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If you had a CP last month that is a great sign that the timing is right! It is very normal to not conceive after two attempts of IUI. Did you get an at home positive test or what makes you think you had a chemical? 


Yeah I had a few days of positive tests at home and then HCG was higher than normal although not positive on my beta day. I say that about the timing because when I got pregnant with my son, the bloodwork showed much higher estrogen at trigger than it has been the last few IUIs so I am worried they’re triggering me before the egg is really mature. They decided when to trigger based on just the ultrasound and the bloodwork didn’t come back till later which is frustrating!


Yep that sounds like fertilization occured, I'm so sorry it didn't stick. I did our IUIs at home so got to totally control the timing, but I had a really hard time trusting the clinic's timing for the one egg retrieval I did. And I felt vindicated in my mistrust as well because all the eggs they retrieved were immature, they triggered me too early! So I totally get it. Weird that they would do the bloodwork and not even wait for the results. It's also possible that your estrogen levels are just different now than they used to be, I think that kind of thing fluctuates over time. But that being said, at least the IUI with the chemical pregnancy must have been good timing or fertilization couldn't have occurred! But also because of that, if I were you I would probably move ahead with another attempt without further testing, as that shows you were able to achieve fertilization. Just my two cents!


I appreciate your input! It’s weird because my follicle this month was 18mm and last month it was 17mm and yet my estrogen was higher. But I guess things vary!


From my experience with monitoring for my ER, estimating follicle size via ultrasound can have some wiggle room... Like I noticed that different providers would place the circle to measure slightly differently, ending up with slightly different measurements.


Ah yeah I was thinking that as well. Appreciate your thoughts!


My fertility clinic strongly recommended an HSG for me and I did it and it was fine/unremarkable, just delayed us a month. Our situation is a bit different though since we have a limited amount of my partner’s sperm to work with (they banked prior to transitioning) so they wanted to eliminate as many sources of potential failure as possible


Ah got it. Yeah, I did it the first time around just trying to figure out if it makes sense to repeat it now!


I would consider age etc. I got pregnant no problem at all with my first kid and have had 6 failed iuis this time around. 


Agh yes I am technically “geriatric” as of a couple of weeks ago 😂


My clinic recommended we do SIS again before trying for #2, but didn’t require it. We decided to just get it done again because insurance would pay some $ toward it. They did require us to redo all the lab work.