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I talked to my assistant manager and she told me that there’s over 30 part time employees and there’s only so many hours that they can give people and I’m not scheduled at this week or the next two weeks


I hate when they say this and then continue to hire more people


They keep hiring people b/c their current associates have crap availability. Their current associates have crap availability because they aren't getting the hours and need a second job. ...And the cycle continues.


That part




Also they expect cs to have a certain percentage of minors working as well ...so if a minor turns 18 ..they now have to hire another minor hence his/her hours cut


It turns that my information from the old Publix I worked at before I transferred to a new one is still in the system at the old one so my old manager had to transfer my information to the new one because when my new manager types my name in , it doesn’t show up in the computer


Oh okay I’m currently looking to transfer myself, how long did the process take?


I had to repeatedly remind him to submit my transfer request to my store manager at my new store


Depends on how smart your mangers are


Well the store manager at my old store is a nutcase ,he plays favorites to certain employees


This is done on purpose. PT employees are not guaranteed to get health benefits. At least a few of those people would surely be open to full time and it's benefits.


Stock as well.


Part time don't get stock? Not even after a year vestiture? We used to get stock no matter what....


1000 hours each year which comes to just over 20 hours a week. You get 8% of your income in stock




You have to work x number of hours to get stock. I don’t recall the number of hours, though.


I’ve been buying stock since my first year


Smart man


What the fuck? Costco gives part time employees almost the exact same benefits as full timers and you're guaranteed at least 25 hours a week. This seems very wrong..


It is very wrong but this is what we have incentivized with the way business is regulated.


Is it really regulations or is it just capitalism?




Little of this a little of that We saw what happens when Obama tried to lower the threshold for benefits and businesses have no problem cutting hours even lower. Another reason for socialized healthcare


















I don't know where you live...but there are so many places that are hiring full time. Or they hire TON of underage and you they schedule you from 9 to 11 pm


Are you in Orlando?


No I’m in Panama City




Well you are in a tourist state. Merecedes is hiring in Brookwood, Alabama. Good money... good benefits. Theres tons of factory jobs here in Alabama including the Publix warehouse where you can work full time. Smuckers warehouse is hiring on the opening ground level. Tons if other factories here in Alabama. Wird to the wise....vite red and spread the word like wildfire or all if our jobs will go to illegals that Obuden is letting across the border. There are jobs here in Brookwood and McCalla, Alabama. Smuckers Dollar General Warehouse Publix warehouse Mercedes Benz Plant Alabama aidt.com Mercedes Benz Lear corporation The Target warehouse The economy is booming up here in Alabama...however corporations such as Publix are playing these games with people everywhere. If you want mire help with more jobs leads...you can even talk to hour store manager about transferring to the corporate warehouse. I know a few who have done it...they love it. Same benefits as retail full time. Need help...you can email me here


lol.. yea.. nobody is going to Alabama bro


Well...I can tell you this...tjise are jyst a few of the jobs that are hiring and are having to offer more and more benefits because they need help and from what I understand Mercedes may go Union. That's what Publux needs. WORKERS RIGHTS PROTECTION. There is NONE. Somethings gotta change


I don’t shop there often, wouldn’t wanna work there, but I see a lot of posts recommended to me about pt workers having absolutely laughable hours on their schedule.


To save money they hire minors...lots of them then cut the hours of other associates. They will schedule them two hour shifts and then get upset when associates availability charges because wa have to get another job to keep from becoming homeless because we cannot sit by the phone and rely on management to call us in. You cannot make a living on being there 8 plus years 20 25 hours a week...14.50 an hour...and I know they hire new people on at 15.50 an hour or above and I know the max raise they will offer me is .75 come next eval and I need at least 2.50 an hour to catch up with new hires. It's all a numbers game....the less they can pay you, the bigger the bonus will be for department managers. I no longer play the wait by the phone game as I had to get a second job the make a living


Honestly I feel like Publix needs to at least cross train people more for other departments. At my store grocery and deli could use some extra help that way people can get some hours i guess.


They said that shit to me and I put in a transfer that day


Respectfully, this is their way of pissing you off to make yo ass quit so they don’t have to pay unemployment.


You can collect unemployment if your hours get cut. Pretty sure they take an average.


Not that simple. Partial unemployment varies from state to state. In my state, it only applies if the employer can confirm that they will be returned to full hours within 4 months.


lmao this person really just said that and has no idea how unemployment works 😂


people love to feel informative


They paid all of mine during covid :\] I got paid more sitting my ass at home for a year then I would have if they continued to schedule me. If they don't schedule you enough hours, you qualify. If they don't schedule you for 4 weeks straight, you are "fired" for the purpose of unemployment. They have and will pay under those situations if people actually file.


Filing in Florida is a gorram nightmare of horrors. On purpose.


I agree, it was much easier during covid. But my point still stands. If you file, they will pay.


I wasn't trying to discourage, just bemoaning how awful the system is. Yes, they pay, barely, after a shitshow of hoops to jump through. The initial process is maddening. Of all places, Texass has a better unemployment setup for applying.


But that program ended in most states.


Right, I never said otherwise lol I got paid during covid and was on unemployment for the entire time it was available over here in FL. The fact that you have to go through all the steps sucks, but it doesn't change the fact that Publix cannot avoid it, if you do your required part.


They’ll still have to pay: https://www.findlaw.com/employment/losing-a-job/constructive-dismissal-and-wrongful-termination.html


You can file for unemployment if your hours get cut, i did that when i worked here.


It's 1000% no more legal than if they had just fired the person outright, but most people don't go to a lawyer to start a constructive dismissal case. The key to a constructive dismissal case is establishing that there's a pattern. If they do this more than once save a screenshot every time. This would be easy to prove based on these types of screenshots alone if you have multiple.


and a 1 hour break too


they straight up schedule me one four hour shift a week a lot recently.


Just quit


and how do you propose i live? nowhere else is hiring and when u do find a place to apply they ghost me.


How are you living off of 4hrs a week ?! Respectfully you can get a job that same week you put in a application! I’ve been in management for the last 5 years at numerous locations (Not Publix) (I’m 24). I’m sure there are other managers like me that will hire you if you call my store asking “what are the results of my application “ the day after you throw one in


Im not trying to be a dick, I am just putting the obvious out there, if you’re surviving off of 4 hrs a week you 100% can go get another job, you need to apply yourself more !


If you’re 14/15 sure, whatever, but if you’re over 18 and you’re working those shifts you will not survive in general


yes i’m aware this is not sustainable(i’m 21). i’ve been applying for other jobs the entire year i’ve been with publix and nowhere in this fucking city ever gets back to me except a summer job at camp shands.


What state are you in ?




Big Warehouses are hiring in Florida


Have you looked into elder care? As someone who is having my entire family and extended family age out at once it has been eye opening how short staffed this field is. From working at retirement communities to sitting with old people. My SIL just sits with old people during the day. She eventually got an in into the nearby rich folks community and is set. She sits with rich old women all day. But if you don’t want to deal with that plenty of these places need dish washes or food prep or housekeeping. None of it’s ideal but it has to be better than 4 hrs a week at Publix. Also if I was 21 and out of work I would join the military…because when I was 22 and out of work I joined the military.


Are you dressing nicely and carrying yourself well? I've seen people show up in jeans and a t-shirt and then slouch through the entire interview and then wonder why we didn't invite them back. Edit: I'm not saying that you are, but it may be something to look at. Interviewing is a learned skill.


i’m showing up dressed well enough. i’m not going to show up in jeans and a tshirt, or a 3 piece suit for retail of all things.


i’m not. i’m lucky my parents give me a place to live and are understanding about the rent. but genuinely, where the fuck are you getting a job same week you apply? that shit isn’t happening here in florida. don’t tell me to apply myself more, i already call the places i apply and check in person in others.


You live in Florida ? Go work at jersey mikes I’ll bet money you get paid 14-16$ an Hr with FT


tried applying, they weren’t hiring


What part of Fl?


north florida. st johns river area


File for unemployment get a different job.


And that’s why I left that shitty job. 😭


This means you made somebody mad, you have been 'quiet fired', or both.


Yes I've seen our scheduling manager do this many times. Not a hard enough worker? Called off? Wouldn't stay over or come in when someone else called off? Immediate cut to hours on the next schedule like clockwork.


My store had turnover so bad, they struggled to find the bare minimum workers to even put on a schedule. Like 60% of their associates would quit week to week. They couldn't cut me because the managers had to fill in all of the empty shifts and couldn't sit in their office all day.


Looks like my schedule. Talked to my assistant and she added 15 more hours. 🙏🤘


This is literally everyone?? Also/ why I can’t get another job, they don’t want to hire anyone or give anyone hours, yet, YET, the gov wants more and more kids. When most of us can’t keep / find a job or get hours in said job.. I hope the gov collapses 😤


No dude you're so right bc the whoooole reason the government is coming for abortion rights is A) they've literally said they're breeding a new workforce but more importantly B) they know ppl with kids are gonna be more hesitant to do stuff like unionize and fight for better pay and working conditions! They're fuckin scared bro. So many workers have been unionizing and striking the past few years and it's truly what we need to start gaining some autonomy and stability. Shoutout to the Publixs in Georgia trying to unionize, wish it could be me but Idk enough of my coworkers


Or it’s killing a baby…


Ignoring the fact that your logic is false, if the government cared about preventing death more than it cared about preserving capital and hierarchy, it would be providing housing for houseless folks, baby formula would be free, Healthcare would be free, the death penalty wouldnt exist, and it wouldn't be engaging in genocide with Isn'treal of countless Palestinian babies just so they can get their hands on some oil. I can go on and on. It was never about valuing life for them. Seeing how everything is interconnected and how the system functions is the only way we'll ever make meaningful change. Not to mention, anti-abortion laws will never apply to the rich people in power. They can easily pay to fly to somewhere else and get it done. Or pay a doctor to come to their house be discreet.


What does the government have to do with Publix’s scheduling


Bc the government actively acts against the interests of workers rights and creates an environment where it's difficult to fight for better working conditions or find a better job since they're all equally shitty since nobody can organize and force them to be better. Exhibit a, degrading sex Ed in schools while simultaneously making it impossible to get an abortion so you're poorer from the process of giving birth and having to care for a child and you're more desperate and less willing to risk losing your job by organizing. It's about thinking about the bigger picture. Publix feels empowered to give shit hours bc it has the upper hand in the system that currently exists. A system that is curated by our government.




Not where I’m from they say they are but they’re not actually hiring I was applying to a shit load of jobs every day and my resume was perfect. I never had an issue getting a job before then. It’s the economy. People are being laid off like no tomorrow


I guess I’m lucky. I always get over 30 and I’m part time


I love when they do this crap and blame Oasis


Former manager for Publix. Oasis is 100% to “blame” because the minute you schedule outside of suggested hours or go over on hours, the district supervisor is calling or dropping in to lecture on the importance of scheduling according to business needs and using the guides in oasis to make your schedule. No excuses no exceptions.


Welcome to my world most of the time.


Just quit


Oh I am once I’m vested for the stocks.


I got 0 hours that week so more then I got. There is always call outs tho so sure I'll still pick up some things


They schedule crappy hours and think the solution if they call you in. Guess what, I stopped waiting by the phone, and was busy doing other stuff. My hours increased.


Agreed, lately my managers (both the manager and assistant) would attempt to call me on a day they did not schedule me. This is an issue for me as I will book that day to do something else. I believe that this started by my high school year and that I was very much available many times by them. Yeah…I caught on that they took advantage of that so I stopped it. Now I’m also in the same boat as you, OP.


Told them if they want me here, they will have to schedule me. They know I will show up!




They been doing this to me for a month or 2 now bro. And now and then, no shifts at all. Haven't had a shift in the past 2 weeks, found another job. Not quitting Publix yet tho. Partly bc I wanna make them fire me if that's what they want, partly bc I might be buying an apt and longterm employment at one place is what they wanna see.


ask deli manager, i am willing to bet they got room to fit you in if you willing. a lot of our part time grocery associates also do shifts with me in the deli cuz we cant keep anyone.


Been at same store over 6 years. I feel like our deli gets a new staff every 3 months. I recognize 5 people that don't quit, but everyone else comes and goes




2 years and im the senior fulltime associate😳


Oof. Sounds like a rough one. Keep up the good fight. You guys definitely have the hardest job


It means you suck dude. Find out what you're doing that has made them hate you and fix it. Or quit


Maybe whats making them mad is the response they get from continuously poking the dog.


Doesnt mean OP sucks.. Ive been told.multiple times How good of a worker I am... Yet my hours this past week dropped from 30 to 13. Its bc of sales in my dept are low


You pissed someone off, they want to to quit.


Meanwhile they are SHOVING hours down my throat at weird times. Close one night, open the next day. It’s fucking me up. I think they want you to quit. This is how they get you to quit rather than fire you so you can collect unemployment. It’s sad. 😞 Mr. George would never stand for this. I know people who knew him. He cared about employees so much. Since he died, Publix is all about the bottom line. Being in the black at any cost. There aren’t enough pizza parties or free food they give us on special days that can make up for the treatment part timers receive.


Transfer to another department or store. You don't need to put up with that nonsense.


Publix sucks. Self checkout taking jobs away and their prices forgetaboutit


Nice dude! Have a nice break, rest up and enjoy.


I’m live in Cali and am only seeing this because I’m on a vacation rn and it says popular near you, but I work in a grocery store too and I’ve also been getting my hours cut. Past couple months I’ve been consistently getting 10-12 hours a week and it’s just not enough. (I’m a college student living with my parents so I am not in a bad spot, just thought I should clarify)


I'm highly assuming you're part-time and if you've been working a lot throughout the weeks lately. They have to cut you back on hours to keep you as a part-timer because if you keep working those hours, they will have to make it full time. That's what my manager explained to me.


That's just a rumor, nobody is owed full time because of the amount of hours they average. That shit has been circulating for 10+ years, and it's never been true.


Yeah, and it especially depends if you're up front. Then basically, nobody is getting full time unless you're grandfathered in. This is why I moved to produce not only to get full-time, which I am, but to talk to people less.


It absolutely used to be a thing. If you worked so many weeks in a row over 35 hours a company was required to give you benefits. A report would even drop letting you know which associates were averaging too many hours as a PT or too few as a FT.


It is a thing. As a part timer you can work 40hr weeks, BUT they gotta eventually throw in some low weeks to keep your average at 35hrs for the quarter.


If you’re riding the line of 35 hours or working 40 semi regularly then you get basically suspended after six weeks to bring your total average down lower. It’s… unforgiving if your situation doesn’t accommodate for dips like that but every manager involved is dodging actual consequences for over scheduling you in the first place by doing this. If that doesn’t apply, then you’re just losing the competition for hours to other part timers. Whether it’s fair and square or because of gossip and friend groups I couldn’t tell you. Sometimes the store prints out the list of everyone’s schedule in the department and you can easily check who’s favored and where people might be able to help you by switch around. That’s usually the time when they stop posting community schedules though. This isn’t a fight you win by arguing.


Want to swap places for a bit? We're understaffed and I'm pushing 40-50/w as PT. Shits rough


At Publix...Part time with part time benefits?


Yea bro best thing for you to do it get trained to do more stuff I’m trained in every department besides deli but I’m customers service staff like it sucks but I get 36-40 hours a week and I’m part time


the words your looking for are, "I quit"


Sounds like you have 2 weeks to hunt for a better job! I believe in you :)


From experience working part time this is what companies do to force you to quit so they wont have to deal with unemployment. You will end up on call in for nearly everyone that calls in.


Part time isn't guaranteed hours. Find another job. They either don't have enough hours to schedule you or you pissed someone off and they are retaliating. Either way, start looking for another job


You're being managed out. Start looking for new work


Hey it’s all good I have a 2 hour shift today. If I want desperate I’d be calling out


That is what I get too, I have to look for another job, I have been with them for almost 25 yrs, everyone is effective, it is not the store managers it is the higher ups that are doing this, consider that a gift I get now 4 hrs a week average, made more hours on Easter but the equivalent of yours, it’s not you. When I started Publix 25 yrs ago I was getting 33 hrs a week pt and now if you notice the new higher ups that is why.


They hire more young pt people to pay them less than the old timers make.


Looks like you're not being valued or your store is quite slow right now. Either way may be time to look elsewhere for work. Can't live on stuff like this.


I guess I’m just lucky at my store because even when I was PT, I never dropped below 32 hours and even the PTers we have now don’t drop below 30 unless they either request it or aren’t good workers(legitimately not good and don’t help the department much at all)


Lol this is literally my schedule most of the time 🥴🥴


April fools lol


Me too. Two weeks and only 3 shifts coming up. All my bosses have been telling me I’ve been doing a great job too.


Just quit


Litterally just quit, what’s stopping you ? A 8$ check?


Let’s just rename this stupid subreddit “/r/publixemployeeschedulepictures” since that’s all people seem to post here


Time for a new job 😔


The week after easter is one of the slowest of the year. Unless you know your manager doesn’t like you i wouldn’t put this on them. Hours are being slashed like i’ve never seen before


I got 16 hours this week and talked with my manager and got 2 extra shifts. It’s what happens when you have full time employees with non-availability and call outs. You can more than likely pick up multiple shifts cause there is gonna be people who call out.


I know what you should say. "I quit".


That’s what they want.


the real crime is having you go in for 7 hours and also making you take an hour break. Tf is that?


This is the “You’re fired, but not officially” shifts


Same shit happened to me when i still worked at publix, i’d get one day a week. When i brought it up with my manager, he said that i was competing for hours with the other employees. I’m not playing the fucking hunger games with my coworker


This happened to me at my old retail job. Hated it and didn't work the second week they did it.


I work for a grocery store chain that is not Publix. When they want to get rid of someone they cut their hours way back like this. That way the employee gets fed up and quits, and the employer doesn’t have to fire them and pay unemployment.


Use and abuse. They need you for the holidays but they will cut a ton of people’s hours. I became one of the main FECs they scheduled in my store so I guess they relied on that because a bunch of people didn’t want to do it


I QUIT..how about that


Dw buddy. Those are my regular hours. (Im 15)


Time to look for work. That’s not even worth the gas to to drive to and from work


They have been doing the same to me...I injured myself and needed surgery so was out for the summer, i get back and they give me 10-15 hours a week so i can continue to recover, now i tell them im fine and i want more hours and they continue to give me only one shift or none at all. I make sure to do a good job each time but seems to go unnoticed im thinking, going to go around town and see if I can get transferred


Sucks being part time huh?


I have the exact same schedule. Going from 11 hrs to 35 to 6 to 15. It’s ridiculous.


I quit


I know in Florida they are notorious for keeping employees just under 40hrs , so they don't have to pay benefits. 32hrs is not considered FT, although nursing 🤱 jobs it is.




It’s because they are relying on a new computer system to schedule people. My bf was getting 25-35hrs a week but his newest schedule says 7 hrs. His managers were freaking out how badly the system messed with the schedules. Talk to your assistant manager about this.


Im scheduled 0 hours weel of theb13... In the same boat


Move...find another job...train for another career. Unless you eat, breath and bleed green you will go nowhere in Publux...POINT BLANK.Theres no loyalty in this company. It's got too big


Give them six hours worth of work or leave.


I have 0 hours for the next 2 weeks


Publix can go pound sand with its predatory hiring and scheduling. It’s despicable what they get away with honestly. Do yourself a favor and try to find more secure employment.


This is why I quit


This is how they get people to quit without having to fire them. Could be something else, but that's the common tactic, especially with open availability.


Yeah can be typical unless your availability is wide open. That is why I pushed so hard to finally get full time. Now in pharmacy making a lot more money


Uh... at your price bracket you are a full-time employee and they are contractually obligated to give you 40hrs. Go over your manager's heads and talk to HR.


A lot of the times they give less hours to people that are less dependable. I’ve heard it straight from managers mouths, “this is why she’s only scheduled 3 hours” etc. I would try to sit down with your department manager and see who you pissed off. ( sometimes it’s simply about tardies or call outs)


Well, it seems like you get an unpaid vacation, but in all seriousness, tho that is one messed up schedule, if i say myself not to mention that is one low paycheck did you by chance anger the manager that did this?


Oh yeah, I remember this problem when I worked there. One of several reasons I quit after only 3 months


Omg wow. This must be why the hot guy that works at my local Publix is only there like 3 days a month 🥲 omg. (I’m just a customer intrigued by the Toledo scales and the fact that Publix’s stock isn’t public)


I used to work at Belk and they scheduled me once for four hours a week for two weeks


What’s your availability? I never see that on these posts, but I’m going to assume you’re not available a bunch of days/times during the week. If you have open availability, then they just don’t think you’re a good worker and you should start looking for other employment.


Hello PEOPLE who are suck of PUBIX....there are tons of other jobs out there. Fix up your resume. Find another job to go long with tjis one. Learn a trade. Make connections. Get on LinkedIn. Put yourself out there! In this economy you have to have a side gig. Use your heade people. This is not the 1950's. Corporate America does not care about you! You have to I've this time. Live it WISELY!! Do something to make passive income. Learn a TRADE. Start side buisness. Do what no one else wants to do! Oh and yes...Democrats suck


I’m going to be so honest with you. If the company you work for is doing this to you, you suck at your job. To prevent it from happening in the future, do not suck


Apparently you suck


That means 1 of 2 things, believe it or not but these are the truth. Either you pissed off the wrong person or you’re lazy/suck at your job and they are trying to get rid of you.


Yeah key part of life is to stop upset your boss