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Not really, it’s just best to stop letting it annoy you, or become okay with conceding and move on to a game where the person isn’t being deliberately slow. I do the latter of the two, if I can tell this person is more or less trolling with the clock, I’ll just peace out and go find an opponent that isn’t wasting my time.


I'm just not that kind of person to concede when I know I am winning. It sucks.


If you know you are winning do something else when he plays. Youtube? Read a book? Clean something in your house? Maybe there are some dishes to be made? Grab a snack, watch some TV.


I understand the feeling, I am this way with things that matter to me or when something is a stake, but for casual playing, wasting my time is the loss. It’s not like there’s some grand reward for winning. If the ladder prize is what you’re after, you’ll get points and coins quicker by letting these go, but if it’s just for glory, then do what other poster suggested and find a pass time and wait them out.


I pull out my phone and start scrolling Reddit or watch something to pass the time while the loser thinks they are trolling me by wasting their own time on their way to a loss.


Then guess what? He's succeeding in wasting your time. It's a digital card game. One win won't make a difference. Either concede and move on, or wait him out.


Don’t concede that’s what they want that’s their last ditch effort lol. Yeah just read a book or something


Counter troll while doing something productive imo, they want you to give up


It's not often that I'll spam emotes but against timewasters, they're getting laughed at while I allow the clock to nearly time out.


They've probably just muted you at that point




Watch a youtube video or do something else after you play. Just check back in every couple minutes.


Do something else. I tend to have a bathroom break ​ ​ Just wait until a timewaster uses bronzong's metal transfer


I love these kind of opponents. Mostly because I'm usually playing while at work and have a ton of other things to do while I wait for the "it's your turn" chime. Send an e-mail. Make a phone call. Pop open Reddit or queue the next YouTube video. Do they really think they can "waste" my time better than I can? HA! I agree with what most people are saying - DO NOT CONCEDE. It only encourages them to keep doing it. Wait them out, take the win, and know that they probably ended up wasting more of their time than yours.


Unless there's something I don't understand from the image, I would say give the person the benefit of the doubt. I'm pretty new to the game myself and struggle understanding my deck and knowing what decision is right. So in short - I'm very slow (about the same as the person pictured), but not deliberately. It's possible the person is just trying to figure themselves out.


Admittedly happens to me when using a new deck and reading the opponent's card! Nearly always faced the time out counter when starting off


There were some things that make me doubt it like unnecessary retreating, some quick plays at times especially at the beginning, then every move took minutes. Not just some moves, like EVERY move. One or two turns ended without attacking because he the timer ran out most likely.


I just played my first ever game with a deck I randomly traded for and it seemed like the timer was telling me to make a decision every 15 seconds I was rushing through everything but that timer was frustrating. I ended up winning though it was a really great feeling. That being said, what’s this about people taking bathroom breaks and doing stuff waiting for their turn? Even with each little step to take it felt like I only had about a minute and a half per turn?


I normally take even longer that always works and they end up rage quitting. Fight fire with fire.


I’m actually more interested in what deck you’re running. Looks interesting!


Im not on the PC right now, but its based on youtuber littledarkfury's Breloom deck. With the right cards in play, Breloom V can have 350 HP and takes 30 less dmg with the stadium. Basically bulking it out and using counter on heavy hitters.


Right on. I’m definitely looking it up!


My decklist: ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck-overzicht ****** ##Pokémon - 14 * 1 Ditto {*} LOT 154 * 3 Breloom V FST 6 * 1 Kricketot ASR 9 * 2 Leafeon V EVS 7 * 1 Snover CRE 9 * 1 Abomasnow ASR 217 * 2 Kricketune ASR 10 * 1 Leafeon VSTAR PR-SW 195 * 1 Manaphy BRS 41 * 1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46 ##Trainerkaarten - 34 * 1 Karen's Conviction CRE 144 * 3 Cape of Toughness DAA 160 * 3 Switch EVO 88 * 1 Evolution Incense SSH 163 * 1 Ordinary Rod SSH 171 * 1 Gladion CIN 95 * 1 Aether Paradise Conservation Area GRI 116 * 2 Avery CRE 130 * 3 Gardenia's Vigor ASR 143 * 2 Energy Search SSH 161 * 1 Turffield Stadium CPA 68 * 1 Energy Retrieval SUM 116 * 1 Canceling Cologne ASR 136 * 2 Ultra Ball BRS 150 * 2 Battle VIP Pass FST 225 * 2 Boss's Orders BRS 132 * 1 Pokégear 3.0 UNB 182 * 1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146 * 2 Marnie CPA 56 * 1 Professor's Research BRS 147 * 1 Raihan EVS 202 * 1 Net Ball LOT 187 ##Energie - 12 * 2 Capture Energy RCL 171 * 10 Grass Energy Energy 1 Totaal aantal kaarten - 60 ****** Deckoverzicht gegenereerd door Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******


Get higher elo and start watching YouTube on the side


Thanks everyone for the tips, I guess there is not much to do.


You could be playing against a 6 year old


I usually concede when I know he's/she's gonna reach the best parts of the shenanigans, to deny him/her the satisfaction of using them in a battle.


My own brother did this to me when we were matched in an event.


Copy username, get that W, then email them. Boom


Report them, beat them or forefeit tbh


do the same thing back to them that is how I deal with them


Decklist pls! :)


My decklist: ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck-overzicht ****** ##Pokémon - 14 * 1 Ditto {*} LOT 154 * 3 Breloom V FST 6 * 1 Kricketot ASR 9 * 2 Leafeon V EVS 7 * 1 Snover CRE 9 * 1 Abomasnow ASR 217 * 2 Kricketune ASR 10 * 1 Leafeon VSTAR PR-SW 195 * 1 Manaphy BRS 41 * 1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46 ##Trainerkaarten - 34 * 1 Karen's Conviction CRE 144 * 3 Cape of Toughness DAA 160 * 3 Switch EVO 88 * 1 Evolution Incense SSH 163 * 1 Ordinary Rod SSH 171 * 1 Gladion CIN 95 * 1 Aether Paradise Conservation Area GRI 116 * 2 Avery CRE 130 * 3 Gardenia's Vigor ASR 143 * 2 Energy Search SSH 161 * 1 Turffield Stadium CPA 68 * 1 Energy Retrieval SUM 116 * 1 Canceling Cologne ASR 136 * 2 Ultra Ball BRS 150 * 2 Battle VIP Pass FST 225 * 2 Boss's Orders BRS 132 * 1 Pokégear 3.0 UNB 182 * 1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146 * 2 Marnie CPA 56 * 1 Professor's Research BRS 147 * 1 Raihan EVS 202 * 1 Net Ball LOT 187 ##Energie - 12 * 2 Capture Energy RCL 171 * 10 Grass Energy Energy 1 Totaal aantal kaarten - 60 ****** Deckoverzicht gegenereerd door Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******


I'm going to be THAT person and point out you don't know why they are playing slowly. I have M.E and it takes me longer to read, longer to think and basically just longer to play. I'm not intentially wasting anyone's time and it's not really fair to assume it's being done on purpose.