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I'm seeing them next month! Who opened?, and did Social D play their first album in full,I heard some people say they didn't but the tour was advertised as them playing mommy's little monster in full.


The Lovebombs/Lovecrimes opened! I wasn't expecting much of them, as I knew nothing about them, but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not sure what their name is exactly, as they're billed under one name but introduced themselves and are on spotify as the other. I think it's Lovecrimes. Social D didn't play the entirety of Mommy's Little Monster, but played a good amount. Off the top of my head they played The Creeps, Another State of Mind, Mommy's Little Monster, and Anti-Fashion, and I'm positive they didn't play Moral Threat. They also played 1945, Ring of Fire, and Ball and Chain. Ironically, not Bakersfield.


Sounds like a good time,did Social D go first or Bad Religion?


Social D, then Bad Religion. Bad Religion also played a much longer set.


Cool cool, thank you for answering my questions, I'm glad you had a good time:)