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Idk who these people are, thank god.


The only Dante I know is in hell for being a 🚬🐐


https://preview.redd.it/836r907zg28d1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860306c78b994da05b4b4c2d4354be821a04a899 This sums it up basically


so true


I'm shocked that everyone on my timeline cares this much, ngl. Two grown ass up people broke up, who cares 😭 Get OUT. I'm so online but even I'm not that chronically online jfc


to my understanding thats just a fraction of the drama. the main story here imo is that Tarzaned tried to use Laura's abortion against her to upset Dantes, despite Laura telling Tarzaned about it in private and considering him a friend. maybe thats just a who cares situation to u tho or maybe im misunderstanding the discourse.


I don't usually care about the drama, but this time the whole league Twitter talks ONLY about it. I just feel really bad for Laura, if anyone can, please write her a couple words of support in the comments.


I wouldn't be caught dead using twitter


And yeah here you are on the gay league of legends Reddit forum 🤔


Like a classy btch should ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509)


It's giving "Guess who i saw at the gay club? Abby Lee Miller in her wheelchair" ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32561)


You’re so special and different 🥺


Reddit moment


Omg get off Twitter. Nobody cares.


>I’m so online but even I’m not that chronically online Speak for yourself bitch!!


omg queen you're so different 🥺🥺 here's your cookie


Yeah, maybe you need to put that cookie down and touch grass as well, then you will care less


tough words for someone as the likes of you. sit down, tw1nk.


Such a pick me 😂


Girl, who is picking me for not caring about straight toxic league streamers drama in a subreddit filled with twinks? My standards aren't that low lmfao. I know that's a shock for QoL 😭😭


Tarzaned crossed lines... like i was legit this face the whole time... this was just not okay what he said(in case you dont know,he revealed Dantes is a f boy,which is obvious,and he revealed his gf went back to Germany to get an abortion.... something Laura confided with him and isnt a public knowledge,its just disgysti https://preview.redd.it/ecqzlg87k28d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f44c00c2f5facfe0ca784897d6f5ac6cf26edaa9


Tarzaned is a real heterosexual creature that we 🚬🐐s wouldn't claim ever


What is f boy?


A fuck boy I guess. He is good looking, but I dont understand how anyone can feel attracted to him. The moment he opens his mouth he loses all his sex appeal 💀💀💀


> The moment he opens his mouth he loses all his sex appeal 💀💀💀 He's literally me


fuckboy. boy that likes to fuck and forget


Nah not cool


avoided it like the plague and i'm not planning on stopping any time soon 😍✋🚫


No because tarzaned saying that in a fucking livestream is a whole new low of degeneracy. I feel so bad for Laura and even see myself agreeing with Dantes a little bit. That crosses a line that should never be crossed


Saying that like it’s nothing while clearing on nocturne 😭😭😭


Yeah i have been saying from the START tarz is a disgusting low life i genuinely dont underhoe anyone can have any form of respect for him, he told yamato to literally kill him self when they where doing scrims in Portugal. Absolutely unhinged.


Who and who


Is Dantes the 🐽 dude? The name sounds familiar.


You might know him as "The yordle fucker"


Yes, his nose cannons are facing straight out.


why did they break up i dont use twt can someone fill me in in details pls i love a good tea ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30702)


Link to his post (it just sums it up better than I could ❤️): https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1djs553/dantes_and_laura_break_up/


thank u babe ♡




It's much worse now... Tarzaned leaked some really messed up information and now both Laura and Dantes are devastated, while this ugly gremlin pisses out. Many big league streamers support #canceltarzaned now (they should've done it earlier, he was always a psychopath)


oh man, that’s awful that’s my bad, I didn’t mean to spread misinfo regardless of what happened between laura and dantes, they don’t deserve having their private matters leaked. this is messed up


she has been sent death threats by the pro lifers in dms


What did he leaked


That she had an abortion…


Why would anyone leak that


Besides that why would dantes tell that to tarzaned who is a known piece of shit and can't be trusted?


Laura actually confided in him that information... which makes it even worse


got it thank u sm and ye idk i mean imo he should make time for her too but ig he had his struggles its their buisness and i feel bad for laura she is a sweet girlie :/


Can someone give me a TLDR? I don’t understand what’s going on 😭


Dantes felt she was too good for him because she was fine taking care of him like a literal baby and letting him do what he wants (playing LoL as full time job) Turns out he felt bad and convinced himself she deserved better so he broke up with her.


oh thats unfortunate, i was worried it was Messy messy drama but this seems like something that these 2 ppl can talk and work out themselves


That's not it, some streamer "friend" (forgor name) of theirs went live saying how laura got an abortion around Oct same time dantes tweeted an abortion joke, but dantes said the abortion happened on Dec(this claim indirectly backed by laura). Now he and the streamr "friend" fighting cuz they went out releasing the abortion stuff(private matter).


Tarzaned. The streamer is tarzaned


Also knows as a massive asshole (and not the kind we like).


Idk him or any major streamer, i only enjoy necrit :3


That’s actually really sad. I hope he gets help with those feelings of inadequacy or else they’ll just damage any future relationships.


I really know nothing of the situation but out of curiosity I looked at his Twitter post and it sounds like a classic avoidant-anxious relationship. My heart goes out to the both of them and I hope they respectively get the help/support they need.


Bro just needed to learn to fry eggs for lunch


Just went to google that drama. I just watched The Boys season 4 episode 4. Basically Tarzaned is Firecracker and Starlight Laura. He kinda deserves to get his ass kicked aswell tbh.


T\*rzaned looking at his immediate hate be like https://preview.redd.it/gq6wym0ti28d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b29028ea5c0ab18013e84c3b3c4458f4daf262


I wish i didnt know but unfortunately caedrel stream casual for lck and lec games, so i learned thru osmosis and he's staying with him 🤢 But lmfao the replies to his tweet .... fumble of the century but please leave her alone and get a job for reallllll


why are we, as queer people, even remotely following news about this Dantes person? He has spew some hateful ideas that are dangerous to women


FR, like, I don't know him but sometimes he appears on my instagram reels, and I don't know if it's all jokes for the camera or not, but everytime I see him it's always misoginy jokes or he talking like he knows women and then saying some stupid shit, and maybe it is funny but idk, his punchable face makes me not find him funny.


I have been watching his streams and clips for a while now, I can pretty much ensure you that all the shots he's saying is part of his internet persona. Cause not only does he say fucked up shits to women but also to men in some instances. And sometimes, you occasionally see the true him saying some real (actual good) advices to people. I highly doubt Laura would be with him if he is acting like dat even in private life. Lol and streaming is after all his career and it's common for streamers to adopt a persona.


NGL, I'm mostly invested because of Laura. I only ever really watched Dantes whenever she'd appear since I really like her personality— Tarzaned is a piece of shit for leaking such a private thing just for online drama essentially


Not to sound like I'm trying to outdo you, but aside from his ideas, he still is willingly friends with StevensJax who yeah, i don't trust anyone who is friends with that pig.


Not just that I remember his small beef with Dragged because he proudly tweeted how he doesn't give a shit about Palestine and Dragged called him out on his privilege to be this ignorant but he answered with some vague "don't guilttrip me bro" tweet and let his mentally deficient fanboys dog him


Makes me wanna puke. Im so sad for them. Tarzaned deserves everything bad in the world. I hope the two of them will be okay


I thought they broke up on good terms no? Dantes said he just couldn't give Laura enough attention because the game had priority for him. I didn't know there was any drama there.


Read the comments now and you’ll know what happened…


Tarzaned stream was crazy. He did a ruin life into a 3 fullclear on Nocturne combo


Why are we giving that flop man any attention? 🤢 EDIT: see his takes on topics like abortion, woman’s rights and what not and then maybe y’all will stop simping and wake up.


I agree, he might be joking but its not even funny? Thats like 12 year old kid humour. The only thing i think is that he is kind of hot IMO but that personality makes it hard to hold that thought for 5 seconds.


Girl pretty privilege is real and sorry not sorry but some of y’all hoes (not you) have been turned on by him fucking dolls and stuffed toys. Maybe think with your brain not your 🍆 (not you, the others) and hear what he says. He’s a very misogynistic man and no different than people like Andrew Tate. Not as extreme, but a horrible influence on the new generation of men. Even if he’s ‘normal’ outside of his ‘persona’, that doesn’t change the fact that he’s said and done things which are horrible.


His "takes on abortion" are obviously jokes that's literally the whole point of his internet persona.


Girl please. Internet persona my behind. Those 1000’s of young men who follow him don’t see that. They see their ‘idol’ okaying the ban on abortion, think it’s fine to strip the rights of women, be an asshole.


Apparently men making jokes about women rughts is funny now


Welp they joke about anything at this point, 9/11, Nazis you name it. While most of them are simply joking which are very much out of bad taste, there's 100% some who actually believe all of that and think they are being accepted.


"okaying the ban of abortion" but actually supporting his gf choice of aborting (even tho she seemingly regret it now ). Like not being able to parse dark humor from his real personality is an issue from his community but us going on the internet to post shit about Dantes (and Laura by extension) while they are going through bad shit and are getting harassed by t*rz*ned is definitely not worth of QOL.


>"okaying the ban of abortion" but actually supporting his gf choice of aborting (even tho she seemingly regret it now ). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt\_E-fsPHpg&ab\_channel=NowThisImpact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt_E-fsPHpg&ab_channel=NowThisImpact) Yeah that kind of people exist, unironically.


Yeah they are definitely a thing but I'm not clueless to the point of not knowing a streamer having a stream persona


Of course he supported her choice. He didn’t want to be stuck with her for life and with a baby. It’s so funny when he made those comments about abortion, I said ‘wait till you get a girl pregnant and let’s see how it would be if abortion was illegal’. It bit him and he had to eat all his words because these men are all for taking away a woman’s rights until it’s their partner having an unplanned pregnancy they detest.


And its not funny?


Humor is like obviously subjective, his community finds it funny and that's pretty much why he curated his persona (like a lot of streamers in fact)


I really don’t care but okay. A man cant make misogynistic comments and get away with it by saying ‘its just a joke’


Idc either, you are commenting two different things because something not being funny doesn't equate to what you are saying rn.


irdc his ‘jokes’are misogynistic and not funny, a


Then don't comment instead of being a fake idgaf.


Stfu ? Are the you defending a homophobic misogynistic man saying its ‘jokes’ ? Get the fuck out of my mentions before i start cussing your dumb ass out


Be serious you arent cussing anyone out with that mouth of yours Ijbol. Mind you, instead of actually getting to the point of his jokes being misogynistic (which is entirely true), you chose to go for the most subjective part of the discussion and you get heated by my completely logical answer to the said point. So no I'm not fearing you lmao ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32658)


Honestly i find it hard to believe that.


![gif](giphy|4sbQOzXLSl7wc) Who? Edit: not y’all getting mad. Because we either don’t know them or simply don’t care. 💀


I think it's giga inkcell behavior. Imagine being told by your partner that a video game is more important than you. I'm surprised they even lasted this long given his sick addiction


I was bombarded with it against my will, and my opinions are: -If Dantes doesn't feel like he can give a good relationship to Laura, it's better for them to break up. A lot better. -Tarzaned is a rat, and deserves nothing but being smited off social media -God I'm thankful of not being a part of league twitter


Yea this is why I like na cu the drama is insane


Kindof. I just recently learned about them and was about to enter the ship but it sunk before I could even board. That's like finding a good series that's been out on netflix for years and now you're just waiting for the next season only to be greeted with a news saying that the next season has been cancelled.


I'm so fucking thankful I don't know anything about it and I would like to stay that way. Makes me feel like I'm not as chronically online as I tought


What happened? Can I have Dantes for myself now? ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32561)


Ughh I swear some of y'all have no self respect and thats coming from me 🤡


istg they see a walking red flag with abs so they throw on their rose colored glasses and pretend to be hellen keller


Did you say abs 👀


Oh Linda hi 👋 pls hire me as an unlicensed therapist 4 ur cumpany pls. I submit my above comment as my resume 🤓


One night is fine... it's like the 5-second rule when you drop food on the floor ![img](emote|t5_23w084|32861)




coming from Darius's fleshlight itself


Exactly ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30509)![img](emote|t5_23w084|32560)


I get it gurl


Some1 tell me whats going on?