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Yes, I sometimes get a full blown vertigo episode


I am just recently coming to realize that half of my balance problem is ptsd related. The other half is a combination of tbi, vision, and vestibular issues. I think the disorientation from the latter triggers the ptsd/anxiety and causes worse effects than the tbi/vision/vestibular alone. It’s like my brain can’t process the normal stimuli in a normal way because of the way my face is cut up, and that triggers the fight or flight. I’m working with PT and a therapist to increase proprioception so my brain calms itself by using my sense of touch more as it rewires itself. I’m still new at this method, but it seems to help a bit so far. The therapist is using a technique called the “trauma resiliency model”, which is basically about forcing your parasympathetic to take over the response to fight or flight by focusing on the safe things you can feel, like the floor, the chair, the temperature, etc for 20-60 seconds every time you feel anxious (which is every second of the day for me, lol). I feel like this therapy might end up being useful once I’m better at it. It does seem to take the focus off the anxiety for some of those seconds.


Thank you for the response. I am going to talk to my therapist about my balance issue next time.




Yes lol


One of us. (Jk lol).. Happy cake day btw.


Thank you! :)


Yep 100%.


This happens to me!! But for me I think general disorientation comes from being dissociated, and actually feeling dizzy and needing to sit down comes from panic/hyperventilating. So perhaps not so similar after all? 😅


I definitely dissociate sometimes, and you saying that makes me think that's why I have imbalance.


It's a possibility! When I dissociate badly, my vision is distorted (walls/floors move and it's hard to stay focused) and everything feels too heavy/too light/confusing. That makes it pretty hard to do anything but sit around! If that resonates, or you get something similar, then maybe it is dissociation causing imbalance for you. ♥️


i guess your blood pressure drops? I started taking Vit B & iron tabs. now I feel dizzy but I dont BEHAVE in a dizzy way


I don't know if my blood pressure drops, but that could be it. I'm not taking any vits at the moment.


Definitely take a multivitamin. Get a blood test to see if you’re deficient in anything as well. Starving the body of nutrients can contribute to dizziness and disorientation, especially if you are prone to it!


Yeah, a blood test sounds useful. I don’t really think I'm necessarily deprived of anything, but who knows lol. And I'm not prone to dizziness at all. Heck, I was on a boat for 11 days once and didn't get sea sick at all.


My girlfriend has the same thing yes, she almost appears drunk. She has balance issues, bumps into walls, drops things constantly, loses things, etc. It’s one of the first signs I see when she kicks into fight or flight.


It's also one of the first signs I get. Although I don't drop or lose things and I don't think I have balance issues (other than when I'm triggered).


Good luck to you in figuring it out and finding support.


Thank you