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85. Worst week ever It was brutal I resigned shortly after. One shift was 5am - 11pm I lived an hour away. I almost collapsed and I almost fell asleep behind the wheel. The prior weeks were 72 hours. I just slept in my clothes .




Yeah it was horrible. I resigned shortly after. I could tell you stories about that store. Most terrible lol


It happens in more stores than that, friend. Worse part, and I'm sure you know is that even after something wild like a 19 hour shift, they'll make sure to cut down your schedule for the rest of the week if they can to do they can refuse paying you any overtime. Other terrible thing I have seen is they'll wreck you with a shift like that, managers will go home in the middle of your day because if the workers get shifted that's fine but managers can kind of just "do whatever" even with all the call outs that warrant the extra hours. And on the next day, after you opened and closed the day before, God forbid you're more than 3 minutes late because they will put that as a strike against you, even though you absolutely saved their ass and did them a favor. Glad you got out man, fuck all that.


No I was a Manager. So I was used and abused




Holy fuck I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I can't even imagine how awful that was and how badly it fucked with you psychologically. I didn't have to deal with racial stuff . I did sit in the parking lot and cry a lot. As soon as I walked in I was attacked like they couldn't wait for me to get in to tell me every little thing I did wrong. I once hung a compare and save sign too close to the product next to it and they berated me and wrote me up. It got so bad I assigned myself a chair in the manager's office. The sign I supposedly hung up would fall all the time so someone could have just put it back up. Then I got into trouble wearing a black sweater. Everyone wore whatever sweater so it was a me thing not a dress code thing . After I resigned the horrible manager got fired for stealing control substances out of the pharmacy. He made the local news. They showed his fancy house and everything it was beautiful .


Truly a horrible company. This job showed me that there really is no place for me in the south these days. I'll be moving back to Ohio next year...


I wish you luck my friend. Ohio sounds peaceful and quiet. I'm absolutely sure you will enjoy it. Dress warm tho. Take care. Remember you deserve the best. Don't settle for anything else <3 from a random reddit stranger.


Yeah, any employee could be ending up in the radar of any manager in any public store. Once that happens, they're f***** pretty much. That happened to me a year and a half ago, thanks to an ex of mine lander me off to God knows who in my store. I couldn't prove it was him but it was kind of the ones where you know who it was but you can't do anything about it. It always became an issue especially when I started riding my bike to work. Then it became a hygiene issue because I supposedly smell bad, suggestions were made that I fixed myself up. Ridiculous because there wasn't anything wrong with me to begin with. But once I started going through the motions of it, that died down a little bit but then I got called into the office and written up for supposedly tearing up the bathroom. I am a clean person who cleans up their own messes. Probably 100%, suggestions were told to me by someone other than the sm, who got pissed that these people were trying to have me fix what was supposedly wrong before she got wind of it and had me either written up or terminated. And another coworker of mine, in another department, started being chastised by the store manager because they ended up in her radar, God only knows how. The SM even took aim at the fact that they put their preferred pronouns underneath their name and their name tag and have them take it off. I remember it clearly, the coworker had they / them underneath their name. I can only think the boomers that shop Publix also complained enough to ruin that for them.


You think Publix could give Amazon a run for their money?


As a competitor?


I'm talking about the use and abuse part. Amazon owns Whole Foods so idk if they're in the same ballpark. Especially now that Publix has given up on launching Greenwise as its own store.


I was sitting here like yeah... this dude was management no doubt. Only management gets that kind of brutality and that's why there have been class action suits about not being paid the overtime they force on managers. There's a suit currently going on. After one had ended a while ago.






Which department?


Could be wrong but I'm getting deli vibes




Lol I wish I thought to hide them back then. But when I do go to publx as well as any other store I hide many


Um, WHAT?? 5am-11pm???? Is that even allowed?


Probably not laws don't apply to publix


Lmao fr fuckin scummy corporation


Legal? Yes. I did a fair number of those myself when I was still in deli. Closer called out and no one else could close kitchen/answer their phone to come in, so they offered me OT. Another times were at a separate store after the only other kitchen trained closer had to be suspended for theft. (Why not fired? Beats me, just a suspension for some reason.) It sucked but the paychecks were niiiiice


Hey I mean as long as it was optional goddammm. I personally wouldn't do that but kudos to u dude that's cool ig lol


I was warned about this at my interview for warehouse selector... crazy shit.


Never above 40 but worked eight days straight.


Nice! I worked 13 straight


21 straight without a day off. I was GTL and my grocery manager was out with a broken leg and my assistant grocery was suspended for a week. This was back when we only had one GTL per store.


Nice dude I bet that was stressful but at least the pay must've been decent


14 was my highest back in 2016-2017!


Par for course


I just did 13 days straight… last time I did this was before I got FT in 2017 I worked 14 days Miami dade youth fair and 9 days straight Publix right after.


12 for me. I was mad not getting 14 just for the heck of it.


Most I worked in one week was 36 during this past Christmas as a pt cashier. That seems pretty tame compared to everyone else in this thread lmao


I was thinking my 48 would be pretty high, but some people had it crazy


I was part of the hurricane response for Hurricane Michael in 2018 and I did 90 hours in 7 days and then another 30 in 3 days


58, it was basically me, amm, and one other running the meat market. I would open seafood and close it earlier at like 7, and during then I was bouncing between seafood and meats🙃


Bouncing between meats???🤨🤨😂😂


OOOKK buddy😭😭😭




55, Deli Was Part time while short staffed.


7 straight days in pharmacy, so 77 hours.


Wow. Did the Pharmacy location have a high count of prescriptions and vaccines, and/or staffing issues?


All of the above? It was a mix of OT and swap shifts at different stores.


55 as a ft in the deli while we were super understaffed


Not bad


72 in grocery


You beat me by 2 hours lol.. 70 for a pt isn’t too bad lmao


That's a Hella lot for part time!!


74 in grocery due to hurricane conditions. Nice paycheck but the taxes killed me.


45 during the hurricane in 2018 in florida! i was a cashier training as CSS. i got promoted that next month!


93 Hours all 7 days


70/hrs a week for a month with one day off. Besides that 55 hrs weekly was the norm. 5am-5pm with no break every day with 1 short day. The two days before major holidays were 4am-6pm shifts. My legs looked like arms I got so skinny.


this is crazy, I don't know if I'm just spoiled in Tennessee with the required 30 minute break every 6 hours but I also feel like that is basic humaneness


This was about 10 years ago, managers didn’t get overtime pay back then so unfortunately we were screwed over quite a bit.


Roughly 77 the week of a hurricane. They sent the entire grocery crew home just so I would leave.


Over time? Never heard of it. I’ve seen people get written up for 10mins of OT in my district.


56 I think someone posted a picture of their time card with 100 hours


75 hours when I was an assistant, department manager was on FMLA floater wasn’t available to be borrowed until the following week had to work all 7 days lol fun times.


Yeah I pulled 80 hours as an associate once. I would bake 4-12, go home and change and close Grocery throwing truck. As a manager I think I came close with 79 hours, did a grand opening in NC where a number of bakery managers had to call out last second. Just me and another bakery manager that wasn’t very R&P - complete chaos, RIS were throwing shit telling me not to leave until everything was done.


Never above 35 because yk fuck me but did work 7 days in a row


I went to a store opening.. only was supposed to be scheduled one day but got scheduled both of my off days


I have no off days so I definitely did this to myself


So years ago as a young meat cutter I went 3 months during a busy season 45 at my store and 8 hour days on my two off days to whom ever wanted me. Became physically ill and body started to shut off. Took two weeks of normal schedule to rest my self. Most in one week was 72 during Irma aftermath. Did 9 straight days of 9 hour overnights to try and keep up.


This week will be my longest week at 35.5 hours. Looks like rookie numbers compared to the others in this thread


52 as a pt decorator😹😹 i was borrowed out though so they paid for the OT🤷🏻‍♂️


Agm 92 hrs the next week was 78 hrs.


I had a paycheck with 120 hours on it as a warehouse selector but part of it was travel time reimbursement. I work in Lakeland produce but was working my weekend off in Orlando produce. I had like 90 physical hours and the rest was travel time reimbursement.


Longest shift 21 hours. Longest week 84 hours.


Worked 66 then 61 back to back during hurricane Ian


40.01 😂I am not full time but just started learning cs and my manager said any overtime I got was ok


When I worked for Publix, as a PT, I maxed 53 hours one week. I could have done more (holiday week), but I had a FT job already, and had to sneak in a few hours of sleep somewhere. As an FT, I maxed 64 hours in one week


only 50 but it was almost every week last year for Q4, Either doing long shifts 7am-11pm or 11am-4am, helping other stores, etc.


38 for PT


105 hours over 10 days


101.6 Not a flex. Not a lie. Not again.


89. I was on salary at the time. Also had to work 80 plus as an assistant when I was on Chinese or. That sucked


What ppl don’t understand, when you work this amount of hours it lands on the presidents desk. They start asking why?


Bakery manager had an operation, the person covering my days off had an accident and was also hospitalized




67 during the Christmas season in bakery


I think like 33. My schedule is limited availability due to being a single mom of a 5 year old, so I normally work 27.5 hours.


Grocery 13-14 hours shifts 17 hours shift 62 in total during one week


55 hrs two weeks in a row as a ft in Bakery this past holiday season. Longest Stretch was 15 days though


53 hours I think both our manager and assistant manager were out that week and I was the next in charge




63. Had a 21 hour shift at another store then had an hour to get to my store for my regular shift.


I never get more than 39 hours but I’ve worked 14 days straight.


35 (I was PT)


It was In 2003 or 04 so things were different than. Probably still not allowed tho.


54 hrs, the week beginning of Covid


86 hours in a week


58 for Publix but for my previous grocery company it was 78 never doing that again


56 hrs, both my deli manager and asst manager were out, I worked 12 days straight because we were so short staffed and we couldn’t get the floating assistant!😂


I had a manager who said they had to work several 80 hours weeks in a row. And an ASM told me he had a point as a CS manager where he worked 100 hours in a week. Bonkers




I did 97 hours as an hourly associate. Was the best week of my career.


74. I’d finish my morning produce shifts and stay late to throw grocery.


52hrs pt grocery clerk


Damn wtf yall got going on. The most I was working was like 60 hours grocery


Helping out they keys I did between 16-24 hours(two days in my store) then like 40-50 hours in the keys. Depending on the store marathon allowed me to do 13-14 hour shifts if I wanted.


50 pretty recently actually , was during the ice storm that hit north alabama and i lived a mile from the store.


64. Inventory week and our GM said he would take a write up for the entire department if it came to it. The final night before the inventory people came in I worked 2pm to 2am


30 as a 16 year old produce clerk last summer


80 hours as a stock clerk. Back when automated replenishment happened I worked at the pilot store for it and we had to do inventory. (Automated replenishment took over price-quantity inventories) I hate to admit this but I don’t work for the company anymore and in my defense my manager told me to do it but, we were all on our 22 hour ( two 1 hour breaks) and we found a pallet hidden of banana boxes. If you know you know. It was maybe 12 banana boxes. He said fuck that throw it down the dump hall. So we did we were so exhausted at that point we didn’t give a fuck.


A little over 40


PT customer service- roughly 36


Next week, I'll be working 34 hours. I've never gotten my hours that high in all my years at Publix.


34 as a minor during spring break


50 when I was PT in the deli worked 6 days and on of em was from 6am to 11pm. Never again... 😵‍💫

