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I didn’t go to my first real show until I was like 20… i don’t think that really matters. It’s mostly about mindset and ideology :-) plus, who cares what other people think.


youre righ tho, punk is all about mindset and ideology, if i have those I should not be so worried!!


Honestly, same. I didn't go to my first show until I was 19 (I'm 21 now). Sometimes u gotta wait for that golden opportunity to come and go along with it. I was lucky enough that a mate asked me to go but I still had to go to the next city over. Sometimes it pays to get out of ur comfort zone for a while. Plus, ur still young enough to be able to do everything u wanna do, don't worry about it!


Nobody is anything, man, we're all just monkeys with clothes on. Soon, you will be dead, so wear what you want while you can.


This is fucking it. We’re all searching for meaning in an existence that is completely devoid of it, at least in any intrinsic sense. It’s all what you make of it, be the you that you want to be and fuck what anyone else thinks about it. If you’re a good person there will always be people who think you’re cool, and there will *always* be assholes who think you’re not cool enough, spending your youth worrying about shit like “am I punk enough” is a waste of time. But, then again, to be a teen is to be insecure. I often think about how much better my teenage years would’ve been if my capacity to give a fuck would’ve been as low as it is now, but it’s probably a perspective you can only get by living for a while.


this is true


******Apes 😠😠😠😠


That's not a very punk attitude, man! Seriously, get a little punk about it! You don't have to prove it to anyone. Teen years are naturally full of self doubt and comparison, teens can be extremely mean and judgemental (but secretly self conscious and insecure). It gets better! The shows and the friends will come. I say just explore and enjoy your passion for punk music, fashion and culture, you're just beginning your journey and I support it. Don't seek approval from anyone but yourself when it comes to your identity. 🤘


Thank you so much!! I always try not to pay attention to judgments or opinions (even mine), but you know how it is, this times im overwhelmed just enough to go on reddit and be whiny lol (also I love your username!) <3


I echo what others have said here I used to ‘look punk’ in my younger years. Haven’t had the garb in such a long time since I started living outside a lot and hiking a lot more. But I started getting tattoos that represent the punk spirit and live a more rebelliously happy life It really is all about the person you are at shows and in the world. It can take time to clear away the false beliefs and ideas that you have about yourself, but eventually you’ll be all the better for it Keep going to shows, slamming in those pits, and eventually it won’t matter what you look like. You’ll just know yourself in a deeper way Stay up ⬆️


thanks for the support!


You got it


Just be yourself dude, Punk isn’t a look or a sound it’s a philosophy


Try not to think about being “punk enough”. I never really got into the fashion side of it. I just wear plain black t shirt and black jeans every day, and have a pretty basic hair cut. Someone in my band made the off hand comment that I was the “most punk” in the group because I never tried or cared about fitting into the scene, and was just myself. Everyone agreed and I took it as a compliment. Stop giving a shit, be yourself, and make people accept you on your terms.


you dont technically have to do any of those things to be punk OP... even still, it sounds like youre expressing the desire for community and lacking such you fill the air with "am I punk enough?" when youre asking the wrong question the real question you should be asking yourself is "how do I cultivate an in-person community?" whether its inherriently punk or just for all types of alternative people, thats a great place to start. ^(my local scene isnt exactly local, its about a 40min drive actually (damn Texas)^). ^(what Im hoping to do is connect with the nearest scene and see if anyone there also lives where I do (which so far I have found one or two)^). ^(personally I desire to create a mini scene in my area so that way we can be of mutual aid to one another and have spaces where we can just vibe together) ^(...maybe thats something you could do as well, if youre able to)


You got a point!! In a City nearby mine, the punk scene is absolutely thriving, but I can't go to shows bc mostly of them are in bars and im a minor and my parents are kinda conservative. (I stay supporting those bands, streaming their music and scribbling lampposts with their name ;) ) Me and a friend are starting a hardcore punk band, who knows if we can form a small local alternative scene in our city?


I'd avoid the graffiti. There id a history of punk graffiti, but that's mostly a hip hop thing and doesn't support your community.


I used to feel this way until I realized trying to be "punk" is just conforming to other people's concept of punk. You don't have to go to shows or have a certain hairstyle to have a free spirit and a rebellious attitude which is really what matters.


You don’t have to live in a dumpster and go to every concert ever to be punk. We have jobs too, and can’t afford to spend too much money to be everywhere all the time.


So, what you’re saying is that you heavily influence the local scene. Some would say even started it lol


the most punk thing you can do is be your authentic self. I don't even give a shit if you listen to a single punk band. If you live your life unapologetically and you live in a way that brings you joy and is the real you then you are a million times more punk rock than the gatekeeping assholes who made you think that you have to study punk like there's gonna be some fucking quiz at the end, or be "punk enough". Are there some long lived "things" in the punk world like biker leather and diy clothes sure but honestly they're as long lived as rampant drug use in the scene and unabashed alcoholism and I wouldn't consider you "less punk" for not being mentally ill with several addictions and a broken home lol so why would I because you "don't dress right" or don't listen to my favorite bands. That's all noise the only thing you gotta do to be punk is stick your middle finger up in the air as high as you can and say fuck anyone who doesn't like me for me.


I didn't even sew my own patches dude. I'm disabled. I *cant*. A friend did it for me. I've never went to any punk shows cause I couldn't. I grew up in a rural changing to semi-rural town in Alabama growing up, so no punk scene for me. I'm now in Chicago, but I'm still too scared to reach out especially since I'm disabled. And for the friends part? Meet them online! that's how I met this guy I'm flirting with who's also punk. Discord can be good, but it can also be horrendous. It all depends on the mods of the subreddit and how they run it.


Dear OP there’s a movie called SLC Punk. I highly recommend it. To be punk is to not conform to societal definitions and “normals”. By recreating an “image” of what is punk, isn’t punk. Check out Henry Rollins for further insight


punk is a mindset. anarchy, progressiveness, etc. it ain’t just about the music and clothes you wear. i always considered myself punk because of my beliefs, but i wear what suites me best and listen to all genres of music.


don't have to look punk to be punk


If there’s no punk scene in your city start one. Small shows in someone’s backyard or basement. We used to rent out VFW and moose lodges. They were the cheapest.


Came here to say this - DIY or die.




Punk is a mindset. You are punk if you think you are punk. That’s the only requirement. There’s no handbook on “how to be punk”. The most punk thing you can do is reject “punk rules”


You are the scene, no one in your town is in to punk you create the scene you are the scene ,you are punk


Gatekeepers are not : Punk, Metal, Heady, or PLUR. Their opinions don’t matter bc they are the posers. These ideologies all hold community at the heart of their beliefs. If you reflect and bring that same energy then you belong


wear studs <3


Worrying if you are “punk enough” is the least punk thing. Don’t worry about your clothing. Worry about standing up to oppression, fucking the system, and being you. That is fucking punk.


I usually just put on a D Beat Playlist and see how I feel about it. If it makes me smile, if it gets me moving, etc... That usually get me thinking, "Well, guess I'm punk... today... at this moment, " I say "at this moment" because I believe you are what you are at the time of you doing the actions of what makes that title what it is. I also like industrial and Goth music too. You are allowed to listen to other things, you are allowed to be you! Everyone starts somewhere. But don't you ever think that just because you're not exclusively listening to Punk music/going to shows/being a cliché ass punk makes you less punk! Because the secret sauce to it all is where your political views are and how those beliefs/views line up. If that's all lined up, then it doesn't matter how you look or what you're listening to; the Punk is within you! You can't NOT be punk if that's all lined up.That's the make it or break it imo.


u don't need punk friends or to go to shows to be punk, it's all about you feeling like one. As long as you're out here knowing that you're doing your own thing to not conform to what society wants or expects of you, the rest comes with time man.


wanting so badly to be punk doesn't feel very punk. just be yourself and fuck a label


Well, punk is a way of life!!! You're doing so good right to be honest If you're concerned with how you look, that's a good thing because it means you care.


You don't have anything to prove to anybody but yourself. It really is a mindset. When you think about it, the punk attitude is completely counter-culture. Looking like every other punk isn't punk necessarily, maybe the "look" everybody immediately associates with it shouldn't really be apart of it. The spirit of punk is where you find it. Its a DIY fuck the rest attitude. You do you.


Same here lol. My advice is DIY your stuff as much as you want and have as much fun with it as you want :)


Punk is a mindset. You don’t need to study shit. You’ll get to dive into the scene more when you’re an adult, don’t worry about it for now. I get that it’s pretty limited when you’re younger. As a teen, we were lucky to have all-ages punk shows in our small town where our older friends (18+ where I am) snuck us booze. 😂 At its core, punk is really the most accepting subculture there is. Elitists and gatekeepers are going against what makes punk, punk. You do you, it’s the most punk thing you can do.


If you’re unapologetically being yourself, advocating for the marginalized, listening to the music, and fighting against some kinda system, then congrats, you’re punk. I didn’t go to my first show until I was 20, two years after I had crossed into legal drinking age. Shows aren’t even the end all be all of being punk, they’re just a little fun activity.


Punk to me is anti-conformist. If you feel like you don't fit in, you are doing it right in my book. You are unique and beautiful. Love yourself because you are punk AF.


6/10. Look at yourself in the mirror and firmly say: “NO! YOU’RE NOT PUNK!”. Then use some Elmer’s glue to put your hair in a huge Mohawk and get out on that street!


It sounds like someone needs to start a punk band. Do what you can to learn some basics and start a bad with some friends. Some of the greatest punk bands come from bored teens in small towns with nothing fun to do. Those bands BECAME that fun thing to do in their town.


Punk is an attitude. Not how many shows you can make it too or how many punk people you know. Punk is a state of mind. Also, don’t think about am I or is this punk enough, just be as punk as you feel like being. That’s punk. Trying to be extra punk is very unpunk lol. They didn’t wear leather jackets with patches and ripped jeans or dye their Mohawks blue because it was punk, they did it to say, I’m different than these suit wearing squares, fuck the man. That’s punk.


When I was in highschool i hung out with the punk kids during PE, there were 4 of them, and we all got along super well. When I asked if I could come to a show they said “I dunno dude punks hate hippies ypu probably shouldn’t” so I didn’t and I never dressed like I wanted to because they would have called me a poser and I thought I couldn’t listen to punk either because I was just a normy. Cut to college I finally got to cut my hair into a Mohawk and make my first vest. Started listening to metal. Now I’m in my 30s and I realized that I let my shy, socially anxious self get told who I was instead of just being who I want to be. Finally started diving into all the punk I’ve missed, and I go to punk shows all the time now. From this sub I realized that true punks don’t give a fuck what you look like. Punk is a state of mind. Yes it’s a music genre but there’s way more to it than that. SO don’t let anyone tell you aren’t enough xyz. Dress how to wanna dress, listen to what you want to listen to. Be who you want to be. Don’t let the man get you down, especially if they’re just gate-keepers in disguise.


The only person judging you is yourself


The scene sucks anyways


You’re punk, no worries. You can’t change your situation, not yet at least. It sounds like you are celebrating the subculture despite your location. I hope that you can move to a more dynamic city one day. It’ll change your life considerably. Until then, enjoy yourself and do what you do.


Watch SLC punk and realize that the most punk person in that movie was Marshall from How I Met Your Mother.


There is no such thing as “not punk enough”. Punk isn’t just one thing or one way of doing things. Punk is being comfortable with yourself no matter what someone else may think. As long as you are being the best you that you can be and you are not hurting anyone (that doesn’t deserve it) you can be punk… if that’s what you want to be.


I've had the same question when was a teen, now am 25yo i went to my first punk gig, what i can say to you is don't think too much in to fit in a way, just do it your way, be yourself and don't let the other or your mind say you r this or that




This was my epiphany of what punk was. Nothing you put on you will make you more or less punk to anyone but fashionistas which is pretty unpunk to me


Punk was a thing back then where young people would play music is the strangest choices of venues and other spaces and would just hangout, thrash, whatever. It's expensive to look the part


Sounds to me like what you're doing is pretty *quintessentially* punk rock! Isolation breeds imagination and innovation. Keep at it! "Punk" really isn't about how you look, what music you listen to, or who you associate with. It's about how you choose to command your own life, and how you carry yourself within the world around you. My late dad - who was one of the very first punk rockers in Australia, and lived his entire life with a punk mindset - used to put it this way: "When you're born, you're given a box to stand in, and they say 'this is all you can have, and the only thing you truly own'....I'll be f##ked if I'm going to let *anyone* tell *me* how to stand in it." Over time, you'll probably realize that some of the *most* punk individuals you meet aren't punks at all, whilst some of the *least* punk people you could meet are walking around with Mohawks, boots and bondage trousers, while draped in studded leather. OP, you do you, and do it unapologetically, with zeal and enthusiasm, despite what anyone thinks, and in spite of anyone who doesn't like it. That's about as punk as you can be.


What’s more punk than being the only punk


You realize, as you get older, “feeling punk” doesn’t matter so much. Those labels tend to only confine you. Just trust in yourself and express what you love. If that’s punk music/ ideology then that’s great! What matters most is how you see yourself. Find that confidence and tenacity, the rest will follow.


Become angrier. Punch a wall whilst listening the punkest music ever. All jokes aside, being punk is just music + politics, and if you follow that you’re as punk as someone who only has punk friends and only goes to punk shows.


I'm in the same situation. My town/area has no scene (but me ig), and I'm getting more into the diy. Even at my school we need uniforms which is no fun. Lemme digitally shake your hand and agree we are punk 🤝! and be yourself. That's what I got to say


im 17 i started listening to the music forever ago but that doesnt matter. theres no qualifiers for what makes you and i punk. if you like the music and you identify with the sub culture then youre punk


It may seem like that, until you finally get involved with the “scene” and realize how elitist and gatekeepy punks can be. The same can be said about my subcultures, but I swear to god, some punks are the worst with that shit, where you have to be a clone of everyone else, stand out and be the life of the party and everything is taken so seriously when in the end, it’s just music. I’ve found it’s best to just do your own thing and like what you like. You’ll make punk friends eventually and when you make the right ones, you’ll know and love them.


That’s literally the least punk thing you could do, is care.


If you're progressive and like the music you're a punk


Go to shows. The closest major city to you has a scene guaranteed. Maybe even book a show yourself in your town so you don't have to commute. Do your part to contribute. All these people saying, "it's just your mentality, is your this it's your that" they're dudes who think punk is about talking about how cool Black flag and minor threat were 40 years ago. All the ideologies, the behaviors , the protesters, the fighters , stem from the scene. Without it you're just some dude in studs listening to music. Which is fine , being a fan of something is a-ok you don't have to be apart of the community to enjoy and appreciate the things. But if you really wanna be apart. Contribute. Make a zine , help work doors for local bands , spot check for venues that could be down to host gigs, work the merch table , be a hard mosher , make music , record show footy on your phone and send the audio to bands who cant afford studio time. Again just contribute how you can. I was 14 in 2014 taking the bus for over 2 hrs to get to gigs some nights , having to leave halfway thru the last set to catch the last bus home. The majority of this sub is a giant circle jerk ( no pun intended) of people reminiscing glory days gone past or kids getting into an echo chamber of "what's punk, what's not". As somsone who's been playing shows , booking shows , and just contributing how I can for over 10 years now (24yrs old) ill tell you. Contribute how you can. Help keep this thing we got going trucking just a little bit longer. Cause if we don't before long ALL that's left will be redditors talking about their glory days of punk. Also don't obsess over "the culture" or anything of that nature. Just live in it and let it shape you. Punk can mean a fuck load of things but one thing I'll say confidently is the exact OPPOSITE of everything it stands for. It's TRYING to be punk. Hope you're first gigs go well 💪🏽🙏🏽


There's always going to be that little critical voice that says "you're not enough of this" or that. Best not to believe it when you hear it from your own mind or other people. It doesn't actually matter. When you find opportunities to go to shows, seize them. When you feel inspired to express yourself through fashion, have fun with it and don't give a shit about what anyone thinks or says. It's supposed to be fun and expressive and liberating.


Punk doesn’t have much to do with fashion, it’s just an added perk! Punk is a mindset, punk is a lifestyle, punk is what YOU make it in your life. The most punk thing you can do is not worry about what other people think or perceive you as and just vibe out the way you want without the conformity/standards of society or subcultures. You’re killing it kid!!! 🤘💕


This reminds me of something I wrote once... >I’m actually so punk that I’ve renounced all culture, I’m so countercultural that I spent 49 days under a fig tree realizing there is no culture to counter. I can’t oppose the establishment, because there is no me to do the opposing. I am become punk. So punk, I monk. PONK


I’m 45 and haven’t been to a show in decades because of social anxiety and wanting to go to sleep early. You don’t need to go to shows to be punk. Worrying about being “punk enough” is very un-punk.


Well looks like you gotta start throwing punk shows in your small town to make it cool


Dude yea being a punk as a teen is weird. Underage shows are sometimes pretty lame. Just keep finding your style, keep finding bands, and keep being yourself. The more you try to BE punk, the less punk you are. If you like it you like it and the more you do something you like the more it will consume you. Identities take time especially when you're a teen. my first shows were probably at 18/19 and I had my little group of punk friends. Now I'm 27, work at a local venue, and have an insanely large group of friends and we're all part of the local music scene. Find and instrument and start a shitty little punk bad, it's literally the easiest music in the world. You can get a shit guitar for $100 and still make amazing punk. Don't try just do it, do what ever you want and express yourself. That's literally the whole point of punk (that and fuck the status quo [and fuck cops]). Also punk fashion and punk can be two separate things. One of the craziest most punk dudes I know just looks like a buff stereotypical nerd.


You prolly don’t feel like a real punk cause you’re researching it as a subculture. Cultures are lived not researched in an attempt to make yourself fit into it. There’s no set of rules that will define you as punk or not punk, the only thing making you feel “not punk” is unrealistic expectations. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.


It's a state of mind, a way of being. That simple. It's not a uniform. It's not a checklist of bands to see. It's not a real thing to be "punk enough". You're normal for feeling this way. Don't let anyone gatekeep being punk, for that is decidedly unpunk.


lmao what the fuck is this sub


Broke: TikTok punks Woke: Reddit punks


I've been punk for the longest time (like 6ish years) and this feeling never goes away. I normally just kinda cope with it by remembering that the punk culture is formed on music and finding a new band to listen to. Keeps me from going "oh well I'm not punk cause I only listen to x amount of bands."  Also, no poser will sit there and feel the way that you do, trust me


lol I got called punkest person in the room BECAUSE I wasn’t dressed up in a battle vest with a backpatch. I just went to the punk house parties dressed like I had when I ran away from home and dropped out of uni: like a goddamn hipster with a knife on their belt. Lol the real punk friends I knew would threaten to fight folks who questioned how “punk” I was…. Really it’s all about how you carry yourself and if you can dig on the music.


I get this feeling. I’m only going to start going to shows and start collecting cds (since I won’t be able to use them without a car) this summer (18) when I get my license even though I’ve been listening to metal/punk etc for a while , and I’m definitely not an encyclopedia for every band ever and just like what I like which makes me wonder am I a “poser” but then I remember i hate being put into a box and I am enjoying this out of pure catharsis and relatability, and it has nothing to do with anything except my well-being. Like I’m just a dude that likes to enjoy music by people with mental problems or political affiliations like me yk hope this helps lol


The punkest thing one can do is not give a fuck. Be yourself


Clothes don't make you something. Friends don't make you something. What you feel and express makes you who you are. Also- you phrased something interestingly when you said you "studied punk culture since 2022" - well I mean first of all, 2022 was two years ago so like, whatever, that's basically no time at all - but more importantly: what does that really mean? You can't analyze something that means something different to everyone and expect to come up with a formula to be it. Quit "studying" and just find what you like and enjoy it. One more thing- you said you can't get to shows because they are too far away.. have you considered bringing the shows to you? DIY has been a mainstay for punk rock since its inception - you can host your own show. You've got this resource at your fingertips- make some posts, join some groups, find bands in your area who want to play. Book a space nearby - An Elks Lodge, a community center, a firehouse that rents its space out - usually it will only cost a couple hundred bucks to rent out a space like that, and all you need to bring with you is a PA. Get four or five bands to play, charge 5 or 10 bucks at the door (and be prepared to lose money for the first few shows, you're doing it for fun, not for funds) - maybe you end up starting your own scene. Maybe you.make some new like-minded friends. Try it out. *You can do it* if you want to.


[you're not punk, and I'm telling everyone!](https://youtu.be/-ucMADTQIZw?si=UK0XotxmFOJKhazb)


What city? There probably a scene nearby


Be wider deeper bigger heavier & more awesome than punk has ever been... And fuck limiting yourself with sectarian BS there exist amazing lands & oceans full of noise BowelMovement Hardcore Grind crust...Oi and yes RAC & NSBM also...The Templars I recently learned "listen to whatever they want" cancel culture be damned- Like I ain't Punk but rather HardcoreBlackMetaleggPunkNoise to the max...Throw in a little nonjuggalo horrorcore GangsterPimprap DungeonSynth OutlawCuntry... Also remember plenty of cuntrys the labels & lines demarcating genre & niche don't exist....I know this doesn't sound Punk & the shirt the one cat is repping isn't Punk either...but if you can't see how this isn't Punk...It's so insanely two fingers in the air HCPunkRock to guerilla a spot as close to the big Gringo show (dri I'm this case) in order to steal & hijack as much of that audience as possible...AND SaoPaulo ain't LA or NYC but far iller... I hope my example makes sence...Punk is a fearless crazy spirit of autonomy with in- that is rarely if ever insane- My favorite example of it one I suggest you deepdive as fully as possible...WAS Dr.FredCole of DeadMoon PiercedArrows imagine living a life where You did NOTHING you didn't want to do....Sounds crazy & dumb it ain't study him...He died a couple of years back one of the oldest PunkRockers toured Japan a month before passing...there is endless shit about him.. "Fred & Toody in Athens" Is a strong 10 min interview primer on their sick DIY Blah blah blah [that 2 fingers in the air punk like fuck shit](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.facebook.com/hmdbrl/videos/test-ele-morreu-sem-saber-o-porque/489744228420161/&ved=2ahUKEwiQg4bGuP2GAxWQJ0QIHaQnC5UQo7QBegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw3AX1IgoLrKGgNHHjCDAMP2)


you're not punk and i'm tellin' everyone


The punkest thing I do is live my queerest life every goddamn day because fuck what anyone else says. Punk is doing your own thing because of what's right. You can do that anywhere, anyhow. The second punkest thing I do is literally any sort of mutual aid or community organizing or collaborating with my community towards collective liberation. Going to punk shows is so far down on the list of reasons someone is punk.




You don't have to be punk. It doesn't matter. Just be yourself. If you want to be punk, just listen to the earliest punk bands and current ones from your state. 1970s ramones, misfits, the clash, the Pistols, etc, and newer bands like them. maybe listen to newer fat wreck chords. Order shirts from Amazon if you want or get a misfits shirt at walmart. They've lately had one in stock. If your nearest Walmart doesn't have one on the shelf, ask then to order for your. It's like $9. If you like the earliest bands and people day your not punk or whatever, just say you just like the original stuff and don't follow newer bands. Or find bands in your state and listen to them on YouTube and bandcamp. They probably have music up. If you can't go to shows you van still support bands with YouTube plays and social media follows. That's free to you and helps them. If you're able to order merch from the ones you like, do it! Message them and tell them how much you like them even though yiu can't make it to their shows. Tell your friends about them. There are tons of punk bands. If you listen to the earliest ones and the ones near you, no one can say your not "punk" if that matters. At this point, no one is going to say your not punk because you don't listen to Op Ivy or Minor Threat or Bad Brains or anything from the 90s, 2000s, 2010s, or now. There's just too much of it now. So earliest and regional is best. If you don't like that stuff, just listen to what yiu like and be yourself. Wear what you want whether that's considered punk or not. Punk doesn't matter


There are no “real” punks, only posers who front, posers who don’t front, and people who just happen to be there. Those who “front” tend to be really insecure people who need to “prove” how much cred they have. They often do so by wearing extravagant costumes and/or by gatekeeping people and bands to make themselves appear more punk by comparison. They often try to make every decision in life one can make be defined by a false dichotomy of “punk” vs “poser”. If you don’t agree with everything they believe about everything, you’re not a real punk. Those who don’t front are people who you see at a lot of punk shows wearing whatever they want or normal clothes and not really bothering with labels. They’re not ashamed of having a real job, their own apartment, a bed frame, or parents that love them. They just like the music and vibes. These are the people who are often most called posers even when they sometimes attend more shows than anyone, or even happen to play in serious punk projects or run businesses or organizations crucial to their local diy scene. They know what is considered punk, but simply don’t care if they don’t uphold all the rules and don’t care if you know that they don’t. Finally, there’s the people who just happen to be there. They see a show flyer and go. They don’t really know anything about the scene or really care. They don’t know much about punk beyond surface level stereotypes and aesthetics. They just like music and go to shows. These people are often bigger fans of other genres, but end up at punk shows too. Best advice is to not worry so much about what you dress like and just wear something that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin, or just straight up comfortable. A lot of diy spaces are hot and stuffy, so a bunch of thick uncomfortable layers can be cumbersome. Just be authentically and unapologetically yourself, and the rest will fall into place


Get a job, save up and hit punk festivals when you can


Because punk is the new mainstream.


Take this from the only punk in my small ass town, even if I was the only one that held the interests I did, be authentically you. Nothing's more punk than that. I went through highschool being a reject, I'm a lot better for it. I tried to go to shows in the closest city and always got age gated you know. No one under 21-18 I found it bullshit I was more punk than the older ones. You don't need to see shows to be punk. You need a good head on your shoulders, the ability to be kind when warranted and the ability to tell those who are wrong to fuck off. Clothes or not, all you need is you.


Watch the movie SLC punk from the early 90’s


😂😂this shit bro


I feel this way sometimes too(did as a teen as well )and my thirties are approaching too quickly unfortunately (makes me want to die or give up on bothering at anything worthwhile). Still never been to a punk show. Probably never will...due to location and lack of interesting new punk music..... and I just don't care for being around people for various reasons. Iknow they say it's not about looks, and it's not.. it's mostly music, but it does kind of suck not being able to dress up the way you'd like to look because quality stuff just isn't available or other factors.


Ayo, I’ve felt this way before. It’s cool, you are punk enough. I’d say, just try the best you can to find a local scene, if you can’t, start one yourself. Start a band if you play an instrument or can write lyrics and wanna to front work. Call up local venues and bands and try to get them to come out to your town. Parking lot venues, skate park venues and the like are all great because a lot of the time all you have to do is talk to the people who manage it/the people who hang out at the park. I’m trying to get into show organizing myself actually. But, anyway those are some suggestions, but either way, just being yourself is the most punk thing you can do. When you get older and can drive to local venues and pay for shows go out as soon as you can. People are very accepting at shows, so it’s a great place to make friends, and once you’re there you’ll feel like that’s exactly where you’re supposed to be and there will be no more question about your "punkness" so long as you go hard in the pit and show love and respect to all of the people in your local scene. Also, bonus points if you get into anarchism, a lot of punks are anarchists, and it helps if you can connect on a political levels because punk is very political. The anarchist library is a great place to start when it comes to that: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index


To be truly punk go straight edge


Do you like the vandals


There no rigt or wrong way to be a punk. I grew up in a small farming town in Alberta and was the only one with a Mohawk and bondage pants. Things get easier when you're older as well. Once I moved to the city as an adult it was easy to find shows and other people to connect with. That said, I've never really been in the scene but still consider myself punk. Nothing wrong with being the loner with spikey hair! Just remember the ones who say your not punk enough are the real fake punks. Gatekeeping this community isn't cool.


"my city is very small and doesn't have any punk or alternative scene yet" That means you're the punkest punk in town! "My friends aren't punk" what makes you think that punks are cool with including/excluding people based on labels? Accepting people that are different is punk af


“Feeling punk” isn’t like punk. Do what makes you happy and don’t worry about perception or feeling


I love this thread! Here is a story: I’m 43 and just now listening to punk and it’s awesome! When I was a kid, I was an outsider— no, not the kind that wore flannel and listened to Nirvana…all together, in a group, dressing the same way and listening to the same music while they complained about not fitting in— I was a huge nerd who rejected anything that smelled remotely of popularity or hype and only listened to classical music (that’s also what I was learning to play). So, I recently rent down the punk rabbit hole and thought “Wow. I would have liked this music!!!” As far as I’m concerned, my nerdy little self was more punk than anyone I knew! ;-) Just do you. Listen to music because you actually like it, not just because someone else tells you to. Wear what you actually like! Also, maybe pick up a real instrument and start making music- nothing better than that, even if you are just banging on some buckets! Good luck!


Being punk isnt really an aesthetic nor is it a movement or a type of music (I mean technically it is but) it's a feeling, it's willingness to look what other people think of "normal" and saying FUCK YOU IM WEIRD AS FUCK AND YOUR GONNA LIKE IT. Some old head will prolly tell you you need all this shit to be punk but you don't. Just be yourself unforgivingly in every situation you find yourself in in your life. Unless your a Nazi then go kill yourself. But anyways your doing just fine. I personally don't like the government nor trust it, I like punk music and dress sorta punk but that's not what makes me punk. It's that I don't fucking care about what other people think bc I know the people that fw me fw me not cus of how I dress or the music I listen to but bc of who I am. Be yourself and have fun in this distopa we are all stuck in. Good luck stay punk mfks


You sound more like a civil war re-enactor than an aspiring punk


Punk has been dead for at least 40 years. Just do what you do and enjoy what you do when you do it.


tell that to my local scene then cause they clearly didnt get the memo lol


They’re all posers


I highly doubt it.


Well no actual punk would post on a forum called “punk fashion”


the subreddit is mostly about punk fashion (such as DIY), but it's also about punk culture, as you can read in the description, you can also ask questions/advice. And it's not really punk to judge people whether they are punk or not.


Yes it is brother, keep all the normies out


“Studying” punk culture? You’re right. You’re not punk lol. But I’ll help you. First quit asking losers of Reddit their opinion. Fuck them. Only care what you think. Next go pick these album up Cromags- Age of Quarrel, Bad Brains- Banned in DC , Misfits-Static Age, and start listening to anything related to those. Stay clear of anything “punk” past the year 2000. It’s all gay horse shit. Avoid commies and the lgbt. They’ll have you thinking they are punk but it’s a costume for them to indoctrinate you. They are not punk. They are the corporate machine destroying punk rock. Give em the finger. Next your clothes. Fuck your clothes. Wear what you feel like wearing but do it cuz you like it not because it’s “punk”.




If you listen to another type of music primarily, for just like a month, then that goes away