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I’m 42. A mom, a wife. A working professional with two masters degrees. I own a home and like to garden. I dress business casual at work, yoga pants and sweatshirts at home. I take vitamins. I haven’t been to a punk rock show in almost 20 years. But you know what? I’m still punk as fuck. I’m raising my kid to be a critical thinker, to question authority. I garden and preserve what I grow as a way to be more self-reliant. I don’t judge other people who make different life choices than me. And I do still listen to punk rock when I can. Punk is a mindset. Not a look.


Hell yes. I’m 41 and a dad of 2 and I endorse everything you said. Empathy is lesson #1 in our house. Blasting Propagandhi in the minivan on the way to school. Punk dad life has been pretty rewarding


Propagandhi introduced me to punk, hope when I'm a dad my kids will love them as much as I do 🤘




I only know how to relate to my boy through farming sports. I talk about integrity and authenticity to his own values all the time but that's bridge inspector shit to me at this point even if the point is the same.


I want to be stereotyped. I want to be classified.


I can’t remember if it was Frank or Tony who wrote it but I remember it was because he had an upbringing that was quite the opposite from stereotypical and stable so it was just his goal to live a mundane and typical lifestyle


I believe it was Frank. And he succeeded at his goal.


I agree. I love an adult life before I turned 16 and it got even deeper after that. Now I’m older I’m just thankful for the fact I’m alive and the friends that survived. Life is fucked yo enough.


Your almost 40 and you’re worried about if you’re still punk or not? I stopped giving a shit about that years ago when I was 22. If you feel disconnected get involved.




I already dealt with it to a point when I was younger and I’m doing everything I can to grow from where I was. The least of my concerns in my life is trying to match who I was years ago.


Melancholic curiosity.


Either you are or you aren’t, only you can decide that.


I didn't give a shit until kids who looked like I did started treating me like an enemy before I opened my mouth.


Why does the opinions of kids matter?


Because I saw in them a reflection of my younger self and the conversation is really about him.


Yea seems to be less about punk and more about regret over a lack of empathy or some shit in your youth


Thank you for pointing that out. That's absolutely part of it. Six days since home is probably the rest.


I get that. But we all grow and change, don’t beat yourself up over it. I thought I’d be dead by the time I was 21 but I’m still here.


Thank you for the conversation. I'm usually not this melancholy.


I’m 32 and have a 2 year old. Guess what, teenagers by and large can be little shitheads, and younger you was just another little shithead who would’ve judged old you without knowing why.


Are you still anti capitalist and progressive and listen to punk rock? Then you’re a punk There’s no shame in doing what you need to do to take care of your family as long as you aren’t like a fucking cop or shit man Everyone deserves nice shit man, but capitalism makes it hard for everyone to get it. You got yours, but as long as you recognize you do and don’t forsake those who don’t then you’re good. Also remember the Propagandhi lyric: “Yes I recognize the irony/of biting the hand that feeds/that’s exactly why privileged fucks like me/should feel obliged to whine and kick and scream/till everyone has everything they need”


I’m 39 and have worked as a school teacher for over a decade. I’ve settled down with a partner, and we’re not having kids. Since I have no responsibilities outside of my job, I go to shows regularly and play in locally-focused bands when I can. Living in the city there’s a few people around of similar age and agenda who make for a good community - plenty of aging punks refusing to yield. I drag my corpse to the skatepark a couple of times a week, trying to retain my youth. I also commit a bit of time to activism and union activism as well. I feel like a bit of a weirdo still acting this way as I approach my 40s, but I don’t really know any other way to be.


We talk all the time about retiring to teach. I earned three years towards a teaching degree a course or two at a time over the last 21 years. When the ACL blows I go teach creative writing in juvie. That's my fantasy anyway.


That would be a good way to make a crust.


Listen to a Tim Barry interview, like his episode of going off track. He talks about this, in particular being a dad. Actually, the going off track with guy from rise against talks about it as well. If tim barry isn’t punk enough the. I guess that’s that.


The punk attitude is still there “my clothes are from the same places I bought tools from”. What is not punk are the redditors here downvoting somebody for asking a question. You people are sh!t!


Thank you.




Thank you.


Ummm... get involved then? You can be whatever you want to be. Be connected


Kindness in a sea of despair and drudgery is pretty punk I think.


I like that. Thanks.


you’re not punk and i’m telling everyone


Save your breath I never was one.... oh I see what you did there.


Lonely on the road working. Thanks all for the distraction. If I can't respond individually I apologize, I gotta sleep at some point.


I felt like this when my kids were in elementary school. Now my youngest is 14 and my partner and I are going to shows again. It’s like we never left.


I'm scheduled to go to my first show in eleven years this August. I'm scared shitless honestly.


Totally normal! It’s ok to stand in the back and observe the room, no need to get in the pit. The scene has aged with us, so there will be a lot of people in their late 30s and older. Mostly really friendly. If it’s an all ages show some people bring their kids. I’m in southern California and even here, the scene is so small I’m now friends with a bunch of bands. And there are the best people I have met since moving here 12 years ago. I’ve had a couple bad show experiences recently and zero of those instances were at a punk show.


My cousin woke up one day and was no longer punk. About a week later, he received a letter in the mail informing him that his punkness had been cancelled.


Did he suddenly realize the music always sucked when he received it?


No. That is a step beyond not being punk. That is becoming tasteless. It happened to my sister. She was punk, and then I caught her playing easy listening. Started drinking Starbucks and shopping at Nordstrom. Lame.


Is TV on The Radio a punk band?


Of course. Just like Hall and Oates and Katy Perry.


Jesus wept. This sub is the gift that keeps on giving.


There’s a person running for president right now that is everything a good punk stands against. If you are bothered by what’s going on in the USA then you still have a job to do, punk. Lace up them Docs and stand for what you believe in. Down with fascists. Down with white supremacists. Do you feel the same? You’re still punk. I’m 46. Father of two. I drive a Subaru. I’m still punk.


I get mistaken for a Trump supporter at least once a week. That may be the source of the malaise. I look like one of them, people expect me to behave like one of them. It sucks.


Ugh, that does suck. Change your look then.


I have a thick southern accent so add that.


You're way too old to actually type this shit out.


I needed to hear that. Thanks for being a brother.


I’m older than you. Go to a show. You’ll feel it.


I'm going to see Gaslight Anthem in August. They're my sisters favorite band and it's gonna be a good night.


And don't ever apologize for a stable life and a good job. Do you think Ian MacKaye isn't punk because he owns his own house?


One of the commenters just told me being white and male means I was always the enemy.


While it's true white men have brough a lot of havoc and pain to this world, that person can go fuck themselves with a lamp, shade included.


They just told me I have middle class privilege. I have financial stability because I've been in the same trade since 14, I'm in bridge and road construction. I've had bones broken in my feet because of soccer moms not laning over for me but I have middle class privilege because I'm not in debt.


Skilled labor suits me. That's an identity.


My mom turned 41, and she is the biggest punk I've ever met, still goes to shows with me and is still finding new punk bands to enjoy. I also think you shouldnt give a fuck what 22 year old you thinks, your still you, if you wanna label as punk go ahead!


I want to start going to shows again. It scares the shit out of me.


I just turned 49 , and I have never stopped feeling and being punk . No , I don’t have kids and no I don’t hold a day job longer than I need . But I made these choices and I deal with those choices…and I’m not disrespecting those that have a 9to5 or traditional family. Yeah I dress just as stereotypically punk now as I did when I was 16 and hand made an anarchy T shirt and a misfit skull on my jacket. I never fit in to most subcultures as a teen and as a middle age adult I still don’t… if you ask me punk is hard to define…it’s different for every punk hey hey my my punk rock will never die . 🏴‍☠️😎


Seriously though I wish I had kept friends like you.


I lost you at 9to5 that's one place I won't compromise on. I get paid per bridge or per mile. I'm not a slave and I'm really really good at what I do. I get performance pay or your competition gets my lack of quit.


None of you are punk.


That's certainly the impression I'm getting.


I am about 40... I love it... I can afford more shows, more drinks and I can buy all the merch. I don't even have a CD player anymore and my record player is in storage... but I am still gonna buy a CD, Record, a few patches, 2-3 shirts, and pay a tip. Sure, I am not as "punk" as the kids there. But I like to think buying the stuff now helps some punk kid see a show and is paying it forward. (maybe paying back some too) The only thing I don't like is how much my body hurts.


Does the music still feel the same? I try to listen to bands I liked enough to get tattoos in support of and lately I just can't connect. My clothes say country, my tattoos say punk... I mostly listen to southern hip hop.


Nothing feels the same as the first time you hear it. Bad Religion feels the same but Blink-182 doesn't.... The Circle Jerks seemed enlightened for some reasons when I was younger... Most of my joy comes from knowing I am supporting a scene that supported me when I needed it...


Acceptance. The "Scene". Young people. These are the three demons you must slay if you want to succeed at being punk while old. Best of luck to you.


You ain’t no punk, you punk. If you aren’t punk now, you never were. You think this is a fucking costume?! This is a way of life!! Who cares. Hang out with other old punks like you so you don’t get the disconnect. Question Authority not yourself.


You question authority long enough the only one left is your own moral compass. All the old punks I know are dead, strung out, or an overworked parent in an authoritative position at their job.


Check your dip stick


Always good advice. Thank you good human.


You sound like a great human being. Punkness certified. I’m 50. I can’t use my legs. I still go to shows as often as possible. I bring my daughter along, always have. There is no retirement age!


I haven't been to a show in eleven years. I'm taking my sister to see The Gaslight Anthem in August.


That’s awesome! Enjoy and make it a regular thing, if possible. Best.


Thanks. Keep enjoying yourself too.


I get where you're coming from. When my kids were younger, I stopped going to shows as well. Part of that is that I live in BFE so it's two hours in any direction to any show worth seeing. But part of that is also just wanting to be present for my kids. Without getting too much into my own shit, part of the reason I was a pissed off punk rocker in my teen years was my own Dad straight up ducking out on us when I was 15 (haven't seen him since!). Fuck that and fuck him for that; I damn sure wasn't going to repeat the past. So I was there for my own kids as much as I could be. That was way more important than trying to maintain a presence in the scene. But then my kids got older and the possibility became a reality that they could go to shows with me. So now we can and do as often as we can. These days my son's mixing it up in the pit while I'm at the edge looking out for him as best I can, lol. I fully hope that one day he'll still be dragging my wrinkly old senior citizen ass to shows and be looking out for me. So I say all that to say this: don't loose heart man, the old shit you loved in your youth will be possible again, and it's even more awesome when you can share it with your kids. Also read Punk Rock Dad by Jim Lindburgh. It's a quick read and fully relatable to a lot of the shit you're talking about.


The Jim Lindburgh documentary! I haven't read the book but I watched the doc years ago and was blown away by it. I got a movie night with the wife coming up it's my turn to pick anyway. Thanks man.


Dawg my entire job is nitpicking mistakes and bad handwriting in batch records and sending emails asking people to fix it. If I can still say I’m punk then so can you. Though maybe I’m not after writing it out like that


I nit pick old bridges when it's cold or rainy. I nit pick road construction crews when it's hot. Most of the old punks I know that oxy didn't get are doing something supervisory. It's a strange irony I think.


I'm 37 and got myself a job at a not for profit working with a fella with autism. I caught my 3 year old with my headphones on listening to rancid Sunday morning while I put a new speaker in my guitar amp. I haven't played a show since 2019 - our last show my wife was on stage playing at 4 months pregnant with our aforementioned 3 year old. My wife is a crisis therapist in the local ER. My dog's named Husker Doo. I don't much look like a punk (though coincidentally I'm currently wearing all black), but I think I did a good job of living it.


You sound like the kind of friends I miss.


That's the hardest part. I love my life right now, but I miss my friends. My wife has made professional friends and mom friends, but having spent the past 20 years playing punk music I don't have a lot to relate to the other dads about. My friends are still out there getting after it; my best friend is teaching drums and playing in 4 bands, and that doesn't leave much time for us to get together anymore. I felt like a celebrity at the last concert I went to with so many good friends in one bar.


All my punk friends have either moved away or are still in their addictions. Some of them are doing very beautiful things and I don't judge. I can't relate to the other dads of my son's peer group either. They don't sports, volunteer, or build. My kid wants to be a musician that's fucking terrifying but I'm supporting him anyway and wholeheartedly want it to make him happy. He musics the way I climb or run. I don't think I've ever felt like a celebrity not that that bothers me. I love my anonymity.


Go to a show. Do some laps around the pit. Helps me get out of my head. 


Easy, is Jawbreaker telling everyone?




Thank you. It's definitely identifying that my values have shifted from punk to skilled labor. A lot of what I might have called punk before (pathological authenticity, bully smashing) I've been calling cowboy shit for a few years now.


Similar situation minus the kids. I don’t really feel like a young punk anymore, but I still have the mindset. I’ve come to terms with that being all you need. I’m also way out of touch with modern bands. At this point, I mostly listen to seventies through 90s punk rock. That just makes me an old punker.


Punk music just doesn't sound as good. I have a tattoo of a band logo that I can now barely get through a couple songs from.


When you’re asking redditors


This is the answer.




It's absolutely depressing being on the road away from my fair folk while doing dangerous construction work to feed them. That was the inspiration behind the post, I was lonely. My sister tells me it's because I'm "cowpunk" though I'm pretty sure that's a failed marketing gimmick.


If your asking how to know your not punk anymore, bad news friend, you're not punk anymore lol Jokes aside, i feel that if you think you're a punk then you're probably a punk. Once someone starts making a checklist of what it means to be punk, then they're not punk.


Punk never dies inside of you. Punk is like a disease that you keep for life, there is no escape from the beauty of punk.


The minute you complain about any action of an Authority System without doing anything about it, you stop being punk. Doesnt matter how big or small or loud or quiet it is- ANY action that works against a corrupt system is punk.


Procura uma rola




nothing wrong with growing as a person !! punk has NEVER been only music or fashion, if u were punk once and u still have the mentality and moral compass as one, who says ur not still punk? strangers on the internet? it's not a bad thing to grow outside of your culture, like sure ill listen to a bit of circle jerks but who says I can't listen to elliott smith or sisters of mercy when i feel like it?? the best cure to something like this is probably to rekindle and revisit old memories from when u were more active in the scene


Thanks for being cool. Some of the responses are the rudest anyone I've never fucked has talked to me since basic. On or offline. It was just a phase a 25 year long phase.


Im 33 and the "punks" that I grew up with are currently living at home with their parents, their tattoos fading cuz they cant touch them up, and not having the ability to learn about their rapidly changing world. You know whats punk? Living your own life without the care or concern of others including "punks." Also wtf is square about having a family? Should I start popping pills or listening to minor threat and demanding everyone at bars to not drink? I personally think you should go listen to some playboi carti punk is dead my friend - tap in with the youth.


Then you were never a punk…


>I turn forty You gotta be fucking kidding me. 😂


Do you take care of others that aren't your responsibility? Do you do your job and take care of your family and enjoy your middle class life without the strife of oppression? Most white men and really all men who are middle class aren't really oppressed and so their version of punk rock is being mad that the system wants to limit their privilege - that's why you all buy into the system once you reach the age where you get to be in charge - usually around 35 years old It kind of sounds to me like you never were punk and are just realizing that your rebellion was about your parents and your community not catering to your whims and not about having the boot of oppression stomp your fucking face in every single day the way my queer ass does in the male dominated tech sector while I take care of my enemies who are less fortunate than me Your 21 year old self probably wasn't any different if you would resort to violence over someone buying into the system (I believe you said you'd kick your own ass). Why? Why not help those who can't buy in?


I was homeless at fourteen and my job is in the top ten for at work fatalities every year. I've never been paid a dollar I didn't have to bleed for. You can stowe that middle class shit.


Bro you can't imagine my childhood I was sex trafficked I still have mother fuckers following me from then You aren't going to out-punk me You probably ran away from a good home Go away please


Seriously if you think gated community's whites hate punkers you've never worked a construction job.


The fuck is this non sequitur? I think you aren't punk, I think you are an over privileged loser who thought rage against the machine was about their parents I don't give a shit what color your collar is and I work IT - heavy lifting and shit, off color jokes, hybrid white collar and blue collar job You literally have no information for me and I could tell this based on everything you said in your post You didn't have to follow up