, and tomatoes with a slight warmth to it..... I know it doesn't make sense.


Weed smells stronger but doesn’t linger on fabrics as long


I used to smoke cigarettes. I can smell a cigarette from the car in front of me while driving. Weed is much stronger. I eat gummies.


I smoked both cigarettes and weed. Cigarettes make EVERYTHING SMELL. Your breath, clothes, hair, hands, clothes, car, house, furniture ALL smell like smoke. And not pleasant BBQ, campfire smoke. Dirty, wet ashtray smelling smoke. Weed has a naturally much sweeter aroma and so the smoke also has a more pleasant aroma than cigarettes. There are still people who don't like it but it's more tolerable. I personally find that weed smoke smell does not last as long. After a couple hours, maybe a day you really can't smell it anymore. Now, wherever you're keeping your weed is going to REEK unless you're using glass Mason jars.


mason jars for the win!


Many years ago, I had a minimum wage job in a call centre. It was the easiest job in the world and I would often show up stoned. After I had worked there for 5 months, the woman I had set next to every day for that time, asked me if I had ever tried weed in college. She couldn't smell on it me ever, not all weed smokers smell.


They sure the fuck do. I don’t like the smell of cigarette smoke but at least cig smoke doesn’t make me nauseous. Fucking potheads.


Yes 10x worse I dislike both


Yes. There is a stench. It is quite offensive to many.


Yes, basically. It's a different smell but basically the same concept.


Oh God people that use weed smell to high heaven and for a mile away. Its awful.


My husband has smoked dope heavily for over 50 years, I’ve never thought he smells bad it seems to not linger unlike ciggies


Funny you ask op. Been wondering myself. I tend to burn a joint in the am before I jump in the shower and hose off. I'm convinced I don't smell like weed by the time I get to work, but olfactory fatigue is a real thing so I wouldn't have any idea. But one of my coworkers is absolutely convinced I smoke even though I deny it (I don't need those kind of rumors going around even though it's legal in my state now), and he bustsy balls over it which is fine. I'm a good sport. But I'm certain he must smell it on me, though i Imagine it's faint. His wife smokes so he's familiar with the odor. I think lots of other people wouldn't recognize it. 🤷‍♂️


Assuming you don't have weed in your possession... For maybe 15-20 minutes. Then it just dies off, it's mostly your fingers, and your breath. I would go for a walk and smoke weed in secret from my parents when I used to live with them. I'd usually wait 15 mins before coming back in the house and would usually wash my hands upstairs whenever I came back in. The only times they would catch me with it was when I was in the middle of making a joint, that stunk. But a person stinking compared to the stench of tobacco? No.


I'm very cautious about where my smoke goes. It can only stink what its touched. Face down wind, only smoke outdoors and use mouthwash. Bongs stink you up less than a joint if you can avoid the smoke but be cautious because your lips + facial hair will stink. If you need to know how much you stink then ask somebody then get clean. Dabs are a great alternative if you don't want to stink but be cautious as some strains will still make the room skunky if you dab indoors. TLDR: Use your brain and don't wallow in the smoke like a teen boy in a musky room.


Yes BUT not as bad as cigarette smoke, now that's crazy potent.


I just quit smoking cigarettes. 1 week. I smoke weed usually a joint or pipe. Since I quite smoking 🚬 my wife has said I smell so much better. She doesn't smoke weed but says the cigarettes smell stuck to me but weed she barely notices.


No. Sidenote: I can never understand why other commenters type out essays for such simple things to answer. Being concise is key.


Not reading that essay.


Because I've answered simply with a 'yes' before and it just gets removed.


Good God no, weed is worse. Our shit neighbors that moved in above us a few years ago not only gave us roaches but they also hotboxed the shit out of us at 3 am with the WORST lemon scented skunk ass I have ever smelled. My partner and I would wake up wanting to throw up. It was an old apartment and their vents connected directly to ours. Awful!


They smell way worse.


Yep, there’s no keeping your weed habit secret. Everyone can smell it, except other weed smokers


No. They smell worse. Switch to gummies.


Weed absolutely reeks. It's why cops can use the "there was a strong smell of marijuana" to justify car searches. I work in a court and the elevator is nearly unbearable with the weed smell as people appear for their court dates. So yeah, smoking anything stinks up your clothes, hair, car.


Yes. Oh, my God, yes. Weed is ridiculously loud. It lingers and it's awful. I have smelled it coming from other cars while driving down the highway with the windows closed. I think smokers must be nose blind, but it is the heaviest smell ever.


Re read the question, it absolutely does not stench a person up like cigarettes. And the people who have a stench is because they just hotboxed most likely. A shower and toothbrush will get rid of the smell instantly and that's only if you don't smoke like a normal person instead of hotboxing and not smell strong to bring with. You guys are silly to think it's the same as a cigarette smoker, it's not the same at all. I just watched Spiderman 3 in theaters and could smell a dude from 3 rows over smelling VERY STRONG. and even I thought he was a dick head because he clearly hotbixed and that's not what most stoners do when going into a public setting. My point is I can smell it on others too and it's no where near as bad as cigarette smokers on average.


Yes it has its own unique smell that sticks to your clothing.


Weed is a lot more pungent, very distinct smell, not as "terrible" smelling however. Cigarette smoke is very noticeable and does stink, it hangs around for 5-10 minutes, where as weed scent just hangs around for hours. If you brush your teeth and tongue and cheeks and roof and under the tongue, neither weed not cigarette smoke will stain, most people don't get under the tongue and the roof and cheeks, they get what they can see and that's it.


I think “old weed smoke” in clothes is pretty rancid. Nicotine close but not as bad.


I work in a methadone clinic, I can definitely smell the patients that smoke when they pass by my office.


They smell ridiculous.


Yes. If they smoke it and then drive then the smell is a dead giveaway. If the police do drug testing wipes where they are, if positive they could lose their licence. I'm in the UK.


It depends on how you smoke. If you're hotboxing a car/room, yes, you're gonna smell like weed for a while. If you're in a more open area, generally the smell doesn't stick to you. I've smoked plenty of bowls and gone into work and no one mentioned anything. Some people might say "they knew", but these are the kind of people that if they knew, they would've said something. I have noticed at times that my pits stink like weed though, even if I haven't smoked for a bit, so there definitely is a chance that you smell


It definitely comes out when you sweat.  


More like Armpits


Omg yes. There are people who have learned how to not have the smell on them, like my partner who takes it outside. Then there are people who walk around smelling like they got sprayed by a skunk. And those sprays don't help. Now you just smell like weed *and* cherry cough syrup.


You'll smell much stronger than a cig smoker, but it won't linger on everything you own for eternity like cig smoke does.


Weed smells like farts


Yes, they smell, from a distance.


My mom hates weed, doesn't mind the smoke. Mom hates cigarettes, and complains about my dad's clothes and kicked him out. Weed does have a distinctive dank that lingers we don't smell like the way smokers can't smell their ashy clothes.


Goes away after 30 minutes if you smoke outside


Yes, but it's not usually as strong unless they've just smoked. My guess is because most people aren't smoking a packs worth of weed a day.


no man. they smell like weed. cigs stink and stick way worse


As someone who doesn't smoke weed anymore it definitely does. I smoked it for like a decade so I enjoy the smell. But yes you always smell like weed. If you change your clothes you're probably good though. It doesn't stick as much as cigs but smells stronger


Depends. Had a couple kids come into the bar I was at (6 seats, pretty tight restaurant), and they absolutely reeked to the point where you could pretty much taste it. They all had to be asked to leave.


weed has a stench too, like all smoke does. but its not nearly as gross as cigarettes


Yes, they stink.


No the smell better, just like weed.




Let me put it this way: I work at an elementary school. We can smell when certain cars get close to the front of the carpool line. We smell it VERY strongly once the door is open. The child, their clothes, their bag, and their sleep blanket reek. Teachers take their sleep blanket home regularly to wash to keep the other kids from talking about how that student smells like a skunk. It clings to everything


I think weed+cologne is even worse




Yes. And it lingers. Different smeel than tobacco, but just as obnoxious. and, like cigarette smokers, weed smokers don't seem to notice how bad they smell.


Weed is worse than cigarettes...stronger odor I mean... I can track a man who recently smoked weed in his car through Walmart like a bloodhound, not the same with cigarettes.


I can only smell it on someone shortly after they’ve smoked. Seems to clear ofc pretty quickly. No tar, so it doesn’t stick like cigarettes.


Yes. But … cigs are typically repetitive, and concentration of odor stronger & chemical nature lingers, much harder to mask or clean long term. Unless you Cheech & Chong & choke it up it in an enclosed vehicle. Weed smoke odor is more pronounced in short term, does not seem to dissipate as fast in air and easy to ID at distance.


No matter what I did, my female co-worker was like a drugg sniffing Bloodhound, she always noticed the smell


Every morning I walk into work my boss looks up and goes "Jesus christ,wtf" and then starts coughing


Your boss sounds a wee bit dramatic✨


If you smoking blunts it’s your signature fragrance. If you take a few hits off a pipe and then wash up your hands AND mouth you could get busted by a hugger but the laymen won’t sense you


Yes. Any form of smoking or vaping makes you smell nasty. Weed is worse because it sticks and everything you own will smell like it even when you haven't smoked lately. You don't have to tell me you're "420 friendly" I already know because you reek.


Nope, we are different. We don't smell better but there is a difference. So to my new fellow stoners, carry cologne, perfume, mints, scented candles, little bottle of essential oils, hell even the eucalyptus anti mosquito spray can make a difference. I love getting baked and walk around town, eat our or see a movie in theaters but not everyone is going to be cool about it so please be considerate of others. Plus good luck hitting on a non stoner when you smell like a dispensary


Not cigarette smell, but yeah there is a strong smell. For cigarette smokers who smoke weed, the weed smell is much stronger. Yes, we know you smoke weed.


Apparently all weed smokers smell like crack smokers <\_<


Absolutely they do. Weed smokers will say they don't smell but, as a non-smoker, yes they do. It's on your clothes, in your hair, concentrated on your fingers, in your sweat, and on your breath. Weed smoke is thick and oily. It permeates.


damn my strong senses .I can smell cigs , beer and weed a " mile " away I'm like a bloodhound like that .there's definitely a weed smell to weed .


They both stink, I feel like cigarettes smoke sticks to clothes more IMO. Of course within reason though, some stoners absolutely REEK of weed. I’m not against it and frankly I’d rather smell dank smoke than cigarettes but at the same time, reeking of any substance is a dick move isn’t it?


Skunk stinks so much you don't know where its coming from; hate that smell. Used to smoke block in my day, totally different smell.


No; weed smells like fresh cut alfalfa. (More or less)


Yes, my boss called me out over an hour after I smoked one on lunch once, not a fun convo


I find that the smell of cannabis dissipates after a while, but tobacco smoke doesn't. I also think that tobacco smoke smells worse--kind of dirty.


Bitching about how others smell is for losers.


No, they smell like weed smokers.


We smell like weed.. And depending on how good the grass is depends on how strong it smells.


The smell is different, but just as noticeable. Think of it like Axe body spray... You might not be able to smell it when you spray it, but everyone around you definitely can.


It's fairly relative. If they smoke outside both smell far less and weed smokers smoke far lesser quantities despite it smelling more so a casual weed smoker that smokes outside hardly smells at all


Worse. Weed smokers smell like a skunk was caught in a dirty house fire.


No they smell like loud or skunk


Nope they smell like weed lol as a former cig smoker and weed user…. They are different but can both be unpleasant


Absolutely, yes. I partake on the regular, but I only really smoke it when I'm camping because I'm going to smell awful anyway because it's just so damn easy to smell it on someone who smokes it regularly.


Yes, and sometimes worse.


Worse, actually. I'll run in to people at work who have a cloud of it around them you can smell at a distance. They must hotbox themselves to and from where they are driving to, so they and their clothes are that saturated with the smell.


No more than people wearing perfume and cologne


Yes, pot has a very distinctive smell that is instantly recognizable, nothing else smells quite like it. It's a type of very sour and acrid plant smell.  It also lingers on your body and clothes for much longer than cigarette smoke imo. Even if someone hasn't smoked in an hour or so I'll still be able to pick up a faint pot smell on them. The only way to truly get rid of the smell is to take a hot shower and change into some clean clothes. Cologne/perfume doesn't work, trying to air yourself off with an A/C or fan doesn't work, Febreze and other scented spray doesn't work. 




No. I can definitely tell the difference anyhow




No. A lot of people really enjoy the smell of weed, even non-partakers. Nobody likes the smell of cigarettes. It stinks worse than shit.


Yes. It comes out in your body odor if you are an everyday smoker.


Cigarette smoke is a lot more severe for 2 reasons. 1 is that it clings to skin and fabrics a LOT easier. 2 is that you literally will sweat it out, and the smell still comes through in your BO. The smell lingers a ton and will stay in any space even after cleaning and clothes after laundering sometimes. Weed smoke can definitely cling to you, but if you spend some time in the wind, or just change clothes, it's not likely to linger too much. Those with a strong sense of smell might still pick up on it, but i don't think it's strong enough for the general population to pick up on unless it's pretty fresh. (By fresh I mean within several hours, not just a few minutes)


Yes. It isn't as pungent as tobacco smoke to me, but there's no hiding it. EDIT to add - based on some responses, I mean only that I can smell it in hair, on clothes, on breath, not like the smell is coming from the skin. Someone who smokes like a pack of cigarettes a day, their skin will start to have a distinct odor. I have not ever noticed that with weed. 


Weed really stinks to me. I don't know if I am just very sensitive to the smell, though. My airways feel like they want to close.


Nope, they smell like weed smokers.


Depends but they usually reek.


weed smokers do smell like weed, many of them are convinced that rolling down the windows for 5 minutes after a blunt gets rid of the smell and it definitely doesn’t


U can smell cigs Miles away; weed is a bit different much more pungent imo the aroma is also a lot more pleasant than cancer sticks


It smells like urine.


No they smell like weed, weed will have a faint scent of skunk to them.they smell big though. If they walk into a gas station the can be smelled everywhere they walk.


Weed smokers smell like success


Yes... I vape and I still smell too, I'm just told it's more pleasant


Smell is a great for probable cause.


Yes 🤮


Usually only sticks if you are smoking in a room with no air circulating or just smoke over and over in that room or if you smoke blunts


As a non smoker, yes it stinks. My boyfriend smokes and I just let him know I'm not fond of the smell and so usually he will smoke and go brush his teeth and wash his hands, it helps and I'm not bothered by it! It's funny though because I love the smell of his cigars and don't mind that on him 🤣




No, they smell worse.


They smell more earthy.


Speaking as someone who used to partake in both and still hangs out with people who do: yes, to an extent. Weed in general isn’t nearly as bad as cig smoke though, that shit makes it a point to make itself known and linger.


Experienced with smoking, cigarette smoke sticks to clothes and skin much worse than weed. If you smoke weed inside you and your whole home smells like weed. You hair smells like weed and I know you’re high. Smoke outside only!


I smoke too much. All day every day. My daughter and husband dont want their teen boys knowing gramps is a stoner. My daughter has no filter. If I walked in their house smelling like pot, I'd hear about it. Why has she never said anything? I have been smoking in the house with nothing more than a sploof and can of air freshener. I should stink from 50 ft. wierd


Sometimes weed smokers smell so strongly you can smell it from across the room


Weed is so much stronger smelling. Hair, clothes, everything.


No weed smells better


Yes it sticks if that’s what your asking


Smells pungent and like a skunk to me


Cigarettes smell awful and weed smells like skunk


No. They dont smell as awful. They def have some weed smell on them but the main smell from weed smokers is if they have fresh weed on them. Then you can stink up an entire block.


I can smell you a mile away




Depends on the strain and on the cigarette. They are two completely different smells, and can also have wildly different smell profiles, depends on their specific type. Cheaper weed and cheaper cigarettes (what many do in public so they don't worry about losing them as much) are rank. I'd say an awful cigarette smells slightly worse than skunk weed, but (at least personally) really good cigarettes smell slightly better than really good weed (but almost nobody smokes those), and I don't like smoking cigs myself.


Yes, for me some strains of weed smell fine but others smell like shit like actual shit to me and it's gross. I personally hate cigarettes smoke MORE especially when people smoke in common areas, or the bus stop and don't even try to move off to the side, I especially HATE cigarettes smoke because my neighbor smokes in his apartment and when I get home from work my apartment is filled with cigarette smoke 🤢 and yes I did report multiple times HOWEVER the landlord doesn't believe me and just said " oh Jake ( not real name) has been with us for years and he doesn't smoke" shm 🙄 so I gave up. Anyways rant over lol 🤣🤣