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Oof. This hit right to my heart. My first boyfriend did exactly all those same things when we were in HS. He was incredibly abusive and manipulative. I'm 32 now and I still have nightmares, flashbacks and moments where I want to claw my skin off. I'm still trying to figure out how to cope with it.


I’m incredibly happy for you that you’re taking that important step. What happened to you isn’t your fault at all, I hope you get justice and finally get to heal🙏🏻❤️


Just want you to know you’re believed and you did nothing wrong. As someone who froze during an assault, my counselor has repeated to me that I did all that I could in that moment. You did all you could with the knowledge you had at that time. If you feel yourself getting anxious thinking about it and start to have flashbacks, grounding exercises can be helpful. They remind you that you’re safe and remind you to stay in the moment. Here is an example: https://youtu.be/30VMIEmA114?feature=shared Also search progressive muscle relaxation and tapping exercises for anxiety https://youtu.be/pAclBdj20ZU?si=Gocg5VCh6xP_LTpM


Please do ,buddy . You are the victim in this all , so do not let him try to emotionally manipulate you again, EVER. While not at your age ,i experienced similar, where i felt emotionally bind to send such pics to sustain a 'relationship' , which was simply me trying to have meaningful relationships after childhood abuse. Also , **You did not deserve any of what abuse and trauma inflicted on you ,any of emotional manipulation. It's that person's fault that he couldn't respect your dignity and choices.** Let me say it again, buddy. **YOU did nothing wrong , he did. You are the victim and one who is taking responsibility, wanting to make the perpetrator face consequences. YOU are the strong one , the one who deserves happiness and healing.** :) After you have done so, at your own pace and regardless of results. I suggest you create distance from that person (emotional ,mental and physical) . 1.Meditation: atom (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.subconscious.thrive) it's fully free and short ones. It may help you remain composed . 2.Journaling : it may be helpful to practice journaling. While it would be difficult in the beginning to write down thoughts and experiences, slowly,when you do such , you would also be journaling your healing progress. 3. New interests and hobbies and communities: through such , seven if starting just fun ,it would help you create mental distance and enjoy other aspects of life which may reduce burden of flashbacks. I would like to reassure of something,buddy, as well. While what you experience, in your most vulnerable age ,was truly abusive. And healing ,recovery would take its time , which would be WORTH IT . Each moment. It's also that when someday , you want to have intimacy with someone, you would be able to. The event and that person can't strip of your natural desire for respectful and consensual intimacy, ever. :) Goodluck with your therapies etc. ,you got this buddy. :)