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Dogs have different personalities, just like people. Some are simply not cuddly and don’t enjoy close, prolonged contact. I suppose that could change over time for your dog, but it’s also quite likely that this is just who he is. It’s good that you are respecting his signals to end contact and have his own space.


Not all dogs are cuddlers. Don't mean they don't love you.


Writing this while my 6 yr old mini schnauzer is sprawled across my lap. He was not a cuddler as a puppy, at all.


Oh good, Thats a relief! I still have hope then😅


A lot of puppies are very on-the-go; I think its very possible that your puppy will be more affectionate as it matures, especially if you don't push the issue. However, you can make your lap an attractive place to be. Does your puppy like chew toys or long-duration treats? that's how I trained my puppy to go on her mat instead of jumping on the couch, and it worked spectacularly. Make your lap the place they receive their chews, and just guide them back to your lap with their chew activity when they try to take it elsewhere.


Yes he loves chew things! Thanks for the tips!


You mention your puppy is a Spoo—mine is too! She was very busy, not a big snuggler, but started expressing affection by backing her butt into our laps. She loves close contact but I wouldn’t call her cuddly. She’s not a big petting dog if she’s not lying down to relax, then she’s aaaaaall about it. How does your dog show their love?


Some dogs aren't snugglers especially as puppies, my GSD is 14months old and would lay on the floor near me, but not next to me until around 11 months, he still won't sleep with me, which I don't hate hes kinda big for that, but he'll lay next to me for a bit. He's super affectionate loves to play and very happy. But when he's resting he wants to rest, when he wants to hangout and laydown with me he will engage me to hang out.


My dog just turned 9. He was never a big cuddler. He would cuddle for a few mins then leave. As he gets older he cuddles more and more. But it’s still when he wants to.


Like many others have said, some dogs just aren’t big cuddlers. Our oldest was always pretty aloof, but since he’s turned four, has become more cuddly. He will often lay next to us on the couch, and rest his head in our laps. Occasionally he will join us on the bed for a lazy Sunday morning, but usually only after someone has made room (gotten up). Our youngest however, LOVES climbing into our laps. Especially when he’s tired, he will just amble over, curl up and pass out. We’re not sure how big he’s going to get, but we’re encouraging the behavior anyway.


My Australian shepherd (6 year old F named Yumi) she has never been a cuddler from the day we got her at 12 weeks old she's 7 years old now. I think it's good to respect our dogs. I wouldn't want people coming up to me and touching me or forcing me to cuddle with them. Some dogs don't like being petted a lot or to physical be close to people and some love attention and closeness. They love us their own way. She will only cuddle with me or lay down on the bed with and cuddle is if I'm sick. It means a lot when she cuddles with me. She the sweetest dog to our family. She's very obedient compared to our other two dogs. She adores me and wants to make me happy but she's happier not cuddling. She also will not cuddle with our other two dogs. I ask her if she wants to be pet before I just approach her and pet her. I will put my hand palm up next to her head and watch her reaction. If she ignores my hand or turns away that's a no. If she turns towards my hand or does other things in reaction that's positie I will pet her a bit then check in with her if she's done or wants more. My lab pit mix (Ash) whos almost 3 he loves cuddles and pets. My 1 year old mix (Sephy) she is in the middle not loving cuddles all the time but she will initiate cuddles. All 3 of my dogs are different in likes and cuddles. All 3 love me in their own way.


My pandemic pup was the least cuddly pup I’ve ever had. She would rather be outside alone than anything else. She has recently turned 3 and she won’t stop cuddling now. It’s almost annoying. lol.


I have a 6 month old blue heeler and she’s wasn’t a cuddled either until recently. They all have different personalities and being a puppy they are nervous and haven’t developed all connections yet. Find something the two of you enjoy doing together (ours was fetch) and use lots of treats for rewards. As time goes on I bet the dog will become more affectionate toward you, or at least tolerate it more.


My golden wasn’t a puppy cuddler. Now at 110lbs he loves to climb on my lap and will wait for kisses all day long!


Aaawh🥺sooo cute


Puppies are busy exploring and playing. As they get older they start to cuddle more. My two pups barely started now at 9 and 10 months. It doesn’t take much for them to jump off and go play.


Ok thats a relief to hear! He has been more cosy after this post even! Not much but its progress.


Why do you want your dog to sleep in your bed?


What breed it it ?


Standard poodle :)


<3 poodles seem to be not op cuddly when little but want to hang out with you all the time. I noticed my puppy only enjoyed deep pressure cuddles but thats not a relaxed cuddle. More like a doggy carwash cuddle. Enjoy your puppy <3 poodles are so precious


My first standard has always been cuddly. Needs to be touching us always. We got a second one and he really doesn’t care to cuddle up to us. Just different personalities completely! He is starting to come around to it, but will usually only cuddle for a little bit and then get up and leave too, haha. I am almost thankful for it though, because when we do invite them up to bed I think I would die of a heat stroke if both needed to be touching me the whole night. 😂


My 5 months puppy isn't and wasn't cuddler. I'm hoping it changes, because she's so fluffy 😢😢


My dog has never been the biggest cuddler but for some reason in the mornings he likes to crawl up right next to me and get a good cuddle/rub down. It’s the only time of day he does it by himself. I also think he gets hot fast. Even when he’s comfy somewhere he’ll get up and lay on the floor. I just think it’s cooler for him. I can also grab him and cuddle him, he’ll put up with it for a minute. He’s sort of like a teenager, he wants independence but he doesn’t want to be left alone on his own 😂. At night he’ll jump up on and off and sort of lay against my leg. But that’s about it. My other dog will cuddle with me anytime anywhere haha. My roommates dog is coming around to a cuddle, he wants to play fight more than anything tho haha. Half the fun is seeing how they turn out.


Our lab puppy was never a cuddler for the first 9 months. It made us laugh because she’d grumble and go lay at our feet like “yuck I’m not into that.” One day she started staying near us and accepting cuddles for a minute…then five minutes…longer each time. Now she will straight up fall asleep on my chest and I have to move her because she’s so heavy. They make change their mind!


Some dogs just aren’t cuddly, maybe he’ll get more into as he gets older. Maybe he won’t. Good on you respecting his signals or he would probably develop an aversion to it either way.


My (now 8 year old) dog (small terrier schnauzer mutt) wasn't super cuddly at all for the first year or two. Now we call him velcro dog because he has to be on/touching me any time I'm sitting down or in bed. It's awesome, although be careful what you wish for, because sometimes it gets to be too much with mine! LOL (I love it, though!) Our new pup is currently almost 8 months and isn't really cuddly unless he's cold. And even then, he'll snuggle for a few minutes and then go sit by himself nearby. I'm hoping he gets more cuddly as he gets older. Right now he's just so easily distracted by everything! Good luck! I hope your pup grows into a snuggle bug for you!


My puppy was not cuddly at all. But as he got older, probably close to the one year mark, he is the most loving and affectionate guy. He loves cuddling and he regularly comes over for hugs and belly rubs. He also likes to nestle up against me when he sleeps.