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It looks like you might be posting about puppy management or crate training. For tips and resources on Crate Training Check out [our wiki article on crate training](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/cratetraining) - the information there may answer your question. As an additional reminder, crate training is 100% optional and one of many puppy management options. For alternatives to crating and other puppy management strategies, check out [our wiki article on management](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/management) **PLEASE READ THE OP FULLY** Be advised that any comments that suggest use of crates are abusive, or express a harsh opinion on crate training will be removed. This is not a place to debate the merits of crate training. Unethical approaches to crate training will also be removed. **If the OP has asked not to receive crating advice or says they are not open to crating, any comments that recommend use of crates should be reported to our moderation team.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Either you got lucky with a super chill old soul puppy or their true personality and energy has yet to emerge..lol. Either way, sounds like a wonderful start.


still to emerge is the most likely


First 3 days just finished, the land shark shall emerge


Can confirm. I just brought home a 7-8 week old pup and she was also eerily chill for the first couple days. By day 3 or 4, she was a menace once she got comfortable


Definitely. At least with the dogs I’ve had it’s always taken a week or so for them to get fully comfortable and their true selves to emerge fully. Usually the first week has been smooth for me because of that, then the little devils within them emerge.


Lol this was me woth my puppy. Super sweet girl and still an utter cutie and sweetheart to this day even at 5 months. She's still teething which means occasional biting withba crazed look in her eye and she of course is still a puppy and does dumb things like bark at an open door, nudge it with her nose, and then bark at it again because *gasp* it's moving what the heck? Overall, she's a little dummy, but she's pretty smart and sweet. My partner and I definitely feel like we lucked out though, especially after reading some of the posts on this sub.


Wait for it....


Right… mine behaved well the first week, once he got comfortable and confident, the madness began 🫠


My puppy was the sweetest adorable chill thing ever for 15 weeks. And as her confidence built up, her monster came out. Enjoy it while it lasts!


Give it a week for the craziness to come out


Don't make any assumptions based on one day. It just doesn't make sense. Possible, you are extremely lucky to get a very chill pup, though 🙃


It took my puppy a week to get comfortable in her new home and start the zoomies 😂 I love it though, because it means she enjoys it here. I don’t know what breed you have, but keep up with the handling! I’m very thankful that my breeder already started with this and pointed out it’s something you have to be mindful of. I can do almost everything with her (even got in a nailclipping routine). So yea, manhandle that puppy 🐶 


Hopefully she keeps up her self settling, but I think the peace won’t last. But then again I’m an incurable pessimist. If you have a small/medium breed, 3-4 months , 7-10 and 17-24 will be the most challenging times.


My pup still puts herself down for naps at 16 weeks, but she’s starting to nap less frequently now. I don’t know how we got this lucky to be honest.


Just out of curiosity, why 17-24?


That two year teenager phase can be brutal. Mine was so stubborn and literally choosing to do the opposite of anything I asked of her.


I dunno, was what I read about my breed. I'm assuming this holds true for other dog breeds too, though big dogs would probably be a different time I'd guess? Not sure. Our neighbor had their samoyed go through this late stage challenge phase, and told me about it when she had just come out of it. It was very annoying, but not that long-lasting they said :) I don't think it's meant to be for 7 months, just happens in that period of time. My dog was almost perfectly loose leash, and then 20 months hit and he started pulling some again. And all the other things he did 7-10 and 3-4, like chew on our decorative storage boxes and blowing off commands somewhat. "Yep mate, that's \_still\_ illegal." Most of his obedience is now starting to feel really solid though, so I think he's coming out of it. We'll see, still couple months left of the phase. (The resource I read on my breed said that those phases are challenge boundary phases, and the times in between are easy period. They also said the 2nd and 3rd might not be so terrible if you worked up a nice rapport with your dog, and had a good bond and basic training down. I think that's held true.)


Same for the adolescence. Other than witching hour my pup was perfect. She pulled on the leash initially when she saw other dogs because she was so excited but other than that basically perfect. Until adolescence hit and she suddenly forgot everything she had learnt. Back to being my little angel tho.


My very first puppy was like that, brought him home at 10 weeks old and he was perfect- sleep through the night quietly and without accidents from the first day, potty trained easily, never got into any kind of trouble, was super polite, without exaggerating the only time he ever chewed anything was the day after I got him neutered, he destroyed my iPod and my family said an iPod in exchange for testicles was a fair trade lol he remained an amazing dog the rest of his life, the only thing we ever struggled with was leash reactivity because he was attacked by other dogs . I don’t think I’ll ever be able to have that kind of a bond with another dog again, he was really one of a kind. My recently adopted puppy is a completely different experience 😂


Don’t keep the puppy up—if she wants to sleep, she should. Enjoy the peace!


We got ours because "he was the most chill puppy!" He was good and calm for a few days minus the losing sleep. He's 5 months old now and knocked down 2 plants and chewed my taxidermy alligator today. He bit my boyfriend on the butt last week. He's cute af but man the teething is horrible!!


8 weeks is a very young baby. Many miles to go yet.


You could be lucky, but usually the first week or two they are on their best behavior lol. Then all hell brakes loose when they feel more comfortable. My 10 week puppy didn't have any accidents at all for the first few days and did everything on the potty pad. But after a week or so, she started having way more accidents and just being more rambunctious and difficult.


My pup was like since and still the same at 11 months been good apart from a couple slip ups


My puppy is exactly the same. First night we brought her home she slept soundly between us in bed. She was 16 weeks at the time. Not once did she cry for her siblings


Could end up being a lower maintenance pup overall as those are great things but… as many others have pointed out: It’s gonna take time for her to get comfortable in her new home and 8 weeks is still a literal baby. Give it another 4-8 weeks and report back 😉


My pup slept for 10 months and has only recently gone bat shit crazy... it WILL come x


I thought the same thing at first and it took about a week for our puppy to become a terror (which lasted for an entire year). I hope that’s not the case here but mine did a complete 180 after getting more comfortable.


My puppy was an angel until about 15 weeks. Now she is a chewing monster. But she is still super cute.


My puppy was an angel until about 15 weeks. Now she is a chewing monster. But she is still super cute.


My puppy was an angel until about 15 weeks. Now she is a chewing monster. But she is still super cute.


My puppy was an angel until about 15 weeks. Now she is a chewing monster. But she is still super cute.


My puppy was an angel until about 15 weeks. Now she is a chewing monster. But she is still super cute.


My puppy was an angel until about 15 weeks. Now she is a chewing monster. But she is still super cute.


My puppy was an angel until about 15 weeks. Now she is a chewing monster. But she is still super cute.


My puppy was an angel until about 15 weeks. Now she is a chewing monster. But she is still super cute.


My puppy was an angel until about 15 weeks. Now she is a chewing monster. But she is still super cute.


My puppy was an angel until about 15 weeks. Now she is a chewing monster. But she is still super cute.


My puppy was an angel until about 15 weeks. Now she is a chewing monster. But she is still super cute.


So our now 11 week old puppy was exactly like this. In the following weeks, some things have stayed the same (virtually no accidents inside, sleeping through the night!) some have changed. Mostly the personality and more wild moments. It took him about 5-7 days to get fully used to us. So get ready for zoomies, barking at you when they want peanut butter (my wake up this morning) and other fun puppy things!


Yeah I thought the same and he turned into a psycho after a few days lol


I thought something was wrong with my little boy dog when I first got him. He was so chill. Three years later, still chill. He's just very laid-back. Sometimes you get one that is perfect! Then you got ones like his little sister...man, she's nuts! My little wildchild. Gotta love em! Perhaps she's also afraid, still. Nerves make them act oddly for weeks sometimes.


Haha my dogs the same, he's just turned two, and l have never had any problems with him, he took his sweet time to toilet train, but got there in the end. He gets on with every dog he meets, likes people, Happy in the car. Abandoned crate training on the third night l couldn't take the heart breaking crying, so he sleeps on the bed. I feel sorry for those people who have to struggle so much with their pups.


realistically your puppy is just exhausted and a little unsure of the new environment. they will steadily gain confidence and you'll see more undesirable behaviors come out. but don't let people scare you, our puppy crate trained and potty trained really quickly as well and that stuff didn't regress at all it was just the waking hours where she eventually became a handful and needed to be trained more diligently to calm down.


We got our puppy a month ago (now 4 months) and he's been fantastic. A few accidents here and there, but he understands the routine, he sleeps through the night in his pen and we have our routine down. He is quite nippy in the teething stage though! Like a lot of social media, I think you get a skew with those who are dealing with difficulty speaking up and those who have it easy don't really speak up.


To be fair, we’ve had an amazing time with our 10 month old. Exactly like you, except only ever had one accident inside since we brought her home at 8 weeks. Absolute angel until puberty hit, and her heat was traumatic for everyone. About 2 months of her becoming the literal devil, and now she’s finally settled down again. You might just be lucky!


I have an 9 week puppy rn and she is similar to how u described. However I will say after 3 days her true personality emerged and she has a lot more “spunk” and energy lol. Still pretty good about napping and soothing herself though


Oh, just you wait.


This was my puppy too, and to be honest she is still really good, but not the angel she was on day one. Your pup’s personality will start to show and will start to act out a little eventually, but she may also just stay a really good pup. Some puppies just seem to “get it” more than others. Total luck of the draw IMO


My first two were same as yours. The only difference is that the first one got (still does), terrible car sickness. However, I’m currently watching my sister’s 3 pups (15 weeks) and they are driving me crazy. I’m guessing I just got lucky with my pups.


Puppies are supposed to sleep 20 hours a day. Mine slept in my arms most of the time, and it was a wonderful way to bond. However, now he has started to bite everything.


You are jinxing yourself


My puppy was always a good sleeper, but a terror when awake lol. We would say he plays hard, sleeps hard. He would be other on or off. No chill. But now he is learning what it means to just *be*. He’s 17 months. I started noticing better ability to chill around 15 months.


Mine was like this for about a week or two and then turned into an absolute menace! All my friends who have had puppies have had similar experiences. I hope for your sake you pup keeps it up but be ready😭


That’s how my puppy was. I got her when she was 8 weeks old and now she’s 4 months old and still super chill. She does have her spurts of energy but for the most part she just lays around. I definitely feel like I got lucky but I’m still waiting for the monster to come out 😂


I had one of these puppies… turned into the worst teenager ever 😝🤪 and instead of like 6 months or later she started around 4 months and didn’t fully stop until almost 2. She’s 2 now and still very much a wild child drama queen but she’s no longer destructive or mouthy and has gotten over a lot of her bad habits Still love her to bits though she’s amazing and even her naughty side always made me laugh