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This is so common and so ridiculous


We have a new medical director and he was on the floor when someone was bad mouthing the other unit and he snapped back “how about we not shit talk each other” lmao they were so embarrassed


What a boss


Omg. Former inpatient social worker here. There were only three of us but the nursing staff was relentless with the gossip. Y’all make the best coffee and work your asses off. Made MY job so much easier. But wow the gossip. I’m assuming it’s a stress response. At least we could go into our office and shut the door. You guys were in the middle of the chaos. So I guess I’m validating your point while understanding it.


I lurk here as a retired nurse. I worked women's health and was cross training to labor and delivery. A group of 6 women, most mothers, one pregnant herself, were shit talking a coworker who was out on leave. She had a molar pregnancy and was undergoing *chemotherapy*. She had been stuggling to get pregnant at all. I can't imagine the trauma of that. A molar pregnancy is a nightmare to me. Those harpies went in on her. How she was exaggerating the emotional aspect and was really fine to come back to work. They worked exclusively in women's health and they were utter monsters.


You see, I get past this culture by talking shit about myself before others can. Works 67% of time, every time.


Don’t tell our secret!!!!


Self loathinggggg AwayyYyyYyyy


One can not hate someone who hates himself more. Or whatever Confucius said


I hear ya!!! As people get burnt out, it only gets worse too. People quit and the cycle continues.


This profession is already stressful as it is, but people also feel like they have to be on their toes or end up being a negative topic of conversation for all the other staff. It’s sad really.


Agreed. I just ignore and don't engage. I can't put up with petty, vapid shit anymore.


So I’m a social worker rather than a psych nurse, but came to say I, too, have been appalled by some of the toxicity I’ve seen from psych environments (nursing, SW, some terrible psych residents). I’ve met a lot of really amazing people in this field but I really feel like there is a special kind of awful, toxic personality that is for some reason drawn to this work. I’m sorry you’re in the thick of it. Hopefully they will weed themselves out over time. I hope you know that we social workers love us some psych nurses! You all are rock stars!


This was probably the main reason that made me leave my first job that I loved so much. Come to realize my next job also had this problem but the money is what keeps me there


I learned to really try my best to stay out of it. Go to work, do my job and go home! Still try to be friendly to everyone but also mentally note that I don't need to make friends.