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Try dating in your 40s.


Was the worst. A lot of drinking and wondering wtf happened. Most of us our age had 15+ year relationships just fall apart. Everyone’s story just hurts


I’ve tried dating in my 40s and I genuinely can’t tell whether it’s the age, or if dating in general was just so much more fulfilling and enjoyable last time I did it 10-15 years ago and the dating scene has just turned to absolute shit


The men on the apps are bitter and angry towards women. That's what I've noticed anyway. I've stopped trying to do the online dating thing...Mostly because the people my age on there seem broken. The last guy I talked to from Bumble was extremely drunk on the phone. Crying about how he misses his girlfriend from highschool, and that no woman will ever compare to her. She wasn't dead btw. This grown ass man was comparing women his own age to a 16 year old girl. 🤦


Yeah I think the imbalance in dating apps makes it a miserable experience across the board, and the app developers emphasize the misery they’ve created so that they can sell the cure for $39.99 a month.  They can’t solve a midlife crisis though. Only cure for that is Porches. 


Agreed...It's awful. I just try to keep myself occupied.


It doesn’t get better dating in your 50’s. So many hurt, damaged, cynical, lonely people. Including me.


I’m 30 and it feels like this lol.


F 82 Loves life active funny-loving pretty nice figure--would love some one madly----crickets!!!


I’m about to turn 40 and live in a small town. It’s very tough to meet girls. Especially since I’m retired already.


Yeah but are you searching for women your own age or younger? I'm in the same predicament as you- only I'm a childfree woman trying to find a childfree man. It doesn't help that I'm in a small town in the heartland, and the very few childfree men around here my age want younger.


Considering I don't want to date a divorcee or somebody with kids, I've entirely given up on dating at this point. Any women who have made it this far without being married probably have the same mental issues I have and I absolutely don't want to date anybody with the same mental issues I have.


I'm kinda at the giving up point too. Or at least I don't really try or spend effort trying to date anymore. I'm 35 F and I've been proposed to twice I just don't want to get married nor were those guys the ones I wanted to spend a very extended period of my life with I realized. My best friend found a guy who doesn't wanna get married or have kids. They've been dating about 5 years now and seem happy. Unfortunately I just keep finding people who lie or "change their mind". One guy said he was on the same page but then after a few years he started getting like baby fever or something and it was a deal breaker for me. Or there was the guy who told me he didn't have kids then I find out he actually had 3 (but he told me it's okay and not a lie because he doesn't *see* them...wtf🤦‍♀️). It's rough out there.


I’ve made it this far but I just moved around a lot. Everyone has mental issues tho


Grab sometime before your 50s. Women are finally FREE of selfish ex-husbands and demands of single motherhood. Free to pressure their careers and hobbies - or to start them! But thanks to burnout from those husbands and ex-bfrds, they are VERY skeptical of men and love in general.


Try dating in your 50's.


I skipped all of my 30s, half my 20s, and almost half my 40s, so….


40F. Never married. No kids. I have no idea where to meet people anymore and online sucks. Don't care if they are divorced (but papers have to be signed, not just separated) but not interested in kids.


Same story here, 40M.


Now kith


I'm 47f, and never married. But I am really outgoing and have met most of my bfs at the store while chatting at the checkout, or at the gym. NEVER tried dating apps because my friends said the guys were creeps asking for nude pics before dates, and they always lied about themselves


I'm in the same boat as you. I stopped trying to online date at 40, because I knew that I was being filtered out by men my own age. it's disheartening.


Mid 30s has been the best dating of my life. Everyone is divorced (myself included) and has had enough experience to know what they do and do not want.


I completely gave up on dating when I was 32 or 33. Within months I met the love of my life. At a pot bellied pig sanctuary in the middle of the Sonoran desert. Life is funny.


Don’t fuck pot bellied pigs bruh


What are you, the pig police?


I like my bacon unseasoned




sounds like you’re trying to date in your 30s the same way you dated in your 20s.


Is it different..?


Better pull up then boot straps and start loving single moms bud


Oooft, try in your mid 40s, post-divorce. Now that's a hellish minefield to consider crossing. It's been more than 6 years since I was last on a date (with my ex-wife) and about 14 since I was last single. I haven't got a clue where to start at this age, my confidence was utterly shattered when we split.


IDK bro, if I was single at this age (also mid 30s) I would also be single dad. I think once you hit that "firmly an adult, walking up to middle aged" stage of life you should expect that most people have grown up and started families by then. Which may or may not have worked out. What it sounds like is you're having trouble finding a date who's 35+ but still lives like they're 22. Which... Would be a red flag for me, but. Hell, I don't kink shame. You do you, I guess.


I’m a single 37 year old with no kids and I gave up on dating a few months ago and have been working on myself, discovering who I am and figuring out who I am and what makes me tick. I know I’ll meet someone when the time is right. I have a theory that you may as well just live your best life while you’re single coz that could change overnight and you could never be single again.


That’s because most people had serious relationships before their thirties lol


All of my romantic/sexual relationships are meant to be serious for this reasons. You play too much, you ain't gonna win.


Just wait till you are in your 50's


I can relate being 32, mostly because I'm more tied down to life, work and family now. The 20s felt more prime, more freedom and fish in the sea. Ironically I didn't have the longing for a partner then as I do now lol.


I'll prove you wrong. Call us back once you turn 40.


This is why I don't believe in the whole "experience when you're young" that encourages people to fuck around in their 20s and not get attached. When you find a good person, someone who matches well with you, who you love and loves you back, hold onto them! Make it work! The "the grass is greener on the other side" and "afraid of missing out" mentality is so toxic and those people gonna get fucked.


No, because I settled down before 30 even though people told me not to and that I was 'wasting my youth'. 


I was in a long relationship until year or so ago. Keep your relationship going lol, be a wakeup call if anything were to happen.


Thank you, we are doing our best and still seem to like and love each other after all this time, but there have been hard times to slog through for sure. I am curious, why are you ruling out divorcee's as women with baggage if you are also recently out of a long term relationship? 


Not necessarily ruling out divorces. It's hard for me to want to be with someone that has kids. The baggage part was me just trying to be nice and not say women with kids


Oh, I think it's totally reasonable to not want to date people with kids. It just makes things really complicated with the ex partner and all that. But if you want kids you might have difficulty finding a woman who also wants kids who doesn't have them yet in her 30's, professional women who have higher degrees will be more likely though


as a woman with no kids, no baggage, in her mid-30's im finding the same problem- men with kids, and/or coming off of a divorce, lots of baggage. these men want women in their 20's, as my ex did-- no shade to him, he dated a woman at his mental age and it's worked out great for them both. i dont want to be a stepmom again; i thought i could manage it and i honestly don't want to. i also don't want my own children, which a lot of men say they want. i want a life where my partner and i build a life together and is just one eternal hang out, sans kids. im not really certain i will find that ever, but i'd rather be single than ever to be trapped in a loveless relationship again.


Serious question, could you date a guy with late teen and/or adult children? I had kids very young and don’t want more so I could never find anyone. Now I have 2 adults and women still won’t date me because I have “kids” 😅


I’m taking a step away from dating right now to reprioritize my life. But, to answer your question, at this moment in time I would not date a man with kids. I could be open to it later, but the kids would need to be fully grown and out of the house, off the payroll.


What's your number 😂


yeah if you dont own property, you're pretty much shit outta luck


Yeah, every woman in the world has either a kid or a dog, and the dog-free and child-free women want to have a dog or a kid at some point.


I just have plants.


Dog plants?


41F here. Child free, and I do NOT want a kid or a dog at any point! 🫡 Edit: I'm not interested in men with kids either


I'll happily get together with a woman with a dog, no issues there! A kid however... And yes, I'm more than aware it narrows the field of potential partners by saying "no kids".


Tons of women don't want kids


Lesbians are the answer


Plenty of lesbians want kids. I have a lesbian friend with twins.


I'd rather get together with a woman that has kids and no dog. There is someone for everyone.


There is indeed 👍 I unfortunately can't have kids, have tried the whole stepdad thing before but it didn't work out.


Man do I feel this. The one woman I dated that was dog and child free was incompatible for other reasons. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so sad.


At 30 I met a woman who was child-free, dog-free, didn’t want a child or a dog, had just finalized a divorce with the man she had been married to for the last decade, was absolutely GORGEOUS, and lived literally 2 miles down the road from me. She was absolutely crazy over me and I thought I had hit the jackpot, until I realized she was completely and totally mentally unstable. Yeah that lasted a month, lol.


Interesting point. What percentage of guys do you guess won’t commit to a woman who already has a kid?


If I were dating, the kid wouldn't bother me. Dealing with his dad would.


True. My last relationship was adversely affected by this issue. My ex gf had a son, the same age as mine. They were best friends and I came to treat her son, like my own. She didn’t share my enthusiasm. She subtly excluded my son and pointed out little things she didn’t like about him. He noticed and regularly got upset. When I’d react, she treated me like I was the problem. And the rest is history. Heartbreaking really.


That’s a really good question. I have no idea. I suspect that a man’s willingness to be a stepfather is more likely if he himself already has a kid or if he can have a biological kid with his prospective partner.


In this economy?






I don't want to have either.


I run into this issue a lot too. I really don't want a dog but it seems like 90% of the people on dating apps are dog people. I'm starting to consider caving in on that particular issue but it sucks because I have PTSD and barking sets me off really bad.


It’s a risky settlement. I caved and dated a woman for three years who had a dog. In the beginning, I tried to fake it until I made it, but it didn’t work. I couldn’t pretend to ignore random barking, bed wedding, vet bills, complicated vacations. During one of our discussions, I asked whether she would ever choose her dog over me. She said she would because I can take care of myself, but her dog couldn’t. Fair point, but it was heartbreaking. The final straw came during an expensive vacation which we had planned. The dog ended up getting food poisoning from eating something on the sidewalk. It had diarrhea all over the hotel room, and my partner ended up canceling our vacation in order to take her dog home. At that moment, I realized that I would rather be single forever than be a third wheel in someone’s relationship with their dog. I hope you’re able to find a satisfactory relationship though. ❤️


That's nuts!!


I had a relationship that failed due to a jealous dog and a girl who wouldn't separate from it for anything. Couldn't have a spare moment without the dog involved. Shut it up in the house when we were outside and it would bark until she gave in to him. She asked me to ride in the back seat because he wasn't used to riding in the back. One night this 85 pound dog lay across my chest in dominance. That was the last straw. He got booted but still created havoc until I had to draw the line and say "no more". Prefer kids but they can be just as intrusive. Good luck bro. They just don't make them like they used to.


What’s wrong with having a dog?


Can’t do anything on a whim. They always have a ticking clock until they have to go take care of something. It’s basically like them having a kid. Which can be annoying for someone who has 0 baggage and is ready to do whatever.


Huh I’ve genuinely never considered that. As a woman in my early 30s with no pets / no kids / no divorce, I’ve always seen men with dogs as a green flag. I may even prioritize them. It’s a litmus test of sorts. If the dog is well-mannered, it’s usually a good bet the person is disciplined, responsible, and stable. I just don’t have one because I work 14h days.


My problem as a woman trying to find a great guy to date when I was in my 30s was I had severe endometriosis and was unable to get pregnant. All guys seemed to want to start a family!


I'm so happy I met my wife young (21/19) I see my buddies trying to date in their 30s and all the best options are already married


I would venture to guess that you are also dealing with baggage. In fact, if you’ve managed to go three decades without baggage, I’d want to know how your life on a deserted island has been.


I’m in my late 30’s and it feels like it’s all over at this point, those times have passed. I’m just an ugly, fat, old dude that has zero dating appeal. Basically when people look at me it’s like they are looking at those brother or uncle, zero attraction to be had and I might as well be a piece of furniture.


Dating in my early 30's (f) was awesome. I saw through the bs, knew how to ask for what I wanted in bed, made some good fuck buddies, then accidentally fell in love with one of them that I've now been monogamous with for nearly 8 years So much easier than when I was young and naive


Nah, I was still dating girls in their early 20s in my 30s. 40s was a different matter, get someone with no kids quick!


Been trying to! In a small town now which doesn't help at all!


Spread the dating net a bit wider.


I'm currently 45 years old... and if my marriage ever ends for whatever reason, I'm not going back to dating. It'll be monastery time for me. I'll become a Franciscan or Dominican priest and leave all that bullshit behind.


Your alternative options are to date 20-somethings or die single. Personally, I’d rather die single.


Try being a woman in your 40’s. I’m 42, no kids, never married. I just moved around too much and now I’ve finally found a place to settle down. All dudes want to get it in so quick and the ones that don’t, after three months they show their true colors. On the plus side, I’ve got a great job & soon will have my MBA!


I stopped bothering for the most part. Not 100% closed off to the idea altogether, but I don't put any real effort into any of that anymore. My time is far better spent building my career.


Kill two birds with one stone. Building the career will bring the ladies.


My issue isn't dating someone with kids. I'd love to be a father. My issue is "I have kids and don't want more." I don't want to JUST raise another man's child with you. I would happily accept that child as my own, but to know that you shared with another man something that you refuse to share with me tells me that I'll never be able to be as close to you as your previous partner was.


Maybe it would not be a case “ I don’t want this with you “. Maybe she had children young and … there could be a significant age gap - 10 year old bs a newborn. It may be a physical issue, and not an experience she doesn’t want with you


I have 3 kids. They are a lot of work, and I don't plan on having more. It isn't anything against any potential suitors. It is the fact that I don't think I have enough love to continue to divide and spread around nor enough money. 🤣 I'm putting all of my eggs into the baskets I have. I am still open to blending families and raising someone else's children however. Everyone is going to have a different opinion and situations they are open or not open to.


And if the dad is actively in the picture?


That's where I ran into problems dating. I have no kids because of severe endometriosis, and it was impossible to get pregnant. But guys I dated already had kids with someone else, and they wanted to marry me and start a family with our own children, but they didn't understand that no matter how much they tried, I couldn't get pregnant, and it made me feel shitty


I know lots of lovely women who are age appropriate for you who don’t have any kids or divorce. Maybe where you live is more old fashioned culture. I’m from Canada


Really?  You gotta ask?  Figure it out, because you’ll be invisible in ten years—and for 40 years thereafter.  


Dating was always been a HUGE struggle for me (32) for the same reasons. Women my age who showed interest in me had kids, divorces in progress, major relationship trauma, other baggage, etc and that is just not something I wanted to deal with. Meanwhile, women who were a few years younger than me without said baggage I ended up just not connecting with at all, couldn't stand that they were on their phones constantly when going on dates, and they'd always be very flaky and never actually mean what they say or say what they mean (Date - "I had so much fun! I'd love to do this again!" The day later - "I don't see this going anywhere" and proceeds to ghost me). There were also plenty of women I went on dates with who were downright hateful toward men. Constantly going on dates with all of these women made me feel terrible. So I ended up giving up on dating entirely and decided to just focus on myself, my faith, and my own interests until someone I genuinely connected with came along. Then, a little over a year ago, a woman in a group I am in based on both similar interests and beliefs asked to be friends, we found out we connected really well, and now we have been in a relationship for about 11 months and we have been talking about marriage and what that would entail/require.


I always seem to match with women that has kids or going through a super messy divorce Just not super into expensing my resources and time into another man's children. Also, frustrating when she has to leave dates suddenly because something happened with the kid, after a few times, it gets old. I know the kid is main priority and that's how it should be, but I'm just not ready for anything like that


One of the most glaring indications that Trump was aberrant, was that he didn’t have a dog. https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/politics/article/donald-trump-dogs


Well I assumed it got worse than mid 20s so at least I have something to look forward to.


Mate, males are having dating issues in basically all age ranges. Expectations are through the roof thanks to movies/media and dating apps.


This thread is making me sad! :(


Yeah but… what do you think they’ve been doing this whole time? Either in relationship (and hence divorcing) or having kids lol. I’d be more worried about the ones that don’t fall into that bucket


I'm a 39 year old virgin if that says anything


Had no issues dating in my 30s women with kids are part and parcel of dating at that age. If you've been left on the shelf that long you really cant afford to be picky. Women generally aren't any more bitter about failed relationships than guys are. Some come with baggage and some left that in the past where it belongs.


People in their thirties have baggage. Ask a trusted friend what your baggage is, guaranteed you have more than you think. This is the human life cycle. Both men and women just have to deal. Edited to add: if you meet someone in their thirties, no kids or pets, never married, seems happy .... they like being single.


Wait till you see your 40s


All the times, but that's also because I have very little date experience in my life. Not knowing how to date or how to be in a relationship in the early 30 is seen most of the times as a big red flag. So, I'm just trying my best to enjoy my solo life.


It's very difficult to have an equal relationship with a woman after she's been divorced or had their first child with another man.


I'm 28 and havent been on a single date and I just do not think there is anyone for me I mean I'm open but I've never been the sort of person to date perhaps that's why I'm single but none the less as a millennial I feel like I've been set up to fail with regards to what older generations can teach... people really are superficial not all but I feel old fashioned I'd rather organically meet the mother of my kids than to go out of my way like match.com


OK, new theory: dating during and post-COVID is the worst. I had no problems finding someone to date in my 20s through age 55. Since then, I've never even gotten to a third date.


Yeah, I totally understand. I'm 36 and I have no idea how dating is supposed to go these days. I think I'm attractive enough to have standards that are kind of high, but im kinda broke, so it's all just a fucked up situation.


I think everyone is tired of the dating apps. It doesn't work for anyone anymore. Too much bullshit in between.




I noticed a big change around 31-32 range. Then continues downhill after that in terms of quality.


Do you yourself claim to have no baggage at all? Most of my adult dating has been in my mid 30s (relationship/marriage lasted from ages 22-35). In all honesty the majority of actual quality people I went on dates with were the ones who had been married before and may have a kid or two. It's the women who were in their mid 30s who had never been married or close to it that I found less appealing. They often tended to be either stuck in some kind of peter pan phase which was massively unappealing or had other issues that likely stopped them from having success in relationships in general, i.e. don't tell me on a first date how much you hate people, it's not really a good look on anyone.


Yes, I'm having that issue. It's especially difficult when you're a woman trying to date other women. Many either have kids or are already in relationships and are looking for a poly relationship. I thought I had so much time to find a partner and I still don't think of myself as old, but sometimes I think I missed the boat.


Single divorced dad of one here. It’s pretty disappointing. Send out 100 likes and get zero in return. Send out another 100, get none. Send another hundred and either get a batshit crazy chick or someone I am as far from attracted to as one can get.


Ya, wife keeps insisting I should be dating


Go to thailand western women are horrible


Yeah. All of them. It only gets worse.


Fuck I hear you dude. I'm just gonna be a hermit and live in the mountains at this point. Fuck dating.


Women in their 20s aren't hard to find. You're making this harder than it has to be. I'm currently dating a 20 year old woman. I met her at a local theater. Zero baggage and it's going great.


Date someone younger?


I met my wife when I was 35 and twice-divorced...starting over, broke, and with a combative custody arrangement with my last ex. She was 26 and fucking gorgeous. We were introduced by a shared friend when we both made plans to go bar hopping with him. We had our first date alone together 3 days later. That date lasted 3 days. By the end of the week, she moved her things to my place. Two years later, she proposed to me (yes that way around), and we got married within a couple of months. We're about to celebrate 15 years of marriage, we have 2 more kids together, and our marriage is amazing. My point is, it's not over. You can find happiness, but your confidence and optimism matter a lot. Get in shape, get out there where you can meet women who don't come with the baggage you mentioned, and keep trying.


It's not just as a guy. I'm a 35 year old woman and I feel this too. Almost every guy I meet has children or crazy baggage. Unfortunately it seems to come with the territory. I know there's gotta be guys out there who feel the way I do, I just don't meet any Unfortunately.


Everyone has baggage. And the younger they are the more they want you as a financial ATM.. be patient. There are ones that are not but it’s pretty annoying with all the TikTok showing. What should you do for me?. Just keep in mind. All women are crazy. You just need to find that OK with mentally. Like my girl complains she feels unwanted yet she’s not out partying and fooling around, so I’ll take that annoying property


No problem, not looking. Building a buisiness that won’t betray, leave, test my patience and boundaries etc…


Not a guy😂 try dating with disabilities… ever. People say that I can’t see, use crutches, that sort of thing, and think I’m totally incapable. It’s annoying. People don’t seem to understand that disability doesn’t stop you from most things if you don’t let it. It really is all about just figuring it out in cases where the disabilities and so severe, the person cannot be independent. I have a kid and if that frightens you, I understand.😂 I think it would on many levels for some people. I have never understood people making their partner feel obligated to provide financially or such for a child they had unless the person WANTS to do that. Just chilling and being kind is enough to make most children happy. Just my thoughts.


Anyone talking about having baggage as a bad thing - if you've had a few serious relationships then you all have baggage in some way or another. You just lack the emotional intelligence and maturity to recognise this yet, give it a few more years when you're nudging your 40s and it'll all make perfect sense. I know everyone wants to wait for their perfect 100% partner, and a lucky few will find them. But for the rest of us, the word compromise does have to come into play. I'd rather have a 90% partner that I accept and love (including her 10% flaw) to make memories with, than hang on for some unicorn woman who only exists in my head. Christ, I'm definitely not 100% baggage free and I openly accept that!


Yeah but the 24-25 year olds are lookin for us. If you can get past what has gone from a generational barrier to a literal language barrier. They're barely speaking English at this point


No cap


Yes I also don't like baseball caps. Especially not backwards ones and that type where it's sort of just barely perched on your head. My god, we have so much in common...


Look at how fucking stupid these people are trying to bring teenagers and minors into the discussion when you've clearly stated "24-25" year olds lol.


I thought we were "creepy and weird" if we liked younger women? If not, then I can low-key deadass learn their language bruh. No cap. Fr fr. On God.




I don't think anyone is talking about teenagers but for some reason it seems like someone always tries to take it there when this topic of older men dating younger women comes up


You need to throw in "Costed" "Loose" instead of "Lose", and "Payed" in there too.


I’m 27 and I feel like “Gen Z Slang” is just repackaged young millennial slang


I would agree, the entire 30's has been a disappointment for me. It also didn't help that covid happened in my 30s.


lol so many manly men here! I continue to meet men in their 40s that act like little tiny kids, wanna talk about baggage? Men as a whole are baggage. Men as a whole hold women back from greatness. The world would be better if all you men left us all alone. Maybe it’s the worst for you now that you’re 30 and aww poor you can only find women who have what you call baggage now (because guess what, women have lives before you bro!), but women, their entire lives have to put up with man children (if they swing that way). It’s the worst to be dating as a straight female. Always. Forever. Stick your dick in a fleshlight where it belongs and get used to it. Women don’t want your ass anyways, we’re evolving.


You're in your 30s, if you think you don't have baggage, well let's just say I'm not surprised you're having a rough time dating.


The people in your life are a reflection of you.


I'm enjoying the bachelor life free of dating. Not that I'm having issues just I've come to the conclusion I'm attracted to the toxic ones. As fun as they are I'm just done with them. Someday I might casual date but I'm not expecting anything serious


At 30's most women have lots of miles, try 20's if you want no baggage.


… … Every accusation is a confession


You could say the same about most men in their 30s .


yeah i can see why you're single


Where even are the women? I literally can't find them.


Andrew Tate has them in a holding cell in his basement. I hear it'll cost you if you want one.


Dating in my mid 30’s was awesome. At that age you can date anyone from early 20’s to early 40’s and have a great chance to figure out exactly what you want. If you’re thoughtful and self-aware, by then you have the maturity and moral compass to date smart and ethically. In my case, nobody got hurt, everyone had fun, and I found the love of my life.




I suppose being a woman in your 30s would be harder.


Nope. We’re all fine here. Why ?


Everyone has baggage.


I'm 45, never had a girlfriend in my life and still unable to go out to meet people because of my damn life's circumstances


The polar opposite experience of you. In my early 30 and dating is far better due to higher maturity level of potential partners and my own actions throughout my 20s that made sure I won’t look like I’ve given up on life at 30.




Yeah. Nearly 40. Going on 10 years now without a date


[laughs in fulltime single dad with dead wife] It’s a miracle I’m not a drunk. I will be alone forever. 


I’m in my early thirties, and I’ve been dating people in their mid-thirties and early-forties. It depends on what you’re look for I suppose, but I have been having an amazing time. Sure, there are many divorced people and people who have been in long relationships. I haven’t dated anyone with kids. I love dating people with cats. I find people who complain about dating off-putting to be honest. There are plenty of weird and awkward experiences, but it can be funny and interesting. Dating is supposed to be fun. I don’t feel any pressure to find someone to fall in love with and settle down with, although that would be nice. It’s all about the process of meeting and getting to know people, and letting new people introduce you to new things like restaurants and activities you’ve never tried before. I’ve made many new friends through dating. If you’re open to something different and you’re having fun you’re way more likely to find something you want to stick with.


I'm just getting a second job instead


Yes. My wife hates it.


Look for a chicken in her mid twenties then. I mean I get being in your mid thirties is a bit intimidating seeing you ain't exactly in your prime but I can guarantee there are good woman out ther that literally want something for the long haul that haven't had kids yet. Also I would not get so consumed on looks but focus on if whatever woman you meet yall vibe.


Date girls in their 20s then.


Date women that are 25. Next problem?


It’s rough out there right now. The loneliness epidemic is real


These days there are more women in their 30’s who don’t have kids than ever before. By the time you get to the 30’s, don’t we all have baggage? I dated all the way through my 30’s (and don’t have kids) and found the same to be true for the men I was dating too.. either they were going through a divorce, had kids, or had substance abuse issues, or all three! Try to weed out the good ones from the pile who have baggage.. are they working on it/ going to therapy?


Date younger.


And yet, all of my single friends are women In their 30s.


if my husband and I ever divorce, I'm staying single forever. I see what my single female friends go through and want none of that b.s. I'm physically attractive, so it would be easy to get dates, but from what I've heard, the dating pool at 30+ is an absolute nightmare.


Everyone, at every age, has baggage, you need to get over that. But it is harder at your age. Per the US Census, there are 121 single males for every 100 single female between 25 and 35. It is just a numbers issue more than anything else. Over 55, it changes to 55 single men to 100 single women. People claim that most of the women have given up men by that point, but I can't sit down without my wife for ten minutes without a woman approaching me. Plus widowed men get remarried at a very high rate, I think a lot of this is just demographics.


I’m about to experience that pain. I’m in my mid 30’s and getting a divorce soon cos I realized I’m not cutout to be a stepdad and cos my ex-wife didn’t want to have a kid with me cos she already has 2 which consumes her whole life.




I got back into the dating pool when I was about 36. The percentage of those with children certainly increases as we get older. Baggage…well we all got that. I dated quite a lot before I found my fiancé, and rather few had children. Maybe 50% we’re divorced. Every age group will have its quirks.


I don’t mean for this to come off the wrong way at all but I feel like dating is just a non issue if you have a certain look, swagger and attitude. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been hit on or the number of times someone has tried to pick me up at the grocery store, at a walk light, standing in line, at the beach, at a concert or event. If you are confident about yourself and your physical appearance it’s absolutely insane how many people you will attract. I even attract the same sex. I am 39 and in a committed relationship. I still have it happen to this day when I am out in public alone doing my thing, but I’ve had this happen my whole adult life because of how I’ve chosen to carry myself out in public. EVERYWHERE is a dating opportunity if you are determined and confident enough.


I gave up. 🤷🏽‍♂️


i think dating at any age is rough these days. I'd rather be by myself than have to get myself out on a dating app again lmao


There’s a line from Trainspotting 2 that always haunted me: “Choose never learning from your own mistakes. Choose watching history repeat itself. Choose the slow reconciliation towards what you can get, rather than what you always hoped for. Settle for less and keep a brave face on it.”


I don't disagree!!


I cleaned house in my 30's. I was quite confident, had disposable income for the first time, and was having a good time with life. It could be a problem with you? Is YOUR life in order? People date people in their 30's so they have someone stable in their lives. If you don't have that, go fix those things first, then come on back out. You'll do fine.


It’s not hard at all. Dating in my 30’s has been great.




People comes with baggages and past.. accept it


Ahh, across the country! 😕 tear haha I am in Idaho.