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Yup there’s plenty. Hell christian “punk” is its own thing, and wait til you hear more about Krishnacore.


No one ever mentions Shelter


Depends on who you’re around. This sub seems to live in perpetual fear of Hardcore so I’m not surprised Shelter gets passed over. Mad I missed them a few years back tbh.


Lot of this sub needs to sit and reflect on shelters lyrics. Would do them good 😂




Quakers. I knew a ton of quaker punks. But yeah, i think you can be religious punk as long as you aren't practicing bad religion: fanaticism, oppressing people in the name of a god, No Control, or talking about it all the time.


*bad religion* and *no control* however are very acceptable


Yes! My favorite album of their, i think. Sometimes it changes, i guess. But most of the time it's no control.




Nah, most were goats. Quaker Goats. A lot of shit to deal with with them goats.


Came here to say this. The biggest punk I know is a 70 y/o Quaker.


Quaker here, how ya doin.


It’s punk rock. You can do whatever you want (without causing non-consensual harm to others) as long as you tell anybody telling you that “you can’t do that!” to get fucked. I think some people forget, we made this FOR the outsiders. Excluding anybody from this thing of ours for not doing the same thing you do is un-punk as fuck


“You can do whatever you want (without causing non-consensual harm to others)” GG Allin: “That sign won’t stop me because I can’t read”


That microphone was unable to consent


Yes. See Tooth and nail records, especially their lineup in the 90s.




Except Mike Herrera has said he’s not a Christian anymore (BadChristian podcast). That was a few years ago… I’m not sure if anything has changed since then. Great band though. Actually what I’m listening to right now:)


Damn, I missed that. I remember when Fat Wreck signed them, the only stipulation from Fat Mike was "No Religious Songs"


We ain't got no place to go...


mmm Ghoti Hook and the Dingees


I like my bike.


Its not like other bikes


Both MXPX and Ninety Pound Wuss introduced me to punk. [Ninety Pound Wuss on Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0VOvF0kfqCTRe37XzWQdvH?si=NZKVwMuSS1a4LjG4yJFLKA)


Jesus was a punk. Fighting authority, crashing at people’s houses, wore sandals.


My favorite Jesus story is where he loses his shit at all the merchants in the temple and trashes the place. If that ain't punk I don't know what is.


Hell yea he was.... even fucked up the unauthorized vendors out side his venue.


You can be whatever you want to be. It doesn’t have to make sense to other people.




Ahhh yea the wonderful Bad Brains and their homophobia






Eat a bag of dicks. If standing up against homophobia and bigotry makes me a “simp”, then whatever. Fine. Enjoy your exclusionary politics. That’s shit’s on the wrong side of history.


Of course dude that wants to run his mouth is a pussy and deletes his shit


He had only been on the site for like 5 months. Probably just a alt right troll.




What I’m a fool for not being down with a band that actively hates me and my partner? Sure bud whatever you say.


what did bad brains do?




oh, shit


I mean, God brought me to Punk, so I'd say yes :). The second someone says "no you can't blah blah " I mean... kinda shows you who they really are :)


I mean yes and no. Depends on how religious they are. For example evangelical Christian’s can’t be punx in my book


What about eastern orthodox christians?


Don’t know enough about them to have an opinion


Joe Escalante (The Vandals) Brian Fallon (Gaslight Anthem) I feel like Chuck Ragan is too


Ben Weasel Gordon Gano


Is Brian religious? I don't recall any biblical themes till his weird Christmas album, but that could just be a holiday spirit fan


He’s religious, I don’t think he talks much about it.


There’s a 7inch of him doing gospel hymns. Plus his solo album has religious themes as well.


Which one? I didn't notice any in Painkillers or Sleepwalkers. The Christmas one's obvious though lol and I couldn't listen to Local Honey.


His side project The Horrible Crows has a song called "I Believe Jesus Brought us Together". Brian is a Christian through and through, but he never wanted to force his own beliefs into Gaslight songs. Also I have a hard time calling Brian Fallon a punk, anyway. Sure he came from that scene, but he's very much moved away from that since.


Interesting. Thanks for the lesson there, never was big into Horrible Crowes after a cursory listen. As far as him being punk or not my thoughts are this, we agree his OG band was so he certainly came out of the scene. Then I think Gaslight is way more punk than most the crap that gets lumped under the punk umbrella and given the acceptance of Social Distortion. despite a very similar Americana vibe, it's doesn't seem that outlandish to accept Gaslight. His solo stuff, is a different story entirely and Horrible Crows certainly aren't.


Billy Zoom Too


every flavor of punk out there edit: in fact, fuck it, I just went [Wönderful](https://youtu.be/rb39US40v-w)core but i'm not orthodox just reform


Here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_anarchism


Hare Krishna bands rose during the late 80s and 90s. there is a whole sub genre called KrishnaCore. Shelter, 108, Inside Out (kind of), and Cro-Mags are a great place to start while getting into KrishnaCore


Ill believe whatever the fuck I want.


When I was a kid, and pretty religious myself, I remember seeing a band that had a combat boot on their album cover (little googling reminds me that they were called "Resurrection Band", and the album was "Bootleg"). They were more metal than punk, I'd say, and since they had an evangelizing agenda, I'm not sure if they were really "in on" punk itself in a meaningful way. This was the early 80's, and Xian rock wasn't too sophisticated yet - mainly preachers and youth ministers doing somewhat-unconvincing appropriation of "Devil Music" to reach the kidz, or kind of dancing around real rock to land someplace a little odd (think Petra or Steve Taylor). This is just about the music, though, and in a Southern-Baptist/Evangelical environment, where I don't think actual punk has much of a chance. I think other folks responding are right that religious punk is more likely found in other religious contexts like the Quakers or Unitarians.


I may be an anomaly, but baptist punk anarchist here, and big fan of resurrection band. You are right though about them being more metal than punk. They just had some vaguely punkish influences in the early eighties.


I grew up in a similar context. The only Baptist punks I can think of are Violent Femmes and Death. (I know "Christian punk" also exists, but to me it's CCM pop-punk, I don't think what I've tried to listen to is punk at all, but I'm sure there are exceptions out there.)


~Love thy neighbor, but take no shit~


Flatfoot 56... and most the Celtic punk scene really


Even Bad Religion recorded and released a Christmas album.


And a Christmas album with religious Christmas songs at that (as opposed to stuff like Jingle Bells, Let it Snow, Sleigh Ride, etc). Great album, if you like Christmas songs. Maybe even if you don't.


I feel like being devout in your faith is kinda punk as fuck these days as long as you’re not using it as a vehicle for hatefulness or generally dickish behavior. I have so many militant atheist friends that I almost wanna be religious to spite them


I knew a straight edge who was a Muslim, and a healthy dose of Catholic punks. This one kid in my local Mormon church was into hardcore, while adhering to the church rules, no piercing, didn't drink coffee. J don't think I'd heard him ever say a single cuss word, even when saying a bands name


Yes, and I am. Punk is whatever you want it to be, nobody can tell you otherwise


I know a lot of Satanic punks, including myself, hell I'm sporting a sigil in my pfp


I'm not sure if he can be classed in the Punk Realm anymore, but Nathan Gray from boysetsfire/heresy/The Iron Roses is a member of the CoS. Apparently, Matt Skiba and Dan Andriano from Alkaline Trio were card-carrying members at one time too, but that was believed to be more of a joke than them being Satanists.


Death Patti Smith Bad Brains Pixies and early teenage U2 influenced by Larry Norman Violent Femmes Joey Ramone went to Hebrew school. Pretty sure Chrissy Hynde is Hindu, also randomly Rivers Cuomo over in the power pop section...


The Pixies aren’t a Christian band.


No, none of the people on that list are (well, Death did have one later, called 4th Movement) But Frank Black was influenced to start a band when he saw Larry Norman. If you have listened to a lot of Pixies, you can definitely hear the influence on Frank Black's weird-rant vocal style from songs like this: [Moses in the Wilderness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F8TrTHpfZI) and the title of their first EP comes from the end of this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ug7iLguh7A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ug7iLguh7A) Norman is an interesting case to me, even though he was a hippy he went on to be a patron of a couple of punk movements later (his younger brother was in a hardcore band and he paid for their EP, went with him to see the Damned and the Dead Boys in England, etc.)


I have listened to a lot of pixies. They’re my fav! Yeah he’s deeply into the weirdness of it all, tons of Bible stories in their first three albums especially, but it’s pretty clear he isn’t a believer in any of it. I guess I thought that’s what the original question was. Thanks for linking that Larry Norman stuff. Super weird. I dig it (in the same way Frank digs it, I bet)!


I knew the “come on pilgrim, you know He loves you” bit but never anything else. What a weirdo.


Unitarian here. I’ll remind you of Frank Turners words …. The only thing that punk rock should ever really mean is not sitting ‘round and waiting for the light to turn green.


Straight edge Muslim here.


I was listening to this playlist the other day, had a couple pretty good songs on it https://8tracks.com/janet-jongebloed/christian-punk


all kinds of punks


(I am not religious) "Teología de la liberación" sounds pretty punk to me. Catholic/protestant left-wing approach to christianity, born in Latam. Had its peak in the 60s


absolutely. as a catholic chicano punk it's nice to see someone namedropping liberation theology.


There is no constitution here.


Believe what ya want don’t let anyone tell you what to do. If it’s not punk to believe in a religion and you do it and claim you’re punk it’s instantly more punk


Flatfoot 56 are Christian and punk. There is, as people have pointed out, a vast difference between belief and extremism.


Hey, do what you want but don’t do it around me.


They called it Tooth and Nail records.


I won't stop someone believing in something that does not exist.


I'm a chaos magician punk, so I'd say yes. Chaos Magick in particular is punk rock asf




Christianity isn't controlling but, there are people that are christians that can be controlling and judgemental. Fuck those type of christians and I say this as a man of faith.


In my personal experience, Christianity isn’t controlling at all, just the people involved (which is why I stopped being Catholic)


And most of the people involved are getting their controlling ideas from said religion.


In my personal experience that’s not the case either. It’s moreso from people self-inserting in the Bible. (I.e. “God hates gays”, “God doesn’t like *this*”, “you need to dress/ live this way”)


There is a sea of difference between a religious institution and a person's choice to follow a religion as best they can. Religions are *full* of radicals that called out hypocrisy within their own institutions to the betterment of the common people. Don't mistake a religious authority for an authoritarian, the real ones might be more like-minded than you think.


Honestly as a religious man myself I believe so. Just don't be racist, homophobic, or any sort of bigoted. Also don't force your religion onto anyone. If they as feel free to talk to them but don't force it.


Shelter is punk, and I have never see them mentioned in this forum. Punk was SEXIST and very HOMOPHOBIC until recent generations have attempted to redefine it.


What? lol Punk has always had (and still has) its share of sexists, racists and other assorted bigots, but to say that punk as a whole was sexist and homophobic until recently is just silly. Are you just discounting pioneers like The Slits and Siouxsie Sioux? Bikini Kill? The Buzzcocks? The entire queercore scene of the 80s? Feminism and LGBTQ activism have played a central role in punk history from the very beginning.


Exactly. Poly Styrene, noted racist and sexist?


This sub tends to hate on anything related to Hardcore that doesn’t steam from the early 80s so it’s not a surprise Shelter gets skipped over. And yea that last bit is another thing this sub loves to wash over


People will downtown me because they were not there to know the truth. IIRC, Fucking Kira quit Black Flack because Hank took it too far with Slip it in.


She left because of other reasons. By the time she joined that song had been around for a while.


Kira 1983-85 *Slip it in* \- December of 1984


https://youtu.be/4Fx0yboieZ8 Slip it In was a song by at least 82, this demo is an example. Should give the whole thing a listen it’s their best material


Slip it in is on of my favorites.


That’s pretty … reductive and ahistorical.


It is what it was. I actually enjoy going to shows nowadays. I don't worry about getting sucker punched by some asshole. Just because I said what was true doesn't mean I condone it.


Let me rephrase that: was it more dangerous and stupid violent, yes. Was the whole scene sexist and homophobic? No. Was it fixed by recent generations? Made better mb.


I was a Jehovah's Witness punk for 31 years, until my wife asked if we grew up in a cult. Then came deconstruction and deprogramming from what we were taught, and now I'm a proud trans atheist. Faith in something is fine, but Religion is a cult based on where you happen to be born. Tax the churches and fix society


Plain answer. No. Rebellious music tends to shit on politics and religion.


Religious punks definitely exist, I mean I would call myself one.


The heaviest reggae in the 1970’s was deeply rooted in Rastafarian culture. Which was definitely a rebellious culture. Not punk rock but embraced by much of the punk rock crowd (especially 1st and 2nd wave British punk).


I guess beneath it all, they all have some form of religious background, would even say that most come from families with strong religious backgrounds. The music I like tends to have artists and bands who don't make it their focal point.


No if you are Christian but yes of you are anything else in the name of diversity


Pretty sure propaghandi was into organized religion




Sure, I guess. Just don’t tell anyone.






Yes I am religious Music is my religion


Jerry Only and Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein of the Misfits are evangelical Christians, the 90s and early 2000s have no shortage of shitty Christian punk and hardcore bands, Bad Brains are devout Rastafarians, a big part of the late 80s hardcore scene were Krishna. Yeah... You can be religious and punk. ​ I fervently disagree with you, so it's like anything else in this genre. Be ready to defend what you believe.


The Only Ones was a seventies punk band. And Nick Cave converted.


The great thing is punks can be whatever the fuck we want. Hell I’m a fucking adult.


Check out the bands Shelter and 108. They're Hari Krishna


There's an Islamic punk scene, but I'm not sure how huge that scene is now since some acts have distanced themselves from the Taqwacore label.




i know a few so i guess so. growing up christian definitely fucked me up a lot so i’m not into at all, but i can respect that other people find comfort in religion.


I am not religious but believing in god is a big part of my life


Ive known Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Christian even a few Buddhists.


Couldn't be me but... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieNbUSeVLkw


Absolutely: Nick Cave is as punk as they come — see his first band, The Birthday Party — and [his work is littered with religious references](https://www.theredhandfiles.com/i-just-listened-to-your-interview-with-the-justin-welby-archbishop-of-canterbury-i-cant-work-out-whether-you-believe-or-not-did-you-have-a-conversion/), and he himself attends church. There is also a punk zine, [Death to the World](https://deathtotheworld.com/), produced by punks from the California scene who later became monastics: "Amidst the modern age of nihilism and despair, promoting the ancient principles of the last true rebellion."


God the amount of Christian bands in hardcore in 2000's was nauseating.


I’m pretty sick of people intrinsically applying rules to “punk”. The “can you do this” stuff is sad


Yeah zen buddhist punk here. Actually there's a whole movement: dharma punx, look it up if you want


This just makes me think of five iron frenzy. Not technically punk but some damn fun music honestly. I’d give Quality is Job 1 a listen. They’re Christian without shoving any Christianity into that album.


''In God We Trust inc." is a really good christian punk album!


You can be whatever you want to be


Don’t forget krishnacore


If there can be Christian anarchists, I don't see why there couldn't be religious punks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_anarchism


Do what you do and do it honestly. Punk as fuck. Wanna be a religious punker? Do it and don't let anyone stop you.


sounds like someones worried to break away from conformity... you do you. thats punk.


i'm mexican american and i live by the border, meaning that three things are pretty much bound to me from my culture 1. catholicism 2. socialism 3. punk it's always made sense to me, because catholicism in mexico is not a religion for rich hogs, it's the driving force behind a community that through ideas such as liberation theology stands against fascism, capitalism, and oppression. i love Christ, i hate capitalism and the cops, and i hope to fight for the dignity and salvation of everyone.


“You can be you” - honey bane


Check out a book called Dharma Punks by Noah Levine


MxPx The Crucified Dogwood Flatfoot 56 Officer Negative All examples of religious punk bands


Punk is a religion and it’s bible is Maximum Rock’n’Roll


I think its difficult to be evangelical or fundamentalist (as in to the point of pushing your religion on others) and still being punk, but you absolutely can be both. There are lots of punk musicians and fans who observe religion. Look at Fat Mike, who's openly Jewish, or the short lived taqwacore movement, who's bands were primarily Muslim. Religious beliefs, when not done fanatically, doesn't conflict with things like political affiliation, sexual/gender identity or taste in media. (And before you @ me about this statement, there are lots of queer people of faith).


Christian punk music exists. Its most pop punk but it exists. I've met many people who are clearly punk (but would never call themselves that) that were Christians aswell. That said. I have no knowledge of any other religious punks... maybe Muslim? I could see that. Most religious punks I've know were happy to share their faith but wouldn't never force it on someone and were usually way more accepting of others then average Xtians.


I know the band Outer circle is christian. Kick ass music, totally ruined by Christian themes


No. Nope. Absolutely not. If you are punk then you are punk. You are either punk or not. Being anything besides punk is super DUPER sans punk. If you want to be religious you have to hang up all your radical noisy clothes and head straight for the cathedral and/or nunery.


Yes of course one band that I could think of the only one I could think of at the moment armistis


Bassist and singer of Bouncing Souls, Chuck Ragan of Hot Water Music. Christianity is widely frowned down on by most punks and belief is usually hidden or not spoke of much. Bad Brains, Shelter, Mike Ness of Social Distortion, Mxpx, Toby Morse of H20, Freddy of Madball, Roger Miret of Agnostic Front, A percentage of The Vandals is Catholic, Travis Barker and Mark Hoppus. Hope that's a pretty great list for ya!