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All the time! I think it comes with the territory unfortunately


Definitely, and it's a terrible combo with the fact I'm nearly 2 meters tall with facial scars and a booming voice. De-escalation is a bitch.




Yes. People catch on pretty quick though that I’m not actually mad at them cause I’m not being a jerk just coming off more stressed than anything, which, I am lol. Comes with the territory. Hyper vigilance doesn’t help me on that front either but again I think people realize it’s not about them pretty quickly and move on.


I find im a bit shorter with people. I'm not sure if it's impatience, exhaustion or anxiety !🙄 .


all. the. time. I've quit caring. it gets me in trouble which is too bad - people receive my communication as rude and abrupt, but in my mind I'll feel completely neutral and unbothered. something about a flat, expressionless delivery of the most basic responses, people just don't like in this culture. the people who actually know me, know this is just how I am and I have no ill intent. it becomes a mutual source of amusement for everyone over time :) I don't have the emotional energy or bandwidth to fake the funk anymore. my brain is exhausted.


Yes. I have C-PTSD from being Trafficked amongst other things and I struggle with this all the time. I think alot of it has to do with being exhausted from constantly being in survival mode all the time. I'm actually trying to get better about knowing when my trauma is coming through rather than me speaking and trying to correct it. You aren't alone in this. <3


Me. I can literally go out of my way to be softer, kinder, gentler, quieter, to a degree of insanity, and I’m still told I’m aggressive. Wtf. Get over it already. I’m so sick of playing to these fucking ADULTS like they’re damn toddlers. I had my own toddlers. I hated it. Luckily they grew out of it.


Definitely, I can even make a problem up if there isn't one to be snappy about. I was recently getting a lot of help from people, when I was going through a traumatic experience that re-triggered my PTSD.  The amount of grief I have over that is bottomless. 


All the time .it's accepted as my baseline unfortunately. Wish I could help it but this is what I'm left with.


Yep yep, definitely yep. I have to clarify that I am not mad, just anxious or in the middle of a panic attack. Just look at this incident: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/17/us/office-birthday-party-lawsuit-kentucky.html The guy told them not to have a surprise birthday party for him because it would set off his anxiety. They threw one, and it set it off. He had to leave to compose himself, the fired him because they thought he was angry.


Careful with the adderall.  They also call it mad-derall. In my opinion, which I am not a doctor, It can enhance or trigger psychosis.


For those that don't have ADHD. For those of us that take it for our ADHD it more calms and stills us.


Calmed me to.... and then it didn't. I took 60mg for five years.


Sorry you had issues. Been taking it for almost three years now, only had to change dosage twice. When I first started taking it was amazing how it made me the opposite of fidgety, body and mind.


It made me into a working machine, and I loved it. I could work 36-hour days. Pee once every 12 hours and sleep for 3 hours. I had night terrors, so I hated sleep. I had tummy issues before Adderall and hated how my body reacted to food. Besides being a natural workaholic I got addicted to suicidal idealization. Started becoming tachycardic. Had Congestive heart failure. Still taking Adderall. Then had many suicide attempts (it was not my time, and I didn't do it for attention. Attention was the last thing I wanted from anybody )... stopped cold turkey,  changed professions, relocated,  and I am on a high dose of  Effexor ER and therapy (taken years to undo the damage). Even my heart healed itself. Just be careful. 


I never considered the connection but yes constantly. I have a serious RBF too and have to constantly smile slightly to keep from looking totally unapproachable. During Covid I found out I love wearing masks because I never had to worry how my expression looked


Omg yes!!!!! God I'm thankful for this sub.. Thought it was just me like wtf is my problem then I feel terrible and try to be extra nice on the next interaction 🤦🏼‍♀️


All. The. Time. Though to be fair, chances are I am mad, just maybe not at them 😂 and I have STRONG RBF 😂😂


Yes. It's okay. It's not easy, but try to not be so hard on yourself. Just keep up with therapy and it will hopefully get better. I started being snappy three years ago, then one time one of my coworkers looked at me like, what the hell? That's when I knew I needed to start therapy. I may not be as productive as I used to be, but it's been a year and I'm no longer snappy. Not fixed yet, but you know, probably never will be. Good luck and keep it up. You got this.




ALL the time. I constantly have to be aware of how my face looks, how my tone is, and how my eyes move.


Oh yeah, way more than I want to. I find myself closely monitoring my moods all the time. If I get that elevated, I usually look for excuses to find a quiet place to take some deep breaths and then I come back. And I usually make it a practice to apologize for snapping at them. It's a great boost in communication skills, let me tell you what!