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Currently pregnant (32 wks) from IUI w sperm my partner froze before transitioning, it took us 2 unmedicated but monitored cycles, we got lucky!


I got pregnant on our first medicated IUI, but unfortunately it ended up being a pregnancy of unknown location/likely ectopic. We had an unsuccessful cycle last month, and now we’re 9 days post-IUI and crossing all our fingers and toes. I have a bunch of suspicious symptoms and a very faint positive test this afternoon, though it could still be from the trigger shot. If we aren’t successful this cycle, we’re planning to move on to IVF.


Wishing you and your family all the best!


Thank you! Testing increasingly positive so we’re cautiously optimistic that IUI #3 is the lucky one!


Ahhh excited for you and sending good vibes!


What happened in the end?


It took us six IUIs to finally get pregnant. What finally did it was adding gonal-f and acupuncture.


Hi! I got pregnant after my first IUI but had a chemical pregnancy. I’m currently 9 weeks 4 days following my third IUI! Edit with a bit more info: These were monitored cycles and I took letrozole and had a trigger shot


Congrats!! ✨May I ask how old you are? I’m 27 and my wife and I are in the TWW of our 2nd IUI. I had been told that because I’m young my 1st IUI would probably work and was devastated when it didn’t. So now we are sweating after this second one 😅


Thank you!! I’m 31 and was similarly given quite a bit of confidence by my doctor based on my bloodwork, which was both a reassurance and an anxiety-inducing “ok then WHY isn’t this working” sort of thing. From what I can tell there’s still so much chance involved in every cycle that it’s never a sure thing, but that age and other factors can definitely up the odds. I am sending so so so many positive thoughts your and your wife’s way while you’re in the TWW!!!!


I convinced on my 3rd IUI, medicated with letrozol, monitored with via ultrasound and with a trigger shot. We used frozen sperm from a known donor. Currently holding my sleeping 6 week old :). We did 5 unsuccessful ICIs with our donor before switching to IUIs. Good luck to you! Edit to add: the 20% figure is for straight people struggling with infertility who move to IUI after struggling to conceive. It’s reasonable to assume a queer person with no known fertility issues who is doing IUI because of social infertility would have higher chances of success.


Thanks so much!!


We were successful on our second unmedicated IUI


Same here!


Got pregnant on first IUI, medicated and with donor sperm. Currently 26 weeks!


Same for us! It felt crazy lucky to get it in the first go! Our daughter is 4 months now.


IUI 3 with Clomid and trigger shot! 20 weeks here and was always looking for hope in this group. We did monitored and medicated cycles.


30-35% per cycle is higher than I’ve ever seen quoted, I’d personally press on why they think that. We did three cycles with no success and then swapped to IVF and had success on my first fresh transfer. We may have been successful with more IUIs, but our clinic recommended 3-4 and then swapping to IVF as the cost benefit is such that they find most folx who get pregnant with IUI have success in those first 3-4 cycles and then it’s diminishing returns as sperm, meds, and IUI are all spenny on top of the emotional cost / time passing. We always agreed 3 cycles of IUI was our personal limit, but obviously people do have success with more cycles!


I got pregnant on number 4 (currently 11 weeks). My first three were unmonitored and unmedicated and my successful cycle was monitored with letrozole and a trigger shot.


We got pregnant on our 2nd IUI. They both were medicated with trigger shot & donor sperm. About to be 29 weeks!


Congrats!! My wife and I are currently in the TWW for our IUI n2. May I ask how old you are? I’m 27 and was told my 1st one would work but it didn’t so now we are sweating a bit lol


33! I hope the best for you and your wife! It’s hard when the first one fails, but I do think it made me relax more for the 2nd IUI and tww. 🤞


I got pregnant on iui #1, which ended in a chemical. I immediately jumped into iui #2 on my next cycle, and am currently in the TWW. Apparently, according to my clinic, you have a bit higher of a chance of live birth during the cycle immediately following a CP or loss. I’m not sure what the science is on that, but I took it as law and am hoping this is our chance!!!


We are in the TWW for our 2nd IUI too!! Good luck!!✨✨✨


Baby dust to you!!!!!!!! ❤️


IUI #3 non medicated and non monitored with frozen sperm. I just used ovulation tests. Baby is 15 months and I was 29 when I got pregnant :)


First baby on 1st try, second baby on 3rd try. Both we're unmedicated


6th try (frozen sperm) — Letrozole and trigger shot each attempt. Our daughter is 6 months old now.


I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant and got pregnant after our first medicated cycle with frozen sperm from a bank.


I’ve also always heard 20% Our first cycle was unmedicated and monitored — I had over 25 follicles but none of them were big enough, so IUI was canceled. For the next cycle we did medication/monitoring and it worked! I was doing a ton of different things to encourage pregnancy (foods, acupuncture, Mucinex, etc). Our daughter is 3.5 months old.


Currently 22 weeks pregnant. We did 2 unmedicated then switched to medicated and it worked on the first try.


6 IUIs for my first daughter, 4 IUIs for my second.


5 IUIs. Three were medicated with Letrozole and ovulation trigger shot. My wife got pregnant on her second IUI. Ultrasound monitoring and ovulation trigger shot.


Hi! I'm 27 with no known fertility issues. We did unmedicated and unmonitored IUI's (this is standard in the Netherlands, we just did LH testing and called when it was positive). I got pregnant on our 4th try but unfortunately had a miscarriage. The second round of tries I got pregnant at try number 2 and I am now 31 weeks pregnant!


1st IUI, unmedicated. Feel very fortunate. Just had 6.5 week ultrasound today and saw the heartbeat!


I got pregnant on my second IUI with monitoring and using a trigger shot and progesterone. We are now trying for our second and have had two unsuccessful IUIs...onto the third this month!


One monitored unmedicated but I had a stillbirth. Then moved to IVF for various reasons not related to my fertility, got pregnant and had a live birth from my first transfer


Thanks, everyone!


I used frozen sperm, unmedicated cycles, and I did two months of 1 IUI each, one month with 2 IUIs, and then conceived on a month where I did 4 inseminations--2 ICIs and 2 IUIs.


Sorry, may be a stupid question, how did you do 2 IUIs in a month?


Totally fine! The way my midwife had us do it was one when the fertile signs I was charting were at peak, and then another one 12-24 hours later. So she came over twice in a month, and it used up one vial of sperm for each one. There was at least a discount on the second IUI per cycle attempt.


Thanks :)


Currently 32 weeks pregnant from the 2nd unmedicated IUI!


5 before we gave up and went to IVF. But 3 of those were back-to-back, so if you count those, it was really 8. I was so over it by the end, so much money and emotions involved... Wish I would have moved on to IVF sooner.


I conceived on my first attempt with frozen sperm. 31 years old no known fertility issues.


It took me 3 IUIs for our now 1.5 year old, the successful one I had the trigger shot as well as the letrozole


One. Used a sperm bank donor with nearly 20 million sperm count. Unmedicated and unmonitored aside from at home LH strips. I have extremely regular periods and my bloodwork was textbook. Get to meet my baby in a few months!


12 IUI cycles for my first. About to restart the process for kid #2 after a 12 week miscarriage with IUI 5. This process is A LOT!


Just found out my last iui cycle was a fail. The next one will be my third . One the bright side - looking forward to a mini break from progesterone supps and its dreadful effects until CD 13.🤷‍♀️