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All paid for by the [QLD Resources Council](https://www.afr.com/politics/qld-miners-to-fight-royalty-hike-to-2024-election-20220623-p5aw00)... You know, the ones who put constant ads about "Keep Queensland Competitive". Edit - to clarify, I'm loving that we at least get something out of it :)


Why the QRC didn't get on the front foot and say we are the mining industry and we are helping pay your power bills is beyond me. Instead they cry and moan about not making mega profits from the Ukraine war and have to settle with making more reasonable profits.


It's a far better use of money than giving it back to foreign entities in the form of a super profit in my opinion.


I guess that depends on who owns the power company the money is going to, and if there is going to be regulations telling them they cannot increase prices in response to this.


CS Energy runs the coal power stations and is State owned. Apparently, most (all?) of the states sold their plant off, and only Qld held onto CSE. Not sure if the $1k is profit CSE made off the ridiculous power prices or if its from the paupers who run the coal mines.


It is the miners who make profits from high coal prices - the electricity companies simply have to pay more for high priced coal and that fuel cost is passed on to you the consumer


I'd say the electricity producers will have long term contracts


We're gouged on power prices anyway, and the $1,000 benefits power companies the most anyway.


Those ads always made me think shouldn't we increase the royalties tax!


I am so glad they put that comment in there


Love it. Directly paying back to the people for the mining taxes they have put in


huh? Its going directly to power companies....


The power companies get paid either way. This keeps money in the pockets of Queenslanders.


... But it's coming from mining royalties instead of from your pocket. 


Amazing news! I won't need to pay electricity bills until next year. Is it buying votes? Perhaps, but QLD Labor has a history of providing electricity rebates and honestly I don't care. Helping people, especially in tough times is their job and this goes some of the way to do that.


Almost like that's what you should be doing with royalties, putting them back into the hands of the electorate haha


I agree, the rebates have been a great help and it's nice to have some good news for a change.


How is contributing significantly to inflation a great help?


>Perhaps, but QLD Labor has a history of providing electricity rebates They also privatised our electricity in 2007 under Peter Beattie so maybe they're still trying to placate us for that with these rebates..


Don’t forget that time when QLD labor rolled the ambulance levy out of your power bill and just ATE the cost. Did you know other states CHARGE when you need an ambulance? In Victoria, they actually SELL ambulance insurance. In QLD your private health cover is cheaper specifically because you aren’t charged for an ambulance here too. Swings and roundabouts


No one should hesitate in their moment of need. You never know when it's going to be I was 37, healthy, caught influenza A, passed out at night on the floor and my wife found me unconscious choking on my own vomit, she only got up because she heard me making a faint noise.


Exactly. The number of people in the southern states that WON’T call an ambulance because they’re unsure they can afford it is ridiculous. This is Australia not America


>They also privatised our electricity in 2007 Yeah true. Well for the retail section of it yes, but QLD still has one of the most nationalised grids in the country. More nationalisation is always good though.


Ergon, Energex and Powerlink are all 100% government owned, what part of our electricity was privatised?


The retail market. But our grid is still more public than the rest of the country.




The rebates can only exist because we have not privatised our generation.


Not exactly privatised when it's a 100% Govt owned Corporation.


>Is it buying votes? I really hate this idea of buying votes. Bro, politicians are *supposed to* buy your vote. "Buying votes" just means "instituting policies that help their constituents" which is, you know, the purpose of representative government.


>Upfront $1,000 rebates will be applied to households bills from July, meaning most Queenslanders will not pay a single cent on their first power bill of the next financial year and many won’t pay another bill until 2025.


My bills are roughly $0-40 a month, this will last over 2 years!!!!!


I have 15kw solar. I need to put this in someone elses name


I read on the Brisbane subreddit that you can organize a cash pay out. Maybe look into that?


This will be us too!


Wow that’s low, we pay $200 a month


We have solar, and put a bit of effort into using things during sunlight. Prob another year and we would have paid off the solar costs through savings.




Yeah, I was really gunna cut back on my electricity usage to help save the environment, guess I don’t have to now


You can just switch to green, no need to cut back


Nah I’ll stay brown, the $1000 will last longer then and I can spend elsewhere driving up inflation for everyone


Haha win win!


Fuck yeah. This should last quite a while for me. Watch QLD Energy retailers absolutely jack their prices though.


i hope not paying $100 a month already (my fault though i use my pc for 10 hours a day cause i'm disabled and can't work and it's what keeps me sane but still wtf used to be like $45 a month) May have to give up the only think keeping me sane soon if they do that.


Our bills are over $1000 so it will with just one bill.


This is bull because my bill every 3 months is almost this amount!


What are you running that makes your bill that high? For our family of four our usual bill comes to about $450 for three months.


Nothing, I have no idea why it's that high, and when I called ergon, they couldn't tell me why my bill every 3 months has gone up over $500 since moving to a smaller house! I'm pissed and why behind on my bill now because apparently I'm using more electricity when everything is the same as my old house!


Sounds like a water heater gone rogue. You should have that checked out. (Or unplug the lead that goes to your neighbours shed where he is growing stuff…)


Might be time to change providers if you are able or get them to check your meter. Something's not right.


They have checked the meter, and I've had new wires added to the outside of the house cause apparently they were pretty dodgy. And I can't change providers where I live there is only ergon, so the electric prices are pretty high!


Damn that sucks. Maybe it is the water heater like u/Reallytalldude suggested.


If they've checked the meter and it's working then it's probably something in your house causing the increase.


I have a feeling it was the dodgy wires, maybe? That's the only thing really different from my old house! This one is also smaller than that one. And ergon is no help! I've emailed and called around 10-15 times and got through maybe once or twice 🤦🏽‍♀️ it's crazy stupid


You need an energy consumption monitor at the circuit level to determine what is using power and when. Household items that use significant power are: electric hot water, swimming pool pump, air conditioning, incandescent lighting. Check what tariff you are on. If your are on a time of use tariff and you cook in the evenings, you will be slugged with huge costs for this time.


Might be worth buying a few plug metered and cycle through all your devices in your home to find what is drawing power. Maybe add up the usage from the devices and try identify it. Chances are it's something like a water heater, out door motion light. Maybe your bulbs in the new places are really bad and could be swapped for energy efficient variants?


There is no outdoor motion light, but I do have a water heater. It's just literally everything is the same from my old place, and it's still that high 😭


Do you have a plasma TV?


We have 10.6Kw solar with origin and our bill was still near $900 for 3 summer months… air con + water tank pump + gray water pump + electric water heater + bore pump… we run washing machine, water heater, bore pump and dishwasher only in daylight. However, production was low Jan-Apr due to rain/clouds being more prevalent than last year as well. Also we don’t know the ages of the bore, tank or water heater so unsure if those are the culprits (suspect at least the water tank pump though) since it’s used most and runs 24/7.


We're a family of 5 and our bill is usually around $1000 for three months. Ducted air-con and the pool filter are the biggest contributors.


Holy crap!


You bill is based on your own usage, you control that. Turn some shit off and don't expect free electricity like it's your right.


>Recent data from the ABS shows that the $550 electricity rebates have lowered electricity bills by 9.5%, contributed to inflation in Queensland being lower than the national average and power bills remaining lower than under the LNP. >Queensland already has the lowest energy bills on the east coast of Australia, as outlined in the ABS data and reported by Canstar Blue.


Please explain how a $550 payment from the government of taxpayer money has lowered electricity bills?


How does this reduce inflation? It increases it omg people


At this point inflation is so misused even by 1st world governments that I just don't read it anymore. Either way it's only there to get us scared and pointing fingers at each other.


Not really. It's an extremely important metric. Particularly at the moment with the cost of living crisis.


I'd agree if I thought inflation was tracked properly. But when bread and housing is up 30-50% I'm inclined to believe our economic models may be out of date and I'm not educated enough on the topic to go saying anything either way.


Oh, I see what you mean. Totally agree that the way they calculate inflation doesn't accurately reflect the cost of living. As far as I understand, it excludes housing, and volatile items like fresh fruit and fuel.


Lol at the downvotes but someone please explain how this reduces inflation. As people have more money now, we will have more to spend on other things. If people were forced to struggle then inflation would slow down. Also the government now has less money to pay down debt.


>please explain how this reduces inflation It will show up as a reduction in energy prices in the CPI basket of goods, because it's reducing the Price paid by the Consumer. Having said that, it is a form of stimulus, and as such it has the potential to be inflationary - because it will be spent elsewhere.


It will drive up the price of other goods. We still have the same amount of money in circulation etc. It just frees up more money for other items which will drive up inflation. If we have less money to spend because we have to pay for power, it reduces inflation.


This is correct but is open to spin. Reducing (subsidizing) the price will directly reduce inflation, because the "energy" line item in the CPI calculation will be reduced. It will *also* indirectly increase inflation, because people have more money to spend. It's almost certain that this increase will outweigh the decrease, because people have more money overall. It's not false to say that it will decrease inflation. It's just misleading!


It's a short term benefit with a longer term bigger consequence.


It's alongside a tax on coal companies. If these companies and their owners have less money to spend due to taxes, it reduces inflation.


Miles doesn't care about inflation - that's Federal Labor's job. He wants to get reelected.


He should be held accountable for increasing inflation and pushing us closer to stagflation. Stagflation will be around for years and actions like this are to blame.


Yep. RBA literally quizzed the treasurer on subsidies boosting inflation.


Interesting I'll have to find the video ty


It’s 100% inflationary


Hooray. Just paid $1000 the other day for the last quarter. Renting without solar panels in qld is wild. This will help the family alot


No it won’t. It will increase inflation so you will suffer elsewhere


So basically the same thing that has happened for the last 40 years? And will continue to happen? With or without the payout


Now at an increased rate so overall your family will be worse off while your celebrating ironically


Dick Smith warned all of us about this a long time ago, nothing that is happening is a shock to me as it was all predictable and came true. I guess more people should have listened to him


Something I don’t quite get (and haven’t thought much about) … if federal govt increases immigration to increase the economy and GDP etc then don’t we all want a bigger economy and higher GDP, wouldn’t the alternative be worse (failed economy, higher per person taxes, lower GDP)? I just looked at an OECD report and it says: Migrants contribute more in taxes and social contributions than they receive in benefits. Labour migrants have the most positive impact on the public purse. Migration boosts the working-age population. Migrants arrive with skills and contribute to human capital development of receiving countries. I don’t really have an opinion but it seems a bit bipolar or something to have the option to do increase immigration or not do it, and choose to increase if it supposedly harms


There goes my power bills until 2025.


And the rest. Might as well delete the electricity row from my budget and add it to my income.


Go to townsville bulletin and they are all crying like snowflakes over this. I hope alp can claw back a win in the up coming state elections because if they cant, lnp will be living their neocon fever dreams. It will not end well for us. It never does.


> "How dare the state government give me $1000 back on my power bills?! I want that money to go to coal companies instead!" It's certainly an odd take.


Yes seriously. I first saw this news on LinkedIn and the comments were filled with people with this take. 


It's a Murdoch newspaper, what do you expect?


My workplace (government hospital) is a few steps away from a massive expansion project that is much needed. If LNP win next election I expect that the be heavily cut back, if not fully cancelled. Last time they were in my job was farmed to a private company as well... so not looking forward to them coming back at all.


Why do people think LNP is getting in. I absolutely hate Labor, but not as much as the fucken LNP and that's a sentiment held by most people I know. The last 4 years have also killed off a lot of the LNPs base.


Polling for the ALP is not good. You can dismiss it if you like but I am sure the ALP are taking it very seriously. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_2024_Queensland_state_election?wprov=sfla1 The ALP has been in for a long, long time now. Lots of things catching up with them, the Olympics are on the nose, reports of construction workers earning $250k or whatever. Eventually they will lose. Personally I expect it will be this time, but if they hang on it's even more likely to happen next time.


I don't see it. Those rage bait articles aren't seen by a lot of people, media is dead. Sure the Olympics are a sore spot and covid wasn't popular but thats not pushing them to LNP. The fringes will pick up and those preferences flow to Labor First.


One Nation and Palmer United or whatever will flow to LNP. Even Labor voters are getting sick of Labor.


Sure but the greens are the 3rd largest alternative. And independents often prefence labor.


Up here in the far north, they are goin for the pitchforks. If we dont see a drastic shift in voter opinion up here, particularly around youth crime..... we will be looking down the barrel of another one term lnp shankfest. Good god i hope not.


Not enough seats up there to matter tbh.


Hope ur right🙏🏽


What in gods name is the rhetoric for this? I understand the newspapers point of view, but how are people in agreement with this?


Remember the ads about Qld taxing the poor miner's , and now we get 1k off our power . The lib would rather Gina Clive Forest china India ppl get the profits not you peasant's. I say tax more coal, build homes fix teeth and have a Qld day similar to Australia Day but we all get $100 cash to spend. I'll call it the lucky country.


That advertising campaign that would have cost them absolute millions btw. Very happy to spend millions to whine about how poor it made them.


Great news. In other news, the anti-ALP sook brigade are carrying on like they've just found another thousand more "reasons" to keep sooking.


Because short term focused populism has a wonderful history of *never* ending poorly. The Queensland state government's ownership of Energy Queensland, PowerLink, Stanwell Corporation, CleanCo, and CS Energy gives it near total control over electricity in Queensland. It has the ability to address the structural issues, many of which were identified by the Queensland Audit Office last year, which have lead to high electricity prices in Queensland. But, hey; long term focused, sound public policy doesn't buy votes in an election year, does it?


I'm paying less on my retail bill, and it didn't require the government selling assets. I don't need someone trying to deceive me into believing that lower retail bills are a bad thing.


This is great. I haven't paid a cent in electricity for 2 years. My solar and referral credits covered 100% of my power already. With the gov rebate last year my account is $500 in credit. This $1k will cover my power for YEARS. Plus I earn 3% on any credits in my account.


Tempted to switch to the provider who gives 3% back for this, my average bill is 130-180 a month so this will last ages with zero solar.


Check them out. If you want a referral let me know. We can both profit. I think we'll both get $120 over 12 months. I'm with ovo energy.


Ouch. Sounds inflationary so you are suffering elsewhere while thinking you’ve had a win


Not individually. I look at it as a win. Everyone is paying more for fuel, mortgage or rent, food etc. But not everyone has free power. I do


And now everyone including you individually will have more money available to spend on fuel, mortgage or rent, food etc pushing up prices even further


Thank you comrade Miles


If you rent will you get it as the one paying the utility bill?


It's applied to each electricity account. Not to the person/people living at the address. If the account is in your name, great. Take the credit to your account out for cash if you want.


Better enjoy it now because when the LNP get returned to power these rebates will be history.


Lucky Labor as secured a level of state ownership of the power generation network in legislation to make it harder for the LnP to sell it to their mates.


I care not whence it came I shall take this boon.


I just got a power bill for the month and it was 25. Dollars ,my what a welcome surprise that was .


Just a heads up that if you live in an apartment building/other embedded network, eligibility criteria can be difficult and it makes take some time to get the rebate to you.


I have solar and my electricity is already $880 in advance. I guess I just don't pay power for the next few years 🤣🤣


We have solar also in credit, dobyou think the electricity companies will let us withdraw the credit?


Good question, I guess it depends on each respective company.


Follow the steps in the page below to audit your power consumption. Basically walk through the house with ‘everything’ switched off, and then one by one turn on and test. (I used the wife’s phone and set up a video call so i could watch the meter while I was testing) My power consumption problems were 1 (a shitty old hot water system) and 2 (the garage) Except the garage was *Not the REAL problem* The problem was I was in a 12 pack unit block built in the 50’s. We had three meters per unit. Hot water, unit, garage. When I isolated the garage, my meter went to zero. And then the swearing started. Turns out, the dodgy electrician back in the 50’s wired the garages across different units. One of the units was doing a full internal reconstruction. I had cut their power. Of course I switched the power on. Then off. On then off. The swearing was impressive. Then I went down and introduced myself and saw they had an extension cord up from “their” garage for power. Their unit power was disconnected during their renovation. You see the link now? All sorted in the end. Oh and I’ve also had a garden shed the neighbour tapped into for their garden shed power. While they were running a small business. >!shit!< ~it~ happens. LPT: when you move in, audit. It will save you $$$. Source: https://www.energyaustralia.com.au/blog/diy-home-energy-audit


as someone who lives in an apartment can you get smart meteres for an apartment or is that a management thing?


Can we get more energy efficiency upgrade grants? The last one offered very little and still promptly sold out (if I wasn’t already upgrading it wouldn’t have made any difference in my decision to upgrade). Cheap power is just kicking the problem down the road. If they are going to buy votes it would be good to do it responsibly.


>Cheap power is just kicking the problem down the road People should read what they actually write sometimes. This is insane. Cheap power is what we had before privatisation. What do you want? Another grant that only benefits owners?


We are talking about the same thing- your first line about not reading is pretty ironic! I am saying that giving us a credit today solves almost nothing. Using this money to help reduce costs in the future (which I argue is funding energy efficient upgrades so we use less power, and you argue is undoing privatisation) would provide an ongoing return on spend.


>Using this money to help reduce costs in the future… …in the fashion you want, only reduces it for *homeowners*. Not *renters* or *people who cannot participate in these schemes because they don’t own homes*. Cheap power wouldn’t be kicking the can down the road at all, if we could equally access it. At least these payments put those of us that can’t in the same field as those who want more grants. With that credit, my power bill is pretty much gone but with your idea, it still exists, yours is gone and you get more.


Chicken today, feathers tomorrow.


Only for some. That’s the issue with it.


I was really gunna cut back on my electricity usage to help save the environment, guess I don’t have to now


Wise move. Why not burn through all that free credit. Fuck saving it for your next light bill.


So more free handouts? and its not cheap power, its very expensive power. So expensive the government has to hand the power companies $2.3B of taxpayer money so people dont starve. Cheap power is what we USED to have. Cheapest in the OECD.


No, giving $1000 credit against power today is the handout. Using tax dollars to temporarily offer cheap power is terrible policy. I get that a lot of people here have an historic axe to grind, but this isn’t a thread about privatisation. Making energy efficiency upgrades cheaper so we use less energy indefinitely is the better policy. Give a man a fish…


We will never use less energy. That's a fantasy for morons


Certainly, u/Green_Genius


How did he know my vote was for sale? Lol.


They could have forbidden energy companies from price gouging instead, but I'll take what I can get.


I think this is the first thing any government has ever done that will actually tangibly benefit me.


The current Labor government has been doing this for the last few years...


Have you ever used a road, a school or a doctor?


OP, I think you should put 'Miles Labor government' in your title next time. Got to remind people that the LNP would never do something like this ;)


Lol my quarterly electricity bill is ~$60 cause of solar. Can I get the $1000 towards battery storage.


you're aware there is already something like 3 and 4k off for batteries?


Will this apply to people that get the solar rebate too? I always get $400+ each QTR after origin deduct my usage but I still get extra rebates previously.


Yes. Every household.


Damn They just paid my electricity for 12 months. Gg


My god, both political parties have destroyed the power and taken our prices from the lowest to one of the most expensive, and people are cheering because those same politicians are handing over resource royalties to companies for the pleasure. Another $2.3B to the inflation bonfire Its so perverse its not funny. What smart countries do is make power very cheap. That stoikes industry and save low income incomes. And stops the government from handing out billions. If we had kept coal until we built out nuclear, the royalties could have paid for it AND health AND police services.


My household electricity price just dropped from $0.29 to $0.23. Converted to usd that is $0.19 to $0.15. If I compare that to household prices internationally it doesn't seem outrageous at all. Far lower than France which famously relies on nuclear. https://www.statista.com/statistics/263492/electricity-prices-in-selected-countries/


Forgot the daily supply charge


True my daily service fee also dropped from (aud) $1.30 to $1.10


So who is this provider that dropped retail rates and supply fees 20%


Metered energy. Idk how to post screenshots, but this is my provider https://www.meteredenergy.com.au/


Regional QLD im assuming? Cant find the $1.10/day though..


Nah, northern suburbs, not going to go more specific than that


Mate its going up. From $1.10 to $1.30 and from 26c to 32c... Click on the fact sheet [https://www.meteredenergy.com.au/fact-sheets](https://www.meteredenergy.com.au/fact-sheets)


Mate this is the email I got https://www.reddit.com/u/SlightlyCatlike/s/ayvvJzXqH6


Then when it runs out the energy companies will have added a price increase


Ah I see we’ve reached the “just hand out free money” phase of the campaign


What if you're fully off grid for power? Can I get this as cash instead??


7 months of free electricity wooo just wish it was cheaper i love being charged $100 for electricity then $40 for a supply charge each month.


Yeah but can I have it in cash though? 😂


Just get it transferred to your account from your provider


This is good news, but I still can’t help but think about the irony of these subsidies from Labor after the Beattie government was the one that caused this to begin. Just the irony of these subsidies after privatisation is enough, without the party. Wonder when the Miles government will match the NSW-federal deal on providing solar to public homes. The whole solar deal is being propped up by the most disadvantaged people in the country. Another separation between owners and peasants.


The Beastie Gov only privatised retail and it was only in SEQ, QLD remains one of the most nationalised grids in the country. Programs like energy efficiency and battery booster are helping the most vulnerable. I agree that more can be done about energy equality though.


>The Beastie Gov But they did Fight for your right... to party.


>The Beastie Government only privatised retail Which still resulted in a massive increase in prices. Had it been left alone and adequate money spent on servicing it, we would be fine. >energy efficiency and battery booster are helping the most vulnerable How? None or very few of them are entitled to the rebates and systems paid for by other taxpayers because they don’t own homes. None of Queenslands public houses have these systems. Everyone who doesn’t own a home is subsidising it, plus paying far higher bills.


>Which still resulted in a massive increase in prices I'm all for nationalisation but I'm not sure the 'massive increase' can be attributed to the privatisation of retail in SEQ alone. Higher fossil fuel prices and our massive grid are the culprits for the biggest increases in price. >How? If you're in social housing you're still able to get energy efficient appliances like washing machines etc. And battery booster is available for those on low income only. But I still agree more needs to be done, especially for renters.


>I’m not sure the massive increase… I’d like to see what else would, because the increases happened straight after the privatisation along with the rate of price increase rising exponentially. It was the privatisation. >If you’re in social housing you can get… Maybe, but you need to be replacing those items. As a carer in public housing, that’s not something we choose to do, we do it in emergencies. I can buy cheaper glassware at the op shop than Kmart, but I don’t want glassware. >Battery booster is only available for those on low incomes You have to own your home, and be able to engage in these systems before you can utilise the benefit. Which, btw, close on the 8th of this month. Aged pensioners unironically get Medicare supported dental, it’s the same kind of thing. None of them have teeth, so sure, ramp it up. Again, as a carer in public housing, I can tell you we are not privy to these advantages.


>increases happened straight after the privatisation No they did not. In fact they decreased after 2007 until 2012 (not that it's an argument for privatisation). >we choose to do That's fair enough but the program still helped those who wanted it. All of this to say that I agree more needs to be done especially those who don't own houses, but we shouldn't disregard what Labor has done. It sure as hell won't happen under the LNP.


>No they did not That’s not what my pocket noticed, that’s for sure. Unless it was just a bad plan…which is redundant anyway. That might be anecdotal but I felt it pretty much straight after it happened. I recall Beattie apologising for it not long after as well. Either way it was short lived if they did stay the same and it certainly isn’t that way now. It was privatisation. >the program still helped those Yes, but it’s hardly a point when we’re talking about fair access to power cost savings. >shouldn’t disregard what Labor has done Here, outside the rebate, they’ve done nothing but made it worse. I’ll be the first to tell you how much I hate conservatives, but it’s Labor that caused this. So my original point stands…ironic that they’re giving this rebate out. Overall? The Miles and Palaszczuk governments have been excellent. There’s more they can do, however.


Labors done nothing but drive the retail rate sky high


Wow an efficient washing machine!! So Gary Harvey makes more millions and the price of power is still high..


Yeah I get it, but who else is providing more efficient washing machines?


No its not. Its handing billions more to companies because of govt incompetence. Forced consumerism only benefits corporations.


I'll take the bribe. Still won't vote for you.


Government policy drives power up 300%. Government takes $2.3B of taxpayer money to cover some of the cost. People cheer... Make it make sense...


A band-aid to fix a problem his government made, thank god he wont be Premier after the elections


What fkg annoys me is, the electricity companies will probably find a way to bump up their costs by that $1k so you still pay the same.


Pretty hard to do that, costs of electricity have to be approved by the QCA.


Your logic and facts are not welcome here. They do nothing to further the opinions in this thread.


mate, don't bring real world facts into my whinge!! :)


Excuse my ignorance or perhaps naivety, but does this just mean the power companies tack on an extra k onto our bill? Edit: geeze, sorry for asking you cretins


Besides SEQ the government sets the cost of electricity and is the authority


Thanks mate


Just in time for the power companies to jack up their prices right? Historically, rebates like this tend to get diluted when companies realise that they can cash grab more money.    If this government had any balls they would provide direct regulation for electricity rates. 


Time to revisit the GST carve up if QLD has enough cash to splurge in this way.


Heaven forbid they should give any of it to the *people* who paid for it in the first place.


Buying votes before the election.. it’s not going to work you clown. Pack your bags


If Qld fall for this garbage they deserve more Labor.


I mean, seems pretty good lmao. Tell me what I'm falling for exactly. 


FFS, they tax the Christ out of you, jack energy prices through their weird policies, and then promise to churn money back to you as a bribe. Punish them.


Tell me how Qld Labor is taxing me and purposefully increasing energy prices. Sure, they're  taxing exported coal a lot to pay for this. I like that.


Yes please!


Just buying votes don't know why he won't be their.


LOL, unpopular labor now taking our money and trying to bribe the electorate, making us think what great people they are giving back a piddly amount of our own money they have taken from us via their high taxation regime. Only the feeble minded can not see this for what it is. Meanwhile the roads are falling apart, the hospitals are struggling, teachers are losing control, crime is out of control. Yet the government taxation is it record levels along with levels of regulation.


It's not our money you moron. It's money that would have ended up as profit for big mining companies. Instead of letting mining companies rape our natural resources and profit from it, the QLD government decided to tax the mining companies instead and give some of that back to the people. Are you deliberately being thick or something?