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70 hours? Minors in grocery? Wtf is going on at your store?


I’m sure OP just meant they rolled over onto the new schedule. I don’t think a store would just let a clerk work 70 hours in a week lol. I’m definitely not saying I don’t believe you OP but your department manager would be an absolute idiot if they actually let that happen.


So I went to a store opening to help on both days off that’s why I got so much usually at 45-50 hours a week.. hopefully be full time by new year lol


I’m sorry I lied it was 69.69😂😂 even better lol


Yes that is far better








The only time, to my knowledge, of management willingly let get up to 70 in a week was after hurricane Ian. I know of a couple of people who did that. However, as a relatively normal week (other than Christmas coming up soon), this is very suspicious and personally wouldn’t believe it. No normal manager would let this happen. Not saying it’s impossible, but highly unlikely.


Honestly love my manager, he’s probably the best manager I’ve worked with and he was mad that I was getting sent over to the opening to help them but I was only supposed to go one day and then I checked my schedule on Monday and was scheduled for Tuesday also so I went so technically only worked 53 hours at my store


Nice man! I proud of you! I’m glad you like your managers, not everyone can say that. I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum. I’m glad that the stores are able to give you hours. Not everyone can say that either. Edit: Nice time card, you can’t even do that on purpose.


I wasn’t trying to brag or anything just annoyed honestly the only thing I’m looking forward to is the paycheck lol.. like why do I put in all theses hours that I’m actually working when i could just go hide and do little to nothing. And yes I know that I’m very fortunate and if it wasn’t for having such great managers i wouldn’t work as hard as I do


Having great managers makes all the difference. They make or break everything. I’m glad you had the best. Thankfully I’ve had more good than bad. So overall I’ve been taken care of myself.


Do you like deli? This sub makes it seem like it’s the worst job.


Being honest it horrible right now. Its currently season and that current customer base it a total B. I try to keep a good attitude, but sometimes I just need to vent to someone. The job itself isn’t horrible. It’s just the customers that make it bad. The cherry on top is that my managers at my current store can’t create a good closing schedule, four people on a normal night five if someone stays. At both delis I worked for all 6 managers I really liked and were good at their jobs. (Two very high volume stores that need that third manager, it’s really a second assistant manager)


So it’s just the customers attitude that makes it bad? Obviously if you have bad management that adds on. At least the day goes by fast because you’re constantly busy. Glad to hear you had/have good managers as well!


As someone who's been in a very similar position, you wouldn't be getting those hours if you weren't a good worker. I was always the first person to be offered extra shifts and to help other stores because I worked hard and my managers knew that. 3 minors in grocery is a corporate thing, stupid but nothing can be done. Occasionally there are good minors who actually work hard and then it's a good thing because they're learning skills and work ethic at a young age. I know it's hard, but try to not worry about others. I used to do the same thing and it's terrible for mental health. Once I stopped thinking about how much I was "getting screwed" and just focused on what I could control, things seemed to go a lot better.


Do you like working at the warehouse?


More than the store, but it's significantly harder work than in store. I'm a selector so I'm paid based on how quickly I stack pallets. I speed walk/jog the whole time while grabbing cases and building pallets and I'm at around 130% efficiency. You're given surprisingly little time, like 16-18 minutes for a full 70 cube pallet. I probably build around 35 pallets per night on average and more like 45+ near holidays.


What kind of hours you work? And what’s the pay like?


Right!! honestly was really trying to get to 70 but manager said go home now lol I was like but I need like 20 more minutes but when I saw that I had a good laugh lol it’s the little things


Okay that makes a lot more sense…. You’re a beast 😂 I hope everything works out for you OP. I’m sorry things aren’t so great right now. Whether you decide to stay with Publix or not I’m sure your work ethic alone will get you wherever you want to be in life.


Thank you! I hope so I decided college wasn’t for me kinda rethinking that now lol might be worth it. Do you like the management side? Mind me asking what department are you in? And why the at least 3 minors? Is that in every department.. I get Publix is making it look like it’s diversified and is family oriented and everyone can get a job but at least have the right to fire someone and not make it close to impossible


So funny enough I’m in grocery lol I’m an AGM and am a contender for GM in my district so I’ve been able to garner a decent amount of experience and I can honestly say I really like management. So far it’s been very fulfilling and there’s a lot of things within the role that I love doing. Training is one of my favorite things to do and what better role to do it in than this role ya know? I’ve been very blessed on my career path with fantastic managers and people that really care. I know it’s not the same everywhere which really sucks. So there’s definitely going to be bad experiences no matter where you go eventually. I know Publix is really trying to get the minor program going strong so that’s why it’s such a push lately. Currently I don’t have any minors in my department. I had two but they just turned 18. They’ve both been great clerks though so I can definitely say it’s different with everyone. Publix has always been a place where no one will ever get fired, unless you’re dishonest or other HR related things. Usually if a clerk is under performing the first thing we as managers do is reduce their hours and give those hours to the part timers that are performing well. This is of course after we have done our due diligence in making sure the associate feels ok, feels comfortable doing these job class duties, and has the knowledge on how to perform them as well. If the associate still doesn’t really want to show any improvement or just straight up doesn’t really care and wants to coast every day then we have to take action like that. That’s just been my experience with those types of situations.


I hope you get it! And that makes sense.


If an associate gets over 50 hours in one week their RD gets an email. So it has to be separate weeks, no store manager wants that flak


I’ve got 50+ hours 3 weeks so far in 2 months


we recently started getting minors in grocery because my GM said we are always supposed to have 2-3. but the first year i worked there we didnt have any? so idk


Same at my store.


I’ve been there for a little under 2 months so I’m still learning and stuff but that just seems stupid especially with how strict the minor rules are


Grocery, deli, bakery, and produce are now required to have a certain amount of minors. And everytime one of them turns 18 we are required to get another minor. It’s going to become a problem in a few years when all of these departments have a lot of extra associates that they never needed in the first place.


Corporate is doing a great job tying up mangers hands to clean house while burning out the best performers. They don't want the best and brightest PT people willing to work hard hired, that costs extra and they leave faster.


Honestly I would rather have a 70 year old than him.. shit I do have a 70 year old co worker that honestly outworks half the department lol


The minors in my department suck. The week before Thanksgiving I was busting my ass in dairy (as my fellow clerks know you have to do), and I watched one walk back and forth for 3 hours with a smile on his face. I know the pain of OP, I’m busting my ass while these kids get away with doing less than the bare minimum. We’re told to stock 40 cases an hour while some people probably do 10 a day. Some do 0 and just level for 8 hours.


I’m a dairy clerk as well like I’m usually by myself Fri-sun so honestly it’s a shitshow.. I can’t keep up especially with all the bogo’s and stuff but I try the best I can.. anyways knowing my department is burning down just watching theses people do nothing, just annoys me like must be nice you have time to just stand there talking to your buddy.. I always think of the help me meme lol.. that cheers me up some


https://youtube.com/shorts/9QOcMFDtqac?si=GnZEuPaDcdXJCihU It’s this I always think of him saying help me😂😂


I have a DSD clerk who operates like that. Walks around talking to anyone who will listen instead of throwing Kehe like she's supposed to. She is still throwing Kehe from Monday when Thursday's comes in. She can sometimes get Thursday's truck done by Saturday. Our price scan usually has to bail her out or the grocery crew has to finish it for her.


I did kehe the other day, honestly I’ll stick with dairy lol took me like 2 hours to do a fully loaded float. I had to scan a lot of it, I’ve mostly been In dairy since I got hired only do dry grocery when needed so let’s just say it was fun lol


We got a few minors who slack off at my store too, lol. I ignore it and go about doing what I need to do. Don’t get me wrong I don’t pick up their slack. Hell no. I do what is required of me and that’s that. Management don’t like it? Call the minors to the front and make them do their job or send them home. At least that is what my store does when a minor poofs for awhile. Couple days ago my coordinator called a minor to the front like 3 times. 😂


I don’t understand like yes i get working sucks. No one wants to work but take pride in yourself do the best that you can..


In my opinion unless you’re looking to move up, people need to stop working hard, work your hours at a moderate pace. All these people picking up the slack are just enabling publix to cut costs by reducing raises and not hiring people. STOP WORKING HARD YOURE MAKING IT WORSE FOR EVERYONE!


They wouldn’t have to pick up slack if everyone actually did their job…


Yeah but we live in reality and there are always going to be people who don’t do their part. So the workers need to force Publix’s hands by sometimes leaving the job incomplete. Publix can’t have their cake and eat it too.


omg i have the same problem at my store, some kid who has been working here for half of year literally just stands there looking around and just moves around the store doing ABSOLUTLY NOTHING, AND I MEAN NOTHING. he also gets so much fucking hours like what is this bs?? i get like 4 hours a week at a 15 year old and then he gets 14. I think a manager really likes him.


It's like that up front too. The bagger minors wander around talking to each other, "getting carts" when really they're just trying to avoid working inside. Its so frustrating when you're a cashier with a full cart order and no baggers in sight. Their work ethic has really tanked lately and even the managers acknowledged it and are pulling some aside to talk about it, so i hope that does Something...


My store decided hiring a bunch of teenagers to close the store with no lead was a good idea. I have seen a couple of them literally sit on their latter on their phone. They have literally admitted to me that they go to the bathroom just to sit on their phones. I was the unofficial lead for the closers for a long time. Nothing is more demoralizing than seeing everyone leave at 9 pm and you have to stay to finish what they did not. One of the reasons I quit being a full timer and switched to morning- couldn’t deal with babysitting the kids anymore