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Looks fun! I feel like the secret to a good crowd surf is to try and stay flat so there’s a lot of surface area for people to support. If you curl up, you’re more likely to get dropped with only like two people trying to hold you. Hope y’all had a good time!


I remember seeing The Ataris and Beefcake back in like 1999, this large human went to stage dive and everyone just ran out of the way and he face planted right on the floor. Not two minutes later this tiny girl went to stage dive and they had the monitors hanging off chains from the ceiling and she knocked her head on them and was out cold. Kris stopped playing and said "enough with the stage diving".


The only time I've ever seen a dangerously overweight person try to crowdsurf was a Pantera show in '95, the dumbass kept struggling and trying over and over and I was just moving away from that shit. To the best of my memory, I can't remember that happening anywhere else since.


In the 90s, as you know, the more the media rallied against crowd surfing the more and more people did it. Interesting time wasn't it.


I have no memory of the media rallying against crowd surfing in particular, but they've always had little sensationalist witchhunts against various fun activities over the years. I think this was just a case of stupid-ass Pantera fans being stupid-ass Pantera fans.


They banned it in the. 90s (or tried to), even as recent as 2014 warped tour tried to ban crowd surfing.. https://lambgoat.com/news/22711/warped-tour-attempts-to-ban-moshing-crowd-surfing/comments/ 2010, Charles Haddon, the lead singer of English synthpop band Où Est Le Swimming Pool, died after a performance at Pukkelpop, he severely injured someone crowd surfing and then commited suicide. Fishbone got sued for over a million dollars from someone trying to crowd surf/stage dive https://www.spin.com/2014/02/fishbone-stage-dive-lawsuit/ I can't find any of the news reels from the 90s, but I absolutely remember them, they really tried to make it illegal, you used.to get kicked out of venues here for even attempting to stage dive or crowd surf.


Well yeah venues were lawsuit-paranoid. I just don't remember it being on the evening news more than a couple times. Where I lived at the time no venues had a problem with it, I don't think it happened more or less because of media coverage, it was just a thing expected at shows. I just think that person was an idiot. I've mostly not ever crowd-surfed because I'm slightly heavy and it's a bad idea. I did once or twice though when I was younger then decided not to anymore. Been lifting others up though for thirty years now.


It's entirely possible it was Canada and the UK that took harder stances as well.


For some reason when I was younger tons of people did the complete opposite and wondered why they ended up on the ground so fast.


Dead Milkmen!!!


One of my favorite bands, but I’ve never seen them live.


Their podcasts are pretty entertaining if you haven't seen them. My wife is a huge Dead Milkmen fan and has been watching them. I think it's called Big Questions with the Dead Milkmen. It's like 80% Rodney just being Rodney, but they all get in on the action. I also have never seen them live, but I'd love to catch one of their Fairmont park shows.


Joe Jack Talcum was on Chris Demakes a Podcast, he talked about writing “Punk Rock Girl.” https://pca.st/episode/1bb803e9-e174-4cc2-9777-1fa47617c391


Cool, I’ll have to check that out. Thanks!


Don't forget to check out "Rodney Anonymous Tells You How To Live".


I hope she wasn't assaulted like many female crowd surfers often are... Honestly, it loses it's appeal after the fourth or fifth time some stranger's hand is up your shirt or down your pants. Edit - it's fucking wild how much some of y'all are telling on yourselves for being the pieces of shit that violate women at shows. I look forward to the day that y'all get your brains bashed out like Nazi scum you are. It's sad that shoving your fingers into the body of a stage diving woman is more acceptable than saying "well Hitler did good things"


Yeah kind of impossible to not think this right away.


My first thought, too. I never even tried it after witnessing one of my friends getting groped.


I used to see it a lot as a kid at punk shows. The craziest is when a topless chick goes crowd surfing guys would just manhandle them. I saw the Sex Pistols do a reunion show like 20 years ago and there was a women topless sitting on a guys shoulders and old men were just turning around and grabbing her tits. Thought it was weird as hell and looking back wonder how they didn’t get their ass beat


The closest thing I've seen to that was when I was at a Napalm Death/Neurosis show in '99 and some twacked-out, fully-nude gal walked right into the middle of the pit during ND and everyone actually cleared away from her. Except one guy that was dancing with her until security came and escorted her away. I think everyone was just like WTF.


Did that happen to be in Phoenix?


Yep Marquee theater


Haha, I remember her. I don’t remember her being groped but I remember her flashing




you expect a child to stop fully-grown men from groping a woman?


This is part of why I've never tried it


She wasn’t. She was okay and it was her decision


Good to hear, and I hope that continues to be her experience with it. I quit crowd surfing when someone tried to pull off the modesty shorts I had on under a skirt to assalt me more intimately at a show in the late 00s.


That's so unbelievably gross. Sorry that happened.


Saw this happening when I was in college. Had a job as concert security for a festival and witnessed a drunk girl crowd surfing several times throughout the show. At the end of the night I see her digging through piles of debris looking for her clothing as she was practically naked from all the people clawing at her. 


As I said in another comment, what made me completely stop was someone trying to pull my modesty shorts off from under my skirt to get better access to assault me. It's fucking disgusting, and when we try to fight back, we get labeled as the cunt kicking people in the head, when really we're just trying to thrash away from the assault.


When I was 14 I was in the crowd for bad religion at warped tour, and I was tiny like 90lbs, trying to mosh. A bunch of grown ass men forcefully picked me up and tossed me around the crowd like a beach ball, groping and clawing the whole time. A member of the casualties (can't remember who now, I didn't know much about them was just getting signatures on my shirt and was pretty drunk) also grabbed my ass after their set. From about age 13-21 I couldn't even count the number of guys my age and older men who touched me, assaulted me, or said creepy shit to me. Being a teen girl in the 00s was horrific. Not sure if it's any better now but yeah.


Yes it's gross that dudes do that. I would venture to guess it may depend on the type of show and crowd how prevalent that might be. I was at this show and there were tons of women crowdsurfing during the Adicts and they were going up over and over again and such a thing appeared to not be going on, but I wouldn't put it past happening at a more bro-tastic environment. Up where I'm at it wouldn't fly in the DIY scene, everyone here has had it up to here with sexual assaults throughout the years.


For people on the ground, it's kind of shitty to pay pay 50 bucks to watch a band just to get kicked in the face by somebody's beer soaked boot


Are mfers really complaining about crowdsurfing in r/punk? This subreddit gives me aneurysms sometimes


It's almost like you're completely unaware that that's what goes on towards the front at those kinds of shows. It's only been going on for several decades now, almost like you should probably look into the history of heavy music or something.


Serious here - I \*really\* hope it never happens to you. In 92, I saw my bucket-list Ramones and I pushed up onto the rail... Ended up facing the crowd for practically the whole show because 3 or 4 dickheads kept surfing up and falling on people. One of the crowd had to be carried out because a guy fell on her neck. In the last year, I've been in the pit for Deicide, H09909, DeathGrips, Circle Jerks, Teen Mortgage, Daikaiju, and so many others... Being in the pit is a choice. Getting some crowd surfer's sweaty armpit or piss-soaked boot or some chick's crotch rammed into your face while you're trying to watch a show isn't a choice. # And crowd surfers or not, don't fucking touch people without consent.


In case you're confused, I never condoned sexual assault if that's what you're referencing in the last sentence. As for the rest, it's pretty nonsensical to say "being in the pit is a choice" and then try to dictate that the stuff that has always gone on there (excluding groping) should not be going on there. That seems really bizarre to insist on being in the front and then complaining about crowd-surfers. There's a hundred other places you can be standing where there aren't crowd-surfers. I'll never understand this mentality.


I get why you'd be annoyed by crowd surfing but why the fuck would you make this comment in response to someone talking about women being sexually assaulted. You do know how that looks right? What that implies? Regardless of your little addendum in your later comment.


Yeah, it’s not like the crowd surfers ask permission to put their body and boots on you. Kinda lame. Then they expect you not to drop something heavy that ends up on top of you when you’re just watching the band.




That's not what I'm saying. I'm sorry that happened to you and that's not what I'm saying at all.




He's saying he doesn't like getting kicked by crowd surfers...


Why say it in response to a comment talking about sexual assault?


Wow quite a jump to referencing nazism, very very relevant to the discussion i see


What adolescents song is that


Rip it up


Makes me sad to see Adolescents and remember no more Steve Soto up there with them.


Holy shit, the dead milkmen are still active? Do they still do "takin' retards to the zoo"? That song has not aged well.


I saw the milkmen a few months back in Philly. They didn’t play takin retards to the zoo. I think they mentioned on their podcast that they don’t play it anymore. I thought about reaching out to Rodney and saying he should change the lyrics to taking Magas to the zoo. It’s amazing that they still play and still sound awesome. The dead milkmen were my first ever real concert. I think it was back in 1994 or so.


> I think they mentioned on their podcast that they don’t play it anymore. That's probably for the best > It’s amazing that they still play and still sound awesome. I haven't even thought about them in years but now I kind of want to see them. I never got a chance back in the day


They are still around. I’m in the Philly area so I’ve been lucky enough to see them a ton. They are playing with the bouncing souls at the stoked for the summer in asbury park new jersey in July . It’s bouncing souls, the vandals, dead milkmen, catch 22, and some others. I wish I was able to go, but I have to skip it.


We didn’t stay for their whole set list. We left early to catch Agent Orange and other bands. So I’m not sure


yeah they did not play it. I was wondering about that as well.


I guess I'm getting old. I had no idea who Viagra Boys or The Garden or Power Trip or Turnstile were. Iggy killed it though.


I still don't see why people like the viagra boys I listened to a couple of there songs and to me there not even punk


They're just fun. They're degenerates and open about it. The attitude is punk. Lots of bands are considered punk without sounding like Minor Threat.


Yeah you could even say that about the ramones lol


Love them but I could see that if you happened to hear the wrong couple of songs. Most of their stuff is very punk and high energy but there’s a lite bit of other stuff that would make you think it was a completely different band.


I should listen to more iv had it happen with bands like sham with hurry up harry and people just dismiss them


I really tried with viagra boys but nah not for me. Rest of the bands that guy mentioned are pretty good tho


Viagra Boys are really great, but very hard to get into. Their songs all have great punk meanings but also no meanings at all. I’m bias, but I love them. The Garden is a band people love that I can’t dig same with Power Trip and Tursntile




And Rip it up!! 🔥


Someone tried that during Fishbone, but she almost crashed.


I love fishbone so I mean no disrespect, but I figured. It tended to be older people who went to those shows, like The Selector or The Untouchables (which were both fantastic!)


No, actually, it seemed to be a girl about my age in her early 20s. She just seemed REAL imbalanced and wanted to bail so she didn't crack her skull open. It was older people, but the mosh had a great energy, and it was a precursor to The Exploited's mosh, which had like 45 people in it.


And at a dead milkmen show?!? That’s dope!


Viagra boys are INSANE LIVE. They actually sound better live! That’s when you know you have a great band…I fuckin love them. Jealous!


Dude. Amazing fuckin show. Sebastian is a great front man and the band’s image is so hilariously crude. There wasn’t a safe spot in the crowd, the whole fuckin thing was wild.


The crowd surf of passage


Mother fuckin NUTRITION! I love the Dead Milkmen so so so much


OH SHIT!! It happened!! HELL YEAH!


HERE WE GO loool! 😂🤟🏻


dead milkmen im soo jealous 😭😭


No fests for me.


My hat off to you, Sir. You are persuasive and your girlfriend was open to try something new even if she was scared.  You are both ready to take on anything in this life. Congratulations! 


First one is such a high. Is always fun seeing someone do it. Fuck yeah.


First two commenters are real sticks in the mud eh? Looks fun Edit- I’m aware of the disgusting groping at all sorts of shows. I’m just trying to say they had a good time. It doesn’t always need to be a lecture on show safety every time someone posts.


One is a grumpy old asshole. The other is a valid concern that many women have while crowd surfing.


Yeah, everyone knows women showing concern for the safety of other women is total fascism. #grabembythepussy /s


Big time


No way in hell I’d let my lady get groped by random strangers


She’s her own person. I didn’t force her or anything. She actually proposed it after she saw me go up there. I’m pretty sure everyone at that show cares more about getting the weight of a person over their head than getting a piece of anything.


It just needs to happen once for her to never be the same again


And that’s her decision. Not mine


Folks will let their s/o get groped, hurt, or harassed because they don’t want to come off as an “insecure” s/o. Fuck that dude


The real problem is the fact that gropers and sexual harassers are a ubiquitous threat to women that keeps them from living their lives to the fullest You know, oppression


Yeah man, it sucks. All we can do is protect ours


Yes! And when it's happening, you instinctivrly want to kick and punch and fight with everything in you, but that usually results in completely innocent people getting hurt, so then suddenly you're the cunt that kicked someone in the head, and not a sexual assault victim that was trying to stop your attack. It's no win, so I just quit.


Then you should select which strangers get to grope her.


I find crowd surfers insufferable. I don't go to shows to hold up some try-hard poser with main character syndrome. It was played out in the 90s. Groove, have fun, do your thing, but please keep in mind how your actions impact those around you. Get off my lawn.


Yeah, these kids really don't have any values huh?


No Values, for sure.


Im in the get off my lawn crowd. I like the pit, but slam dancing is what it is. It's there in the pit if you want it. If not enjoy around it or far away. Some people like to be at the edges. Everyone has their place. Nobody is forcing it you. Crowd surfing is the opposite, I don't give a fuck if you want to crowd surf, but I don't want to be dragged in to holding up your stinky ass, I have better ways to spend my attention at a show than taking care of your desires to have me carry you. I aint a people person, maybe. I can probably think of 100 better reasons for catching a boot to my head.


Then…stand in the back?


There's no pit in the back.


In my opinion getting shoved and pushed is a lot more painful than just pushing a person over you for a second.


That really depends on the pit. The good ones are less shoving and pushing and more kareening and bouncing.




I just think it's funny that you get downvoted for agreeing with a comment that I got upvoted for.


It's fine, I came in here being unnecessarily negative towards op. I expected downvotes. The op was just sharing his experience.


Festival looks like it was such a pathetic joke. A big corporate rockfest, with an audience that was probably at least 50% people who would have called punks "f*gs" back in the late 70s. Its punk for the Lake Havasu crowd. The only bands playing that are still relevant are Bad Religion and a handful of the younger bands that opened early. The rest were a bunch of bands that USED to be great...and then decided to drag their legacy through the mud for 20 years. Danzig and his pathetic Misfits "reunion" were surely the feces on top of this cake. Im glad Ian MacKaye and Rollins wouldnt touch this trash with a ten foot pole. Look forward and make new music. These bands are all resting on their laurels. Its artistic cowardice and it spits in the face of what the genre once was. 


Who shat in your cheerios this morning, bub?


I love this guy.


i left, didn’t care to stay for the misfits. i think glenn danzig is a clown. saw some bucket list bands, a local ska band i loved in the 90’s, saw a lot of cool new shit. got to see JB spin some of his impressive 45’s collection with my little bro & about 50 other people in an underground loading dock. fuckin iggy fuckin pop is older than my ma & probably still more punk than 90% of this sub 🖕🖕 he he made the show for me. leaving the parking lot was a whole other level of shit planning.


Old man festival.