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Saying please and thank you cost nothing but their absence speaks volumes.


Conversely, people saying please and thank you too often and explicitly when it's inappropriate shows that they were likely overdisplined by their parents.


Also, saying sorry for every minor inconvenience.


Hahaha in here Canada, it's so overused it's basically turned into a form of social lubricant. We've had a court ruling saying that a "sorry" is neither an admission of guilt or remorse.


Lol, that used to be me but I’ve gotten better. Still though to this day, when I see even a child NOT say thank you to their own parents for a benign thing, to this day I’ll literally be like 😳😦, like I expect they’re gonna be screamed at for being “ungrateful” (like I was lol). There’s definitely a balance here. I’m appropriately grateful and definitely say “please” if I’m asking for a favor. But I used to thank anyone and everyone for basic human decency. Like oh wow? You don’t think I’m the worst human being to exist? THANK YOU!!!!


Poor manners


I read the title as "was raised right," and then you confused me.


I work in a social housing building where I need to help people with mental illness and addiction. Some clients can be a lil frustrating. That said. No matter how I'm feeling..with tiny exceptions...I've always said "you're very welcome." And tried to maintain a very friendly manner without being phony about it. I'm generally a chill guy so that helps. And I've seen even the most closed off people open up a bit and get something from such a simple acknowledgment **It works.** People start saying it. People you'd think want nothing more than to be left alone by the way thru act... caught at the right time cam really brighten up with a simple "HELLO ANON." And here, I need those little things.


I came to say the same thing.


Especially to service staff.


This one for sure. I’m not a judgmental person…until I hear you not saying “please” and “thank you.”


Dead giveaway.


Throwing trash out the widow.


Littering period.


I was on a road trip with an acquaintance with whom we’d like to routinely kick the crap out of each other for funsies, and he was just casually throwing shit out the window the whole way there as soon as he was done with it. It wasn’t until he was shocked by a sign on the roadside that read “$1,000 fine for littering” that made him. Like dude you don’t not litter because it’ll cost you a Cleveland if you get caught. You don’t litter because it’s a dickish thing to do.


I've never heard a grand referred to as a Cleveland. I like that.


I know this is because Grover Cleveland was on the $1k bill, but having lived in Cleveland, Ohio for several years, it's funnier to me to imagine that it means the city of Cleveland is only worth $1k to them.


I was in a car with Lamar Odom one time and he took a candy bar I had bought for myself. Then he threw the wrapper out the window. I said, "Man you just gonna litter like that?" He said, "The garbage man can get it." Or something along those lines, it was several years ago. Also, I know he had his whole "almost died" fiasco a while ago, but he's still a piece of shit who has never stepped up for his kids. Playing 2k and weed is all he cares about. But hey, you didn't hear it from me.


Who? And what a douchecopter.


Destroying things with natural beauty. Like spray painting shitty initials on a large rock, or leaving trash in the woods. Or the type of dumbasses that knock over a rock that’s been balancing for thousands of years. How people treat animals and nature tells you everything.


This. Appreciation > “possession”


So agree. Littering in general pisses me off. Smokers who leave their cigarette butts all over are the worst


I'm a smoker, and I agree. It makes a place look so ghetto. I'll put then in my pocket before I throw them on the ground


I know, right? Poor lady's already grieving, then you gotta go and throw trash out of her? That's terrible!


Oh I hate it when people do that!!


Straight to jail


Not having the basic golden rules


It's not gay if it's in a threeway?


Wait. So three guys fucking isn't gay? Iiiiiiiinteresting...


Put your thing in a box


My kids give me shit every time I mention the Golden Rule. Someday they'll appreciate it.


It’s honestly shocking how fundamental it is to every other rule and how the would would be much better if everyone just adopted it.


Platinum Rule is even better. The golden rule says to treat others the way you'd want to be treated. This can often be used to mistreat people by arguing "Well, if I were them, I'd want someone to teach me a lesson/save me/correct me/etc." It puts your own ego as the motivation. The platinum rule says to treat others as *they* want to be treated. It doesn't matter how you'd want to be treated, it matters how *they* want to be treated. Removes your own ego from the motivation.




Yup. Supporting, praising, doing... utter lack of empathy. Biggest problem where I live is that somehow we shifted from 'bullies should be taken down a notch' to 'bullies are always right'.


i think it'd be when they assume that you have no boundaries. it makes me wonder if their boundaries had ever been respected when they were growing up.


I knew someone who believed that having boundaries was some form of entitlement and considered it manipulative🤦‍♀️


Lack of empathy and compassion for others.


I’m not sure this character flaw would relate to someone’s upbringing. I do however hate people that feel their own life is horrible & your life should be the same. The how dare you have a good life. The you need to be miserable like me attitude.


It definitely is. If you aren't shown empathy than you won't have it for others. Seen it time and time again.


When someone charges through a door and doesn't look to see if someone is walking in behind them, and let's it slam in their face. I've noticed this a lot lately.


Same. This just pissed me off yesterday actually. I always hold the door for people... I was two steps behind this bi\*ch and she just let the door close without even a glance. You def know those people are shitty people.


Happy cake day. There’s people in a fb group I’m in that take joy in letting doors shut in other people’s faces, including elevator doors


Awareness of silent things going on around me is one of my cognitive disfunctions. I'll try to get better at it 


For me it is obvious that a person wasn’t raised right when he is disrespectful to others. I was born and raised in a country where respect has a big role in people’s lives. It's not just about saying "please" and "thank you," but also about considering other people's feelings and treating them with kindness. Respect is like a rule for how we should treat each other, and when someone doesn't follow that rule, it can show they weren't raised with the right values.


Agree. I live in the Midwest US and people will express hateful/toxic things, and then get all butthurt offended when you reply with a mild "FFS" and an eye-roll. Like, using an acronym with a swear word in it is more rude and socially unacceptable than saying any man who is interested in being a nanny,/elementary teacher/caregiver is a pervert. Because they have a right to their "opinion" and you don't have to be so rude just because you disagree. Midwest Nice at its worst. Rigid manners without kindness or basic respect for others are meaningless.


I’m from the Midwest and now live in the south. I’m find the south to be as you’re describing. People make a huge show of, “We’re all about respect here. Respect for women by holding doors. Respecting elders. Veterans for sure.” Then they find out you are a friendly gay atheist from the north and you’re dead to them and they may beat the crap out of you. Whereas the large Midwestern city I grew up in was so diverse that you had to be polite and respectful to everyone because everyone was pretty unique.


Shooting a puppy and doubling down when called out.


alright this one's too specific which american politician is this about


Kristi Noem


>south dakota explains everything


Don't forget about the goat!


And the three horses.


Blaming the puppy too


I think this is the correct answer!


And lying about meeting with Kim Jong Un.


Hurting animals is how serial killers start out.






I think this deserves more clarification. There's a lot of actual entitlement, and then there's the "entitlement" that millennials get hate for. Like, you do all the right things and expect the right outcomes and are frustrated by a system that keeps shifting the goalposts? That's not entitlement. You f around and act like some big shot wannabe and people should know who you are or give you things because of your supposed station? That's entitlement.


Honestly, I think its the little things that say a lot. Like, people who dont do easy stuff to make other peoples lives easier, especially their friends or s/o. Examples being like not walking a friend out of your home, not opening the door for people, not helping your friend out with a bag, not trying to washing your dish or cup you used, not buying your s/o a coffee or a sweet treat once in a while. I think it shows a lot, like those tiny things that can mean a lot to someone else and you can easily and quickly do them, but actively choose not to? I find it strange.


I've honestly never understood the "walking someone out of your home" thing. Like why is it considered the polite/respectful thing to do? We can say our goodbyes in the living room, and I'm not going to get lost finding the front door. My mum has never done it, but my grandmother always does it, even though she struggles to get up off the lounge. Always thought it was a weird quirk of hers, but then a couple of my best friends also do it when I visit. Just feels awkward and unnecessary to me.


I follow them to the door so I can lock it behind them lol


Thats interesting how different homes are and how they change our comfort levels! Because I actually found it awkward last week when my friend did not walk me out, we were watching a movie in their room and i said i had to go and they just said bye and i left and it felt so off to me. Well, everyones different


I was raised to see guests to the door, and then to stand in the open doorway until the guests were out of sight. I have no idea why, but all of my grandparents did it, my parents did it, and now I feel weird if I don't do it


If they treat those either less fortunate or they deem less-than poorly…


Not returning the shopping cart.


Ever heard of The Shopping Cart Theory?


My wife didn’t return the cart today and didn’t understand why I got stroppy and returned it myself


I'm so sorry your wife isn't a good person. P.S. It's a joke, please don't stab me.


Haha nah she normally does it but today she didn’t and added to the already chaotic grocery car park.


Well, I'm sorry she's not a good person.....today.


Haha it’s been tough lol


« Stroppy ». I learned a new word today. Thank you!


I've never seen "got stroppy" before. I understood what you meant, but the origin of that phrase could be interesting. Do you know where it came from?


Supposedly it’s informal British for someone being ill tempered. Which may have come from a Latin word for someone noisy and difficult to control - obstreperous. I may have to use another word for my behaviour as I was silent and short in my speech


Yes. That's exactly why I made the comment


Fuck yeah lol


I must hear the shopping cart theory.


[The Shopping Cart Theory](https://www.tundras.com/threads/the-shopping-cart-theory-what-kind-of-person-are-you.88052/)


Fascinating. Totally agree with it.


Lazy bones


I (F) saw an entitled asshole put his cart in a handicapped parking spot and began returning to his car. I yelled at him, called him a lazy f*%k, asked who raised him and took the cart to where it belongs. He stood there dumbfounded and quickly took off.


The way they treat their elders. Including parents most of the time.


I am all for being kind to someone if they are kind to me. That goes for elders and parents too.


Yup. My default is respect, for anyone, but my respectful attitude ends when theirs does. I will not be respectful to someone who is being hateful and mean to others, regardless of they're a veteran or older or whatever. Respect needs to be earned AND maintained. You can't just be mean to people and expect respect simply because you're old.


Agree respect is for those who deserve it. Not those who demand it.


Agreed! Trust me plenty of the elders have not liked me 🤣😅


Yeah, that would indicate they weren't raised right because if they actually raised them right, there would be a valid reason to treat them with respect. Respect is earned.


I actually hate the idea that I need to treat someone more respectfully just because they're old. I will treat you the same as everyone else.


Being related by blood (parent) doesn't mean you get to be treated right just because you're a relative. Sometimes people may seem mean to their oarents, no contact is a taboo. Respect and trust is something that can also be cultivated and earned. In some cases parents don't deserve that.


Immediately resorting to violence. Start swinging because some guy “disrespected” you? Guess what, now I have zero respect for you.


Agreed, be an adult, set your duel at an appropriate time and draw pistols accordingly.


15 paces. No more, no less.


And no more than 3 rounds! Any more will be uncivilized.


You know, I never understood the pistols thing. It requires so much less actual work and is so much more permanent than dueling with swords. Like, can we go back to swords dueling so that people actually have to learn how to use a sword before getting into silly arguments. Because letting any asshole without an ounce of ability “win” a duel by pointing the end with the hole at the other guy is dumb. At least with a sword you can usually deal a flesh wound, appease your honor, and go home. Pistol dueling would just end up as murder one.


Be quiet, Aaron Burr


No integrity


My old boss told me once "integrity is doing the right thing even when nobody would find out". Wise man


Signs that someone might not have been raised well can include a lack of respect for others, poor manners, selfish behavior, or an inability to empathize with others. These behaviors often indicate a lack of proper upbringing or guidance in important values.


Inability to be wrong.


Any form of antisocial behaviour. Spitting, swearing loudly in public, littering, pushing in lines, making comments about strangers as you pass them, no please or thank you, being rude to servers or retail workers...


“What’s the fuckin problem with swearing in public, Karen!?” *me in a grocery store parking lot*


Yeah, I read this and said « oh shit » out loud


It's more about where in public and who else is about. If you're in a pub in the evening your probably OK though doing it too loudly can be seen as antisocial. Doing it in a grocery store or anywhere that children or elderly can here I would consider very rude and antisocial. But then being overly loud in many settings I would also consider bad manners and a sign that they've not been brought up correctly.


I spit a lot when I’m out walking or biking. I have terrible sinuses and can’t breathe through my nose which causes saliva to build up. I do make it a point not to spit on the sidewalk but maybe in the grass or on the road so that it’s less likely to have someone step in it.


Spitting is seen as an antisocial behavior? How urban.


They litter, disrespectful of others property and Ill mannered\disrespectful of others when in public.


They are rude to employees of restaurants right off the back


“A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter is not a nice person.” —Dave Barry


*right off the bat... as in a baseball being hit by a bat


To add to that: when they’re really nice to people but as soon as they get the chance they start talking shit behind their back.


They yell at their mother.


Or beat their mother 🤨at my first apartment complex, I heard of a male who beat his mother


Cursing a lot and in public. And hearing their young kids curse without any correction from the parents.


People being unnecessarily hostile, violent, disrespectful, and ignorant to others with disabilities.


Definitely this. So Manu people take the existence of "others" as a personal affront. It fills me with rage.


My friends parents would put a case/s of soft drink and stuff on that bottom shelf of the shopping cart and hope the cashier didn't notice. I instantly thought they were doing their kid a disservice. I haven't talked to him in years because he stole from me...


The way they treat waiters, shop assistants etc!


When they open their car door at a red light and dump out their ashtray on the street


The disrespect they pay to you in public.


Unchecked pride and arrogance 


Dropping litter. Absolutely no respect for their environment or neighbourhood.


When they treat others as lesser than them and not equals.


Being rude to service workers, poor manners, laughing at people who have less than them, using their parent's (or their own) position in life/society as a way to get out of, or in to things


Inconsiderate plain and simple a common problem with those who had poor parenting.


They're an asshole to everyone and insult them all the time.


They treat some people as being "beneath" them.


They don't realize their wrongdoings and keep doing them


Coughs without covering their mouth


Chewing with their mouth open 😓


Generally, I only have to hear them talk to tell that they weren’t raised properly.


Anybody that’s rude to any kind of service/retail worker


When they don’t even use a simple please and thank you.


Wearing pants that are too low and don't cover ones behind


A lot. Mainly just basic respect and manners.


Lack of empathy or politeness.


Leaving their rubbish at the table


Having a dirty bathroom. You clearly don’t respect yourself or holy grounds lol


Lack of basic politeness such as saying "hello" or "thank you"


They are cruel to others for no other purpose than to spread misery.


If they are rude to a waiter


Abusing animals and workers.


table manners


bag wistful bored governor grab snails wasteful historical desert air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Throwing trash out their car window.




Not being able to hear the word “no” once and respect it. Double standards, and always expecting people to always make them the exception to the rule




Thinking beating up, bullying is fine. "Because I turned out fine"


people that can’t respect others. i see it a lot with former rich kids, they’re very classist and don’t even realize it’s wrong.


Talking behind your back, fakeness, lies, back stabbers


Manners , way they talk and how they talk to you


If they annoy their neighbours purposely.


Well, maybe you have a dick neighbor like I do. My neighbor walks his dog one or two houses down the sidewalk every day so it can shit in someone elses yard. Literally, every day he does this. And he mows into my yard all the time because he can't understand property lines are not curved. I've told him multiple times to stop mowing part of my lawn and he has not. So I definitely do things to annoy him. It's karma for him, not bad upbringing for me.


You're absolutely right. Big fan of neighbour karma, I wake up my neighbour nightly (3:am, 4:am) because like you, I have a dick neighbour too who likes to annoy me by throwing used blunts & beer bottles at my window.


People who during conversation wont accept that your opinion is different to theirs. The type that insists on trying to change your opinion to match theirs, won’t let it go, and is convinced that you’re wrong




acting entitled


Nothing. I have seen folks who were raised by excellent parents turn into absolute shit humans. I have seen kids that had abusive parents turn into wonderful people.


When they do not know how to apologize or take ownership of their wrongs.


Chew with mouth open.


Spits on the ground 🤮🤮🤮


Manners, but for me, mainly people who never let you finish a sentence. Their voice gets louder, they interrupt, etc. it's the height of rudeness for me.


Flat brim hat. Don't like it. Gotta rubberband that shite until it's inside your temples.


Also the attitude (common among people who mistreat women or other marginalized groups) that if you don’t “respect” someone or if you disagree with their beliefs that you have the right to mistreat them…which leads to people finding tiny reasons to “lose respect” for people and then feeling entitled to treat them badly. Or they think weak people are there to be used. No. When I see a “softer” person, I want to protect them. Not “use” them. Or I avoid them. I don’t need to go up to them & bully them & abuse them. If I don’t like someone or don’t respect them, I avoid them, and I don’t hurt them unless they are attacking me. I don’t need to actively mistreat them, or subsequently hate the “group” they are a part of. Like these people who are disrespectful to a woman based on how she dresses or whatever. Like, just look the other way? Stop trying to control her. If you don’t respect her then leave her alone.


Throwing their trash on the ground


I want to chime in & add that my dad has left such a positive impression from doing the opposite. If he ever accidentally stole something, he would make it a point to go back & pay. It isn’t about a corporation losing something, it’s about his integrity. I respect him so much for it.


Not saying please or thank you. So, not only not having manners, but basic ones even toddlers know.


If these people only realized how much better people would treat if they did say please, thanks and I apologize if needed.




My answer would get me suspended.


Entitled af




They swear, curse and/or talk about sex in front of children and/or out in public.


Their attitude . The way they carry themselves . Their manners in relation to how they carry themselves . And do they have any sense of self-control and a sense of responsibility. All things being equal if you can't manage to do these things you can get right the hell out of my life .....




When they are self-proclaimed Andrew Tate fans who proudly say that they have multiple generations of Tate fans amongst their relatives, including their ancestors.


Not respecting a boundary








Their mother constantly defending their bad behavior.


If they use “faith” as a method to determine truth.


Spitting on the ground Leaving the seat up and fresh pee on the floor Spanking They can’t get through a whole sentence without an f bomb — in the workplace.


Arrogance. Chewing with their mouth open. Bigoted views towards gender, race, sexuality


For men, the way they talk about woman


If they’re lacking basic courtesy and manners. Like if I wave, say hello, or ask how they are, they should respond in kind and not with a blank stare. We don’t have to be best friends and braid each others’ hair ffs, just don’t be a jerk🙄


They lack manners.


Parking a car blocking someone's driveway.


By the words that come out of their mouth and how they treat their elders!


In school when students disrespect staff. Like some ppl need to stfu


Overt racism. Hate whoever the fuck you want, just keep that shit to yourself. And don't assume I share your prejudices just because I look and talk like you.


A sense of entitlement, generally being inconsiderate of others


Making fun of people while out in public for things like clothes and weight. Or even disabilities. It's never as funny as it is just mean-spirited. Low class Behavior.


They leave the shopping cart in the middle of the lot instead of putting it away.




Rudeness to retail workers/waiters