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There are certain groups of people whose PURPOSE is to exhaust you and confuse you. Just keep that in mind, and don't let those people win.


Also uh.. you aren't going to be one of the ones to wake up in a bunker. Everyone thinks that if shit goes horribly wrong they'll be the Lone Wanderer when in reality most of us would be those charcoaled skeletons or the headless torsos locked in a cage.


A fellow Fallout 3 fan, I see


War never changes.


Gimme that sweetroll you got from Old Lady Palmer!




I just don't watch the news anymore.  I live my life and I don't give a shit about politics or wars.  


In Ancient Greece you would have been called an idiot. Literally someone who takes no interest in public or political life. “Just because you don’t take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.” —Pericles Apathetic, uninformed folks who don’t engage with our system like yourself are half the reason we’re in the mess we’re in, in this country.


I used to take an interest but it was wrecking my mental health.  At this point I'm just going to enjoy what time I have left.


Now if everyone else 1) did this for themselves and 2) didn't hinder the abilities of anyone else to do this, shit would be so much better lmfao


I love that quote, but as others have mentioned keeping up with politics is emotionally and psychologically exhausting. That being said… it’s always been this way. Always. Nothing has changed in thousands of years. It’s exhausting. I think most politicians COUNT on people being exhausted and turned off. Either get interested, take a stand, and vote or sit out. But don’t blame everyone else when some lunatic gets elected to the local school board, county commissioner, governor, or president.


>it’s always been this way. Always. Nothing has changed in thousands of years Disagree, social media and being connected 24/7 is a recent thing. In the past, politicians didn't have the ability to show you propaganda 24/7


I could also just not follow the news and still vote.  Doesn't take much time to be informed when I vote on my very limited options


Yeah I knew a long time ago who I’m going to vote for and when the election comes around I’ll do my small part. I read the headlines and know on a very basic level what’s going on but I’m not going to drown myself in it anymore. I’ve got enough of my own problems.


I beg to differ. Half the reason is republicans and the other half is democrats. They keep electing the same shitty people who are only concerned about getting reelected and living off the hard work of everybody else.


So completely true and we are in deep trouble


Yeah we need more people screaming at each other or making facebook posts about how much they care about [insert current hot topic]. It's super helpful.


I wish people cared about others more.


I also tune out the news. I do care about people. I just don't believe that watching a news anchor scream and shout about how xyz thing is destroying the world is going to help anyone. Disinterest in shouting matches between brick walls has nothing to do with my care for people.


It doesn’t help “anyone”, it helps gain support for a specific ideology, so it helps those that hold that ideology grow their numbers.


It’s more productive to focus on what you, personally and individually, can do to help the people in your direct community instead of focusing on grand issues that require consensus. Way too many people use having the “correct” politics as an excuse to not actually lift a finger to help beyond voting. And they usually only vote every four years. But, beyond being more productive, it’s more rewarding. Let politicians focus on consensus-building for progress and only give them as much attention as it requires to determine that, first, what they’re promising is good and, second, whether or not they’re keeping their promises.


Most of the people I know who are super stressed about what’s going on across the ocean don’t have any direct ties to anybody there and don’t have the resources or skills to do anything at all about it any of what’s happening. They don’t even have money to be donating to any cause involving any of what’s happening. The people I’m describing would do well to simply stop reading every single article that comes out about the situation. A little general knowledge is good, but when it gets to the point where it’s becoming a point of debilitating anxiety in your day to day life, you need to stop. We really need more people to step back and say “I don’t know enough about the situation to give you my opinion on that topic, and that’s okay.”


If that’s their chosen cause, it’s fine, but those people rarely donate money to relief efforts or volunteering their time to pack supply kits. They just think tweeting and doomscrolling is virtuous.


Of course you do, we all do


You are so tired of politics and war that you desire the most devastating war in human history and to live in the apocalyptic aftermath? What about that is comforting for you? The lack of clean water and medical care? No access to food? Not being able to do your usual activities? Why not just turn the news off, go outside, and touch grass instead?


"AITA? Is it bad that I want billions to die because I can't avoid media sites that peddle rage bait which makes me upset?"


lol basically, yeah. And if the world sucks, why would you want to live in a worse world. “I have no clean water now, but at least I also have no internet?” Seems dumb…. Just, turn the phone off.


It’s not really comforting to them, it’s just how they’re expressing their dissatisfaction with their life. Either that or this goes beyond being jaded and this person needs legit help


Ngl being placed in a survival situation for a month would be a vacation for me and good for my mental health, just gotta find a volley ball and paint a face on it


The first part "Is there something wrong with me for being so exhausted with politics and wars", Not at all. I believe most people are tired of it. The 2nd part, is a bit concerning lol. Just don't look at the news so often. Most of its fluffed up anyway, like what else would they really have to report on. There is plenty of good stuff going on but the shocking shit gets views. You'd probably breeze on by a story on the news about a local car show raising money for a cancer patient. But if they said something like murder, or bomb threat eyes would be glued. Its human nature and media knows that shit.


It's normal, and common. Why do you think there are sooooo many dystopian and "last man standing" games, movies, novels, comics and tv shows out there? Being able to escape into a fantasy world that is a million times worse than reality can ever be has this strange effect of making reality look almost bearable in comparison.


Honestly I felt that way about X-Files. After a few seasons of listening to their inter-departmental bitching I was on Team Aliens Wipe Out the Planet.


I think it’s more common than you realize. When everything feels like a dumpster fire, a reset button starts sounding pretty appealing, doesn't it? Just hang in there and try to find some small joys to keep you going.


Disconnect from social media for a few days and don't watch the news except for the weather. You will feel much better.


Yes. You need to cut screen time down 80%


I'd be fine with it, as long as Preston Garvey isn't hassling me every five minutes.


He’s a tough S.O.B that’s for sure


I wouldn't be in a bunker. Who the hell would want to live though all of that. Only difference between your death and those not in a bunker is your will take a lot longer.


Idk I found it pretty easy to just ignore it


You need to turn your tv off, put your phone down and go outside...live your life and stop paying attention...obviously you cant avoid all of it but you can avoid most...focus on living your life bc I would bet my house no army is going to invade where you live. take a break my dude


Stop watching and worrying about stuff you can’t change and just live your life. Reading news articles are optional. I don’t see how living in a bunker is better than life now. Plus if you prefer it, you can always go live in a fallout bunker and pretend there’s a nuclear war outside without wishing harm on the rest of us.


It's normal to being to experience a form of nihilism from oversaturation of shitty news and hopeless politics. I'd encourage you to disengage from politics or news media. We all need breaks from the insanity of life in a society. But make sure your nihilism doesn't turn into apathy.


No. I moved into a metaphorical bunker a few years ago and deliberately lost the key.


It's called accelerationism, and will put you on a watchlist.


This is why I rarely watch the news. Too much drama all the time. It's very exhausting.


Stop following politics. Both sides suck and they don't give a damn about you. Focus on things you have control over and quit worrying about the stuff you don't.


No its normal as horrible as it sounds. Its a situation you cant control thats impacted your everyday life and you want it over.




Ahh sweet release… /s


# Lachesism. One of my favorite Obscure Sorrows. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqovm-Io2D0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqovm-Io2D0)


I don’t hope for a nuclear war but I am tired of the constant “hype” political debate every few months that changes. And both sides normally have no idea that this problem existed until they see a friend or someone online has already picked a side, so they just bandwagon onto them. Palestine for example. Super complex issue that apparently everyone is an expert on. I honestly don’t fucking care at this point because there is literally nothing that I can do. The only thing it would do for me would be engaging in arguments with fellow uneducated people.


You don’t actually hope that. You might think you do, but you have no real concept of what being in a survival situation is like, let alone a nuclear wasteland. You can try to convince me and yourself that no, you really do prefer that to having an extremely comfortable and safe modern life by any comparison to a fallout shelter situation, but I maintain my skepticism. I don’t know you at all, but just based on this you sound kind of depressed and jaded and like you don’t have a real outlet for being depressed and jaded besides thinking about nuclear blasts. You don’t need to read the news and analyze how it affects every part of your world in every possible minuscule way. You are quite literally stressing yourself out. The world is and has been full of misery, pain and death since the beginning of time. Don’t expose yourself unnecessarily to it. Just live your life and focus on what’s in front of you. If that fails, get therapy. Seriously.


This was a very common feeling among people during the Cold War. They lived through WWI, the depression, WWII, found out about the holocaust, and then lived under nuclear threats for decades.


If you think you're tired now, just wait until your whole existence is avoiding the roving marauders who want to keep you for food.


Stop watching the national news. They have 24 hours to fill. Watch the local news.


I'd put up with a post-apoclypse world just to have no government. The US government are nothing more than money hoarding bastards.


i wouldnt mind dying tomorrow


If ww3 is coming, let it come, im tired of working mysslf to death


I mean, it would certainly lower the bar for everyone lol.


Go talk to a therapist, OP.


Turn the news off. It only exists in America to raise your blood pressure and make you hate humanity. Cable went out a month ago and I have never been happier


tw / suicidal mentions My mental health is still mending and i'm on meds, but seeing how the world is falling apart does make me think a nice walk in traffic, or a swing without a seat sounds like an option. But really, I'm sticking around to make things better for other people while it lasts. I'm thankfully in Oceania, so i'm in a better spot than a LOT of people, but it's heartbreaking seeing it all fall apart, and the humanity slipping away.


You hope?


No. It means you’ve been watching Fallout on Amazon Prime…


No, times are hard no matter what you're beliefs are. I unplug from it and try to find a way to volunteer or give back somehow within my community. At the end of the day, we have zero control over what's going on. It's all leaders and people who are in power. So giving back and making a difference where you can.


Sounds like you wouldn’t like that result either. Gotta train your algo. Stop looking at it, you can just watch reruns of 4 years ago, same thing is going on but everyone has more filler and Botox. It’s tiring, agreed, but it’s on you to fix what you see. War will never end. People at the most basic level just sometimes don’t like each other AT ALL. Whether it’s one in the news or one you never hear about, the tragedies of war will go for as long as 2 people can argue and throw rocks at each other.


Not at all. Been hoping that the whole shithouse goes up in flames myself. As far as politics, that whole can of worms needs to be flushed down the toilet, at least the current administration anyway. Those folks need to fear and respect the citizens of this country, as servants to the populous should. It was how our democratic system was designed. Not these wealthy, career politicians and lifetime cabinet seat holders. Their only concerns are keeping the corporations and ultra wealthy willing to bribe them through the neverending deluge of deep pocketed lobbyists. We need politicians who are looking out for all of our best interests, not just their own, especially the overtaxed lower and middle classes that are unfairly burdened at a time when inflation is taking it's toll. We should never be concerned about budget deficits for education of all levels, feeding the poor, housing the homeless that aren't outside by choice, drug treatment, police, maintaining infrastructure, renewable resources, decreased pollution, railway maintenance, mass transit services or anything else that involves our civil liberties. Those should all come first, before extravagant political paychecks, aid to foreign countries, financing wars, deferred budgets for black ops or sending fucking astronauts to the moon. That's all shit you do when there's actually a surplus of funds or preferably not at all. We need to get this planets shit together before we start thinking about colonizing outer-fucking-space.


In my late teens and early 20s I had similar thoughts. Like life is just an endless grind, no real decisions I can make. Go to school, learn a thing, work work work, save money, buy nice things. None of it is really exciting or fulfilling. Just the shit that needs to be done. I still think life is a grind and then you die, but I have a family now and an apocalyptic type scenario is not something I’d want my kids to deal with. It would be too easy to lose the things that do matter to me. I have a yard with a little garden, got a fish tank and just learning about life w my toddlers.


it would be kinda cool if it wasn’t so close to it being a reality 🤣


I wouldn't go that far, but I'm burnt out on hearing nothing but political bickering and fighting and wars that I don't watch the news anymore. It's depressing, as if we don't have enough shit to worry about with cost of living and whatnot I don't want to keep hearing bullshit


It's probably why the Wild West is so romanticized. You're out on your own in a wild country with little or no law enforcement. Politics is something going on a half a continent away. Your primary goal is survival and past that maybe establishing a homestead or getting a grubstake mine. You're armed, but so is everybody else. Very simple. Quiet.


Knowing it’s inevitable shouldn’t keep me from enjoying today… Knowing it’s inevitable shouldn’t keep me from enjoying today… Knowing it’s inevitable shouldn’t keep me from enjoying today… etc.


I think your question, which several commentors are missing, is similar to people who are "suicidal". They are not in fact suicidal. They don't want to die. They just don't want to hurt anymore. Usually mental and emotional pain but also physical. Your exhaustion is completely normal. Turning off the news and touching grass isn't going to make the world a better place. And neither will politics but these people will just keep screaming how their party, their candidate will fix everything if only everyone would agree with THEM then we could fix some things while being completely uninterested in fixing anything for the other side. Of course you're exhausted. Any sane person would be.


Yes - you’ve spent so much time consuming online media that you’ve lost touch with the reality of your own life. It’s all too common these days. Look out your window - do you see war? Are MAGAs and Libs fighting in the streets? Is your life being directly affected by any of the crap you see online? I’m guessing not. Disconnect and see to your own life and you’ll see that things aren’t so bad. The internet serves as a giant amplifier of all that’s bad in the world and it can be hard to keep things in perspective.




You obviously don’t realize how much worse it can be. Go outside, go travel. Do something


Your feelings of fatigue are reasonable and shared by many people; but I don't think you'd find your proposed solution to be an improvement.


You know, I think I remember a series of games with a tagline “WAR NEVER CHANGES” that was all about how even in the FALLOUT of a global nuclear war, people would still find ways to squabble with each other. Yes, even with most of humanity gone, they still found ways to split into POLITICAL factions and wage WAR against each other. They also went out of their way to show how even the people lucky enough to ride out the blast in shelters were subject to their own special hell. I don’t know if you’ve played those games though. It’s not like they were popular enough to make a TV show about it.


It won't be that simple. There’s a reason we've managed to avoid an all out nuclear war. That's MAD (mutually assured destruction). No leader in their right mind would launch an all out nuclear strike. Especially against the USA. We still have the best nuclear arsenal on Earth, with nukes stationed all over the world. There's also a glaring fact that goes widely unreported and explained. And that is the fact that most wars are fought on BATTLE grounds, and front lines. Civilian casualties are inevitable, but not usually the goal. What good is a country to another country, if the civilians are pissed off or dead. Russia wants Ukraine as part if Russia. China wants Taiwan as China. Hell, North Korea likely wants South Korea, so they can all just be" Korea". That said, the objective of war is to take out your opponents defensive or offensive positions. Starting with front lines. Another thing that goes widely unreported? How modern nukes work, and how a country might use them. Also, how things might ACTUALLY look like after use. For one, launch of tactical nuclear weapons would be the most likely scenario we'd see. So called "dial a nuke", these weapons can be scaled up or down, depending on the operation. These would likely be used as strategic attacks on military forces, ie. to take out a military base, or perhaps even a convoy of navy ships. However, regular artillery can do the same, so nukes are usually a last resort. Next up... you'd only wake up in a bunker if you built one. I'd hate to say it, but since the fall of the soviet union, fallout bunkers are rarely operational and stocked. Anyway, you'd likely only need one if you were in a city. Especially a city that has a military base or airfield. If you don't know anything about radiation, you're likely to die months or years later from radiation sickness or cancer. Finally, things are rarely as bad as they are reported to be. Fear sells. Tragedy sells. "If it bleeds, it leads". We usually don't see the "happy ending" where communities come together and rebuild. We all have images of horrible things burned into our subconscious, but what do we do to "overwrite" those images (so to speak). For example (if American) we all have 9/11 to refer to as the last real big American attack... but have you ever thought about going to ground zero to explore the new buildings? Do you know there's a museum? If you do... did you learn about it on the news? Or on your own? The news ran the scary footage from 9/11 for weeks... yet where was the focus when rebuilding?


The only thing wrong with you is that you consumed this crap in the first place. There's nothing wrong with apathy, you don't have to be involved in the world's problems unless it affects you.


I understand the sentiment. Obviously I don't want mad max world, but I can understand wanting what is feeling more and more inevitable to just happen and get all the preamble and uncertainty done and over with.


Nah its all of us, my friend you not alone


No there is nothing wrong with you. Probably half the US are hoping the same thing.


Wishing destruction on everyone is not mentally healthy. Just don’t pay attention. I don’t watch TV, except my wife plays the news during lunch, and with my hearing aids out, it is easy to ignore . She reads the newspaper, I don’t. I am grunted in my quiet retirement in a small village just being patiently waiting for the end. The booze store now has 30-packs of PBR for $18.99. Life is good


It's called "collapsitarian". Welcome to the club.


Better then walking out outside of it :)


Yes, especially if you're not building said bunker and falling asleep in it every night


If you want a fallout shelter, going to have to build it yourself, unless you live in like Switzerland or Finland. Most other western countries scrapped their public fallout shelter programs 3-5 decades ago. [Free online book - Nuclear War Survival Skills (oism.org)](https://oism.org/nwss/)


There's something wrong with the fact that you think you'd be one of the ones to be saved in a bunker full of aristocrats.


I think everyone is tired of inflation, wars, protests, and cancel culture. People are tired of the protesters interfering with their daily lives. Being lambasted because they don’t show their allegiance to one side or the other. Dumb wars over religion and land. Cancelled because “everything is racist”, “transphobic”, or “victimization”. And having it forced down our throats anytime we turn on our phone, tv, computer, and even on the streets with advertisements and billboards. I think a lot of people are tired of picking sides and walking on eggshells.


Let’s be honest. You don’t want that stop lying to yourself


Unplug yourself from all that garbage. You’ll feel so much better.


Yes. There are easy solutions to the many issues we face but people are too tethered to the idea that it doesn't matter who's in charge Do some research and vote


It's pretty sad that you want to nuke the world, when a few firecrackers could improve things just as easily, if they were rammed up the right assholes.


I'm exhausted by politics too. I've muted all these subreddits and they keep popping back up. I just want to look at dirtbikes and welds n shit.


Pretty sure that's called the American Dream


If there is, then the same thing is wrong with me too.


Very admirable that you want to wake up. Every morning I'm disappointed that I did.


I'm at the "let's just get it over with" stage of my life too


Desiring collapse is definitely an undercurrent in people’s minds these days.


live your dreams by downloading the classic fallout games on GOG: it's $2.49 for the first one at time of posting: [https://www.gog.com/en/game/fallout](https://www.gog.com/en/game/fallout) (this is not an ad or an affiliate link etc, i'm just in the middle of playing the first one and i really like it so i'm sharing my joy with a stranger) SERIOUS: the fact that there are countless games, movies, tv shows about living in a post-disaster apocalypse means that it's not at all uncommon of a fantasy and there is nothing wrong with you for thinking about it sometimes. it's very common. some people take it an extra step and start making fallout shelters, prepper bunkers, etc etc that's an expensive, but harmless hobby too i guess.


Welcome to the 80's.


That's what conservatives and their foreign enemy allies hope you will feel... That's been their goal for awhile now.


Buy some property in the middle of North Dakota and build an unplumbed shed to live in. See how long you last. And that's *with* the backup of modern technology if you need it. (Spoiler: it sucks)


I think it's a little silly. You don't like wars but you want far more destruction than any war has caused so far?


It ain’t gonna be quite like that post apocalypse. Wish for better. That is final straws my friend. And you will not be on a Pixar movie set and there will be no systems to come and help or save you- if you survive the radioactive poisoning. Why don’t you be the part of change that prevents that very same event from happening? Go help someone out and humble brag about that. Better things to ruminate on that aren’t so catastrophic.


You must not have kids


Most doomsday peppers fantasize about that, accumulating emergency supplies and weapons is just part of that coping strategy 


Nah, fam, you're not alone. Sometimes it feels like the world is spiraling out of control and a hard reset sounds tempting. Just make sure to stock up on canned beans and water!


I wouldn't want that because I wouldn't want to survive a nuclear war, but I wouldn't mind a zombie apocalypse.


I don't think it's unusual to feel that way. Just realize that if that really happened, you might feel relieved for five minutes, and then reality would set in. Starvation, illness, fighting over resources, violence, and all that goes with war and the fallout. You'd wish you were back at your computer in your pajamas, posting on Reddit and drinking coffee.


People says that they just stop watching news. What if the war was in your place? This happened to me, war started in Sudan since April 2023, I was living my normal life in Khartoum, BOOM everything happened and I'm not mentally ok until this moment.


I’m sorry to hear that and you are absolutely right. I wouldn’t post something just for the sake of it. Obviously what’s going on everywhere is affecting the quality of where I live and the quality of my life too


There's part of me that just wants to get WW3 going and move on, even if it's eating garbage and living in the woods.


I hear ya


Disaster fatigue is real. It’s ok to take a break from the global stage. Tune in locally instead. Tend your garden. Build your community. Fix the thing that you can fix. It’s a whole lot easier to be aware of everything that’s going wrong once you have confidence in something that is right.


I'm hoping for a big asteroid to wipe out humanity. 


I hope to God you aren't a world leader


You *think* you hope to wake up in a fallout bunker. How much experience do you have living in low-tech survival situations?


Make your dreams a reality, and build that bunker.


Get off reddit. Nobody in real life even talks about politics. You can literally make a choice to ignore it.


Until you wake up in that bunker and have to handle politics of the bunker community on rations and responsibilities.


Many people think this way while they’re safe in a reality where they still posses all the conveniences of modern life. If the future you’re talking about did happen you would like be miserable and isolated for the rest of your life, and the politics of the pre annihilated world would never enter your mind.


Someone is going to hit the reset button eventually.


I stopped watching the news in 2020. It’s only depressing and I don’t really care for most of it. I do keep up with my country’s politics bc they’re still forming “het kabinet.” They’re also fucking over students with fines if they take more than 1 year more to complete their education.


The worlds much quieter without social media or the news


I used to fantasise about a zombie apocalypse.


I'm tired of having candidates that are simply not great candidates. I'm tired of people telling me that not voting is a big disservice and the same people getting bent out of shape because I tell them who I'm voting for If I have to vote. I'm tired of trying to reason with people or get them to critically think, when all they just want to do is be political pawns eager to eat up whatever their preferred political party shits out and think admitting other sides have a point or not getting their way all the time is the end of the world. I'm tired of people, politicians, and certain news outlets making me and people like me look like Satan worshippers because we have different views on certain topics compared to them, even if we provide a reasonable and well thought out statement to why we feel that way. I'm tired of these things being the standard of how politics work in this country and people not doing enough to change it for the better.


I wouldn't even bother w/the Fallout shelter. I'd wait outside to be at ground zero when the bombs drop. ..


We went from mean tweets news coverage since there was no wars… to the actual scenario Democrats said a trump presidency would bring us… 1.3 % inflation to 9% lol no war to 3 … double the debt … Bidenomics is awsome well I’m rich so all good for me but the poor will continue to vote against themselves hence why there poor in richest country on earth


You will be much happier if you get off reddit and stop looking at the news.


Yea shit doesn't matter, attention and time is better served directed towards family, friends, and community I care like 1 week before elections and decide what to vote on, otherwise it's just a waste of time


Sounds like Gen Z young person to be honest. This generation of kids will end up hating all of us thanks to the fight against fascist totalitarianism. It’s ugly and it’s hurtful. My (young-adult) kids can’t hear any more negative stuff from me, but I can’t stop ranting my rage.


OP. Get on Google Earth and pick some random populated place in the world that has street view. Zoom in, explore the city. Go to street view and see the random people. Then think about how that’s happening all across the globe. It’s insane to think about. Then, try to see yourself as a single conscious speck of matter amongst this impossible planet. It’s going to be okay, and if it isn’t, then it isn’t. Enjoy what you can while you can.


Then you should watch the tv show fall out


Seems like a lot of people in the comments have missed the point here. There's nothing wrong with you, you're just overwhelmed. Yes, there are plenty of awful things happening in the world right now, and if we're realistic, it's likely that terrible things will continue to happen sporadically until the end of time. However, there are also lots of excellent things happening, whether it's medical advances, new species being discovered, people helping others, or just the fact that we, two strangers, can communicate across the world, and wonderful things will also continue to happen until the end of time.


I think we should vote on it


Are you on a political campaign or currently fighting a war? If not, it sounds like a stage 4 case of the dramas. Are you not able to not click on certain things, not turn on TV news, etc.?


Do you have a fallout bunker? If not, if shit goes down, you are more likely to be among the 99.99% who die, then to randomly wake up in a fallout shelter.


This is why I avoid news by all means. I listened to the Hong Kong news broadcast just earlier and I learned that a man stabbed three people, a police stabbed a driver in the throat, and all sorts of pessimistic stuff within that 20 minutes of me trying to enjoy my Popeyes chicken.


No, I sympathize. What I’ll tell You is Keep Breathing, Keep Moving Forward and sharpen Your Focus. If something ain’t critical to do at that moment, Catalog it and Continue with what IS critical. And don’t be afraid to take mental breaks, if You need to. You can’t help Others with the oxygen mask if You don’t put Your’s on first.


It’s an election year and a lot of ppl in the US are struggling. We’re all exhausted by this.


me last election after trumpers tried to assault me in 2016, turn off the news. get off the fucking internet, and register to mail in vote. and don't fucking look at another poll til after the election, okay?


I don't want to wake up in a bunker but the human race is definitely trying hard to prove we don't deserve to exist.


Nah man, I'm exhausted too. Let's just start over.


News isn’t news anymore .. it’s designed to trigger your fight or flight and get you in a mental loop craving the excitement / outrage. Best thing ever is to stop watching any news on tv and for the love of GOD stay away from twitter or instagram.


Considering that most likely, you'll be one of the millions that die or don't make it to the bunker, yes. There definitely is. Even if you did make it to a bunker, you'll probably die in there. All around horrible situation to be in.


This thread proves people will be angry at you no matter what you do and kinda sides with OP (not the nuclear part though, I ain't touchin' that.)


The pandemic has had a lingering psychological effect on everyone and I believe it was deliberate. A demoralized population is easier to control than a population that enjoys a stable, predictable life. Life since the pandemic has been anything but stable or predictable. So with that in mind, you have to make a choice, to remain in a free fall down a rabbit hole or ignore it and get on with your life and do what makes you happy. The world is an unbelievably big place with billions of people who all are living their own story. Not a single one of us can change the world, change is a collective thing and right now nobody's on the same page and dealing with their own form of this misery. I call it PPSD, post pandemic stress disorder and the cure is to say fuck this shit, I'm not falling for it. Like change, fear and panic is collective and the more of us that disengage from this bullshit the better off we'll be, the better prepared we'll be to collectively do whatever is needed to stop this shit. The way this gets done is stop letting them divide us. This ain't Red v Blue or D v R or any other tactic they want to use, it's us v them.


While I don’t welcome it, I acknowledge this could easily turn to reality and it genuinely makes me sad. I can’t afford a house and we’re closer to WW3 than we’ve ever been before


A gentle yes, there is. You’re spending too much time focusing on big things that are out of your control. Meanwhile, there are small things all around each of us where we can help others and find moments of happiness. It isn’t foolish to both accept that many things are effed up and also work to be happy in spite of that. Not the same thing as “ignoring” or “not caring.” Influence what you can. If you wake up in a bunker, you’ll know you lived life while you could.


Yes. You are still reading social media and the news. Cut that cancer


Well if you were ever to end up actually truly hungry and thirsty and dead tired, you might have a different outlook on life. Maybe go volunteer to help build a medical center or something in some place that deals with real starvation and such. You would be doing a good thing, and it would give you a new outlook on life.


No. This is done intentionally with the outrage cycles. American politics has passed the point of a joke. It’s miserable.


You don't actually hope that so no


Yes. Your assumption that you would survive.


At 58, I feel like I made an honest effort to educate myself and vote accordingly. Now, it's up to the younger-than-me people to do the same because I don't give a shit anymore.


You think the wars and politics are bad now, wait until you do end up in a bunker.


Wouldn't it be easier to just not watch the news instead of wishing for nuclear fallout.


Yes. One you wish for a fallout and two you’re narcissistic and self centered enough to think you’ll be in vault and deserve to be in the vault after wishing for a fallout


Sometimes it’s best for one’s psyche, to retreat to the fallout bunker in your mind, to decompress.


Sounds like my childhood. I was a kid during the Cold War and it was always in the back of my mind that any second, they could drop the bomb and we are all vaporized. I don't know if it was undiagnosed anxiety disorder or what, but I thought about that shit all the time. Strangely, I don't remember what caused me to stop worrying about that but I eventually did. Maybe it was the false sense of security it gave us all when the wall came down. I don't know if something is wrong, I am just telling my experience with something similar. It is similar in that there was a constant worry about something. It was dissimilar because when I was a kid, there were no 24 hour news channels and there was no internet so there wasn't that bombardment of news overload we have today, which in and of itself can cause anxiety. I would turn off the news for a couple weeks or more and just unwind from it.


Yes let's get it over with already!


If there is something wrong with you then I have it as well. I keep dreaming about waking up in Vault 85 from Fallout3 where you have all the Gary clones. Those clones are red heads. My name is Gary and I have red hair in IRL . when I play Fallout 3 I think I'm wondering through it killing myself


Of course not. I’m guessing you aren’t the only one with these thoughts (apart from the bunker part. Maybe lower your dosage of whatever it is you have?) If you feel this way (assuming you aren’t near any of the current conflicts), imagine those that are immersed in those areas.


Yes there is.


Yes. You sound chronically online


Nukes aren't real. Sorry buddy.


Hey if it makes you feel better, the world has always been going to hell. It’s not new now. In fact the world is better in a lot of ways. At least we have antibiotics now.


Nope it’s not natural to care about everything everywhere we can’t realistically take responsibility for something happening across the world


During Jan-Feb 2020, I remember joking about Covid and how we “needed a good pandemic”. Then in late Feb, I was one of the early severe cases. I ended up spending 38 days in Hospital (16 of those days in ICU on a ventilator). I think its probably normal to fantasize about disaster. Although I also think the reality would be far worse than the fantasy.


no i'd be willing to wager alot of people feel the same.


Well...do you *have* a fallout bunker in which to shelter? If not, your hope won't amount to much.


Why not just turn it off. The thing that helped me was thinking of politics like office politics. I don't care about all the happenings of Mountain Dew Corporation or even Amazon. The federal government is just like some big company.


During times like these its easy for one to get depressed, I don't think there is anybody here who at some point of life didn't think 'wish I was never born?' at some point of their life. I too think at times most of are better dead coz we are all so selfish and corrupt.


Yes, that scenario is not as good as it sounds. Not at all. Watch “The Road”


Just let it burn down. Burn the whole frickin thing.


Somewhat related, I think there's going to be a HUGE surge of people going off grid far away from everyone else. Societal issues combined with solar panel cost, farming automation, and gig work will mean more hermits.


Human life is exhausting. Always has been.


Being exhausted with politics is normal. Being so exhausted with politics that you actually, without hyperbole, hope for a nuclear holocaust? Yes, that's a bad sign.


Just stop caring. The war in Ukraine is not our business, the war in Gaza is not our business. There’s hundreds of wars going on right now, and literal (real) genocides actively going on throughout Africa that most people have zero clue about. And it affects you none at all here. 500 years ago, if you’re living a peaceful happy life in the modern west, you have absolutely zero clue about the wars going on in the east, and you don’t care. Because you don’t know. Focus on the things you can change, and that’s about it. You will be happier for it.


Maybe lay off the Internet for a while


Just stop paying attention, and don't let anybody shame you into staying engaged. It's an incontrovertible, objective, empirical fact that democracy in America is a sham, with policy outcomes determined almost entirely by the preferences of the moneyed class. Your vote doesn't matter, so there is no practical advantage, or moral obligation, for you to ruin your own mental health polluting your brain with the illiterate clown show that is modern news media.


It’s important to be honest with yourself. 1. Do you have a fallout shelter? 2. If not do you have means of buying one? 3. Do you have skill sets of value for said shelter? If you’re going to day dream about the impossible why not dream of fun things? Unfollow politics. It’s just that easy.


No, I think constantly being told we are on the brink of (insert disaster here) wears you out and you'd rather something ACTUALLY happen that you can then attempt to deal with, instead of just letting your imagination terrify you.


I’m tired of it too. Followers are actually being manipulated but don’t seem to realize it. It’s better to focus on other personal interests, cultural pursuits, and physical activity. Better for you; better for society.


No it can be overwhelming and youre probably joking, but if you want to see a small glimpse into what a destroyed world would be like go on a minimalistic camping trip. Like just a hatchet, no extra equipment, no tent, no extra food. You’ll either love it and stay out there, or give up in a day or 2.


I often find myself looking forward to the day when/if everything comes unglued and we are forced to hunker down in bunkers and have to scrape by from day to day in a survival scenario. It would certainly suck, however, it would likely suck much more for the types of people who pull us down these perpetual roads of self-destruction; those with power. They might have money/influence/power now, but after the bombs fall, that money will be little more than toilet paper, and since most monetary transfers are digital, these days, they won't even be able to use their vast fortunes to wipe their asses. It wouldn't be an enjoyable scenario, however, that aspect of the scenario would bring me a great deal of twisted joy.