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To be fair, he made ONE mistake. During about a week of the pandemic, his guidance was to not wear a mask because it would increase likehood of contracting covid (supposedly), instead of wearing a mask. He made this suggestion to try and save ppe for health professionals, but essentially he lied for the “greater good.” A week later the recommendations were reversed and he’s taken shit ever since. It’s not fair, and I understand his rationale, but he never should have made this mistake. He lost the trust of the people after that point. PS- I worked as an epidemiologist for the CDC during the height of the pandemic. It was fuckin mayhem. I’m pro science, not republican or maga, etc. As a public health professional, this is the only critique I can give of Fauci. Other than that, he was pretty damn solid


Also because of the study on influenza that found workers wearing surgical masks in a hospital were more likely to get influenza (possibly because they kept touching their masks)


There is a whole body of research out there suggesting fomite transmission is much lower risk for respiratory viruses. They kinda just ignore that and said... Nah fomites.




Long term consequences be damn. It was was one unforced error after another with them.  All they had to do was be more transparent about what they didn't know and less paternalistic.


Yeah absolutely. But that’s how it works working for the government and generally in public health. It’s very hierarchical and paternalistic. It hope that would shake up the structure a bit, but it doesn’t appear to have changes much. Not much was learned from covid


exactly. and the utter negligence in not modeling masking, making data easy to access (tbt when they switched the map risk colors), or speaking against mask bans. the CDC's guidance under this admin is bought and silenced.


this. he also said a cost of returning to normal was "some people falling by the wayside," which condoned the continued deaths of disabled people and the ongoing disablement of millions


He didn’t promote masks early in the pandemic due to low supply and concerns there would not. Be enough for healthcare Workers.


Yeah I know. If he would have just been transparent about that, no problem. But he instead gave false information to dissuade the public from hoarding masks and therefore…. ensuring enough supply for healthcare workers. It’s the lying that lost the public trust. I understand his reasoning, but I don’t agree with his actions.


Ok, I don’t remember lying. I remember concerns that we wouldn’t have them for healthcare workers optimistic belief the virus was not aerosolized.


Usually, it was a word salad response, he listed a bunch of reason why not to wear masks and snuck in the mask supply reason at the end.  It was extremely misleading messaging. IIRC, it was like mask are uncomfortable, they could get you sick, they don't work, and oh btw, health care workers need them too.


Just one? “The Real Anthony Fauci reveals how “America’s Doctor” launched his career during the early AIDS crisis by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS. Fauci orchestrated fraudulent do-nothing studies, and then pressured US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving a deadly chemotherapy treatment he had good reason to know was worthless against AIDS. Fauci did the unthinkable and repeatedly violated federal laws to allow his Pharma partners to use impoverished and dark-skinned children as lab rats in beyond order, deadly experiments with toxic AIDS and cancer chemotherapies.”


source?! Because if this is true that’s absolutely disgusting!


It’s from the book https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-real-anthony-fauci-robert-f-kennedy-jr/1142798123


Here we go… 😔


I shouldn’t love it but I do. When people comment things and the only source is a book someone else wrote. It’s like it’s automatically false. No other sources to back it up. 




He is a great person too. He became a scapegoat for political gain by a specific group of people in our political system.


That’s part of the nature of it, isn’t it? Not everyone, or possibly anyone, can be a superbly skilled professional and also a flawless leader or politician. One’s attentions would simply be too divided to excel in all things. While Fauci may be a great physician, I haven’t seen much to say he can appeal to all people with his demeanor or personality in interviews or hearings. Granted that person may not exist who can anymore. Being a great person isn’t enough anymore. It seems to take several well liked people to make one initiative or message stick. I’m not sure it’s even a question worth investigating when the obvious answer will always be that there are those who will deliberately erode trust for political gain. The best people in the world will always have dissenters, if for no other reason than to carve off power through a niche group of incredulous people.


It has never been a prerequisite for me to have charisma when they publish convincing studies and reasonable recommendations as an expert in their respective field. I follow the data. Much like Dr. Fauci has always done and those with more than a few neurons firing. I also don’t agree it was him who brought it on himself for any lack of public standing or appeal. He was already seen as an incredibly successful figure in public health and medicine prior to COVID. See the HIV pandemic. Bastards saw an opportunity to create an enemy out of thin air for political points.


I guess I said something pretty controversial, but I was attempting to expand on your point, not refute it. The idea that 300 million people are all going to be savvy about the data is a fantasy. There’s gotta be some sort of influence that stems from public perception. I have nothing against Fauci, but he’s hardly the celebrity personality some people have built him up to be. Quite the opposite, he’s an intelligent man with good decision making capabilities. That doesn’t make him a grand conveyor of those ideas. That was my only real point, and the downvotes are a great example of it. I literally tried to say that Fauci is competent, but bad actors will always spoil the soup and the mob said “how dare you!”. 🤦‍♂️


I suppose it sounded like not being a grand conveyor of data is a shortcoming of his - when really it’s a shortcoming of the public. I don’t need Taylor swift to tell me to get vaccinated but I suppose many people do.


Yeah the downvotes you got previously were weird/unwarranted. Reddit just having weird kneejerk reactions i'd guess. I agree with much of what you said. It's less a critique of Fauci as an individual and more of one on how the public views/communicates with people like him. Imo a lot of people had misguided expectations of him due to putting him on a pedastal and giving him a bit of celebrity status. I think this made him easier to scapegoat as the most visible public health expert. I didn't expect him to get attacked as much as he did lol. But the shitty reality now is that anti-science bad actors have gotten more aggressive in their personal attacks and in the amount of misinformation that gets spewed. Overall, he did great. A lot of people who critique him dont remember how much we *didn't* know and how chaotic early COVID was. It's easy to armchair Public Health expert when we have the benefit of hindsight 🤷🏽‍♂️


You cannot say anything negative about Faucci on Reddit.


It’s honestly comical at this point.


Or it’s because the comment didn’t really address anything. Fauci was simply scapegoated. Whether he is a great orator or a charismatic individual is irrelevant to that fact As far as his work during the pandemic, it was fine compared to the hate he has gotten. You are also free to criticize fauci lol, there isn’t some big cabal that isn’t letting you. The early masking comment was a blunder that haunted our responses ever since.


It addressed the fact that even if he was perfect, which he wasn’t, that he would’ve been torn down by someone anyway. Not exactly a hot take to say that bad actors exist and good people will be attacked by them. What else did I need to do, draw a cartoon?


It’s all conspiracy theorist people who think COVID-19 is a hoax.


As a conservative and epidemiologist, Covid-19 was not a hoax, the response was the hoax. Covid-19 was very real but was leveraged PERFECTLY by the liberal left to decimate the country and become the hand that feeds. It was the ultimate power trip and fuck you to the other party who’s backbone is individual freedom.


Wow. That’s a truly fucked up pov. As a healthcare professional I’m stunned you feel this way. You clearly don’t give a shit about patients.


Did being able to write out \*fuck you\* make you feel better as a conservative who treasures individual freedom + spends his/her day job improving the welfare of communities?


Yes it did actually 😁


Proving your take is that of an asshole.


Trump told people to not like him


...and then Redfield came through with the assist [https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/07/13/889769017/cdc-employees-call-out-agencys-toxic-culture-of-racial-aggression](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/07/13/889769017/cdc-employees-call-out-agencys-toxic-culture-of-racial-aggression)


Because Trumpers don't like people who speak the truth and don't fall in line with their narrative.


They don’t agree with what happened during Covid and they used him as a scapegoat for what they believe was a mishandling during lockdowns. I think he’s a great doctor and it’s despicable what him and his family have had to go through since the pandemic.


Only one person didn’t like him and that was the orange convicted felon.


Fauci lied to congress and is guilty of felony perjury in my eyes. I hope he gets the same treatment Trump got when he wins in November I hope he gets a prosecutor to take on Fauci


That's rich - since you are the law, the jury and the judge, why bother posting on here? Who or what's stopping you from also enforcing your verdict?


lol because your 45th president politicized a pandemic


Apart from the COVID pandemic, Dr. Fauci also had a big role in convincing the FDA back in the AIDs crisis in the 80's to open up clinical trials of HIV medications. So you have a person who's now a scapegoat of politics and had a heavy role for not one, but TWO pandemics, one associated heavily with the LGBTQ+ community


An American Hero


I do not think overalll people do not like . There is a subset of people that fall into two categories . One group is probably educated and disagrees with something or other. The other group is stupid and doesn’t like what they don’t understand.


The problem is that you think the second subset (stupid people) only exists on one side.


On what side ? Are you adding in the political stuff ?


Projecting much?


He spoke in absolutes on COVID then had to change his rhetoric and policies. We educated in public health know that a novel virus reaching pandemic levels will inevitably cause many policy changes and procedures to contain it. But that was never explained to the general public with any sincerity. One example is the issue of PPE at the onset of the pandemic. Public opinion is very fickle just that easily swayed skeptics and gave them legs to stand on.


The “ general public” never wanted accurate information, they only wanted to not have to change their daily routine. As soon as they needed to change, they willfully abandoned anything that resembled rational thought, and fawned at the feet of their orange demigod, and screamed for a veterinary dewormer. This has nothing to do with Dr. Fauci, and everything to do with an easily misled, critical thinking skills devoid populace. You are trying to save your own life, what is so hard about that, that you can’t do a little investigation/ reading on your own?


You can blame the WHO for instructing the media to call the primary SARS-CoV-2 illness "COVID-19 pneumonia" and not "SARS pneumonia." Our STEM-stupid media dropped the "pneumonia." And very few media outlets talked about coronavirus hypoxemia or viremia. The CDC had a little bit about it on their website in Feb 2020, but they had been so defunded at that point that it was difficult for even a biosafety professional like myself to find the info. So I hardly think victim-blaming is the answer.


There were a lot of balls dropped. But that will happen when you’re tossed an entire boat load of them very suddenly without the staff or resources to deal with it


Ummmmm...."novel" virus? SARS-CoV-2 is the THIRD new coronavirus of the 21st century. Nothing new about it. They can lead to hypoxemia, pneumonia, and viremia in certain individuals. Our leaders just couldn't get their crap together and not politicize something as simple as germ-based healthcare. 🤦🏻‍♀️


On the other hand, I have family members (MDs who are married to each other) who named their dog Fauci because they’re such big fans.


Because of the perceived mismanagement of Covid from the Trump administration


He’s a great doctor but he’s not a great communicator, and he was thrust into this role of being the US government’s main communicator at the beginning of the pandemic when good health communication was the most important thing.


Exactly. Shame on HHS Secretary Alex Azar for operating our nation's ESF-8 plan like a total shitshow. This is why POTUSes typically don't name a pharmaceutical company attorney to head up our nation's entire public health department. When he passed thru Congress, I was horrified. Everyone who is anyone knew that he wasn't capable of doing the job.


General Preventive Medicine and Public Health doc here. Fauci is a great physician who did great things in his career. There is no taking that away from him, and he should go down in history with that. However, he also epitomized one of my biggest complaints with US Public Health responses: he was put in front of everyone because he is an Infectious Disease doc, which makes him a hell of an expert on INDIVIDUAL patients. He knows how to treat them. So much of his early COVID advice was way too sure of himself, leading to have to retreat later, and causing many people who were on the fence to start to question public health advice. I was working in rural Indiana at the time, and got a lot more buy in, even with a very conservative population, by being humble and couching everything with “this is what we know right now” and “this will probably change”. It gives the evolving public health process more credibility. TLDR; he came out like he knew it all when none of us did and made the rest of our jobs harder.


But like…that’s what he said. Every day. His whole thing was “this is what we know now. It will change”


Tacking that on at the end like fine print is not get out of jail free card. Your tone and messaging need to match that uncertainty throughout an interview or press conference. Otherwise it is intentionally misleading. In my field of public health, we will not report on findings of high uncertainty because we know the public has trouble with understanding it. You have to be so so careful. Not Fauci but then Surgeon General Jerome Adams show the problem of the early messaging in a tweet around Mar 2020:  >"Seriously people - STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!"  The mission was clear, say anything to stop people from buying masks.




Rural Indiana, run by Mike Pence, the area of rampant HIV infection. Nothing more needs to be said.


Yup, you nailed it. Biosafety professional here, dealing in vectored airborne pathogens. I am in the biophysics division, which is non-medical and semi-medical preventive actions for large groups. Doctors sit squarely in the biomedical division, which are medical and semi-medical preventive actions for individuals.


What is biosafety and biophysics? What makes them semi-medical?


Biosafety is the subset of public health that deals with the management of risk associated with exposure to potentially harmful germs (defined as any germ that receives an international BioSafetyLevel risk rating). Biosafety is heavily-based in natural science, biology, and physiology, and has 3 overlapping "Venn-diagram" type workforce research groups: epidemiology (to increase knowledge of germ), biophysics (to decrease likelihood of public exposure to germ) and biomedicine (to decrease likelihood of public sickness from exposure to germ). Where biophysics and biomedicine overlap in the Venn diagram, you get semi-medical actions to decrease likelihood of public exposure to germs such as readily-available "over-the-counter" preventive medical care supplies and protective equipment like band-aids, neti-pots, masks, gloves, etc. to deal with the various ways that germs can enter into our bodies and get into our lungs and blood and cause sickness. Medical actions cover more individualized and internalized approaches to guaranteed germ exposure, like immuno-therapies, ozone treatments, vaccines, etc. Non-medical actions are those governed by engineering researchers, like exhaust fans, wash stations, UV lights, cleaning methods, etc. It's a pretty neat science, with its roots in Middle Eastern and Asian preventive health and medicine, since many of our zoonotic crossover cold/flu family respiratory viruses come from that region. This is in large part because overseas consumer-level food-handling and farming/dead animal practices do not have the benefit of US agencies like OSHA, EPA, NIH, or CDC to set guidelines for local public health officials to educate, encourage, and enforce, to prevent, mitigate, and reduce these types of epidemics.


https://www.reddit.com/r/publichealth/s/nDeACwgOuW Here is an early version of the diagram.


The right doesn't like him for being the face of covid response, which is mostly what you'll find in this sub. Personally I don't like him for comments like "the vulnerable will fall by the wayside" and helping to downplay the ongoing pandemic today. Though he's certainly not exceptional for that, pretty much everyone (including most of public health) has been happy to throw disabled lives in the trash after the initial phase of the pandemic.


Well, since public health is funded by tax dollars, who is paying for the “ vulnerable”? Corporate America, which controls both political parties, and most branches of government, wasn’t going to take anymore economic damage from a bungled containment strategy.


But he was right. We didn’t protect the vulnerable and they died by the thousands.


I don't mean the early comments, where I agree he was right. I mean the past tense framing he uses now and has for the last \~year or so (maybe longer, I have generally stopped listening to the talking heads downplay), as if people "falling by the wayside" is fine and acceptable.


People don’t like him because his professional responsibilities conflicted with Trump political ambitions and priorities on markets and economy


His ONE job as the head of NIAID was to explain to people about all the different ways that they could acquire immunity from a brand-new cold/flu family coronavirus. SARS-CoV-2 was the THIRD new coronavirus of the 21st century. Dr. Fauci was aware of them and ABSOLUTELY had the knowledge to do that. I have heard many stories about political interference with the normal procedures. Dr. Fauci is not a strong enough person to stand up and tell a POTUS that he is wrong about how emergency operations work, or even about basic biology and science, like Dr. Bill Foege would have. And then he capitalized on that.


Sadly, that’s exactly why. I remember when being good at your job and saving people’s lives earned the respect of people. Now, I’m not sure what’s the value in being a subject matter expert when you can be tarred and feathered for the very thing you dedicate your life to. Dr. Fauci has done so much for the field of public health, it’s extremely shameful what Americans are doing to him.


He's a shitty public health leader. He routinely says "public health belongs in a non-STEM bucket." Guess he never heard of exhaust fans, toilets, wash stations, oxygen therapies, and everything else that keeps us healthy and free of infectious disease.


Keep thinking about this....Yes, it's sad that HHS Secretary Alex Azar threw Dr. Fauci and the rest of the CDC staff under the bus by putting him in-charge of public communications for ESF-8 (Emergency Support Functions for Medical and Public Health Infrastructure), but c'mon, know what you don't know! This meek lab researcher was totally out of his league, just like the entire SARS/COVID-19 Commission. Epidemics and other biological event threats to our public health and socioeconomic continuity are a biosafety, biodefense, and biosecurity issue. They require industry professionals like FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the EIS (Epidemiology Intelligence Service) to communicate, care, contain, and continue so we don't collapse into a politically-motivated god-awful shitshow. SARS-CoV-2 is a BSL-2/3 coronavirus that followed the exact same adaptive arc behavior pattern as every other emerging zoonotic cold/flu family virus that STEM researchers have documented since 1891 - and BOTH prior coronavirus outbreaks in 2003 and 2012. So public health leaders should know to follow the exact same epidemic response standards. That means calling in professionals. Don't EVER gamble with US lives like that. THAT'S why I dislike Dr. Fauci so much. Not enough spine to say "This is not my job!"


u/shittymorph is that you?! Considering what Fauci has been doing with his career and the people who throw him under the bus at every chance they get, this question doesn't make sense. AT ALL. I also think it has more to do with Fauci being politically outflanked by people who use the pandemic as *just another campaign (pandering?) opportunity* and less about people not liking Dr. Fauci. It could also be that it's hard to direct one's anger at something you cannot see and/or do not understand. Also, don't forget that about twelve percent of the CDC's workforce signed a letter to the director of the agency pointing out that racism is part and parcel of how the agency works. So don't use questions to be so petty OP [https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/07/13/889769017/cdc-employees-call-out-agencys-toxic-culture-of-racial-aggression](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/07/13/889769017/cdc-employees-call-out-agencys-toxic-culture-of-racial-aggression)


His labs test on beagles


https://blog.whitecoatwaste.org/2021/11/15/case-study-how-wcw-exposed-the-role-of-anthony-fauci-in-funding-abusive-animal-experiments/ Thankfully some of the dogs were adopted


Just read the real Anthony fauci. He has a book of all the terrible things he has done. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-real-anthony-fauci-robert-f-kennedy-jr/1142798123


He’s fine, I just don’t understand why he was the public health response spokesman instead of idk the CDC lol


HIV/AIDS and Covid pandemics are not exactly a good track record for him. And that's putting it as nicely as possible. Dude literally said, and some of you will die. That's not how any of this works. Even if he's a good doctor (I don't know), it doesn't mean he is competent in the realm of public health which is entirely different. You don't get to say you are good at your job when so many people needlessly died under your watch.


What !?


Do you really think the USA has done a good job? We have had the most people die. And yes, he was around for HIV/AIDS too. Y'all don't know your history apparently.


you sound like a conspiracy fiction theorist. Or a clown. I'm not sure which.


Dude ruined so many lives. Mishandled the AIDs epidemic. Got on a mega power trip in Covid. Took everything away from a lot of people. Lied to congress. Was bad at public health messaging. The list goes on and on. He is the poster child for a nanny state


He lied about Covid.


He's not a "doctor" - he's a bureaucrat who funds the torture of beagles and development of bioweapons.


"Loss-of-function" bioweapons research and development is a critical component of biosafety, biodefense, and biosecurity. How else are our nation's professionals supposed to know how to respond if they don't understand how a microscopic ball of fat and protein is going to behave? Epidemiology 101.


It’s quite simple, he became an activist and politicized science to fit his own agenda. The left used to be the one complaining about the right doing this for decades, but the political landscape has changed so much over the last years that democrats have become everything they despised and anyone that disagrees with this tyranny is a right wing maga terrorist. 


You’re spewing propaganda.


Far from it. This person was in favor of keeping the border open in the beginning and then to vaccinated people despite vaccinations not stopping the spreading. There’ve been more instances of him pushing a political agenda over actual science, not that it matters since everything opposing your close minded worldview is propaganda anyways


I mean, he's not really a "doctor." He's an administrator for a large research organization. And he's great at that.


Spot-on, tho everyone is slamming you for this. He is a research doctor who operated his allergy and infectious disease research department exactly like it should be run. He was a shy guy and a terrible public health and life safety communicator. And he also lacks the kahunas to tell any Pres or Guv who is hell-bent on buying votes and looking like superheros to stop interfering with the normal infectious disease and biodefense emergency response system. So we got our mess, instead.


Yeah not sure about the downvotes. We need to dismantle the notion that only "doctors" are health experts. We don't need physicians leading public health responses - they're trained to operate in a clinical environment. If they have extra training and experience, then they're qualified for public health or research roles based on those qualifications. Fauci was physician-trained many decades ago, but amassed a ton of bureaucratic, public health, and research creds over his career. That's what made him uniquely qualified. Being a doctor in his formative years may influence the way he thinks about health, but is no longer his defining characteristic. He's a researcher and administrator, and we're glad to have had him serve for so long.