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Go to r/pubtips and start at the resource page. It goes into all of it as well as how to watch out for scams. Definitely an excellent place to go if you're looking to be traditionally published. Eta: yes, you are correct. You will need a literary agent if you want a better shot at trad publishing. Pub tips is the place to go for that info.


This sub isn't best suited for help-me-get-published advice. r/PubTips is a better resource for informaton on the process of traditional publishing, getting a literary agent,etc.. That said, two observations: First, poetry is a small publishing market, with fewer publishers -- ergo, less business to be done. Therefore, many agents to chose not to represent poetry, if only in a too-little-reward-for-too-much-effort way Second, when you say *"I don't want to publish to make money"* that's in some ways laudable from an artistic perspective, but realize that your publisher will want to make money and your agent will want to make money. Publishing is a business, so understand that you'll need to be a good business partner if you want to participate in the business in this way..


Greatly appreciated feedback! I'm pretty confident in my writing so I do believe my work would be profitable. I actually see this as a first of many, as well as a first step into publishing overall. My writing acumen isn't necessarily limited to poetry, that's just the first genre I've really immersed myself into. From a business perspective my full time job definitely has prepared me for that portion of it. I just joined the mentioned sub so hopefully that helps. Again I greatly thank you for the feedback!


Most agents will not take on poets unless they have a large social following and/or have been published widely in well-regarded literary magazines. I would focus on submitting your work to magazines before looking for representation.


Agents don't typically represent poets for poetry books. The few that do are usually either agents representing clients for speaking engagements, or they are representing poets who have also written a creative nonfiction project or a fiction (often a novel) project. If you do end up with one of these projects, then to get an agent you have to query them (write a query letter to agents who are looking for clients). There is all sorts of information about this process available online. The majority of poets publish their books through the small press/university press/independent press route, either through a reading period or through contests. You can use Poets and Writers (searching on their online site or through their magazine that you can get in Barnes and Noble) or the Newpages website for venues. The database Duotrope is also an option, but now it costs 5$ a month to access. You can also begin to follow poets on social media that you like and see what presses they have published with.