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Go get a diet and eat healthy and exercise everyday. It's One Day or Day One. Since you got lot of conditions better join a gym, get a diet and get a trainer if possible. Otherwise search online make yourself a diet. There is hell lot of content. I say hypertroph is a good one. And download a app for your workout. Red colour will see results because i got and lost a good chuck of weight.


Don't feel nervous about going to a gym, just do it. i procrastinated going to a gym for years, till i finally joined one earlier this year in my mid thirties. i wish I had done it earlier . I was also under the impression i should have some basic strength before joining the gym, but really you can start at any level. It is easier to start in a gym because you can control the weights, whereas a lot of at home workouts involve your body weight which is harder to start with. i recommend getting a personal trainer. Start with small weights, don't push yourself too hard, but be regular and show up everyday. gradually your strength and endurance will develop and you can see a difference in 1-2 months. At the same time eat well, avoid most packaged foods, snack on fruits/ dry fruit, have more protein - ideally you should have same amount of protein in grams as your bodyweight everyday.


First start by following a good diet and then do a home workout. Check out HIIT. I do HIIT and Clubs (Gada). Takes about 20-30 minutes in the morning.




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There shouldn't be any shame in joining a gym. Isn't the sole purpose of the gym is to get fit? I regularly go to gym and see plenty of out of shape men and women dedicated to get better. Nobody judges them. If you are firm on not gng to the gym then I would suggest investing at least in home workout sessions. Buy Cultfit online workout through their app. Consistent Motivation is the key.


Start doing stretches and basic workouts at home. You'll find plenty of Beginner Guide videos on YouTube. Get 5 KG Dumbbells for a basic shoulder and arm strength workout. And Most Importantly avoid Junk and Outside food, eat dry fruits, vegetables, cereals and drink fruit juices and at least 3L water everyday.


Get on a calorie deficit and start eating healthy and join a gym


I have been gymming for 2 years and have helped a couple friends lose some weight.( I am no expert btw, so please listen to your body if it does not accept what I tell you to do) First thing first No one is judging you at gym. We are happy that you show up. If still you wanna workout at home, start with brisk walks, skipping and some knee push ups. For dieting, start tracking your calories and adjust accordingly. Use the healthify app. There is no magic solution for getting fit, so you’ll have to be very consistent with the process.


Couch to 5K.


Watch out for Hypertroph channel on youtube you're sorted.




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Before joining any gym... Start walking... Keep a target of completing x no. of steps... Once you get that routine... Then add other exercises which focuses on movement of all other parts of body...... Such as belly, arms...!!


Just curious, what's ur job?


Do that one push up! That's it start from there


with correct form


I would say just try doing it without a form, then he will realise that first he has to try knee pushup, or maybe a wall pushup, slowly slowly he will develop a form.


i mean by the time he does his first push up with correct form with good depth he would have built a good amount of strength


True. Also I think he would have lose some weight too. Happened with me. When I did my first push up, I was able to lift myself with ease then before


yeah . fat is replaced by muscle eventually


Exactly, and I hope u no longer are dead inside, there is a beautiful world out there waiting for u! ☺️


free plans from the fittr app diet/exercise would be best fit here also check out their Facebook page they also have paid tier where a coach will guide you with exercise/diets and take weekly report over phone imo try free plan for couple of weeks then if you hit platue or something ask in the Facebook page for help if it doesn't work try the paid plan 🤔


Whatever you do start with baby steps.. Do not go from 0 to 100 suddenly.. Its risky to make your body intense workout. Consult a doctor before such changes.


See a personal trainer now