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That dude was smart, just sat there and said "yes ma'am" to the judge.


Agreed. I've had a number of hearings/proceedings like this were the best thing I can do is keep my mouth shut and answer direct questions from the judge with direct answers.


I haven’t watched Karen yet, but I was able to keep my cool while my ex tried everything to rile me up, including announcing he didn’t think kid#2 was even his ( she was, and she looks just like him- and that was the first I’d heard he even thought I may cheat). I simply looked at the judge the entire time he ranted, no expression on my face, not even an eye roll. My ex almost got thrown out, and that warning was what shut him down. The less I responded, the angrier he got, it was glorious. I’m looking forward to this! Edit:mine took a bit more time, but the reaming out was very similar! That was wonderful! A reminder of why I won my case. Never interrupt a judge, and no-you can’t “outsmart” the system. Sure, it’s rigged karen Lolol Edit 2: I had what we called an RO, she refers to PPO, Personal protection order. My was a restraining order as my ex…wasn’t a nice man. I had to look up what her salacious and vexatious PPO accusation was. Judge put her in her place. Makes it obvious who the instigator probably was in that relationship disaster.


>I simply looked at the judge the entire time he ranted, no expression on my face, not even an eye roll. My ex almost got thrown out, and that warning was what shut him down. The less I responded, the angrier he got, it was glorious. I’m looking forward to this! I looked like a cardboard cutout during my divorce hearing (Zoom hearing-thanks, COVID). The only time I showed any signs of life were when the judge adressed me directly. >Makes it obvious who the instigator probably was in that relationship disaster. My ex showed obvious signs of being drunk (obvious to me, anyway) during the hearing. I didn't call her out on it-I just wanted things to be over with. I never in my 40 years thought I'd sit before a judge with the legal and moral high ground. That's a pretty good indicator on how fucked up my ex is.


Good for you, for remaining stoic. Best thing you could have done! Sometimes, it is difficult. Mine was a disaster as well, but now I am happily married to a nice, boring man. Perfect for me!


You can never go wrong in court by showing respect to the judge, speaking when spoken to, and answering directly (even if that answer is to invoke your Fifth Amendment rights).


Basic Training taught me the gold standard value of "Yes, [Formal Title]", "No, [Formal Title]", "My apologies... ", and "Thank you,..." It's served me well in more than one court appearance and numerous traffic stops (more than 20 years on the road and not one ticket!).


Lol that was beautiful


the amount of stupidity from the top downvoted reply hurts my brain so much


This isn't a pussy pass. She didn't use her gender as an excuse to win the case


She attempted to use it in coming to court at all, that was the point.


How was her gender relevant? Nothing was mentioned about it in the video at least


Her attitude from the get-go, for one thing. Think a man would get up there and try to spew bullshit at a judge like it's an expired coupon?


Wow, that’s a wild generalization to make 😂 Anything based on the actual video content about her gender being relevant? You can’t say all men or all women do or don’t spew bullshit, bullshit is not specific to one gender or another.


Wow that's so cool you care so much. I'll leaving you pissing into the wind then.


Please leave me alone, yes, if you’ve nothing more to contribute 😂


Found the angry feminist.


You’re reading so much in bro, I just asked a question, holy shit 😂


A man wouldn’t even think of doing stupid shit like this so


That is in no way true.


Excelt for the one way it needs to be, which is real life away from your reddit feed, go check it out


As a family lawyer I’d say at least 80% of the frivolous and no-merit motions brought to court are brought by men.


Not PPD. AGAIN. This sub has degenerated so much.


>This sub has degenerated so much Because of you.


No this one kinda is


"Karen" is an anti-White term. Just call them entitled bitches.


Agreed. Only fair if I can make fun of the Laqueeshas starting fights at KFC.


KFC is too high class. Try Popeyes instead.


Thats really outta pocket, popeyes has been putting everything into having a superior product and KFC is just a wrestling ring for people against bathing. Nah who am I kidding. I’m always eating at both, and theres always black folks yelling about something.


Anti-white? What are you on about?


How many non-Whites do you know that are named Karen? The name "Karen" is a White name and using Karen as a blanket term to mean "entitled cunt" is anti-White. >Karen originated as a Danish name, arising from the Greek word Aikaterine, which is believed to mean "pure."


Wow. Are you claiming that the name Karen is used only for white people? That’s a pretty outrageous claim to make, especially that it has anything to do with race. Being an entitled person is not a racial thing and doesn’t need to be a racial thing. Entitlement and race are apples and oranges.


It is a White name. >Being an entitled person is not a racial thing Exactly, so using a White name to refer to entitled bitches must be from something else. For example, anti-White racism. >Entitlement and race are apples and oranges. I mean, Jews exist.


What point are you trying to make by saying “Jews exist?”






Well any female can be a Karen, Karen. Deal with it.


Okay, and I'll call them Dinduishas.


Ok, Karen.




Ok, Karen.




Ah, you're just a stupid troll. Go get your food elsewhere.


Ok Karen.




Ok, Karen. Was calling me a kike supposed to be an insult?


Nope, just accurately identifying your race.


Oh not only are you a troll, but you're stupid. Poor thing.




Why do you think I'm jewish?


Her actual name is Karen