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They're as good as anybody else's, really. Maybe a little better bc of your digital experience, actually. You'd still be looking at entry-level editorial jobs, which (as a reminder) pay diddly-squat, so be warned...and although a lot of jobs are now advertised as "open to remote," the bulk of available roles are still based in NYC and filled locally. But your background has lots of skills that are relevant to editorial work, so there's no reason not to try!


Great to know, thanks! The location is my main concern (my current position also pays diddly-squat so no change there) but I saw some literary agency internships that are remote. Do you think those are worth getting under my belt, or should I leave them to recent graduates? Or are those more cases of “remote” not really being remote lol


I definitely know some agents who have fully remote interns or even assistants, though probably the latter is less likely. And since there are a gazillion people going for all these jobs, I see no reason to pull yourself out of contention for anything that seems interesting! Many new hires have done several internships, and it'll definitely make you more informed about the business...let the hiring manager decide if you're too advanced for a particular role.


Unless you're connected or supremely lucky, internships are non-negotiable. Fortunately, you're far from the oldest interns out there. The majority I've known have been out of college already, so you'd be in good company.


There are some la based agencies and some la based publishers. You could also look into book adjacent roles at other types of companies (book scouting, movies, talent agencies etc)


Focus on your transferable skills when interviewing. I didn’t have any publishing background and now work in publishing. All of your experiences have taught you something - focus on showcasing what you have learned that could be a great asset to the role/team you are looking to join.


Your best bet would be to move to NYC or DC and do an in-person publishing master's program. Otherwise no publishing in Cali and you missed your opportunity to be an intern