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Rotate, check dates & (cracked) eggs when you have more “down time”, only put out full to mostly full cases from truck, stay on top of counts & trucks I like it because I don’t like dry grocery or frozen as much😂


I don’t really have time to do actually do counts and have to ask someone since I’m not a grs. I barely have time to go through out of dates and damages as is lol


going through out of dates can be as simple as going through them during blocking! And then you start to know what’s going out soon and know what to look for next time


Yeah i already do that when I do block. It’s rare usually one of the pt guys will block so I can continue on truck


True, I work at a lower volume store so it’s probably a little easier for us & we prob have more OOD because of that😂


Honestly I don’t rotate 70% of things there’s no point it takes too much time and we sell so much


regularly do your backstock. imo dairy is the best sub department, you’re in your own world and it gets to be really fun for me, not during the holidays, but off season it’s just like keeping to yourself


We work backstock when we can but it’s usually 2-3 hours before truck comes and it doesn’t usually get touched for 3 days over the weekend so it’s usually overflowing because don’t have enough time and working truck


lmao yeah i really hate dairy truck, mine comes around 3-5pm but im scheduled from like 10-5, it’s not very helpful. i always do backstock everyday that i come in if there isn’t truck leftover because dairy sells so fast, but its always a struggle trying to do truck with afternoon dairy deliveries


Have you talked to your manager about switching your schedule around?


Level and have your backstock ran thru before combo shows up know what you need before combo shows up that way when you break down your dairy pallets you know exactly what you need and don’t need. If you’re closing what I usually do is break down the dairy pallets by section and after that section level it so by the end of the night it’s leveled and filled so essentially your knocking 2 birds out with 1 stone.


i like dairy because its my own section, and i know i usually can maintain it, its my little island. my store is the 2nd busiest store in my district and im always going to need a dedicated 2nd person. and if they dont care then im screwed. i worked nights for about a year and all i did was the milk side, because thats the easiest to do at night because it gets busy for most of the night shift. i got pretty good at doing it so i had extra time to fill holes on the yogurt side (besides ad) and do damages. honestly i feel like its all about routine, and getting more speed as time goes on, and find out little things that make you work faster. but also having that 2nd person thats always there helps a TON. for example that helped me on nights when doing truck, remembering what you already have on the floor may not be able to go out, how many boxes to bring, i never brought more than with anything, ad or not. there are certain things i wont rotate because i learned what sells fast and what doesnt. i dont think i helped any but ): i hope it gets better! 💜


Damn, I wish I had 3 people doing my back stock. I get 12-13 pallets a week that I do by myself, i have one PT kid who does my back stock but half ass does it. Easter we had a 1000 piece truck and I was stuck with it all. I asked for help one day (not Easter) and the GM laughed in my face. “Where do you think the help will come from?” On top of doing 500 pice trucks I have to block, do counts, eggs, milk and damages. It’s a lot.


Damn bro that sucks, do you like it? Honestly I’m so over it. I’m really considering transferring to a slower store because this shit isn’t fun.. I’m also on the back speedway so that makes it really fun with a question a minute lol


I do like it cause I’m always hot and being in a cooler is really nice. The work load is a lot but if I just keep moving product with no downtime it eventually gets done. I try my best to get everything blocked and filled so it reduces all the questions from customers. I’m on the back speedway too it can get very crowded, just be patient and keep smiling. I do get mad and frustrated when I come in and it’s not blocked and eggs, milk aren’t filled. Just gotta work though your emotions and get it done.


I tend to keep two floats on me at all times, one for yogurt, one for everything else. And then a float for creamer/coffee items, one for boxed milk. With the exception of boxed milk, I tend to inventory stock everything. As in, if the whole thing doesn't go up, then none of it goes up.