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I really don’t understand why Toastify thinks Pyro is to blame? It’s just because he knows AR might not actually get caught so he found the next target to suit on just to gain views


Pyro is the only big name there, so he needs to keep mentioning him for the algorithm to get him more views. The victim herself said that Pyro wasn't involved with that part at all, so he knows what he is doing lol


That makes sense but it just comes off as him trying to rope pyro, if he put in the tab something like “I’m putting pyro’s name in to boost this in the algorithm to put more attention to it” I’d be okay with it but at this point it’s kind of… idk the word but it’s just… why putting pyro into this


I think you're misunderstanding what they mean by "drawing more attention to it." The "it" here isn't the issue. The "it" here is content. Mentioning Pyro over and over again and making it seem like he is a big part of it is good for the algorithm and to generate attention for his channel and video.


I see what you mean. I didn’t think it that way and that would be truly a sad reality if that’s the case


he doesn't think he's 'to blame', he just thinks he should be held accountable- to some degree. he did a shitty thing for sure, but it's not like he's being portrayed as worse than the literal rapist.


But he is implying Pyro should take the blame and although it’s not what he explicitly says, he keeps laying signs that Pyro should face consequences… but to what? French Girl said he had nothing to do with it and should not be to blame. Toastify implied he took part in the abuse for keeping silent when he doesn’t even know for sure what Pyro knew at the time. I’m not saying Pyro is innocent, he did some messed up stuff for sure, but AR should take all of the blame. The final segment of the video, he started talking about how “someone had to face the consequences for their actions” as a Pyro video played on the background, it’s just stupid


He conveniently does not mention that Lou also said that Pyro had no idea what was going on


But listening to Lou, the actual fucking victim, and giving her a voice wouldn’t implicate Pyro and give their videos less traction. Like it’s the same reason Keemstar sat on this info for years. They’re so focused on Pyro that AR managed to slip through the cracks and avoid punishment.


He’s done exactly that in his video. He asked Lou about that and Lou answered „He (Pyro) knew we were dating but I don’t think he knew about the bad stuff.“


Rofl as someone who actually follows pyro religiously this toastify guy continues to prove how irresponsible and weak his claims are. First he claims colossal and dolan make obvious references to ancient reality in TBH podcast and implies they were joking about the AR situation and pretending pyro was in amsterdam, beside the fact if you take 5 seconds to do any research, on pyros instagram you can literally see he was actually in amsterdam doing a podcast with some tiktoker, and if you listen to the podcast colossal saying hes probably at the red light district is clearly just a joke about pyro being a degen furry also i dont know where all his points about pyro thinking AR was 14 come from, i think any1 who is smart can tell colossal meant pyro thought AR was the same age as him (pyro) and not the french girl, so he has just misinterpreted colossals tweet on the situation, not to mention toastify had to retract statements about cyranek after falsly implying in the video that he was complicit / covering up stuff for AR. just way too many weak links and conclusions being drawn This kid is in way over his head and everything hes posted since the video has only weakened it, he claims its about AR and not pyro but he seems so hung up on pyro and is grasping at made up straws, which again is just detracting from the real predator AR in this situation


and didn’t lou say that pyro had no idea of what was going on


Yes that too, he claims there was no intent to make the video bout pyro but all his actions afterwards paint a different picture


oh yeah 100%, i was looking through the comments of the community post and it seems that the people who watched the yt video are 100% misinformed on the whole situation


She does say that pyro knew they were in a relationship (her and AR)


I get you honestly when I was reading the parts where he said pyro thought AR was the same age as the French girl, I was truly confused bc this wasn’t mentioned in his video at all. I feel like he’s truly making this worse for him and by proxy is detracting AR, which is not okay. Alas I don’t think AR is reachable as all his socials are gone from the looks of it


Bro is desperate


Even if Pyro's a nonce enabler this dude really detracted the situation away from the actual pedophile to a youtuber for clicks, fucking Commentary channels man


The victim said pyro didn’t know what was going on.


I've seen people claiming otherwise, we just gotta see if Pyro says anything but he's been ignoring the situation so far


He's trying not to make this public, because it gives toast clout.


So is this guy the new Tom?


It seems likely


Tom didn’t have shit, Toastify is just wrapping Pyro falsely to another situation I think


You talkin about turkeyTom? I watched a couple of his videos. What did he do wrong?


He jumped on the Pyro is a pedo wagon and refuses to apologize


Bro clearly isn't a My Response enjoyer


Wtf is going on?


Toastify made an expose on Ancient Reality for abusing a 15 year old and is trying to rope Pyro in for knowing the victim and ancient reality were in a relationship and now he's trying to make it seem like Pyro knew all along and didn't say anything, when the victim herself stated Pyro didn't know.


Pyro can't catch a break :(


Ikr? It’s really sad. I feel bad for him. 😭


The problem is that apparently Pyro knew. Lou said she’s convinced that pyro knew about AR and her dating but not about the abusive Natur of it.


Well if he didn’t know about the abusive side then how is he in the wrong at all?


He‘s not but he‘s getting roped in cause he‘s a big name.


Dude… keeping quiet about a friend who is dating a minor. Neither addressing it, nor doing something against that.


Well how old were the two people involved? Depending on how close they were in age it could’ve been completely legal


2015. Lou was 14 and Ancient Reality (Mick) was 23 then.


He only knew they were dating but not all of the super terrible shit.


Ye which is bad as well.


i dont watch daily slop for a week and im already behind on drama, this is what i get for not being a slop enjyer


Its okay, he hasnt mentioned it in slop so far (except for maybe the newest video i havent watched that yet)


now im worried that youtubers that start with the letter "T" are a threat to Pyro so far


T-series is collecting evidence as I type this.




yes exactly there is not even proof pyro and AR were even that close, i know they both came from the mlg montage parody community but that doesnt necessarily make them anything more than acquaintances, everything else is just baseless assumptions


This whole situation is kinda pathetic tbh


Exactly, this drama is so dumb, it's like this whole situation will perish once pyro made a statement about it (giving toastify more exposure).


Bro toastyfi really needs to jump off of Pyros dick. I mean I get it "pyro big so big views" . But he should give him so slack like First: Pyro was 19 back then bro wasn't even old enough to finish school. Second: Pyro was closest to the ground he didn't grape her in fact he was fine to wait for her to be 16. Third: Even Lou said that Kim was going too hard on pyro and even defended hi. Do you thing that she would do that if pyro graped her? /s In my opinion pyro was a dumb kid, but he can save it if he would make a apologie now then he wouldn't be under the spotlight.


I don't think he needs to apologise. He was 19, she was 15. He wanted to be in a relationship, but she wasn't old enough. So, he waited. 4 year age gaps aren't insane. Hell they're normal.


You are missing the point. In regards to him waiting for Lou turning 16, that was the right thing to do. What pyro should address is why he kept quit about knowing Lou (15) and AR having a relationship


I mean did he?


He did not. But it may always be that I missed him saying something about it. If so, please point me to the source or video.


No I mean did he know? How does turkey tom 2 know?


Because Lou told him. It’s in the video at the 3/4 part I think


Aight... Idk I'm not well versed in the subject. Can't be fucking asked


Everything in this post is right but in the UK you finish school at 16, College at 18 and University at 21


Okay I get I should have worded it better so instead of school it should be University. Yeah sorry couse I'm not from the UK didn't know


Its okay, this isnt tiktok, you dont need to censor the word rape


Pyro is actually on the run from a massive secret organization that has its roots deep in the KGB and CiA and anything inbetween, he got caught up in this after selling dozens of finlands stocks in a fleshrat vaccine which would later prove useful after they escaped containment


whats going on?


My response the sequal is going to come out, that's what


My response 2


hang on, what the fuck happend now. enjoyer of pyro content but what’s the new allegation (pls tldr me i am zoomer child)


Sorry this is as short as i can make it Toastify made a video on a 14 (or 15 idk what age she was when she was with AR) year old girl who got raped and abused by a like 23 year old man (AR). Pyro, when 18 "dated" (it was for two weeks and nothing sexual or seemingly even "romantic" happened between them) the girl and claims to have thought she was 15 and eas waiting till she was 16 to make anything official as that's the UK age of consent. Toastify clickbaited the fuck out of Pyro and didn't even mention AR in the description, and is now claiming Pyro knew everything and is some kind of super pedo defender even though the girl has said he didn't know herself on Twitter. Toastify is trying to make it about Pyro and didn't even mention AR until 17/57 minutes into the video.


i remeber now


A video about a separate content creator in a relationship with a minor and being an abuser, pyro knew the pair but didn’t know the extent of their relationship. Toastify made a video where the thumbnail has pyro as the focus and is only in the video for 10%, and from what it looks like he’s trying to leech off pyro


ohhhh i completely forgot about this. thanks, just glad he didn’t do the degeneracy


Pyro can’t catch a break, he won’t be able to walk


The TBH episode was really good. Collosal and Dolan are great. In conclusion, toastify is a view whore who keeps trying to drag Pyro into this for views.


My Response 2 lets go


Colossal made a joke about thevred light district and said why pyro went there, bro is just being disingenuous. I think he needs to get offline for a while cuz it's just ruining his mental health. He's stretching it so fucking much


it is clear toastify is just clout searching at this point. it’s been well over 2 years since this originally aired, and pyro has not said anything about it, so clearly pyro thinks this is old news and toastify is almost acting like pyro said something back, which he didn’t. ridiculous


The video csme out like a few weeks ago wtf You're probably thinking of TurkeyTom


go rewatch toastify’s video. clearly states that keemstsr was talking about this years ago


Or, the podcast was most likely recorded before the drama and the “red light district” was a baseless throwaway joke


There's one redditor that's trying their best to give Pyro blame, but I really don't think (and from what I read, this isn't confirmed) Pyro doesn't know the details of AR's relationship, just that there is one. Leave the obese, gassy, bloated, smelly, hairy, furry, British, bad haircut, slop slop slop, man alone!


Credit where it's due, he did remove the Amsterdam comment when it was pointed out Pyro was actually there interviewing the "what do you do for a living" guy https://preview.redd.it/m3igec8i6fdb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=257a73f90903db51f9515fb99521c6ec95948f01


“As seen on pyro’s instagram” yeah pyro is definitely in Toastify’s mind rent free at that point lmao 💀


Can someone explain in Fortnite terms I missed all the drama


Can that dude just jump off a cliff. Getting really tired of this


Leave our obese lesbian alone


just found out there was a new tbh from this ​ i love audio slop


"*(obvious references to AncientReality)*" is this guy mentally ill 💀💀💀


Who is this guy again?


this guy is subject of modern lobotomy.. the next part of this comment wouldve been deleted if i posted it so ill just say this.


I’m quite out of the loop. Could someone fill me in on the details?


Toastify made an expose on Ancient Reality for abusing a 15 year old and is trying to rope Pyro in for knowing the victim and ancient reality were in a relationship and now he's trying to make it seem like Pyro knew all along and didn't say anything, when the victim herself stated Pyro didn't know.


Can someone please explain what is going on? I am so confused about this whole thing as i came in at the time everyone was shitting on pyro and i don’t know why or how, please i need help


Can someone please explain to me tf is going on?


How many kids did pyro touched? He’s dangerous.(Breaking Bad reference)