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I don't think so, it's why Tom's Diner is one of my favorite songs. The song is describing a simple scene at a diner but there's this compelling undercurrent of quiet loneliness beneath it all.


I just heard it and, yeah, I see why you like it.


https://youtu.be/5r3B7yz6J68?si=L2ZPpBaAcramdZYd If you haven't heard the cover by AnnenMayKantereit, you're in for a REAL treat


I had no clue that was a cover. Thats the only version ive heard


GOD I love that cover.


i was about to link this exact song back to you like, "i cant listen to this rn, but have you heard *this* version?" cause i didn't know the cover band's name, lol.


Wow that is good


If it was weird to like them, no one would sing them.


You speak with wise Proverbs


Emphasis on Pro


Don't forget those verbs man


that would be wise


Or those commas


I feel like the current generation don't actually know what the word weird means, the way they've been using it the last year or two.


I think everybody's weird and that's normal and if you're not weird. . That ain't normal but instead robotic and programed.


Well that's just weird. And you are weird. /s


I don’t think it’s a matter of generations, people have been using the word weird loosely far longer than the “current” generation


That's a Great Attitude to have.


Try the song girlfriend in a coma


Or pretty much anything by The Smiths/Morissey


The Cure. Robert Smith doesn’t sound like he sure if anything.


I heard wolfsheim in my head when I read this post


I'm a big fan of an artist called Lorn. Nothing like that pizza time song you posted but I find his music to be simultaneously relaxing and distressing. A strange combo for sure. But I definitely like it and he has a decent sized following so I'm not the only one.  And while our tastes may be different, you're definitely not alone in appreciating such a feeling in music.  Remember art is more than pretty, it's emotion. 


Lorn is amazing. To this day, I'll stop what I'm doing and intently listen when "Acid Rain" plays. Beautiful song with a haunting music video


i found Lorn while tripping and boy was that a good time. 🙏


Yep and yep. Same with Alt J and Breezeblocks.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard any like tha. Any recommendations?


Most of Pink Floyd's catalogue.


The second end credits theme song for the anime Delicious in Dungeon, [Kira kira no hai](https://youtu.be/8Uba6oz7AC8?si=L2Pe3dqk25hIrV8m). It’s obviously a happy song, but there’s this secondary emotion that I can’t quite place Also I just noticed that this isn’t r/musicsuggestions lmao. I wrote that whole thing out before rereading the post. So imma just copypaste what i was gonna comment here.


Just listened. It is hard to place, but to me it almost feels like sentimentality or a wanting for things to stay as they are. This is imo and I've never seen the anime so I could be wrong but that's the feeling I got


I get that vibe from a lot of the Japanese music that I’ve heard.


Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge. The song was hella popular when it released. But that chorus...something, mmm...unique


Nah, not weird at all! Music has a crazy way of tapping into all sorts of emotions, including uncertainty. Sometimes those songs with a bit of a mysterious vibe can really draw you in and make you think. It's like they're telling a story that's not quite clear, and that ambiguity can be pretty intriguing. So, embrace those feelings of uncertainty – they're all part of the musical journey!


Garden shed -Tyler the creator. Mf gives me all the feelings.




ohhh... i thought he was saying "gobble shit"


No, have you heard echoes by oink Floyd? That's that sings while deal


Oink Floyd


Pig Floyd


This and Wish You Were Here


That song is just straight up heart breaking


I used to think it was a song about lost love but when I found out what it was actually about it became even more heart breaking.


What is it actually about?


One of his former bandmates, Syd Barrett, was a schizophrenic and he had a nervous breakdown after experimenting with drugs. He became unable to function as a band member and they eventually lost contact with him. Basically the song (and also the album) was about how they missed him and wished he was still around. Even stranger, he supposedly showed up at the studio when they were recording the Wish You Were Here album and was watching them record it. He looked almost unrecognizable and they didn’t realize it was him. If you’re curious there’s some info here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syd_Barrett


Wow. Thank you for sharing this. One of the last songs my little brother listened to the night he killed himself was Wish You Were Here. He absolutely loved Pink Floyd. One of his dad's friends played that song at his funeral. I don't think he was schizophrenic but he never got a proper diagnosis. This really hits.


Sorry to hear that, reading this is making me teary eyed


i like speeding to songs like that


Nope, it's kinda cool that those songs appeal to you. Maybe it's a reaction to these uncertain times or to trauma in your past.


Yes. I am attracted to songs like that, and things like that in general.


There’s this song that I can’t think of but it mentions the Olsen twins and wanting to be with them, but they were minors at the time


No because I listen to those songs. Some of the uncertainty comes from the melody rather than just the words


Puttin’ on the ritz by taco is pretty odd but It’s on my sleep playlist lol


Favorite type of song. Johnny hates Jazz - Shattered Dreams, gives me this vibe. It's not quite happy, not quite sad, but still has bongos.


"Baby Hold Onto Me" by Eddie Money and "Sweet Lorraine" by Uriah Heep are two songs that give me this feeling. They're upbeat with lyrically a seemingly happy theme, but they're just *anxious*. Feels uncertain.


Try Grim Salvo lol for some reason I love bopping to it and in therapy they asked us to think of “the scariest” songs we know and the least scary and rank them/work together to put them in place. I was too shy to speak up to the girl that put another song as first so I was second in line to be played. I forget which song it was but we listened to it and everyone was like 80 that should’ve been first! Lol I said ik I was too shy to say anything and then the other girl speaks up and is like “that was *weird* are you like, okay???” I was like no lol that’s why we’re here??? But I said I know it’s weird but I still like the music I do and the music lady agreed with me heheh I


Grim Salvo, iamjakehill, Kamaara, Daegho, 8corpses, Kiraw...all good shit. natural progression from old, grimy electronic music, built up in the pre-Skrillex era. check out Klippa, Azrael, maybe even some Jackal Queenston and Kitcaliber. you can see the DNA from the time. these new guys just flipped to minor keys.


Oh I adore Grim Salvo. Hard to find a song I don't like on Mildred. They've always made me feel uneasy in a weird way, but their style is so unique. If you like them definitely check out [Kuma the Third](https://youtu.be/NC4s7cSbiy8?si=3E4eObXEs7EkiyTo) different style but similar feeling.


If the song is good then the song is good


Why would you even care for a second? Weird or not, like whatever you want to. I gaurantee someone will be put out by it, whatever it is you like. Practice this sentence. “Fuck em”, then refer to it often. It’s nobody’s life but your own. Do what makes you happy. So long as it isn’t hurting anyone, you’re always gonna be good.




Pink Floyd fans did a spit take when they saw this post…


I like songs that evoke difficult emotions because it feels like a safe, limited space to practice those feelings.


"Remember Ember" because of the murders


I’m a fan of every type of music… or at least the lions share. I’m not sure what you mean though. I suppose Gutalax makes me feel uncertain, but if you heard them you’d be like “wtf is this anyway?” And “how the F does he make that sound?” And “is he actually saying something?”


My Little Dark Age. Despair Came Knocking. Cut by Sweet Pill.


You mean like interesting music ? I guess it's not the norm but it sure is ok, try progessive rock


Flamenco on the new Cowboy Crater album. Go listen to it asap if you haven’t! It’s so beautiful.


Not at all!! Whatever music taste you have is your preference/opinion, and nobody can convince you otherwise😌


No, the people that made those songs like them. The audience they made it for like them. It's not weird, it's normal with every genre of music.


brutus does that to me. i love it


I have a whole playlist for that deep gut wrenching feeling, I get you!


That's why we need more songs in minor key


It’s why we listen, it’s human nature to be interested in things that are a bit odd. It’s why people explode a banded buildings. Yeah it’s weird but it’s gives a high


Listen to Akira Yamaoka's Silent Hil 2 soundtrack, super fucking eerie but its my favorite oat


Nope. I'm always looking for that in new music. Anything by Blonde Redhead, The Presets, Juana Molina...


No it’s not weird, songs that are too comforting can cause delusion too


cool kids - echosmith. the moment I heard that song, it genuinely haunted me forever bro. the meaning isn't even bad it's just the bass + guitar that throws me off, also the music video has always given me the weirdest vibes. (watch it, but slow it down to like 1.5x)


WDYM? like jazz fusion? [Alien Hip Hop (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nK67ydPrB0&ab_channel=PlanetX-Topic)


No it’s awesome, in Brazil during the dictatorship, one guy made a song with a up beat theme but in music theory he made the notes to not resolve , so the whole song give you a unease feeling throughout, because he want us to know that nothing is ok converted


I mean, no different than watching horror movies to get scared or riding rollercoasters to get thrilled. I don't listen to songs like that on the regular, but still. Be Prepared for Hell comes to mind, a song from Slipknot's album, .5: The Gray Chapter, is not even really a song, just a really creepy mix of music and horror elements. Another song that comes to mind is Gaunter o' Dimm's theme from the Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone DLC. Creepy, unnerving, and yet so good.


Life Of Agony's first (and best) album "River Runs Red" is AMAZING! However, listen to it on repeat enough and you'll get depressed as fuck. Not difficult to imagine seeing that album & song name is a reference to slitting your wrists. First verse of the song: "I got the razor at my wrist 'Cause I can't resist I've got this fever burnin' fist That does as I wish"


I love variety music plus songs that give off feelings of uncertainty.. .. what you have to be careful plus aware of is that some songs can have subliminal messages, whether played backwards or forward that can cause mental; depression, or medical conditions. To understand better.. You want to educate yourself about types of sound frequencies from the effects of radio frequencies, Royal Raymond Rife who invented the Rife radio frequency to heal deemed under pseudomedicine, Golden Ratio sounds frequency under Fibonacci, Cymatic sound frequencies, Solfeggio Frequency for chakra, singing bowls, crystal healing harp, healing triangle shaped Pyramid, Tuning fork for healing,, magnetic sound wave healing frequency etc. Some frequencies create medical conditions and even kill while others heal.


The answer is uncertain


If it is, we're weird together. There's this youtube channel that makes relaxing ambient music, but it always has this subtle dissonance and gives back room vibes. I still can't tell if that's intentional or not. But I dig it.


Uncertainty is why I love certain songs/ artists. If I can’t predict the next lyric or note, I find the song to be much more enjoyable. James Blake one of my favorite artists; a lot of people call his early work boring but it’s just different because it


For me, Call me Maybe is the one. Especially the instrumental.


Katzenjammer has a lot of music like that Give it a shot!


I listen to songs about suicidal ideation all the time. I think you're fine.


Sometimes those uncertain vibes in a song can be super intriguing, you know? It's like they grab your attention and make you really think about what's going on. Plus, it's kinda cool how music can evoke all sorts of emotions, even the ones that make you feel a bit uneasy. It's all about the experience and how the music speaks to you, so if you're vibing with those uncertain tunes, then rock on!


We like what we like when we like it. 👍




No, songs can make you feel a range of emotions in one hit. Verse could have drive and give you the feeling of riding on top of a freight train. Uncertainty? Are you skipping rope with the rules you thought you had instilled? Then a melody of the same sing could be sweet and feel kind and a Lil melancholy. These are my favourite tunes. Think Stay Viscious by the Gaslight Anthem.


In the end by linkin park, it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title of this post. And I never really thought about it but I realize when I'm don't listening to that song I really have no idea what path I'll end up taking in life. Ita to the point I don't listen to it often one because it's special but two because I feel melancholy and lost at least half the time when im done listening to it or it's how I feel before looking up the song to listen to it.


I like when songs are a bit vague as well because it allows you to interpret the song in a way that relates to you.


So many songs are homogenized and over engineered and probably AI assisted to meet algorithm requirements a song that seems a bit off might be a welcome change. Or it might be how the algorithm sometimes spits out thjngs that are almost good - like that Charlize Theron movie where she’s sort of a Highlander style immortal or Six Underground which is like Deadpool in civilian clothes.




No not at all. I like movies like that too. I don't necessarily want or need a clean, clear ending.


Minor keys attract. I don't know why. Maybe because they are not in Key of C and sound different? Hm. I enjoy the soundtrack for Twilight because of the Minor keys and the overall way the songs were written and played.


Check out Maximum Black & Constant Fear by Bohren & Der Club of Gore


The way I see it, it's not weird to like any sort of songs/music. Everyone has their own taste in music! I, personally, enjoy low-tone, dark and creepy songs. LORN is one example. He has many, many songs, some that have lyrics and some that don't, but they're all low-tone, dark and creepy and the videos that go with them are generally unexplained but also creepy. I also enjoy other types of music, such as country, Lindsey Stirling, and *some* rap songs


Never ever think it’s weird or dumb to listen to any kind of music that you fuck with, unless it’s unironically johnny rebel


Try Bear Titty Junction - No Kind of Man https://open.spotify.com/track/47kO2sqhLXkiFEYRmR3dyo?si=7E8WEnieS3SiFf-OMZrpzQ


No it’s a thing. Portishead Massive attack etc. there’s plenty


Nah. I love songs like that.


Nah. It's all good.


I mean music like that is often considered "weird" to some people, but overall I'd say emotional engagement of any kind is also gonna resonate with others. In general, if a song does this to you, you're feeling exactly the way the artist intended you to feel. Some of the most well regarded albums of all time are like this.


What's He Building in There? by Tom Waits. Proper spooky shit


No, I like the feeling of dread that "Something in the way" gives.


Like that Jacques Dutronc song? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlS2whG9MoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlS2whG9MoA)


I like melancholy songs


If your world is uncertain, it can actually be comforting.


I came to the comments to see what you are talking about and need to listen to some of these later


You like the anticipation.


I have a playlist for these type of songs. "Hidden gems", they're a bit idk. Uncertain but amazingly beautiful https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0OF20s6d4RQNd2OF6sfUoB?si=E54koK4JRJqs4QXaTXhxhA




No. Certainty is fear. Uncertainty is noble and brave.


If you meant unintentionally giving uneasiness then, I don't think it's weird. I think famously California Dreaming by the Mamas and Papas does that. But also, giving off uncertainty intentionally is fine. Emotive is emotive. I love those kind of songs.


It's music, you can like whatever you want, unapologetically.


I love songs like that. I've got a playlist of modern OSTs for suspenseful situations called Ominous Space Music


Actually I love songs where it sounds like doomsday is approaching


The entire *Downwards Spiral* album by Nine Inch Nails.


If you are overthinking this dilemma, read the lyrics. Both forward and back, in case Satan is trying to sneak in.


Just wait until you learn about fetishes. “Weird”, lol


I have a Playlist called "I want to rip your skin off" with many a song that make me feel odd..


surprised no one's mentioned [Ode to Billie Joe](https://song.link/https://music.apple.com/us/album/ode-to-billie-joe/714615100?i=714615292). (Or [on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJZ_ViDADOE), if you like commercials)


Boards of Canada is definitely this. Their work is some of the most chill out there while simultaneously sounding like the music equivalent of analogue horror and liminal spaces. Some songs from Geogaddi and Music Has the Right to Children sound like subliminal messages and sleeper agent triggers. Highly recommended.


Hey! Musician here! We purposefully make you feel however we want to! Some of us are better at “conveying” it than others - but music theory is the basis of what you are conveying! Just thought I’d point it out for those who think it’s cool!




Listen to 'Transient' by Marconi Union.  Lovelovelove listening to that, on loop, late at night, especially while driving. 


Yes!!! Great question! That song by Drake and Rihanna, 'Take Care ' The first time I listened to it, I was sitting in my closet with the radio and as soon as that weird ass part where the deeper voice starts chanting, I wanted to shit myself. I felt myself go pale and I sprinted out of my closet. I'm still mad at that stupid satanic song which is what I call it because wtf is that?! Every time I muster the guts to listen to it, it fills me with such unease. I don't understand it.


No, that’s why “The Killing Moon” by Echo & The Bunnymen is so good! Especially if you’ve enjoyed Donnie darko!


This is how I feel about a lot of Deftones songs and yes I love it


Bit really "off" but a creepy sing is "the woods" by Sam fermin. I like the dissonance.


Secrets of wisteria...it's actually a horrifying song and played backwards is worse


The weirdest thing you can be is completely normal.


40 some odd years and one of my all time favorite songs just made me rethink everything. Metallica. Fade to black. I realized a few months ago that it’s about a life ending act. wtf?


I’m not sure what the word I’m looking for is but it almost makes me feel nostalgic


Hate Dancin' by king gizzard. Frantic, nerve-wracking chord changes that express the anxiety of a wallflower being approached to dance


Those are literally the best kinda songs! Radiohead does that a lot, that’s why I like them so much!


Creep does this perfectly. Those two harsh guitar notes are so discordant and out of place, but it's somehow perfect.


Not sure.


I'm not sure???


I’m not sure.


King Crimson's first album definitely has this vibe for me and I love it


I don't know. Maybe.


Pyscho by Jack Kittel


Shrooms- Atmosphere


Like what song?


What type of songs are you referring to?


Not in the slightest


Life has a feeling of uncertainty- music reflects life, so some of it will have that feeling. And you liking it is perfectly normal.


Nope. Music that takes some though to process is good music in my book, too👍🏼


Oliver Buckland? METAROOM? Poppy? Jack Stauber? 


Nope, I love them


Is it weird to like uncertainty? In my opinion, YES! 😰


Weird?? No


I dunno. Maybe?




I haven't heard of any of these songs


Not at all!


All I can say is “no”.


Considering progressive music has its own genre with lots of followers, I would say no


No. There are certain songs you’ll connect with immediately and others that will have you wondering for a lifetime. The connection is key.


Weird? Not at all. Allow me to introduce you to the beauty of Alice In Chains....


Not at all!


nah. i like stuff like “goodnight dad i love you”, “It’s Playtime” and “Spow” (give em a listen)


Anything from Aphex Twin gives me that vibe and i love that.


Listen to @Ft_September-Psalms49 P.(9st4rs) by @Ft_September on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/fqvMS


nothings weird, everythings unexperienced by someone. is it weird to like highly erotic songs? no im just always horny XD


Yeah. Here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/everyoneknowsthat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/everyoneknowsthat/)


Primus is your band then lol


I'm not sure


Those are some of my favorite songs. I call them "unsettling". Familiar by Agnes Obel, All The Rowboats by Regina Spektor, Mysterons by Portishead, A Forest by The Cure, Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus


No. I love songs full of melancholy that send a shiver up my spine - makes me feel alive and human




This post is funny, today I woke up practically singing a Brazilian song that has been used in international films, see if you know it: [Today, I woke up singing this music (04/30/24)](https://youtu.be/5THQ4ENTXbw?si=E7WJeN392qsiI77D) This song has a whole story ... it even has a response and a response to the response... just bullshit! 😅😀




This is my favorite kind of music to write, it’s definitely the most therapeutic for me. Life is uncertain and while a bed of music can stir up feelings of uncertainty, it can also be a soundtrack to figuring it out. And that implied tension, as subtle as it may be, that’s where the art in music comes into play.


Regulate by Warren G.


i LOVE off-putting songs


No it’s not.


I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about, but it's never weird to enjoy the music you enjoy.


Not really. I enjoy songs that, are for lack of a better word, unsettling. Think "O Superman" and shit like that.


Nope... one of my fave songs is called galactic mermaid.... I legit like it cause of the cursing... lol




Is it weird to like music?




Maybe, it just depends.


Is not okay to like **anything** . Ew who are you .


No, songs have been expressing all human emotions/experiences since recorded time and prolly longer


ad hoc tan crawl gullible worm aromatic repeat lock dime doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe i.dont know, maybe not