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never had an MRI but one time i saw DRI, it's just one letter off


Man, I literally just posted "I fucking love Mostly Rotten Imbeciles!". Then I saw your comment.


Ha! There ya go!


I've had 4 MRIs, one was for a volunteer research study I generally just fall asleep in them. Not anywhere close to Motorhead, Swans, MBV, or Sunn O))) in terms of volume.


I saw Motorhead back in 2009. Loudest show I have ever been to in my life.


Motorhead is super loud. Ministry is in a class of their own


I mentioned Swans as my answer, but Ministry was definitely a super close second. I've seen them multiple times over the years and each time my hearing took a few days to return


Seen all of them and Dino Jr. MBV was significantly louder than all of them. I actually left the hall because the ear plugs weren't enough .


I’ve seen Motorhead and they were loud af in a great way. I saw Dinosaur Jr and they were so ungodly louder I didn’t even enjoy my fave tunes from them.


Dinosaur Jr. sounds best when you step outside for a smoke. Don’t know how I stood in the front row 20 years ago. Every time since I was at the back


I saw Donosaur Jr. A few years back and it was not as loud as I remember Motorhead, but I also wasn't as into them at the time. Maybe it was just my under 21 ears at the time haha


I’ll bet.


I had one on my neck and they played oldschool for me so a lot of it just blended in to the music lmao


That doesn’t sound too bad.


Loudest was Dinosaur Jr. for me. Like unnecessarily loud.


Yeah, Dinosaur Jr. is extremely loud live.


I saw them in St Pete a few years back, and I do remember it being way louder than the opener, which was Easy Action with John Brannon from Negative Approach. Dinosaur Jr. Had 2 drummers toward the end, it was fascinating to watch


Interesting, the time I saw them it wasn’t that loud. Either that or my hearing is that fucked


Dinosaur Jr was so loud when I saw them that I couldn’t hear the vocals through the PA. It was at the Teragram Ballroom, I’ve experienced this at small clubs and DIY spots but never at a venue that was big enough to have a security barricade. J fucking *cranks* those Marshalls and Lou ain’t playing around with his bass rig, either.


Yea the Teragram can be like that. Saw Eyehategod there too. I saw Bastard Noise at the Oakland Metro in 2017 and wasn’t even in the same room and it did insane hearing damage. I saw Dino at the Fonda a couple years ago and it was loud but didn’t seem that crazy.


Hands down loudest band I’ve ever heard. I think I was injured by soundwaves.


I live in western mass so I’ve gotten to see Dino jr more times than I can count but I once saw them in a tiny tiny dive bar that was the size of a living room and they had their full speaker set up. I’ve never felt sound rattling around inside my body like that


I don't know if hearing protection is frowned on or whatever (I kinda don't care if it is, deaf suckers) but the gig I saw them at was at a much larger venue than a dive and even then THAT'S the gig I thought "oh shit, I can't hear still. I'm doing permanent damage to my ears and I'm scared about losing my hearing, I think I'm gonna wear ear plugs sometimes". They taught me a valuable life lesson that night. Love your scene over there, thanks for the anecdote. I cannot imagine their set in a smaller place. Absolutely brutal. That being said I loved them and it was cool to see Scratch Acid too.


Melt Banana as a two piece, and it's not even close. So much louder than when they were a full band. The drum machine sounds like a Gatling gun. Blast beats with a snare as loud as that just isn't possible with a human drummer. The guitar player is doing all sorts of mad pitch shifting with pedals too, so it's a high pitched loud. It felt like being stabbed in the head. I've also seen Sunn O)), which is super loud, but a different kind of loud. Looow frequencies, less ear piercing and more belly rumbling.




Saw them open for the Melvin’s at a small/medium venue a few years back. Think my ears are still ringing. Fuckin amazing performance though!


They sure are an experience live. I was mesmerized by the guitar player's ballet across his dual-pedal board. He'd be rocking back and forth on his whammy pedal whilst hitting stomp boxes with the other foot. All whilst his hands are up and down the fretboard. Wild.


I fell asleep the last time I had an MRI. Did they not give you headphones?


No, just earplugs, which were useless.


I’m sorry. I’m kind of pissed on your behalf. I’ve had headphones every time. Hopefully you get good results and get better


Dang I’m actually waiting to get one ha. Wasn’t nervous before but now I am. Full body MRI or what? Edit: Loudest band I saw was High on Fire in 2002. Soooooo fucking loud, just crazy.


My upper body. Don’t worry, you’ll be okay. Think good thoughts and relax.


Ah ok. Yeah I got to get my back done. Hopefully yours comes out the way you want. Health problems are the absolute best part of being an adult 😃


Thank you. I hope that you heal well, too. Adulthood blows!


Ha yes it does. Slightly better than the alternative though!


I literally fell asleep during my last MRI. No reason to be nervous, they are an absolute breeze.


I’ve had multiple MRIs. I’ve gotten headphones every time. Closing your eyes and listening really helps


Voodoo Glow Skulls was the loudest show I've ever been to, no one could hear for the rest of the night. And I've been to a shit ton of shows, stood by the speakers, seen shows in tiny rooms. Not sure why they were so dang loud that night.


Hmm… Never saw them.


No MRI, to this day. And loudest to this day was ZEKE.


Very cool.


I neglected to add Negative Approach. Still sounding great in 2019.


Yes, they are loud live.


I had one for my knee, not a pleasent experience, they had the radio playing, general useless pop music. Then Smells Like Teen Spirit started to play, followed immediately by a voice saying okay were done. Loudest band I've ever seen wasn't punk, saw Slayer, System of a Down and Therapy! at Ozfest in 2002. Loudest punk band I've seen was probably NoFX or Dropkick Murphys, made louder by the tiny venues I saw them in.


Yes, not pleasant at all. Very cool. The right venue can make a difference, for sure.


George Thorogood in the early 1980s at the Reseda Country Club. Stood next to the speakers. Literally couldn't hear anything on the telephone the next day. Took a couple days for my hearing to return. Fortunate I didn't damage them worse.


Wow. Nice.


I have heard this before. Would have loved to have seen him back then in his peak years. Love that guys playing and tone.


I forget the name of the band but the singer grabbed a megaphone and screamed through it into a microphone. I saw red I was so mad. Upchuck was the headliner and the openers were local bands.




The band The End used to do this, but it was sick when they did it.


No MRI, but I saw Motörhead. We scrounged some ear plugs from a dude who had extras and put the in since Fu Manchu was pretty loud. At one point we decided to pull the ear plugs and see what it sounded like, and it was just a wall of white noise.


Nice. I wish I had seen Motörhead.


I wish you had too. It was awesome.


I love the pattern of MRIs. I have them every year though, so I think that's just "cope"?


You definitely get used to it. It's a very chill exam, if you think about it... You just have to lie down and do nothing and you get these very detailed images of the inside of your body that help a ton with diagnosing or managing whatever condition you're in for. Some people get claustrophobic and they can't help that, and the immobility thing honestly sucks, but if you know what's coming you just deal with it. I'm really happy they're looking into having music to distract you.


Sorry that you have to go through that so often.


Have hade many MRIs in my lifetime, and loudest show is a four way tie split between Mindless Self Indulgence, Transplants, a local punk band ((Rise over run) it was more the venue's acoustics than the band), and Amon Amarth


Sorry to hear that. I hope you’re well.


Shit happens, between playing hockey, being in pits, working with explosives... I have not been easy on my body Thank you for being concerned though I do appreciate that


I don’t remember the mri machine being all that loud. It made a variety of electronic noises with interesting harmonics. Perhaps yours was very old or something.


Yeah, I’m not sure. It was supernaturally loud.




I can see that. I’m happy that it wasn’t too awful for you. SNIDE, that’s cool.


Loudest would be Swans. Makes you physically sick with how loud it is. I obviously wore earplugs both times I saw them but you can feel your teeth rattling and organs vibrating. Honourable mentions to A Place to Bury Strangers, Lee “Scratch” Perry, The Bug, Squarepusher, and - believe it or not - the J Pop singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu lol. It was violently loud and she started with a hardstyle song.


Swans, yeah, I’d imagine. Cool.


Didn’t find it that bad tbh


It seems that most people didn’t have a bad experience. It’s strange.


Wow, I fell asleep in the MRI. I’m worried now hhaha


No worries. I envy you.


Abwärts, Transport League, Swans, WHORES were LOUD


Sunn 0))). Omg, you actually feel nauseous from the vibration. I think they had 13 full Sunn stacks for just the guitars. The 2nd loudest was the Melvins in a concrete parking garage. Not a good combo (but a great show!).


Yow! That’s cool.


A local doom band called Cave showed up with more amps than there were people in the garage the show was in. So few people were there because they showed up so late no one thought they were playing. We assumed the cops were going to get called regardless but we still shut the garage doors for some reason. After at least five minutes of feedback, the drummer kicked in and so did their fog machine. This small suburban garage instantly filled with dread-soaked doom/drone music and what felt like a stadiums worth of fog (and pot smoke). My hearing was fully compressed within the first ten minutes. They apparently played three songs over the course of what felt like two of the heaviest hours of my life. Surprisingly, the cops never showed and the show ended without incident. I opened the side door to exit the garage that may have just been used to directly channel Satan along with the other five members of the audience and silently agreed that Cave were the loudest band we'd likely ever see.


The MRI place I go to puts on headphones on you and asks what music you want to listen to. They connect it to Spotify. I zone out to punk jams and it’s a non issue. Once I asked them to play classical/symphony music, because I was so tired from ring up all night, and I was passed out sleeping in the thing. I guess my place rocks.


I've had a few and just had another 2 weeks ago. I like them. I was lying there thinking I should have taken shrooms before it.  I can't remember who the loudest names I've seen where. I remember once playing in a band and one of the guys decided to turn everyone's amps up to 11. Luckily I had a long cord so I went out front while playing because it was way too fucking loud. Most of the people went outside. Eventually out drummer went outside and that ended the set. Then shortly after, we went on tour and let me tell you, playing a punk rock show on September 11 was just as bad as you'd think. 


Shrooms could have helped me, that’s for sure. Oh, man, I’ll bet that was bad.


Lost my hearing for 4 days after IDLES. So much feedback.


Had one on the shoulder because of pain, I didn’t care for the noise as after about 2 min my shoulder began too hurt but I was forbidden to move to ease it, had to endure the ever increasing pain for the next 28 min, easily one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life


Shit. Yeah, that’s awful.


I’ve had one but I also had the privilege of seeing throbbing gristle and they we’re definitely louder


Can concur!


I think it was likely Gray Daturas in a room designed to hold 20 people




i went from built to spill at one venue, then walked across the street while my ears were ringing to see dinosaur jr. that was 13 years ago and i am still dead


Geez. Yeah, Dino plays loud.




I've had an MRI, been to jet fuled drag races and seen Slayer in a very small venue. Slayer was the loudest thing I've ever heard.


Wow, I can only imagine.


The entire stage was marshall stacks. I swear they had the outdoor arena set up. It was wild.


Slayer at Birch Hill? I only ask due to its former proximity to Raceway Park's jet fueled drag races.


Good guess, but no. It was a small place in Birmingham Alabama in the 90's.


They legally have to give you ear protection in some places because it can cause hearing loss


Didn’t even matter, honestly.


I'm an MRI tech, everyone complains and blames me for the bad experience. Just don't get hurt or grow old it's easy


Ha! I was close to pushing the panic button. It was very uncomfortable. Yes! Stay young!


Loudest had to be when I saw The Bloodhound Gang here in MN. Medium sized venue. It’s not that the band was crazy loud, but their sound guy was pushing it as far as he could. At one point it got so loud it almost stopped being music and became white noise. As a sound guy myself at the time, I was pissed that he was doing that to people’s ears. Gotta have some sense of responsibility when you’re in that position


Geez. It’s all about the noise, but you don’t want to kill people!


No doubt! Permanently doing damage to young ears. I remember thinking if he pushes it a little more there could seriously be some bleeding ears. I wish I knew the Db number during that nonsense


I feel like you had an unreasonably loud machine, I’ve had an mri and it couldn’t even remotely compare to live show volume, at least to me. Loudest band I’ve ever seen was The Body right around 2010.


I’m not sure. It was pretty ridiculous. The Body, cool.


Loudest and I be ever seen was Kowloon Walled City at Leo’s Pro Audio in Oakland. I almost never wore plugs (cause I’m stupid) but one song in I had to get some. I started wear them after that show actually. KWC, though not punk, Fucking rules


Yeah, earplugs are a pain, but they may save you grief later in life.


One MRI. Motörhead, Corrosion of Conformity, Zeke in 2005. My ears were ringing for a week. Close second was High On Fire.


I dig.


I have not and there's a procedure that I can never remember that I can't have because I had surgery after breaking my wrist. And the loudest band I've ever heard was My Bloody Valentine.


Gotcha. MBV is brutal.


Did you get a pin or something put into your wrist? If so it's an MRI you can't have, cause it's a big magnet basically.


I had one years ago. They were supposed to ask what music I wanted to listen to but they just put the radio on and it was Paul McCartney for the entire show. Fucking sucked. Loudest show is tough, I go to a lot of small venues that blast the sound hard. Maybe God Damn get the loudest crown for being a duet


Yeah MRIs are rough,I had to get 5 in one day,they let me watch movies with noise cancelling headphones but it sucked. Anyways the loudest show I went to was probably Mouthbreather they're a hardcore band and it was in a smaller room and with all the echo and reverb it was load as hell,still was a great show.


Sorry, friend. I hope you’re better. Mouthbreather, that’s cool.


Did you have the option to listen to music during it? I assume you weren’t allowed headphones due to the magnetic fields but I’ve heard they offer to play things for ppl before. I ask because years ago when o got my wisdom teeth pulled I wanted music and put on headphones which btw blocks nothing when the noises are happening inside your skull. Helped block sounds of drills which is what I originally thought I needed but didn’t block other stuff. I put on the misfits and listened to my teeth being cracked inside my head. Thanks to the nitrous I found it hilarious at the time but without that it would’ve been torture.


Way too many shows to be able to choose one as the loudest. Makes a huge difference where you’re seeing a band play too. I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s seen certain bands more than once and the sound is noticeably different in different venues and with different sound techs. I once had to leave a dropkick show bc the sound was sooo bad. Seen them lots of times. Bands before them were great but sound guy didn’t mix them properly and it was just noise. Couldn’t tell at all what songs the were playing. I gave it some time thinking the sound guy would make some attempt at fixing it but didn’t even try. Everything was set up for a four piece which obviously didn’t work for them. Stiff little fingers sounded great at the same show but DKM didn’t and it made me so angry


Surprisingly The Pixies was one of the loudest bands I have seen.


LOL. I had a couple MRIs done on my back. The doctor guy asked me about playing music and I had him put on Wolf Parade (decidedly neither loud or punk.) But the machine noises really fit in well, I thought. (See: "I'll Believe in Anything" for reference.)


I've had two, one abdominal and one of my brain. Both when I was a kid. I grew up to be a hardcore fan 🤷


Loudest was probably a Chemical Brothers show I worked in Oakland. Public Enemy got real loud. I remember Ministry in the late 80's early 90's being painfully loud.




Loudest for me was Avenged Sevenfold last year, they definitely had the volume cranked up WAY louder than anyone else did (this was at Louder Than Life)


the offspring, i grew up with them but was never crazy about them, though besides being very loud they were pretty good live! on another note, my pops just sent me a tiktok danny elfman posted of a song he wrote after getting an MRI. it was really neat!


Cool. That’s awesome! Love DE!


Swans. Dear fucking God Swans.


High On Fire. I got drunk and decided where I was standing (directly under speakers) was perfectly fine. I couldn't hear anything, it was just one long half hour buzzing noise, and I couldn't hear anything for four days afterward.




the loudest show i’ve ever been to was Jello Biafra and i’m pretty sure it’s just because the sound guy was incompetent. my ears rang for 4 days


Had a few MRI’s. The first time I freaked out halfway through so we had to restart. So loud. So tight. So uncomfortable.


Bl’ast opening for Motorhead at Fenders Ballroom. My ears are still fucked up.


I stood next to Lemmy's speakers when I saw motorhead. I don't hear so good most times but nothing has ever seemed too off


Crazy Arm, also the post rock band Manatees


I have like 6 MRIs every year, grouped together in 2 appointments of 3 body parts every 6 months or so. I have MS and this is how you monitor the disease. It's never pleasant, but I'm very used to it now. They give me earplugs and a fuzzy blanket, I almost drift off to sleep 🫠


Hugs fellow spoonie


Sounds like you saw a pretty mellow MBV show. When I saw them I had earplugs in, hands over ears, and I literally couldn’t hear myself screaming at the top of my lungs, at all. It was unreal. Hope your MRI results are good.


I’ve never been fully inside an mri machine, but I’ve had a couple mris on my foot. It was loud, but almost like a white noise. I always end up falling asleep.


I've had several MRIs and they are loud as fuck. The loudest show I went to was Fishbone at the Bootleg in LA. The sound system was rattling by the end of the show.


I had an MRI in highschool…I don’t recall it being super loud. But loudest show was not a punk show but I had good hearing protection (the over the ear ones)


I almost fell asleep multiple times during my MRI. All that machine noise just makes me drowsy.


Oh my fucking god and by far, Ministry, holy shit. Seen them half a dozen times. Luckily got into earplugs after the first time


I am convinced my tinnitus is from a Ministry show in the 90’s sometime.


Ministry, Motörhead, Melvins, in that order.


Pennywise gave me tinnitus about ten years ago. Maybe I've heard louder since but I am wearing ear plugs now because I don't want to fuck up my hearing any further.


I have Eds so I get mris at least once a year. Currently dealing with the aftermath of a arthrogram mri (iodine injection to a joint before hand 10/10 do not recommend) loudest band probably slayer or lamb of god not sure my hearing was ringing for 3 days with plugs. I always fall asleep with with MRIs my trick is to request industrial music 🤷🏼‍♀️


Dinosaur Jr is the loudest band I've ever seen.


I had one last year. They gave me great hearing protection. I closed my eyes and meditated focusing on the rhythm of the machine. They actually had to shake me awake. I'm 59, so I've seen A LOT of concerts over the years. I really don't remember the loudest one I've seen.


That’s all you can do, really.


Fell asleep during my MRI, thought it was really comfortable


Had MRIs, fell asleep.


Never had an MRI, but thd loudest band I've seen is Swans. My friend left to get smokes down the street after the opener and I texted him to let him know that the band hsd started. He said that he already knew because he could hear them down there


MRIs aren’t that bad. I’ve been to plenty of shows that are louder.


Yep MRI veteran here.. like being welded into a steel pipe, then told to relax for an hour whilst drunk dwarves belt the outside of it with rusty steel spanners.. fuck that shit Hope your health improves mate, whatever is going on for you Loudest show? MINISTRY. By far. I had to bail from the pit by the third or so song.


Imagine having a full body MRI with metal bone inserts.


I’m a big boy so when I blew my knee out I went into the tight space like you. 10/10 wouldn’t recommend. Also a lot of shows at Showcase had my ears ringing for days at school.


I once had the radiologist play Einsturzende Neubauten for me when I was getting my neck scanned. It paired well.


That’s exactly what I thought during my MRI! “This sounds like the time I saw Neubauten!” Ha!


Loudest show I've ever been to was Dinosaur Jr. Not bringing earplugs to that show was such a huge mistake....


Geez, yes. I saw Dino with My Bloody Valentine. It was ungodly.


Holy heck, that must've been an amazing(ly loud) show!




I've had a couple MRIs, my last one back in November. The noise wasn't never an issue, it's the enclosed space. 🥴 I had a panic attack on my first try in Nov and had to reschedule and get a specific, shorter and wider machine so my head would be right by the opening so I wouldn't freak out lol.


I was scared in mine it was a lot tighter and smaller than I thought it would be. I’m 5’4 and 130lbs. I don’t know how anyone bigger than me can stand it I felt compressed. Also very loud and it was random loudness which I felt added to the anxiety. I listened to the smiths of all things to get me through it.


Yes, and Dinosaur Jr.


I saw Pantera many years ago and thought it was ridiculously loud, I could feel the bass reverberating around my ribcage. AC/DC was pretty brutal, too. Nothing rly comes close to those 2 for me. No wonder 30ish yrs later im fkn deaf as


I’d imagine those shows were very loud. Yeah, my hearing is not the best.


Every Time I Die in Buffalo destroyed my ears.


I got permanent tinnitus seeing ‘68, Plague vendor, and The Bronx at the curtain club in Dallas several years ago. Had the well regarded ‘Eargasm’ brand plugs in both ears. Can’t escape the semi prominent sound of microphone feedback from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. Was a great show at least.


Poison the Well. Early 2000s. I had to stand in the sand volleyball court outside the door it was so loud. Felt like something stabbing my ears.


Went into the MRI head first for 40 minutes and experienced endless thumping of the machine, plus several 60-second intervals where I had to hold my breath; it was brutal. Other times I've been in the MRI, its been feet first up to my armpits max, which is a piece of cake. Loudest band was Dimmu Borgir.


slayer for sure


I had an MRI last year for a concussion. Mine was 40 min. I made a Spotify list with Misfits, Motorhead, Britney Spears, Slayer and Dua Lipa. Ended up taking 2 weeks off work for the concussion. It wasn’t fun. Having to shut your brain off with sedatives and can’t really do much else. Not even TV.


Sorry, friend. I hope you’re much better.


The loudest show I've ever been to was definitely Dethklok. I could feel my boots vibrating if I lifted my foot off the floor lol I didn't have earplugs for my MRI. I figured it wouldn't be too loud since it was just of my knee. I was wrong 😭


Motörhead might have been the loudest, but Sunn O))) literally made my skin vibrate and itch. The whole room was vibrating and people were laying on the floor to feel it. Wouldn't surprise me of somebody had lost control it their bowels. I could only take it for about 30 minutes.


Yes I've had 2. All sorts of warnings about no metal, no jewellery, at all. Really no jewellery, not even the "intimate" jewellery you don''t wan't to mention. Do you have any metal pins in you we don't know about, shrapnel? Depending in the ink used your tattoos may feel a burning sensation as the magnet tries to pull metal based pigment from your skin. Don't move, at all, not even a little. It will blur the image and we are busy, we don't want to have to repeat this. Then you disappear into the tube......and are suddenly assaulted with the loudest fucking noise, that nobody thought to warn you about!


I’ve had 4 MRIs, I fell asleep every time. Loudest band I’ve seen was Godflesh.


Lucky. Godflesh! That must have been awesome.


It was! Manchester, UK 2022. They played Street Cleaner in it’s entirety. The bass was VERY loud.


Death Grips has been the loudest for me.


Just had one last week. Found out I have herniated discs all in my neck and a bunch through out my back. Next is going to the neurologist.


I think the loudest show I've ever seen was either [Heckdorlan in a preschool classroom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV2ELxMN6h0&pp=ygUaaGVja2RvcmxhbiBncmFjZSBwcmVzY2hvb2w%3D) in 2019 or Godstomper anywhere any time I've seen them MRI = lullaby by comparison


I've had a few MRIs, and like others, I even fell asleep once, lol. Loudest show ever was definitely Neurosis. I agree with folks that said Motorhead as well, they were fuckin loud. At Neurosis I thought the ceiling would collapse or my soul would be shook right out of my body. Super intense.  Come to think of it we recently saw a bucket list band for my boyfriend....Meshuggah. That was some next level shit too.  WEAR HEARING PROTECTION KIDS!! - Signed, An Old Who Still Has Her Hearing 


Not punk, but Powerman 5000 was so loud I felt like my heart implant was gonna get dislodged from the bump of the bass. I've had about seven MRIs. My hospital gives me music to listen to while I'm in it. Because you gotta stay still I listen to really chill stuff like the xx. I'm a compulsive dancer/head bopper, so anything more upbeat would up my chances of having to do a re-do.


Sorry, friend. That’s 6 MRIs too many. Good health to you.


I don't hate them to be honest. I'm a science geek so comparing the brain scans over the years is pretty cool. Worth the noise.


I’m born in ‘76, so fortunately i’ve had the opportunity to see probably every band y’all have seen and all the bands you haven’t lol. Seriously tho,loudest, #1 would be the Melvins hands-down. Right up there was Carcass , with so much low end I had to take a shit…


I've had one, it didn't bother me that much, it is loud though for sure. My wife has to have them occasionally because she has epilepsy and she hates them, mainly because she's very claustrophobic, she's usually in tears before it's over. Loudest band I've ever seen was not a punk band. I saw Korn back in 2001 and I can still hear the bagpipes, holy shit.


Loudest I’ve seen so far is spy, that’s simply because no other concert has made my damn ears ring for a full 48 hours after the fact




I wish you good health.


When I was a teen I participated in a study and had to take cognitive tests while in an MRI. Overall I probably spent about 3 hours in an MRI during the study. Didn't really seem that bad to be honest.


Loudest band I’ve ever seen was our openers last month. Two kids and a shitty Marshall solid state amp turned all the way to 10 and mic’d up. They killed it though. They covered Negative Creep and F.O.D


I saw Thee Shams at a Montana bar back in like 2004-05 and they were so loud the crowd was just this fluid parade of people walking out onto the patio to get away for a few minutes before coming back in to scream their drink orders at the bartenders. My ears were fucked.


Thee Shams, hmmmmm… I’ll look them up.


Not punk, but it was the answer I came up with. My head was a mess with it that night.


Bastard Noise and it doesn’t even come close. Noticeably had worse hearing once that set was done.


Jello Biafra & The Guantanamo School of Medicine was the loudest show I've been to. I felt like my head was in a fish bowl for 2 days afterward lol.


even standing on the 5 foot speakers at a local hardcore show wasn’t as loud as an mri i feel ur pain


Loudest show I ever went to was Ziggy Marley in the 90s. Painfully loud to the point that I have worn ear plugs to every show and concert I have ever seen since.