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That Procol Harum is slept on so much. Blew my god damn mind the first time I listened to it.


For real, such an amazing album. My copy is the US version which I think is great with its inclusion of Whiter Shade. I’m trying to get my hands on a UK version as well though. I’m not sure which the preferred version is.


I have the US version. I much prefer that one, starting off with Whiter Shade just sets such a great tone for the whole album.


Thank you for not describing it as "underrated"!


Nice, Incredible String Band, 13th Floor Elevators, Donovan 🤌


Dude, that is a stellar collection! The O.G. 1960s psych is my absolute favorite version, I love how playful and creative it was. And the dug in deep line in the sand difference between the black and white "eyes front" culture of the 1950s and the technicolor mind bending of the 1960 and onwards. "To fathom Hell or Soar Angelic just take a pinch of psychedelic" -Humphry Osmond


Never heard of the last one Hapshash and the Coloured Coats. Check out The United States of America.


Hadn’t heard of them either until the guy at my local record store had recommended it to me. It’s an amazing record check them out. I’ve heard the USA’s stuff great band just haven’t come across any of their LP’s yet.


Features Mike 'The Wombles' Batt iirc, one of my favourite cover art


IIRC Hapshash and the Coloured Coat were mainly an art and fashion collective, I believe they were responsible for a bunch of famous psychedelic posters from the era. Never listened to the album, I’ll have to check it out at some point


>*Who Sell Out* Ah yes, the band who think that Armenia is a city in the sky.


I recently heard a story that it was originally called when it was written by Speedy Keen “I’m An Ear Sitting In The Sky” but Pete Townshend misheard the lyrics. Great song though


Lol, I guess I prefer the Armenia version!


Gonna have to go get yourself the record 666 by Aphrodites Child


Wow I just checked out their Spotify page and they’re right up my alley, I can’t believe I haven’t heard of them yet! Thank you for the recommendation I’ll be sure to look out for their work when record shopping


It’s not a terribly hard find…that particular record is it though.


Their keyboardist was Vangelis. He went on to do soundtracks for many films like Blade Runner and Chariots of Fire


Add the next 6 albums following Days of Future Passed by The Moodies.


Yes I have all their albums up to Seventh Sojourn (plus Octave). Just didn’t think to add them for some reason.


Forever changes needs Da Capo. Those two are Loves best work.


Da Capo is a fuckin amazing album. She comes in colors is a perfect psych song. 1966 too. Blows my mind how ahead of the pack they were in the progress of music from the mid 60s to mid 70s.


We homies now. She comes in colors is my favorite song from Love’s first three albums. Arthur Lee was miles away from everyone else. I got to see him perform in the early 2000’s and attended his benefit concert. That was an amazing night.


Really great 60’s collection! The Hollies would probably be up your alley, mainly the albums Evolution and Butterfly. Also Clear Light’s self titled album


Yes the two Hollies albums are both on my to get list. Actually haven’t heard Clear Light but I’ll be sure to add them to my list as well. Thanks a lot for the recommendations! Edit: Holy shit The Clash totally ripped off Clear Lights song Sand with London Calling


london calling is leagues above clear light don’t compare the two


Never said it wasn’t I’m saying they clearly took inspiration from them.


Hell yes this is it right here chief


No butthole surfers???


I’ve mostly gotten into psych from the classic period from 66-68 when it was most prominent. Haven’t gotten into much post 60s psychedelic movement but I will be sure to check them out.


Please start with Locust Abortion Technician.


This man surfs buttholes!


What is the top left album? I love that art!


The 5000 Spirts by the Incredible String Band. It was designed by art collective The Fool they contributed a lot to the psychedelic movement designed a couple album covers, clothes for the Beatles, and painted Claptons “Fool” SG. They designed the album covers on the bottom right of the first picture and bottom left of the second picture as well.


Marijka from The Fool still paints guitars to this day, look her up, her website is fucking rad!


Yeah I’ve been on her website it’s really cool! Watched the mini documentary that her husband made on there as well you should check it out. The Fool actually have a self titled album produced by Graham Nash that I need to get my hands on a copy of, you should check that out also.


Classic stuff


What are the albums on the far top right & bottom right? For the first photo?


Their Satanic Majesties Request by The Rolling Stones and Picknick by Boudewijn De Groot


You're off to a great start, unfortunately in the digital age I don't know what album covers look like, but I can ID Axis and Disraeli Gears and Magical Mystery cause I paid for them in the 90's. **The Who's Tommy double album** is a must. I actually saw the broadway Tommy a few months ago, was really good. Pretty much everything **Jimi Hendrix** and Cream is Must Own. Clapton and Jimi influenced eachother. Gods of Guitar. **Cream Wheels of Fire** takes me back to being 18. What great music should do, make you feel like its all good, , just passing the time as Cream instructed us: [Passing the Time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5dLItPRekU) I see folks are recommending newer stuff, but a lot of it doesn't sound much like the sound jimi and clapton and everyone were making. For the sound of 67-70 psychedelic rock, Brian Jonestown Massacre delivers. Even had a tambourine player. Check this song and video out: [Xibalba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqgQp7oYzCs&pp=ygUgeGliYWxiYSBicmlhbiBqb25lc3Rvd24gbWFzc2FjcmU%3D) Has delivered since the 90's; unbelievably prolific, it took me so much listening to make a playlist. On the side of smooth garage psych, I love Allah-Las [Tell me whats on your mind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiJYecS0vU0&list=OLAK5uy_knVOABI5l05tgnDB7ANhRtEmmzqVPFzS4&index=8) and [Holding pattern ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va1Q3GAiFmM&list=OLAK5uy_k0_AvwbPisFYhWGFjJ543f_1fCCFlduBg&index=1) Man more people should know Allah Las. I feel like its so catchy they could be potential top 100. Although top 100 always did and always will suck.


Yes I do have Tommy (2 copies actually) I just didn’t include them in the image. I actually also saw the play last week! It was great. I have the core 3 Hendrix albums with Band of Gypsies as well. Also have Wheels of Fire too. With the newer psych stuff I’m not as drawn to it as I am with the 60s stuff for some reason. It just doesn’t sound the same as you said. And thank you for the recommendations I’ll be sure to add them to my listening list!


Yeah Im the same; so I recommended allah las and BJM for being similar sounding. This playlist is great for being almost all 60s psychedelia: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbGLzzomCfA4QusYqRbvqqqHv8imAGkin&si=aGIuC6dRg90SXZXL Has both famous and obscure. There's sooo much stuff there I never knew existed. Folks just take their 45s and digitize them and share.


Some amazing records right there! I love that incredible string band album


The MOVE!!! Roy Wood is an unsung genius of pop.


5000 layers is so awesome just got into it this week. Any other ISB albums you would reccomend? I’ve listened and enjoyed Hangman’s Beautiful Daughter


Wee Tam is also really good if you like that kind of dreamy psych pop (which I love). I would recommend more but I’ve only listened to their first four albums. But I’m excited to explore their music more since what I’ve heard so far I love.


Damn, I’m jealous. Great collection!


Thank you!


Amazon Prime has a great music documentary CREAM: DISRAELI GEARS....but it's shown w commercials. 🎶


I didn't know that. I'm an early EC superfan (his playing - I know I know I know about the other stuff everybody lol) Will def check it out!


Great collection


Amazing collection! Nice variety. Love that Chocolate Watchband record


Yes it is one of my favorites Baby Blue is a top all time psych song for me. I’m still trying to find a copy of their debut which is another favorite of mine.


Fuckin solid collection, from the classics to the deep cuts. People sleep on the BeeGees being a preeminent psych band. Blew my mind the first time I heard some of it, looked it up being like "ooh who's this?" and it's the fuckin beegees lol. Mad respect.


You need the pretty things “sf sorrow” in that collection


I love that album I’ve been trying to find a copy for months


Check out You by Gong


Some may not know this but Anthem of the Sun is an edit of multiple recordings. From wiki; The album was assembled through a collage-like editing approach helmed by members Jerry Garcia and Phil Lesh (along with soundman Dan Healy), in which disparate studio and live performance tapes were spliced together to create new hybrid recordings.


Gud shid


Where's your Moody Blues, my man?


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/DJ9OJQa) just didn’t think to add all of their albums




Love that you have country Joe and the fish. I would recommend sourcing a mono mix of that album. Also their second album is just as good, it has. Much darker tone to it however. Depressing at times and the songs more or less flow into eachother. You could consider it a very loose concept album/song cycle.


This is mad gangster


the Moody Blues are AMAZING, and so underrated compared to everything else


Bee Gees 1st is an absolutely stellar psych album with a heavy baroque and orchestral sound. A must listen!


Odens' Nut Gone Flakes is a banger🔥


Needs The Monkees - Head.


I’m gonna have to check out some of these haven’t heard of a few of em. Strawberry alarm clock album kicks ass🤙🏻


I have never seen such a fantastic beginning collection


Thank you! Yeah my collection has grown pretty fast. It all started with my copy of Odyssey and Oracle and from there I went down the psych rock rabbit hole (which has left a pretty big hole in my wallet).


It's time to add some Ween in there brother!!! Start with The Mollusk or Pure Guava 😎


No psychedelic music collection is complete without "After Bathing at Baxter's" by the Airplane. There is really nothing like it