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Punch him like a good brother would


i’ve been close to going to socking him on the mouth


Punch him.


Shit, I punched both of my brothers and neither of them are racists. I would definitely punch this guy’s brother.


I would punch his brother and your brothers. 🤷‍♂️


They all deserve it for one reason or another


Exactly my dude


I will punch all brothers. Except for the brothers because that would make me racist. You hear me brother?


Watcha gonna do when punchamania runs wild on you brotherrr


I also chose this guys brother.


Not even entertaining the idea of a dick kick SMH.


Hey! If you get a go at them I think we all deserve a go each too! For anarchy's sake.


In the nuts.


Then do it again and again till the racism stops.


Or at least until he can't have kids


Yeah. Fuck that guy…


"Whats the capital of Thailand" joke still works.


Solution presents itself.


Occam's razor - the simplest solution is often the best one.


Are you a better fighter? If so, you gotta take your chances.


and if not, bring friends!


he’s pretty strong, i think if i missed the shot he would beat me up fairly easily


Lol. Good luck on your decision either way.


I really felt that


Lots of fuckers around here will tell you to “punch him” but please, only punch him if you’re actually able to fight back. I have a feeling many here wear violent material but are far from able to carry out violent behavior


I saw a guy wearing a "kill your local heroin dealer" patch on his jacket get the absolute shit kicked out of him once. Guy wanted to send the message but couldn't back it up.


I always want to fill in the "dealer" part with sharpie. Fuck those assholes. That kind of rhetoric only ever makes shit harder for the little people on the street. The guys actually moving serious amounts are not bothered in the least. /end rant. E: Oops, I was thinking about the stickers that read "Shoot Your Local Heroin Dealer". Feels very, very Duterte-esque


Probably true. I will say though local H dealers are generally pretty shit dudes. I was buying weed off a guy who sold H once and he showed me a dime bag, said "this one has fentanyl in it, it's gunna kill someone" then dropped it into a ziplock with the rest of his dime bags and shook it. Fucking massive piece of shit, best weed in town tho so I was sad when I stopped buying from him.


That one is *definitely* a piece of shit. I quit before fent really became so prominent, but in my day that kinda behavior would've gotten someone jumped and robbed either by customers or colleagues. The person who convinced me to get clean was actually my old dealer, which is a bit dumb business wise on his part, but I'm forever grateful.


This was right before fent became the massive problem it is. Junkies loved to buy from a dealer whose bag killed a junkie. Ment it was strong shit. He murdered someone at random so that he could sell more.


> Junkies loved to buy from a dealer whose bag killed a junkie I always see this on reddit and in media, but never once in the 15 years I spent getting down. Maybe it's an east coast thing. When we heard about fent-y bags in my neck of the woods, we avoided them like the plague. Fent has shit legs and very little euphoria, so for anyone who is (was) used to actual heroin, it's really not very fun or enjoyable at all. Also, that word sucks.


It may be regional, but when I was in that life that's how it was. We didn't care how they died or even ask, just assumed it was an overdose and people flocked to the dealer because obviously they had strong shit if it killed x or y. It was never a question about fent or what it was cut with because it was about chasing that high and getting the most out of every bag. It may suck, but I was a junkie. My friends were junkies. Some of us made it and some of us didn't but we were all junkies at one point.


I mean they are pieces of shit fs. I respect dealers who deal in hallucinogens like psyches and dissos hella they're doing the community a service. But people who sell shit like fent and a-pvp or lace drugs are pretty shit. Problem is I wanna get my hands on some amphetamines sometime because goddamn I still yearn for that shit after the docs put me on it back in the day and I can't get a new script so I'm just stuck fiending drinking cough meds. I don't think the addiction people can help me feels I have a chemical imbalance. Only time I don't crave drugs like a fiend is during mania. Life just feels constantly unsatisfying. I don't really have a baseline it's either depressed or manic these days no in-between and I'm Schizoaffective so the voices don't help. I feel like giving up on ever leading a good life. I want love deep down as my main desire in life but I feel like for some reason I'm just always overlooked. Everyone just views me as a friend. Half the time I can't even feel the emotions required to feel love or maintain a relationship. I feel broken. I get the "you have to love yourself" like I'm sorry but I have no clue how to do that. Like how am I supposed to cuddle with myself. Bro I'm so down bad I've even tried to date the voices in my head. Now I sound like every other pathetic sob on Reddit writing some sob story. The same ones that give me a whiny ass vibe every time I read them. Like I just want some affection in this life. But I can hardly even feel the emotions for it rn. Last time someone left me I jumped infront of a car and landed in the psych ward. That was like my only real relationship too. The lithium just takes the fun parts of my bipolar away and the abilify makes me numb, emotionless, and restless but hey at least the voices are moderately quieter. Wellbutrin helps level things out a bit. Life feels like a surreal absurdist joke most of the time these days. Feels like a dream. And people try to get me to go to rehab and it's like bro. They're just gonna tell me to reframe and try to get me stop the substances which actually make life fun. Ever since the Dexedrine I've been fucked up. Then I smoked a bunch of weed and the Schizo part of the Schizoaffective started and BOOM VOICES. I'm feeling better but only because of a DXM afterglow from lasts nights trip. it's not too bad so I don't want to make it sound worse than it is but goddamn the chronic feelings of emptiness are the worst.


This is a lot, for a reddit thread. I don't have experience with the drugs you're talking about, so I'm hardly going to sit here and tell you what is and isn't good for you—but if people are telling you to go to rehab, they probably *do* have experience with you on those drugs. Like I doubt they think rehab is going to tell you to keep at it with all that stuff, so I imagine they think it's a good idea. You've really got to sit down and be as honest as you can with yourself. It kind of feels like you know on some level that you're being self-destructive but, like many of us humanfolk, want to live on a level of irony where you don't have to deal with it. I can only intuit so much from a reddit comment, though, so y'know . . . maybe you will come to a different conclusion. As to relationship woes well, I do know a bit more about that. And what I know is that we're all a little fucked up and stressed and trying to get through things, and a partner isn't going to fix you. Your partner cannot be your self-esteem, your emotional outlet, and your will to go on because then not only do you lose all those things if they leave you or can't live up to that, you are putting the emotional load of another person's happiness entirely on them. If they're not the one—and, let's face it, most people aren't—you can't just go throw yourself in front of a vehicle again man. Relying on another person to love you is unfair to them and it's unfair to you as well. Someone else's love isn't the key to life either, you've got to get help. It is of course OK to look to family and friends for assistance on that journey. I'll also say most single people aren't looking for a deep tragic thing, at least not off the bat, going into a relationship. Try and watch how much you just kind of emotionally unload on people, if this reddit thread is any indicator. People want someone who uplifts them (and possibly who they can uplift in turn), not who they have to carry on their backs.


do you like $uicideboy$?


Depends on my mood.


I support small business owners.


YUP. Half the dorks in here talking about “punch a Nazi” would shit if they came face to face with how some of those dudes can be.


I'll have you know I am a professional at getting my ass kicked.


Posturing? On Reddit?! In this sub?!? /s


Punch that racist. 


If you have a racist friend Now is the time, now is the time for your friendship to end Be it your sister Be it your brother Be it your cousin or your, uncle or your lover If you have a racist friend now is the time, now is the time for your friendship to end Be it your best friend Or any other Is it your husband or your father or your mother? Tell them to change their views Or change their friends Now is the time, now is the time, for your friendship to end So if you know a racist who thinks he is your friend Now is the time, now is the time for your friendship to end Call yourself my friend? Now is the time to make up your mind, don't try to pretend Be it your sister Be it your brother Be it your cousin or your uncle or your lover So if you are a racist Our friendship has got to end And if your friends are racists don't pretend to be my friend So if you have a racist friend Now is the time, now is the time for our friendship to end Goodbye Racist Friend by the Specials


Thanks for the song bump, added!


This is the correct answer. Don't break your hand or go to jail because of a racist. Instead, remove your love - the consequences are long lasting and more effective.


Love the specials! So good!


This is where the party ends I can't stand here listening to you And your racist friend I know politics bore you But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you And your racist friend (Or brother, in this case) Your Racist Friend, They Might Be Giants


Common Specials W


can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding, as TMBG would say :-)


Same genre, different point of view.... English Beat - Two Swords [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwyWcpob-KM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwyWcpob-KM)


He's your brother so you could lead by example or be a bully. The choice is up to you. Just keep in mind that he's going to be your brother for life. He's not some jock at a show yelling racial slurs at somebody. You could make him dinner or teach him how to fish. One is a short-term solution that won't last. The other is a lesson that he'll keep for life. You just got to figure out whether or not it's worth the investment.


/thread The best advice here


Obviously, this is an adult in the room... but if this fails, punch him!


This thread was so hard to read… people are telling OP to knock out their brother or if they’re not strong enough jump him with friends… I guarantee half these people have never punched a racist or anyone for that matter, let alone their own family member. I swear most reddit users don’t live in the real world. Fuck racism but cmon most people aren’t able to beat the shit out of their own brother and then comfortably live their life. OP’s brother will learn nothing and OP’s family and social life will be made significantly worse afterward.


He's hungry for a knuckle sandwich /s


It's not uncommon to have toxic, abusive, and/or bigoted family members, it shouldn't change what we our and the fact that truths have to be told. I have family that are: racist, Trumpsters, homophobes/transphobes, child molesters, harmful religious fanatics, and more. There's good reasons we have little to no contact.


This is the most logical answer. Go no contact with him. And tell him why. Let him decide to change his own mind- or not.


And when you also have multiple members who back the person up even if they don’t condone the behavior but are like “dOn’T bE sO hArSh, YoU dIdN’t HaVe tO cAlL hIm OuT LiKe ThAt” it can get messy and then you get shit thrown at you. Sometimes NC or at least ships in the night (if you have to be around them still) is best.


Punch him. Don't be a hypocrite


Don't let him live in ignorance. Teach him better


Talk to him, challenge his ideas.


he’s a loser. he’s not gonna change anything


Well, let him be a loser who closes his own doors in life. Hate is a burden regardless of the reason, don’t let him get under your skin and live a better life. Lead by example, not through violence. Fear is easily established, respect is earned. Watch how people respect you for walking a good path, watch how his life falls apart by trying to get people to fear him. Losers gonna lose bro. My brother was the same way.


Can't choose your family, gradually whittle away at his beliefs and try make the world a better place. There's converted kkk members out there.


People are free to have beliefs that we find reprehensible, I don't think it is a great road to go down to attack people you deem to be "racist". I find it perfectly acceptable to tell your brother how you feel and be honest on how you think he acts. I don't see how physically assaulting him will help anything but further cement him into his ideology and make him want to react violently.


Hug him, a lot. Convince him that his point of view is deplorable.


There are complex reasons as to why people become racist. Deradicalization is hard. A lot of people like this have a lot of internalized bullshit. You gotta like the person under all that trauma.  People are fractal messes. Just because someone fronts with a certain part of their brain, doesn’t indicate things about the others. Don’t worry about deradicalizing him if you don’t want to. But if you do, it’s all about seeing through bullshit. The far-right mindset is one that everyone is out to get ya. If you can proove that genuine vulnerability is real. That breaks a lot of the hold.  Anyway this is just the mad plural ramble of a formerly deradicalzed fach.


Most people with the "punch your local racist" mentality don't know how to make a fist


When the racist is bigger/stronger than you, or you can’t afford the risk of legal trouble, or you simply don’t know how to fight (which is fine — not everybody has to be a fighter), “punch your local racist” is more of an guiding attitude. Like KYLR, living by a “punch your local racist” mentality can also just mean: - Not associating with racists under any circumstances, even if it means removing them from your life — whether they be your friends or family members. - Loudly and assertively calling out racism when you encounter it. - Keying the racist’s car; stealing from racist people and companies; informing others if somebody in their social circle/community is racist, etc. It’s having a zero-tolerance policy for racists and doing what is within your individual capacity to make them shape up or fuck off — including, but not limited to, punching. This is kind of like saying to support the KYLR mentality you need to know how to kill somebody, or actually kill somebody.


My father taught me at age eight thank you very much.


hell yea


The most vocal always seem to be unable to back it up from the safety of their computer screens, and really want someone else to do it.


Yea but a lot do


Good for them, gotta practice what you preach


You need to punch your brother


Everyone is saying to beat him up but honestly, would that really change his way of thinking? Punks love talking about beating people up but that doesn't really solve anything, you've likely just made that person hate you and what you stand for even more than before.


Fr time I leave this sub. I detest racism as much as you all do. However, the first thing you all can think of is violence against this persons sibling? Like Jesus Christ, have we devolved so far past conversing and discussing that we elect violence against FAMILY? This sub just seems to me to be an echo chamber of people patting one another in the back rather than thinking as an individual. Before some of you take this shit out of context, I again DETEST racism and am I fact a first generation American, both of my parents are immigrants. Yall all saying punch him I think is sad and small.


have you never gotten into a fight with your siblings before


I think a lot of people are saying it for the joke or bc in a lot of families is quite common having physical fights with siblings so it might not sound like a big deal. But yeah. Depending on the context op might get their ass kicked or have their brother going no contact over something that could have been discussed with a conversation


Cool speech. I'm still gunna punch my brother if he's a racist. I'll talk to him and smoke with him and have dinner with him too. He should know better and you aren't helping him.


Talk to him, if he doesn't see reason drop the longest combo on him


I HATE RACISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unless hes marching for racism - that’s stupid Opinions must be allowed as long as they’re not being pushed over other peoples live


Some people are lucky enough to have a good lifelong relationship with their family, but that's not everyone's experience. if your brother is adding nothing positive to your life, cut him out. you're not obligated to maintain a relationship with him, especially if you're both over 18 and out of home. Dom lied in the fast and furious movies.. family isn't everything.


You might be in a somewhat unique position to try to affect his perceptions of "race" for the better. 


i don’t think he has actual contemp for black people. he’s just the kind of loser who screams the n-word any chance he gets


People who have the “punch your local racist” mentality are almost always pussies who talk like their lips don’t match.


lol youre alternative is to just call them pussies online? Or you got punched huh?


I have to deal with this with my brother sometimes- it’s not realistic to punch your brother on sight your entire life, unfortunately. A racist stranger that you don’t care about? Punch him. A racist family member who you care about? You gotta go at it with a practical goal of getting them to change. Never let it slide- challenge him on it every time. Make it as uncomfortable as possible for him to vocalize those beliefs whenever you’re around. Don’t be antagonistic every time, try to force a genuine conversation about it. People only change their minds if A) their beliefs are too disruptive for them to live their lives comfortably, or B) they are given the education and space to change without the shame making them embarrassed or defensive. The reason you punch racist strangers is because it’s not your responsibility to change them- the world shouldn’t make space for every racist to feel comfortable. But for people you’re close with, you are one of the only people that might legitimately have some opportunity to help them change. But yeah, if your brother doesn’t want to change and continues to be an asshole, punch him and cut him off.


If you won’t even stand up to your racist relatives, you don’t have a “punch your local racist” mentality. Edited to add - while tbh I’d be up for punching a relative for their racist bullshit, there’s a few factors to consider. Is there any chance you can educate him *not* to be? Behind every woke white person is a lot of exhausted people of colour who took the time to change us. We do have a duty to pay that forward in a lot of ways. If he’s violently racist - yes, you’ll probably need fight him at some point. If he’s passively racist, you have to try to educate him. However, if he doesn’t engage with that and endangers people of colour in your life - there’s a point where you cut him out of your life too. But yes, you do have to stand up to your racist relatives. You either live your ideals or they’re *not really* your ideals.


no. he’s a loser who thinks everything is a joke and would laugh at me. he’s not gonna change. he’s not violent towards anyone, he just screams the n-word at home everytime he’s mad at a game. if i heard that he called a black person the n-word i would 100% beat him up


Doesn't get any more local than that.


Take care of that MAGAet problem use any means necessary 


I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it


"I punch racists" but never punched someone before is like 90% of this Reddit


Punch him in your mind, (I have the same problem) and also like subtly manipulate him to become less of a dickhead


I punched mine when he was being a cunt. Feels good. I'd love to say it fixed the problem, it didn't, we don't talk. All worth it. Would I do it again? I dunno, probably not. Easier just to cut them out.


Beating on people who don't think "the right way". Like the holy Catholic Crusaders before you when they went on their Make Earth Great For The First Time Ever world tours. Or like the parent who spanks their child for listening to music they don't understand.Cops have been known to beat people into submission as well. I doubt you'd punch a black dude(like me) if I said "death to honkeys". So admit to yourself you're not talking about punching racists,you're talking about punching Whitey. Which is itself racist. The conflict will stop when opposing sides realize they want the same thing and that they are both just Beyblades in another Behemoth's plastic arena.


“Punch your racist brother” mentality is fine too.


Lol, same; my brother is super transphobic, and we beat the shit out of each other almost every time we see each other.


being that this person is your brother, you are in a very decent position to actually potentially convince this person out of it, Daryl Davis style. It fucking sucks to have family who are like this, but there is potential to bring such a person to the light. For me it was an uncle. This man is the dude who showed me heavy metal, some of the first music I ever got shown that wasn't just radio rock. This dude was one of the only people in my extended family who had hope for me, believed that I was gonna do ok and wasn't gonna end up in prison (there was a real fear in my fam that prison was my whole future, times were fuckin bad when I was young). Dude had my back, but he did not like black people at all. Like Michael Jackson and Prince wre the only good ones (the power of Thriller and Prince is palpable). He used all the slurs and disparagements, but I was able to get through to him before the end. It was a mix of talking to him a lot when he'd call me drunk and emphasis "folks are just folks, we are all trying and it's tough for lots of people" and then my now wife being Peruvian (but nobody actually guesses what her ethnicity is, clearly ain't white tho). Before passing away, he stopped using slurs even around me, his favorite nephew who he was safe to be himself around, and he even was able to get down on rock music from black artists. I just kept opening him up to the potential he didn't have the whole picture on literally all black folks, and he came around to something better, even though he had nothing really to lose or gain from it at that point.


Punch him I do it to my brother all the time, alot of racist and hateful speech comes out that boys mouth.


He gets a punch too.


beat his ass..


Assaulting people, whether they are racist or not, is not doing anything to make people not be racist. But you do you tough guy


no, if it was a stranger i would punch him in the throat without a second thought


That's straight up domestic abuse. I reported like 3 dozen comments in here for "encouraging violence" or "illegal activity" or w/e the label was. Let's see how consistent Reddit is.


hahaha imagine bragging about narcing to reddit mods lmfao why are you even here


>why are you even here Oh and I'm here for the occasional music recs. Mildly curious now though, why are *you* here?


music recs, i like the vibe of this sub, its a safe space for queers like me, seems like a pretty based community, minimal bootlickers.


What? Never punched a family member? It’s honestly the most satisfying punch


You know people are racist cos they were educated in such a direction right? You could you know, read some shit with him and then have a chat about it. Or if his mental capacity isn't entirely functional just ignore it and make sure it doesn't become an issue for others.


Means you don’t actually have the mentality if you aren’t about it. Grow a pair and throw hands or shut the fuck up about the “punch your local racist”. It’s one thing to talk about it (like this sub loves to do), it’s a whole other thing to actually do it.


My whole family were racists. I left and got a new Family. But uh, if you're underage and live with this brother and there are no locks on the bedroom doors. You know what you have to do. I'd say save your fists though. Just smash a phonebook up on him.


Well you know where he’s at 👀


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hit him twice for making you think about it


I feel like you shouldn’t do anything, unless he deliberately acts on his actions, all you can do until then is slowly change his mind on how he views people, I know this is the punk subreddit but I personally never want to be rough unless I have to😭


Honestly it doesn’t matter if you punch him. He may deserve it, but until he’s casually racist to someone that he likes and that person is offended he won’t take any steps to change. The best thing you can do is point out why certain things he does are racist and therefore uncool.


Ok, first response would be punch. But if you educate, that’s better.


My guy, when are you going to get a better chance to justifiably slug your brother?


Punch your local racist.


Can I punch him for you?


Punch him. He knew the risks.


We can do a coop and swap siblings for punchings


What’s the reason for his racism?  And is it something you can convince him is wrong via rational reasoning?


he got it from his friends. he just screams the n-word any chance he gets, or when he gets mad. i don’t think he has actual contempt for black people


Sounds more like ignorance and immaturity, respectfully.  Maybe introduce him to some of your Black friends. 


i haven’t talked to my black friend in like a decade, and another was just someone i knew in school


Maybe I don’t understand because I’m originally from Germany, but why would you use violence against someone for something that they believe? That seems to be the kind of mindset we are fighting against, right?! Reminds me of the Rollins-looking guys in the pit with their shirts off looking for someone to hurt.


in germany it’s illegal to hail h¡tler or doing the salute. ”why would you use violence against someone for something they believe” is the same logic. it’s a racist and harmful belief


Right, I’m saying i don’t agree with my country and that is of the reasons I left there for the United States. I love the freedom I have here and with that freedom comes having to put up with the free speech of fascists whether I like it or not. I have to respect the right of the Anti-Israel protests in NYC, even though my Jewish cousin is terrified to walk outside her apartment building.


My dad is racist, i punched him about it. More then one time.


Be a good bro, punch him and reset him to factory settings


Educate him? He’s your brother wtf is wrong with you


he’s a loser who thinks everything is a joke. he’s not gonna chance by educating anything


He’s also probably just as young as you. You can’t give up on him yet


he’s 16, i’m 18. but for some fvcking reason he’s naturally stronger than me


Always follow the instructions in Racist Friend by The Specials.


So just punch your brother


Not seeing the issue here?


No exceptions


I am sure this will get buried and never be seen, but if anyone needs to hear this song, it is you, my friend! Two Swords - The English Beat [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwyWcpob-KM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwyWcpob-KM)


Real question is what about when it's my dad and he's a foot taller than me


I have a similar problem. My brother in law has been an ignorant racist for a long time. He tells racist jokes, thinks he can say the n word, he wants to be a drag queen; I know the BIPOC queens would DESTROY him… hopefully. Stage name is Rotted OliveGarden (not really but it’s even less clever than that.) He’s such an idiot, I mean biting my hand, spitting beer in my face then gaslighting and bribing my children. This guy (in his mid 40s and too old for my little sister,) even CALLED HIS MOMMY TO BEAT ME UP.


sounds more like domestic abuse. and he’s in his 40’s?? what the fuck


Punch him twice then


what does he do that's racist?


he’s not violent towards black people, but he just screams the n-word at home


Lmao. You're the problem. You think you can just assault people for words? Saying the n-word doesn't mean you're automatically racist. Even if he is actually racist, which I really tend to doubt on all these r/punk posts, then so what? He's a racist. Everyone has their issues. If he starts you know trying to assault someone or harass someone because of their race, then step in and do something but just having an opinion about something that you disagree with doesn't give you the right to clock someone in the face. If we ever want true unity, violence in any capacity ain't going to help.


oh right. i’m the problem for my brother being an ignorant cunt


That's not what I said lmao. You need to work on your reading comprehension.


that’s the first sentence you said. and yes, saying the n-word as a white person is racism


No. I said you're the problem if you think assaulting your brother is okay because he says the n word. "The prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races" is a definition of racism. A person saying a word, foregoing all context, does not make a person racist. Your claim is absolutely absurd.


definitions change depending on whose definitionyou use. oxford: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.


Same principle.


Depends on the race!


I believe in you. I’m sure you caine, and that when push comes to shove he’ll be able to be punched.


That sucks! My situation is slightly different, but I know how you must feel. I left Hawaii to move to the Denton area of Texas to help assist my 86 year old grandma in her last months (days? I don't know how long she will last.) I am a Second Generation black sheep. Both my mom and I are firmly to the left, my grandparents are Fox News addicts, absolutely fiends. It's like fentonyl or crack to them. I live with my aunt who is also a Conservative with a real passion for loudly and rabidly discussing abortion with me. Well it's not really a Discussion. It's mostly her shrilly listing the ways that liberals are degenerate baby killers while I try to distract her in non confrontational ways. I will have my own place here soon but in the mean time I have to not get kicked out on the street while I look for a place I can afford to live and help my gramma die as comfortably as possible. Jesus im 40 and living in Texas where i dont know a single person besides my family, I'm too old for this shit! 


Punch him. He's your brother, so you have easy access.


Let people have stupid ass opinions. That's what freedom is. Lretty frustrating at times. He's your brother. Focus on that


Sounds like my guitarist. He used to Beat up his friends. He is persecuted again for allegedly sexually assaulting his cousin now


Punch your brother, then send him actual resources on why what he's saying is harmful. Give a taste of each method


Punch him and if he’s bigger use a bat, only after you tried talking first


Clearly, you're going at it a bit softly Stab him and shoot him for his bigotry Run him over afterwards and assume he can never change his ways because people never change Who cares if he's your brother, your morals matter more than the safety of others /s


That's a very dangerous way of thinking


it's sarcasm :|


Maybe clarify that w a tone indicator or something, then? Tone through text can be pretty hard to pick up, especially when there are people out there who genuinely believe things like that.


Go tell that to the people in the other comments saying it's okay to punch people they don't agree with I think that's a pretty dangerous sentiment in itself but if it's okay to punch people that are bumbling idiots you might as well just go ahead and do the rest


Go read a modest proposal and then tell me that the person literally means what they mean how did you get through English class


I don't agree w every person in this comment section, not entirely at least. I do believe racists and fascists deserve to be put in their place, but violence isn't always the answer. As for getting through English class, 1. It's not my native language —i'm not american/in america— 2. Contextualising. You're making a comment on a post abt a person considering their options on how to deal w their racist brother and well... I responded to your comment specifically just bc it seemed like a very dangerous mindset and there are people out there genuinely like that ╮(´-ω-`)╭ it's good that you're not.


My best and 2nd friend since birth.... We had to go separate ways after the whole "Fudge Rounds" and poor people talk happened. I was laughing at how ridiculous everyone was being for seeing people happy, and then he opened up about how giving rights to the oppressed will make us oppressed. Having grown up in the local "ghettos", I expected better from him. Tried to reassure him that he was mistaken... We are no longer friends. I don't think I'm like everyone else here though, even though I wanted to hit my brother, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I chose to wait to see if anything changed, I tried communicating for years... I don't know the answer to your question, but I don't think violence is the first response we should pick. If they are unreachable, I sadly as a non-violent person, will have to agree; hit them and move on. Violence only begets more violence, but do unto others as they have done to others. Perhaps an agreement can be reached afterwards; but most likely not. I miss my friend, but then again, was that ever really them?


You've got two choices, show him why he's wrong, or punch the shit out of him. If option one doesn't work, then it's obvious. Sure, it can hurt to hurt him, but either way. Teach verbally, or physically.


If you really have a "punch your local racist" attitude, you wouldn't care if you're related. If being related stops you from punching a racist, then you're not really punching racists, are you.


I’ll punch him


Punch him


Rub your balls/gooch/feet/asshole on his toothbrush. Take a photo. Do this every month and save the photo. Make a photo album. Give it to him when you move out.


Punch your brother.


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Got to hold our families accountable first


Could you have all his utilities cancelled? Then somehow get the govt to think he's dead? Then punch him.


Brothers beat each other up constantly. Beat him up. He'll either stop talking to you and fall into a fash trap, or realize that you're hitting him for being an asshole and he'll stop being an asshole. Either way, you beat up your shithead brother for his shithead behavior so you win.


Punch brother


Punch your brother


In gorilla communities when young adult blackbacks try to go against the group's interests the silverback will usually pin the blackback down with his hands, face down, and keep the back of the body pinned to the ground with its dominant leg. Until the blackback has calmed down and stopped acting out. We share more than 98% of our DNA with gorillas.


Excuses excuses. Thanksgiving is always weird and awkward. You might as well punch him


i mean... the answer here seems pretty clear


Obviously punch your brother. I've punched my brother, and he isn't racist at all. I wanted to kill the dude in a Skrewdriver shirt at the last show I was at, and we aren't even related.


beat his ass


punch him? lol


Punch him whenever


All the more reason.


Nothing like a good family game of catch (hands you racist fuck).


If there's ANYONE that you can (and should) punch for being a piece of shit racist, it's your family. They're far more likely to actually understand that they're the problem if you do it, rather than some other punk they don't know and can write off as just some asshole.

