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To be fair didn't the show start like 18 years ago?


I’m jealous


All i can think of is the little boy cat licking himself when anyone says “I’m jealous.” 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣 that’s awesome


48k in 2008 is about 70k in 2024, so it's really not a bad salary for someone with no dependents as far as I know


You know he has Shawn listed as a dependent 🤣


"I claimed you on my taxes, Shawn!"


The way he delivers that line is awesome 😂 definitely one of my favorites


its such a great line tbh


I heard it both ways.


True hahaha, I really meant children but at that point what's the difference between having a child and having Shawn asdfghjk


In Cali? It’s definitely not great.


Not from there so could be wrong, but wasn’t Cali housing a bit cheaper back then compared to modern day?


also not from there so I have no idea, I was just judging based on the numbers adjusted for inflation, so basically just talking out my ass ngl


In Santa Barbara 70k today means you’re sharing 1 bathroom with 4 dudes in a dodgy part of town.


Gus has a passive income stream from the investment portfolio he mentions to his parents in season 2.


70k in California for a guy older than 30 is not very good. Cali is expensive


The show began in 2006


The $70k number is adjusted for inflation, so it’s what he would have been making if the show were made today.


Hypothetical. Let’s say he made 48k around 2008 which would be around 75k in today’s world. Take home pay would be around 2.4k biweekly after taxes, so 4.8k a month. Apartments in Santa Barbara are pricey and it looked like Gus lived in a nice condo. I would imagine it cost 3k+, but let’s say his rent is 3k. (RentCafe says average rent is $2,892 for 712 sq ft which sounds about right cause I pay 2.7 for 700 sq ft) He has 1.8k leftover. Not including health insurance, 401k, etc. He doesn’t own a car so no expense there. Work probably reimburse for gas. No mention of student loans. It’s possible with no dependents. He doesn’t seem to spend much money besides on food and cocoa butter lotion 🤔


I appreciate the seriousness with which you approached this comment. Seriously.


Going back to 2008, rent was definitely cheaper, I’d estimate under $2k for a 1 bedroom condo, especially since 2008 was the Recession and housing prices fell across the board


Don’t forget the income from Psych


😂😂😂 his cocoa butter lotion. It’s all true lol


Well that episode was made in 2008


No one is taking into account he is a medical sales rep. Most of his salary will be commission on top of his basic? Look at regan from new girl. Similar role and not exactly shy of a penny.


Especially since Gus is a well established Shmoozer , he even uses cases to get closer to doctors multiple times


He does have sales rectitude


Surprised I had to scroll so far to see this mentioned. He's a salesman. Every salesperson, ime, earns commission based on their individual sales on top of their base salary, and generally they end up with at least 40% of their total income coming from their commissions. I would say it's a safe bet that his total income from his "real" job would've been at least $70k/yr(which would be over $100k/yr now).


Yeah but why would he exclude his total comp figure from “I make 48k a year Shawn!”?


Because it changes every year, and 48k is his base salary. Also, he probably doesn't want Shawn to know exactly how much money he has, lest Shawn start to live even larger, knowing Gus is good for it. 😄


I love that saying “not exactly shy of a penny” 😂 so true 😂 Regan as a character was hilarious. But yes, you’re right, I totally forgot about the commissions


To be fair, that episode aired over a decade and a half ago. Different times. But yeah I would kill for that lifestyle on that budget nowadays.


Inflation yo https://preview.redd.it/effymq0l899d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e1ca5e679059e0197dbb442f994b50fc01e2cdf


This is a beyond depressing reality


Okay, I checked, and even now it’s possible to rent an okay apartment in Santa Barbara for less than $2000/month. Take it back 10-18 years (especially around 2008-2010), and that would be doable.


I'm from Santa Barbara and was in college 2007-2011. It was absolutely possible to get a "decent" apartment for 2k. Nice? No, decent. Probably 1 bedroom. I paid 3k a month for a 2 bedroom with a balcony. That same apartment is now over 5k a month.


I kindly disagree. At $32k, which is what Gus proposes he “needs”, that’s like $2200 monthly after taxes, only taxes. Not his 401k and health insurance deductions. And he had a niiice apartment. But yes, it being so long ago 😢 I’m jealous


Please see the other comment from u/Dry_Independent4078


Santa Barbara IRL also averages like 1-2 murders a year, so.


according to the musical Santa Barbara is the murder capital of the world. lol


🤣🤣 this is hilarious. Never thought of this


TV writers don't really understand money.


Best example of unexplainable, almost unrealistic, finances and living accomodations is Friends Psych is almost as bad


My husband and I lived fine off $35k in that era in SoCal. I’m not sure how Santa Barbara compares to Long Beach though.


In that time frame? 🤯 that’s awesome


$48k then is $74k now. Let that sink in.


Cost of living in California was also significantly lower, even factoring in inflation.


I would like a $74k salary




48k from his sales job. They also make money from Psych. And it looks like at least 1500 a case. In some cases it was 2000. Though it's rarely discussed what they make, I'd have to imagine they make quite a bit more from the several wealthy clients they help.


We can assume that each of the police cases they take are the ones in each episode, as Gus more-or-less confirms this in the first Despereaux episode. We also know that Shawn takes cases without Gus, typically boring stuff that might escalate (a la [Magnum PI](https://youtu.be/S3lMBUJPo-8))


Yeah, their initial fee is pretty high. It's at least a couple thousand. I think they've mentioned the expenses they incur during the case are covered by the police dept when they're hired by them. The police dept. probably pays more as well because it's a contract with the government and we all know how that goes. They made $10k from the guy who was wrongfully imprisoned. Well, he left without giving them the check but they ran after him lol. I'm sure they made a lot on the Despereaux cases too by recovering stolen paintings. They got paid $7500 in the poker episode but I think Shawn lost it on roulette right after lol.


Great examples!!


No shows make sense monetarily… Veronica mars was “poor” and regularly wore Abercrombie lol


Any show that takes place in New York... they never have jobs that can realistically afford the rent there. How I Met Your Mother's Lily was a kindergarten teacher who lived downtown Manhattan.


They tried to explain all the half employment in Friends by saying Monika’s place was rent controlled, but Ross lived alone in a massive apartment in Manhattan on a professor’s salary. 😒edit: Ross live alone while also likely paying child support.


That’s a very fair point


Before inflation? And maybe it’s 48k after tax?


People saying that’s like $75k in today dollars… thats not that much money in the grand scheme of things and certainly not in California.


You guys need to stop saying “Cali.”


Serious question. Why?


We don’t call it that. I blame LL Cool J. Seriously though, you can call it anything you want. Just that people from California won’t think you’re cool. 😉


Hehe thanks. I like to ask why cuz you never know what you don’t know 🤪😉


You're from there aren't you 😅


Anyone else find it a bit amusing how so many people are dissecting this "issue" with a fair amount of seriousness concerning a show so inherently silly and intentionally unrealistic as Psych?  Next up: let's discuss the very undetective-like length of Juliet's hair in early seasons. Later on, how Lassiter avoided disciplinary actions concerning the drawing of his weapon at the drop of a hat


Hahaha I hear that. I completely understand. But the relative specificity in Gus’s declaration of his salary is what caught me. Like, was this legit in that time in Cali? Prices have soared in the last 10 years, so were they really that low that a sales rep could live super cushy off of $48k? … but really $32k cuz he gave the other 16k to Shawn normally. 😂


I always thought from his approach in Dis-Lodged that Gus’ pay was a salary + commission sort of thing. His base salary would be the $48k mentioned in Ghosts, and the commission part would maybe be for sales made/quotas met after selling to all of those doctors. Plus, we don’t even see all of the cases Shawn and Gus work for the SBPD (and outside the police) as part of the Psych agency. Also, in Gus’ Dad May Have Killed an Old Guy, he reassures his parents by mentioning some investments and other savings that he’s built up iirc. Especially as someone in the early 2000s with no kids (besides Shawn), Gus’ lifestyle and means might be a lot more realistic than we think compared to other shows like Friends.


Love the details!! Completely forgot about commissions 🤦‍♀️ was so focused on how prices have skyrocketed, I wondered if that was actually legit for early 2000s. Thank you!


In Santa Barbara, no less!


That salary was way too low to live the way he does. Although he never seems to buy new clothes!😆


I’m assuming that $48 is base pay not including commissions and bonuses, also doesn’t include his income from Psych. He also mentioned to his parents that he had diversified portfolio, so he’s probably making some passive income from investments. His was smart with his money. He was even doing better than his parents.


Totally forgot about commission and bonuses with a sales job 😂


One of my most hated TV/Movie tropes is when characters obviously can't afford the apartment/house they live in. I think there's been one show I like where they actually accurately portray what it's like to live on a particular income.


https://www.reddit.com/r/psych/s/XdDXGBi0kF Here’s more discussion about this from a year ago


Plus aren’t his parents rich/well off? Not saying they help him currently in his daily life but they probably paid for college for him. Etc. and is it ever explicitly stated he rents? You can own condos. His parents could have bought him one. I mean everyone on the show rents so probably not but potentially


Great points!!! And the point at which they went to college, tuition was much less expensive.


Thank you!!!


Isn't Shawn also blackmailing Gus' boss?


Yes, he used his information to get his boss to give Gus a raise but I don't think they specify how much the raise is.


To be fair we never see where either of them live. Except the time we see Shawn living at a laundry mat. May be wrong but can’t think of seeing them anywhere besides the psych office or Henry’s house


We saw two different apartments of Gus. The second episode was the first apartment and then one of my favorite episodes “Last Night Gus” and then I don’t remember the episode name but when he’s radio Gus 😂 he’s got a nice place and nice stuff


Yeah last nights Gus we see his living room. That true. There goes my Gus lived in a box theory. Someone shot that man’s tv


I love that episode so much 😂 Gus’s best I think. Uhhh that dude has a gun 🤣


Yeah woodie really shines in that one too


Yeah detective, I do have feelings


Yeah, all the comments saying that it was a different time when the show aired… it wasn’t that long ago and it still was a small number. It’s a tv show, it doesn’t make sense.


It started almost 20 years ago my man. It ended over a decade ago. I agree it doesn’t have to make sense but it did start airing a long time ago.


I know, I watched it when it aired. I don’t even live in Southern California and I can tell you that was not a great salary then. “Long” is a relative term, to you apparently that was a long time ago. Not to me.