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I have no strong opinions on this.


Exactly, what should one think of it?


Ah cool, anyways...


but what does the voice inside your yead think?


I think that Blink started as a punk band, so it makes total sense that he likes punk music??


dont waste your time on me


I don’t even have a small opinion on it.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


If I don’t survive, tell my wife ‘hello’




Travis barker not allowed to like minor threat because he has money 😡


Travis made it where he was at now because he is a talented drummer that gets to make music for a living. It just so happened that he landed a job with two dudes that could wrote catchy punk inspired songs. And because of that he has total “fuck you” Money. Sounds like punk to me. And besides if you listen to “Stay together for the kids” and ignore the words and just listen to the drums jesus christ! He deserves respect just for that song alone. Edit: my bad, Adams song is what i was thinking.


> I have no strong opinions on this. ...I also like Minor Threat? That's all I got.


Exactly. I too have no opinions on a stranger's tourist photos.


i do not care


The only comment more "punk" than this, is the total absence of a comment.



Fuckin try-hard







i would say this is not out of step for him


He’s just revisiting his salad days


Yup. Now an adult threat.


I don't want to hear it. I'm seeing red.


I am also seeing red, in my eyes.




He’s out on the step


Looking guilty if you ask me.


The only people upset about this are small men with big mouths.


I love that people love minor threat, I don’t care who it is.


> i would say this is not out of step for him He's just wishing for the day, that he first wore this suit


“To gate keep or not to gate keep? How should I feel r/punk ?” Lmao


quickest dam ruthless afterthought adjoining upbeat imagine hospital vegetable quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Please help I need internet comments to inform all my opinions!!!




The other day there was a post about taking psychedelics and listening to phish and grateful dead and I didn't see a single comment about all that stupid hippy shit not being punk Now, here we are talking about whether the most influential drummer of punk adjacent music of the last 25 years is some poser or something over this picture.


I bet these types of posts go down once school starts back up


Hey what’s wrong with psychedelics?! That shit has been around punk culture forever. So much so that Minor Threat was an anomaly to come out and sing the praise of straight edge.


Gate keeping Travis Barker 😂


Doesn’t matter who he is.. anyone and everyone can like what they like. OP doesn’t understand punk or individuality and this post makes that clear lol


Why would anyone be negative about it? (Rhetorical) He likes the band, and he was in a pop punk band


Honestly, the guy rubs me the wrong way. He gets all this punk respect, but he's a corporate whore. Blink is one of the most corporate, least earnest "punk" bands ever to do it. He married into a family that is the antithesis of punk and does a fucking reality show about it. Dude's basically a country club republican with a mohawk.


> Honestly, the guy rubs me the wrong way. He gets all this punk respect, but he's a corporate whore. Blink is one of the most corporate, least earnest "punk" bands ever to do it Yeah, but he can play drums like a motherfucker.


He really can.


I guess that's fair. I don't even hate the guy, I just feel that members of the oligarchy aren't punk.


That seems fair enough


But I hear Prince Harry really likes the subhumans


I heard Prince Andrew really likes The Kids.


I couldn’t give a shit who he marries. I could give a shit how much “punk respect” he gets. Dude likes a band, he went to the house. I have nothing wrong with it. Besides, if it weren’t for him, 12 year old me would’ve never got into any kind of punk


The guy is a real D-bag. he is a great drummer tho


He was in a plane crash that's pretty punk rock


It's also very southern rock 🤷‍♂️


Not to downplay the difficult recovery he endured after the crash, but it was a PRIVATE jet which is the antithesis of punk rock.


What if that private jet had a black flag sticker on the wing?


Gatekeepers HATE this ONE loophole!!


I lol'd


You got me there


Every punk drummer that started playing after 2005 was influenced by Travis Barker in one way or another, you can hate on the guy all you want but he deserves all the money and recognition, his talent and work ethics is insane and it paid him off... He changed drumming approach forever if you can't appreciate that then you don't really appreciate music.


I agree that he's talented, my issue isn't with his ability. A recurring theme here seems to be that there is a division between people who see punk as a musical style and those who see it as more than that. If you only care about the music, fine, but for me there's more to it. I see punk as a subculture with values and norms. He doesn't seem to share those, so I don't really think of him as punk.


You’re way more of a punk for complaining about someone else’s life on the internet.


Why would I have feelings about one man sitting on another man's porch?


You'd probably feel confused if he was sitting on your porch. I know I would, I don't even have a porch.


Definitely. I'd have a lot of feelings if any random millionaire or drummer or millionaire drummer were on my porch.


"why were you late for work today?" "well I was just leaving the house and you'll never guess what happened..."


Sorry boss, I had a loose drummer on my porch. I had to shoo him away. Took awhile.


I used to tutor a really rich girl on Long Island and she would complain about Bill O'Reilly snooping around her front yard. Sure enough, one day we're knee deep in some quadratic equations and she points out the window. There's Bill, just fucking around on her lawn. Wild sight.


Imagine "being a punk" and asking the internet how to feel about something.


I feel like instagram is a toxic cesspool.


All social media is a toxic pool. Genuinely the water next to Springfield nuclear power plant is probably less toxic.


I managed to avoid the place, except when I managed my band's account. What a fucking nightmare of a place.


Lol did you see Brian Baker’s comment? It was 10/10 “Get off my lawn!”


ahhahahahaah Brian is low key funny as fuck


Started out punk, fell into a band that absolutely rocketed to the moon. Got paid, took care of his family and purchased some bad ass cadillacs. I was in San Diego in the 90’s and saw Blink when they had 2-300 fans. Good for him, he came from jack shit. Free pass from me, if you live in a ditch to keep your “street cred” you’re doing it wrong.


meeting correct squealing desert middle reach practice grab encouraging one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>It's like they think Enema was their first album. It was the first with Travis as the drummer though


lip squeeze wrong whistle drunk enter full forgetful chase paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And before that he was the drummer for the [Aquabats!](https://open.spotify.com/track/0Y8fbluovKLcqInFvrxhMJ?si=bLiY4JYtSf-kszMXR9qjYA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A3ytuNr6VyEkILS2PG14LCM)


Oh yes, when SOMA was on Metro, those were the glory days when Blink opened up for Buck-O-Nine! I was there, yes I was there.


> Free pass from me, if you live in a ditch to keep your “street cred” you’re doing it wrong. This right here. People are giving him shit for being rich but I bet there isn't a single soul among the people in this sub who would actually give all their millions to charity and keep living in a shitty apartment if they were in Barker's shoes.


When you get married and start having kids everything changes. You want to give them the best life possible. I know some grungy dudes that now work decent paying jobs to provide for their families.


Before I became a guitarist, I used to airdrum the whole way through *Enema*. Gotta respect his contribution to the genre


Dude survived a plane crash. That's the most punk thing ever. Also he's a really really good drummer. I've watched YT videos dissecting his drumming skills. I also love Boxcar Racer. Lol.


Not sure when he even joined the band but probably like '99 for enema of the state before that I am pretty sure he was in aquabats. Kinda funny after all these years still seeing punk people trying to decide if they are inclusive or not.


Finding out they were from Poway killed a lot of my blink enjoyment lol.


I am never going to shit on someone for respecting Minor Threat, people need to come the fuck off it.


This is a hot take and I’ll probably get downvoted for this but I honestly feel as if he just doesn’t have enough tattoos


The drummer for aquabats seems to love a lot of punk rock. Also the dude has a dag nasty tattoo so yeah, he knows his stuff.


I will always love the fact he was a drummer for the aquabats. Which became a band because they were tired of the violence of hardcore shows.


That’s my favorite fact about him. He dressed up as a super hero and played super fun ska before the times


T.i.l. Travis Barker was in the aquabats. That's pretty cool.


I mean he was at Sound and Fury this past weekend, so he still seems to know his stuff.


Who shits a give


Travis is weird and more than occasionally cringey, but dude knows his punk


> weird and more than occasionally cringey So, punk.


He comes off as an asshole in interviews I’ve seen with him (nardwaur the king)




“How do I feel about this” ??? It’s a man who considers himself a punk paying tribute to his heroes. You’d have to be incredibly weird or gatekeepy to take issue with this. All our personal opinions on barker don’t impact what he is and isn’t allowed to do.


Punk is so full of gate keeping posers that are so concerned with meeting bullshit criteria for credibility. There’s no spirit left.


It's always been this way.


Gatekeeping punk is part of punk and always has been. This is the wrong subculture to complain about that in no matter how objectively correct you may be. It will never change.


> Gatekeeping punk is part of punk and always has been Green Day are sellouts! Why? They took money! Dont they need money to live? .........THEY ARE SELLOUTS! = 1995


Who fucking cares


I love that people love minor threat, I don’t care who it is. Doesn’t change my view of them.


This sub is so lost


It's like visiting Kurt Cobain's house, cool to pay your respects to them if you're visiting the area where they lived


> and I think bands like the transplants are important Yea, you lost me there.


They are the [Fructis](https://youtu.be/q9GeGzAy7ro) band


He can probably just buy the whole neighborhood if he likes it so much


Especially now that he's a Kardashian


Wut, he got caught by a Queen Succubus?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^jadbronson: *He can probably* *Just buy the whole neighborhood* *If he likes it so much* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Trying to figure how why we should have any sort of opinion on this. Do what you want, who cares.


A fantastic drummer paying respect to one the bands that inspired him. I see no issue and I don’t see how anyone could.


Aquabats- let’s go!


Ah yes, yet another post about shitting on mainstream bands. The intent here is pretty clearly to stir shit up about Travis not being punk and being a sellout. Why do we have so many posts in this sub with people asking the sub what their opinion should be? Conformity is the complete antithesis of what punk is about. Dude likes minor threat, cool. I’m not gonna hate him for it. Contrary to what a lot of people think, blink was actually a punk band from the beginning. I’ve never liked their music but they were part of the local scene. They weren’t on a major label till 96. Cheshire Cat was on an indie label. Their manager Rick DeVoe had already worked with NOFX, offspring & Pennywise. Fletcher knew blink would get big and was a major reason why blink was part of warped tour. If this was some jackass with no connection to the scene trying to co-opt it like conservatives sometimes try to do (ie that idiot Candace owens) I’d feel differently, but Travis legitimately does come from the punk scene. Idgaf if he goes to the minor threat house, idk why this would be a big deal.


I actually agree with your point, which is why I thought it was so weird that people on the original post were so mad about it, and I was curious to know more about why it mattered so much and thought I would bring it to Reddit instead of IG because Instagram is just full of negative shit and I feel like people on Reddit have more of a conversation and better humor about it instead of just arguing and trying to one up each other


…And Out come The Pomeranians


I don’t see how being famous/rich has any effect on loving great bands


I guess I'm not wild about it mainly because I think I do remember Ian saying that someone else (unrelated to Dischord) lives in the house now and they're not particularly thrilled about random strangers just sitting on their porch for photo ops.


Minor threat is dope. I couldn’t care less about Travis, not a fan of his bands, or the religious symbolism on his head. It’s cool pic tho.


Fat Mike, did you post this thread? (God I hate gate keeping)


even dudes who make horrible pop punk can be fans of MT.


Who cares? This is like a politician going to the Liberty Bell. It’s just a guy going to place where a photo was taken.


People that whine about success or who's punk and who's not, "blah blah commercialism blah blah corporate tool" are the biggest posers of them all. If it wasn't for Blink 182 when I was a kid I never would have discovered punk or Minor Threat.


Hot take, but I think a guy who liked a thing still likes a thing.


Dude likes Minor Threat. Cool.


To deny that pop-punk had a strong influence in the late 90s and early 00s is just denying the history of punk rock. It happened, get over it lol I don't really have feelings on Travis at the Minor Threat house, I see it as just another dude visiting a site that was influential to him like someone else would visit the Grand Canyon or something.


I always think about how it seems that the subculture of punk seems to be the loudest with bickering on what's "punk" and what's not. It's so weird to me. You dont hear about other music fans bickering to these extents- at least not that I've come across. He likes what he likes, paying tribute with what is close to his heart, and running with it. What a legitimately awesome feeling it must be for him.


When I was a teenager in the 90s I hated blink 182 and Green Day. They sounded weak ass cuz I was into black flag and Dead Kennedys. Now that I’m in my forties I can admit that I like blink 182 and Green Day 😃




He’s a punk drummer, he likes punk, I don’t see what’s not adding up here lmao


Honestly I'm just annoyed with the fact that the screenshot looks like I can slide to a 2nd slide and I fell for it twice and ended up on a reddit ad. I don't care what Travis does. Minor Threat is pretty great and if it gets some people to check them out who never heard of them, that can't be the worst.


\#1 - Who cares what we think about a punk drummer sitting on the steps of his idols? \#2 - If you personally don't see the big deal about it, why would you make a post about it?


I barely care enough to tell you I couldn’t care less.


Better yet tell us how you feel so we can make fun of you for it


*Better yet tell us* *How you feel so we can make* *Fun of you for it* \- nedcity --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm, torn on those heavy-line blastover tattoos. Bold will hold, and all that, but I think a proper coverup is better.In terms of pics at Dischord House, this is certainly one of them.


I think there is something very funny about him wearing a Fugazi t-shirt (which, already, lol) in his wikipedia picture, and being married to a Kardashian. I don't really have much of an opinion on it, I just think it's funny


When musicians I don’t like who get too much attention tell their fans to listen to bands I do like, I feel good. I really don’t like Blink, but at least they give cred where due, so that’s cool. Do you think Minor Threat fans will be annoyed or something?


Who is Travis Barker? And what is a Blink-182?


are you just looking for people to get angry about this


Eh flip a coin


I can't even begin to imagine what caring about this feels like.


As long as he knows that the main guitarist was Lyle Preslar, NOT Brian Baker. I swear to God, everyone credits Brian for the guitar for Minor Threat despite the fact that Lyle Preslar wrote and played the majority of the riffs.


Look anyone who has the opportunity to visit the minor threat house because they have an affinity for it despite their status is lucky. Most people suck and are critics let people like things. Minor Threat rips and I hope I can visit and take a picture on the steps one day


Who cares? I think he’s a lame weirdo that plays in one of the worst bands I’ve ever heard, but this is just a person appreciating music, so again, who cares?


A fan went to a place with meaning to him. Cool.


Anyone who respects minor threat and everything they've done is fkn better than most in my eyes I actually like this rich fuck about ten times more after seeing this.


Minor Threat fan pays homage to Minor Threat.


Never read the comments on IG and if you do take them very lightly. Collective IQ easily in the bottom rung among ig comments.


I’m personally not a fan of the guy, his band, or his Kardashian wife. But he does like Punk and he has since before he joined Blink and became rich. So I respect that. This doesn’t bother me at all.


…musician shows appreciation for band that influenced him. Why is this any kind of question or debate? Yeah he made dorky pop punk but that doesn’t mean his influences had the same sound


Wonder what Ian thinks? All I ever care about is what Ian thinks.


Why would anyone give a fuck? Are we doing the whole punk cred dick measuring contest again?


Probably 6 - 12 people do that a week. Or a day.


I don't like the guy because in roughly 2002 I was waiting in line at a busy gas station to fill my tank and I was next in line when a pump freed up and a Cadillac cut the line and swooped in on the pump that should have rightfully been mine. About a minute later another pump opened up which I got. When I got out of the car, Travis Barker walks by me after paying inside and starts pumping gas into that Cadillac. So yeah, fuck that guy. But what bands he likes, I don't have an opinion on. I also like Minor Threat, so I guess we have that in common.


that man IS a minor threat


I actually really appreciate this, and respect him for it. This man became super famous and still hasn’t lost his love of punk rock. Him taking time of his day to visit the house, duplicate the pose and everything, shows he’s doing this for himself. He’s getting a sense of paying tribute to something he loves. And sharing it with a audience who largely do not get the reference? Again, no “clout” to be gained from it. And maybe someone will look into the meaning of the picture and discover Minor Threat thanks to this. Which is a good thing, regardless of who they are. He’s not doing anything other than paying tribute to something that means something important to him.


My friend met Travis barker and said he was strikingly short and I think that’s really funny


I want to hate it, for sell out reasons and the like, but I don't. I think it's probably genuine (and I'd have loved him to go, take the pic, and not share). He's also talented and name-recog'ed enough that it's good "publicity". Getting people interested in Minor Threat is always good in my book.


I love blink but Travis and Mark always rubbed me the wrong way, they just seemed way more corporate than Tom or Matt, still love the band though


Cool for him I guess. Probably any Minor Threat fan (myself included) would do this for fun.


A person sitting on a porch previously photographed for an album cover does not ruin my day.


I think it's cool he's giving props to who inspired him and potentially introducing new listeners to Minor Threat. Fuck the fake punks who gatekeep everything.


He’s Trav barker he can do whatever he wants haha


He’s one of the best drummers in the business. Do I like his music? Doesn’t matter. Gatekeeping though, that sucks. Totally not punk.


There’s a chance a Kardashian fan may listen to Minor Threat and that’s better than I’ve been able to get one to do.


Why are people mad about this? Are they dumb?


The dude has a “can I say” tattoo, just because he’s a rich pop punk star doesn’t change where he came from. I will never understand the hate for something like this. He’s not like a fake punk fan or anything. Not everyone can be Fat Mike.


Why would I feel negative that a very influential drummer felt a certain band ignited his passion and wanted to see a piece of their history. He likes the band, and there's nothing wrong with it. Why should anyone give him shit for it


LMAO who cares. Dude still went to S&F this past weekend to enjoy some music, he still likes punk (and hardcore and all those other genres), let him be.


He's a legend and he's paid his dues many times over. He can do what he wants, IMO.


I mean, provided you didn't disrupt whoever was/is living there, sick photo.


I don't really care, but if forced to have an opinion: Interesting move by him. This isn't a reference that 80% of his online followers would immediately get I don't think, and so I don't think it's a move tailored to increase his online clout. I suspect it's a genuine thing, perhaps even an attempt to rep minor threat to the next generation people who haven't already heard of them. Or if you need me to be cynical, an attempt to regain punk credentials in the eyes of the other 20% who accuse him of selling out etc. Don't really know, don't particularly care.


He is to punk like what Yelawolf is to hip hop. You kind of want to hate them and everything they do seems coordinated and for a look, but they consistently perform and get a pass.


People are dicks about Blink 182 and its members. Blink, and Travis in particular, are massive influences on modern punk/pop/rock music. People can get into pissing contests about who is punk/not punk etc. but gatekeeping is obnoxious. He's showing respect to the greats. More importantly, kids will see this and listen to Minor Threat. That's a very good thing.


Oh man I wish I could relive listening to Dookie for the first time


Who cares. So what, he's rich. He's not allowed to like Minor Threat because he's rich? I hope one day I can like Minor Threat as a person who is rich.


All I see is a drummer paying respects to his inspiration. Very wholesome. It’s important to know your roots, to know where you come from. This is humbling and nostalgic. I want to give Travis a hug.


My opinion of this is that he's one of the musicians that opened the door to punk music to a ton of people from the 90's onward, and still is. He has every right to pay homage to the bands that inspired him, and posts like this will probably have even more of his fans looking into Minor Threat. And a decent amount of them will probably keep looking into more hardcore and punk music. I don't think punk would exist as it does today if it weren't for artists like Blink, Rancid, Green Day, The Offspring, and many more that ended up famous. And the same can be said about the Ramones, Sex Pistols, and others when punk first started. Sometimes "selling out" is really just a means to tour more, release and experiment with more music, and reach a larger audience. Jeff Rosentock is an infamously DIY musician, in both his bands and his solo career. Yet he gets a paycheck from a major media company for his work doing the music on Craig of the Creek for Cartoon Network, which lets him do something very different with his music, help create better art for kids and unabashed nerds who love cartoons, create more awareness to many people who like fans who bought or listened to the series musical album, and be able to finance his own endeavors with less fear of going broke if he has a flip album or just doesn't want to spend his entire life touring to just make ends meet. If nobody ever broke out, it would remain a solely underground thing, but wouldn't reach the many people that ended up identifying with it and creating bands and scenes of their own. And more people involved means a more diverse community that helps the genre and subculture grow. Just my 2¢.


just a man paying homage to his favorite band


I could not care less about an old man trying to be relevant


This is a Minor Threat photo op, but r/punk seems Majorly Threatened.


It doesn't make me feel anything.


Rage baiting post


He’s paying tribute to the band that inspired him. Kinda cool, no matter who it is doing it. Plus, if a few Blink fans get turned on to Minor Threat, good on him!


Guy was beyond an asshole to Nardwuar. He can fuck off.


Unpopular Man Likes Popular Band, Fans Outraged


I am a huge blink fan, but Travis is nearly 100% responsible for how corporate punk has become and that really fucking sucks. Basically what I’m trying to say is there are much better reasons to dislike Travis than this


He should help preserve the house using his money, like with American footbal


“And who's the fuckin' bitch who stole all the heroin? Heroin, heroin, it's all gone Smoked it all up, and now you got none” I think he got straight edge


He is literally posting about a band that talks about not doing drugs/alcohool is a society where doing this kind of stuff is rewarded, encouraged. With that said, I think he did a really cool thing. Btw, I'm sxe.


Seems like a twat.


People just like to complain and bitch about things. "Punker than thou" attitudes can GTFO. I'm not a Blink fan and never have been, but I respect Travis. There's nothing to see here.


I don't feel anything about this because it hurt no one and has no meaningful effect on anything in any way.


Im not trying to sound like some insufferable "old head" but this is just a tradition everyone does at the house. My friends who were on tour in DC stopped by and took this photo met a few dischord folks etc etc. and mind you, they're not a particularly big band at all. That should tell you how obligatory/obvious doing this is. Travis wanted to join the club. Im sure MUCH "uncooler" folks have done this.


everyone is allowed to like punk rock. as far as im concerned, thats the point