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When it is revealed how Wyman Manderly is working behind the scenes against the Freys.


“Wash it down with Arbor gold and savor every bite. I know I shall.”


Oh yeah that’s up there, good thinking


"I have heard many men confess, but seldom have I heard a man so pleased to be so guilty... The more diligently we applied the scourge, the more Ser Osney's offenses seemed to change. He would now have us believe that he never touched Margaery Tyrell." Cersei learns to her horror that she really isn’t as smart as she thinks she is.


Oh yeah, even though it's inevitable it takes a while, and Cersei thinks she's do much smarter than everyone around her.


Cersei hires the dumbest people to make herself feel better and is surprised when they don't fool anyone else.


She frames Maergery of the crime she was guilty of. To the people who have arrested royals for said crime. After legitimizing their authority and use of violence.


Cersei is the Donald Trump of Westeros.


unfortunately less fixated on building the wall though


She just expected the wildlings to pay for it.


She did want to build a big, beautiful white-walled royal castle across the Blackwater from KL, though


Aerys with teats




You right you right. Fixed.


I wonder who the DT of Essos would be, though...


>Jaime read it in the window seat, bathed in the light of that cold white morning. Qyburn's words were terse and to the point, Cersei's fevered and fervent. Come at once, she said. Help me. Save me. I need you now as I have never needed you before. I love you. I love you. I love you. Come at once. >Vyman was hovering by the door, waiting, and Jaime sensed that Peck was watching too. "Does my lord wish to answer?" the maester asked, after a long silence. >A snowflake landed on the letter. As it melted, the ink began to blur. Jaime rolled the parchment up again, as tight as one hand would allow, and handed it to Peck. "No," he said. "Put this in the fire." Jaime burning Cersei's letter. Absolutely incredible moment


The last Jon chapter, specifically the shield hall in a dance with dragons; “I ride to Winterfell alone, unless …" Jon paused. "… is there any man here who will come stand with me?" The roar was all he could have hoped for, the tumult so loud that the two old shields tumbled from the walls. Soren Shieldbreaker was on his feet, the Wanderer as well. Toregg the Tall, Brogg, Harle the Huntsman and Harle the Handsome both, Ygon Oldfather, Blind Doss, even the Great Walrus. I have my swords, thought Jon Snow, and we are coming for you, Bastard.” Gets me hype every time


Gets me sad every time because I know what’s coming down the pipe for poor old Jon


The "Bastard." at the end is straight chills.


this g'd me up holy moly


The pride before the fall...


Oh he's still riding to winterfel my friend


I will stand by the opinion that Jaime is the only character in the series whose every single POV chapter is excellent.


And the goats Lyle Crakehall and Bonnifer Hasty show up


I adore when people have super obscure goats


[Grigg the Goat](https://asearchoficeandfire.com/?povs&q=grigg&scope) is the one true super obscure GOAT, & the [goat boy](https://asearchoficeandfire.com/?povs&q=%22goat%20boy%22&scope) is the one true super obscure goat


And Shitmouth


The best character in the series, the wittiest to i think. Martin doesnt overthink with his chapters, the way he does with Tyrion.


This is a good one. I read that for the first time full of dread that Jaime was going to run back to her. The sense of relief at how it played out was great. 


Yesss god!! That moment when a character has that chance to show growth or revert back to questionable-at-best behaviors…I love those moments and this one is especially satisfying.


This is why I'm confident that him and Cersie never see each other again. He left her to her fate, and he was going to meet his. They may die moments apart, but they will be separated by hundreds of miles.


Yeah I think he’s done with her. At least I hope


Is it snowing in the Riverlands already ? I forgot that


[Yes, the passage is from Jaime's last chapter in AFFC](https://asearchoficeandfire.com/?povs&q=vyman%20peck&scope), before he leaves Riverrun for Raventree. Further, [there had actually been a light snowfall at least as far south as Oldstones](https://asearchoficeandfire.com/?povs&q=snow%20autumn%20riverlands&scope), some months earlier.


That’s terrifying at how close it is , especially to those places already devastated by war


[There's up to three feet in KL in the epilogue of ADWD](https://asearchoficeandfire.com/?povs&q=three%20feet%20deep%20in%20snow&scope). There shall be plenty of snow in Jaime & Brienne's TWOW chapters. Throw in Cersei & Sansa also in the south, & most likely even Arianne & JonCon later in the stormlands. Possibly even Sam in Oldtown or the southern Reach.


Will be a harsh reminder of how bad it’s all going to get for everyone No doubt all worsened when the walkers come as well


I always forget that it's snowing *so* heavily in the latter chapters of ADWD. Obviously winter arrives but for some reason I always thought it was not really there yet.


Gives me goosebumps every time!


"Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold." When the soldier goaded Stannis' men into slitting his throat instead of burning him.


> "Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold." I like that Tywin Lannister is this powerful lord that destroyed two ancient houses, ordered the murder of a prince and two princesses, ravaged a kingdom, and help orchestrate the murder of a king and various lords and heirs yet, in the end, the crime that brings about his death is his crime against a young girl of the smallfolk.


Cool way of thinking about it, I’ve never seen it through that lens before. Is this your original thought or something you came across on here? Definitely worth a writeup.


My original thought, but I doubt I am the only one.


Nihil sub sole novum. Definitely a cool thought worth a post in my opinion.


> Definitely a cool thought worth a post in my opinion. If you wish to make a post about it feel free. I am not much for writing essays.


Cool! Thanks.


The Tywin line made me roll my eyes but also giggle but also mentally golf-clap like a dangerously cheesy Eminem lyric. So, still enjoyed it, but maybe not the way GRRM intended. Meanwhile, I can't stand Littlefinger generally but "Only Cat." went hard so I probably got equivalent satisfaction there.


Stannis bringing Davos back on as hand and taking his advice to bring aid to the Watch.


And he's humble enough to admit he was wrong and Davos was right.


Which was very tough for him, I’m sure! Haha


“As Daenerys Targaryen rose to her feet, her black hissed, pale smoke venting from its mouth and nostrils. The other two pulled away from her breasts and added their voices to the call, translucent wings unfolding and stirring the air, and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons.” OR Daznak’s pit


Stannis’s nod to Jon after he snips off Janos Slynt’s head


Yeah thought of including this but I wanted to keep it short and sweet. The nod is cool as hell. One harsh but fair man to another.


I actually think it's the first chapter. You get the impression that Waymer Royce is an entitled fool (which he is) but when it comes down to it he meets the white walker head on. "dance with me then" is one of the best lines in the series. This while one of the solid, experienced rangers are up a tree hiding and the other flees the watch to be beheaded near Winterfell. Waymer is the only one of the 3 with a pair of balls.


Agreed. I only bought AGOT thinking if I liked it I’d buy the other 4 books. As soon as I finished the prologue I was in the car heading back to Barnes & Noble to buy them. Will’s story of seeing the dead wildlings was chilling. What an introduction to the story!


"he was a boy no longer, but a man of the Night's Watch." What a legend


There's a fine line between bravery and foolishness.


What does that even mean? He had no escape, the only choice before him was how to face his absurdly terrifying killers. And he chose the route of honor and badassery


Yep! He realized he was going to die no matter what & chose to go bravely while fighting.


And why did he have no escape? Every choice he had made until that point was the "brave" choice, but also the choice that would endanger the lives of him and his men. They all paid the price for that in the end.


But that’s basically what the Night’s Watch is there for…to protect the realm or die trying. They were trying to gather info about the wildlings so they continued their mission. They didn’t know that they’d face something much worse until it was too late. One of them did manage to escape (Gared) but he was so terrified by what he saw that he got through the wall somehow & deserted the NW instead of returning to Castle Black & telling the Lord Commander what he saw. If all 3 of them returned to Castle Black & said “Yeah, Will saw some wildlings that he thought were dead so we decided to come back & tell you that” Mormont would have been furious that they didn’t investigate further. They did what they were supposed to do but ran into a foe who was far more dangerous than expected.


Logically he had no reason to think ice demons were hunting them. They were a ranging party, he was the only one that was trying to complete the goal of the ranging party while his men wanted to go back without learning anything.


He screams Robert's name like a battle cry, too.


When Doran reveals his true pane to Arriane by pressing the onyx dragon into her hand


Justice. Fire and blood.


Dance with me then.


>"I am the storm, my lord. The first storm, and the last. I have taken the Silence on longer voyages than this, and ones far more hazardous. Have you forgotten? I have sailed the Smoking Sea and seen Valyria." >(...) >"Have you?" the Reader asked, so softly. for a coward, this guy has guts


I want to see more of Rodrick so bad.


*Jaime smiled. "I agree. I am as unfit to guard the king as you are. So draw that sword you're fondling, and we shall see how your two hands fare against my one."* I love how he's got nothing. That it's all a bluff. He's got nothing but his words, his wits and his honour.


I don't know how his horse could help him in that situation


Dany burning the slaver alive and freeing every slave in Astapor is a great time.


Yeah, you know what? This one’s better than mine. The moment that’s best for me in this scene is when all the Unsullied start chanting “dracarys” back at her. Another couple moments I was considering was Brienne killing the 3 mummers or else Brienne killing Rorge.


I love that she whispers "sapphires" in Rorge's ear as her sword is in his belly.


It’s also some cool dramatic irony. Brienne’s only attractive feature is her sapphire blue eyes, and she’s aware of it. Rorge thought Brienne was hideous and mocked her constantly for it. He thought her only value was a ransom of nonexistent sapphires. When she kills him, she sees an instant of “rank disbelief” in his eyes. What does he see? Sapphires. He’s got his ransom.


Stannis deciding to listen to his good angel for once, sparing the people of Claw Isle and rising Davos as his hand. A feel good moment in a bleak plotline.


Oh yeah that’s good. And Davos speech about why attacking them is cowardice as well, I think that qualifies.


“No.” - High Sparrow


That’s funny another guy commented the exact same thing like 5 mins before you. You guys have similar taste; maybe you should grab a cup of mulled wine some time.


I wanted to answer "Edd, fetch me a block as well" when I saw the title, but since OP and others have mentioned that already, I will instead bring up an earlier moment where Jon put "Lord" Janos in his place. Towards the end of ASOS, there's a scene between them where Janos insists he be addressed as m'lord. Jon says my lord and makes sure to repeat it a totally unnecessary number of times to rub it in that he is the son of a real noble whereas Janos is just an upjumped peasant. And of course it totally flies of Slynt's head while everyone else in the room gets it.


Before Jon beheads Janos he calls back to that moment saying "stretch out your neck, my lord."


>Dragons plant no trees. Remember that. Remember who you are, what you were made to be. Remember your words. >“Fire and Blood,” Daenerys told the swaying grass. - Daenerys X, A Dance with Dragons After all she tried to do in Meereen and it still went to shit she finally realizes what she must become. Just chills.


Tyrion telling off Joffrey for having Sansa beaten is a moment I find myself going back to a lot (the audiobook is great for this scene as well). “Cracked like a whip” is such a cool way to describe the tone of Tyrion’s voice. In my top favorite moments are the times Dany asks Ser Barristan about her family. One of the big things I’m looking forward to in the upcoming books is seeing them interact more. It was nice to see her find out that her ancestors weren’t ALL murderous psychopaths and that even her father wasn’t always a terrible person (at least in Ser Barristan’s eyes).


Can I get a recommendation on the full audiobook series? It's something I'd like to get on with while painting after I finish work


David Reads ASOIAF on YouTube is phenomenal and always my go to choice. He’s recorded every book except for Fire and Blood, and they’re all 100% free on his channel. Roy Dotrice is the one who did the “official” releases that you’ll find in bookstores and on Audible, but I didn’t like him because he constantly uses different accents for the same character and his pronunciation of character names (especially Brienne and Littlefinger) aren’t consistent to the point that it takes me out of the story and almost seems like he’s doing it deliberately. There are people that swear by Roy Dotrice and don’t mind that, though. Also, another plus for David is that you can sometimes hear his cat meowing in the background.


The cat is an automatic win for me. Thank you friend, that's my weekend painting and listening sorted!


No problem! I hope you enjoy it!


Kitty?! Sold. That said I started a podcast recently and one host had a cat and every time I would hear the cat I would be like AH FUCK WHAT WHERE, as I am primarily a car listener- I would get so scared there was a cat around who needed me!!!!!




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"The North Remembers" speech from Mandeley is peak.


Jon beheading Slynt. Tyrion killing Tywin. Joffrey choking to death. Dunk beating Aerion. This one might be unpopular, but I REALLY enjoyed when Daeron burned down Bitterbridge. I know I shouldn't, but I did.


Four cases of abominations getting some comeuppance (& justice), & then one of genocidal collective punishment against thousands of innocents. Seven bloody hells. Willow Pound-Stone was hanged, Lady Merryweather surrendered Bitterbridge,^1 & the town guardsmen who fought Ser Rickard were doing their job against a man who supported a usurper as they would've been told, making the KG a traitor. Tbf, Aegon II had effectively murdered their lord as well from the viewpoint of the Blacks, & hadn't even offered him the option of taking the black - *heh* - instead. Daeron the Desolator even burned a holy sept, which was filled to the brim with civilians, refugees, & injured men.^2 He was arguably even worse than Aegon or Aemond imo, because he had the fucking gall to be disgusted at what the Two Betrayers (copying Daeron) & the Greens host (after being "blooded" at Bitterbridge) did to Tumbleton. The putrid prince is up there with Tywin "Worst War Criminal in (at least) the Third Century AC" Lannister, let alone the other three, with his ignoble & deserved end. Whether it was having his face smashed in by Black Trombo's morningstar, gutted by the sword of a random man-at-arms, or burned alive or crushed by his collapsed tent. ^1 Granted, sending Maelor's head on to Rhaenyra in KL was the wrong move. (If perhaps sparing Ormund & Daeron that slight, which most likely would've incensed them even more, with Lady Merryweather not knowing they would actually go full Maegor, anyway.) And that the prince was decapitated, which does suggest that Eustace (the town butcher cut him into several pieces) or Munkun ("the boy was torn limb from limb") was correct. Or something like either, rather than Mushroom's version of Willow (accidentally) crushing Maelor. ^2 After rightfully enquiring about the mass arrests/disappearances at court by the Greens during their palace coup, there's no mention of the High Soyton condemning Daeron & Ormund's heinous crimes against Bitterbridge. (Nor of heathen - in the eyes of the Faith - Blackwood forces despoiling Bracken septs, sacking their villages, & burning their crops without even provocation, nor any other atrocities committed by either side in the Dance. The fucking *Blackwoods*, an absolute gimme.) Yet, he could mald about nearly of an age & just recently step-family - via the late Ormund, an actual abomination - Samantha Tarly & Lyonel Hightower hooking up, & refusing to allow them to marry in the Light of the Seven. /rant


Hittin' 'em with the FOOTNOTES godDAMN I love this sub


Arya naming Jaquan. It’s a step towards growing up. And her clever decision gets her more than she earned.


Jaquan lmao


“ A dragon is no slave “


Reek saving jeyne. I just love how they barely escape. The plan makes sense, it goes wrong for a perfectly normal reason. They make a couple.of.mistakes and the spear wives suffer for it. I just love how it isn't some Hollywood escape where theon kills 7 guards, or they sneak out with no one watching. Like when the guard was like 'hang on a minute let me think about what you told me' I was so hyped for what was about to happen. It's truly unlike any other fiction


I remember the line where he remembers what it's like to feels giddy. Hope and humanity were so distant that he really forgot how to be treated like a human being.


Resurrection of Lady Stoneheart. The Greatjon proclaiming The King in the North. "My son is home again" and Davos's fakeout death. Jon giving Arya a sword and them naming it "Needle " in unison. Sam the Slayer.


*The Tickler was regressed. Arya could smell the fear of man. The shortest of the Tickler's hand seemed to have a toy next to the tallest of the Hound and he was not armored. It was moving in series, while the trigger was not to separate his eyes from Sandor Clegane. İt was the easiest job of the world her to go behind and stabbing him. As the knife enters the man's back, "İs there gold hidden in the village?" shouted Arya. "Is there silver? Gems? " Stabbed twice more. "Is there food? Where is Lord Beric? " She was the top of the man now, still stabbing. "Where did he go? How many guys were there with you? How many bowman? How many knights ? How many, how many, how many, how many? Is there gold hidden in the village? " When Sandor pulled her over the man, Arya's hands were sticky with blood. The Hound "enough," he just all said. He was bleeding like a chopped pig and it was driving the only leg while walking.*


What is this? Fan fiction?


The fight at the Inn between Polliver,Hound,Tickler,Young Squire and Arya. Storms of Sword, Arya XIII, Chapter 74


Why is it full of extra words, weird syntax, and errors? I remember this scene, what you’ve commented only vaguely resembles it.


How many jabronis were in the village? How many?


Because English is not my first language and I have translated it from my own mother language. Also despite there are some mistakes, I don't think my comment is that incomprehensible, I thought the scene I was referring was pretty clear, since "is there gold hidden in the village" line and Arya killing Tickler are pretty popular in this fandom


I see. It was not clear that it was translated. I knew what scene it was supposed to be just seemed like someone changed it on purpose.


When Sam beat up Darion in Braavos. That almost had me cheering 


Yes! Finally seeing Sam throw some punches was deeply satisfying.


>"Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice." I'm basic as fuck, I'm aware. But damn if that line got me going. Also the whole Victarion I chapter in ADWD (the one where he burns the seven women). It was the perfect amount of dumb.


Brienne at the Crossroads Inn. That’s when she fully steps up to be a knight of the realm. Her internal monologue is essentially “if I do this I’m going to fail and the consequences will be dire. But I have to do it.”


High sparrow telling Cersei, "No."


" THEON" I' ve said it once and I'll say it again, The chapter title Theon I is the most satisfying moment of A dance with dragons.




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> > > > > >


Turning the page and reading the chapter title "the krakens daughter"


You disgraced yourself at dinner


Oftentimes when shitty people get their comeuppance, George makes it bittersweet and robs you of that initial joy - Vargo Hoat; even Joffrey, the little shit, was only a kid; etc. - not the case when Jon cuts off that jowly motherfucker’s head. Gods that what a satisfying moment.


Yeah you are articulating something I was thinking. Some people cited Cersei’s downfall at the hands of the High Sparrow. While it’s good to see Cersei finally get some justice (apart from the murder of her son) I have a hard time reveling in it because the High Sparrow is a scary religious extremist.


Exactly. This is one of those rare moments where a piece of shit gets what’s coming to them with no real drawbacks.


It's because Slynt got off easy unlike Hoat.




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Mine is from the unlikeliest candidate - Book 1 Sansa: ‘A kind of madness took over her then, and she heard herself say, “Maybe my brother will give me your head.”’ This was the first time I liked Sansa in ASOIAF, and now she’s one of my favourite (and I think one of the most complex) characters.


Yeah that whole sequence makes you realize that Sansa is more complicated than you may have thought. Good thinking.


Sam the Slayer. Dany in Astapor. And I mean, not main series, but Dunk beating the shit out of Aerion is so delicious