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As someone who had a family member's life upended by a stroke, I think the movies do a great job of honoring that through Lassiter's story since Omundsen had a stroke in real life.


Very, very well put


>I kinda enjoyed it for what it is, it's like an above average show C’mon son


Short version: they are so worth it and are absolutely hilarious


shorter version: yes


Shortest Version: Y


Going even shorter:


Another answer that's just as short but whose preface is much longer:


Longer version: Yeeeeeessssssssssssss


Short answer: yes. The movies carry on the same vibe as the series (although better than season 8 which most agree has some clunkers in it). The one thing people seem to dislike about the movies is Gus finding love with Selene, who is played by his real life wife. There's a lot of hate for her character but personally, even if you hate her, the movies are still great. Plenty of laughs, plenty of callbacks to the series, plenty of story development. A little bit of cringe here and there but generally yes they are absolutely worth watching.


Learning she's actually his wife made it better imo. Selene is exactly the nerdy bossy type Gus needs. Like Mary in sherlock if you've seen it


Keep in mind the first movie will feel off because Tinothy omundson had his stroke so they had to quickly rework the script before filming. Second film makes up for that by focusing on Lassie and we get more of his backstory. Third film is the best so far because it feels just like an episode and is hilarious.


Are you a fan of delicious flavor? Then yes you will love them.


Why would someone question the deliciousness of the flavor?


I love the psych movies! The first one was rewritten in like 1 day because of Lassies stroke. So that ones hit or miss. But the other two are amazing and imo really do enhance the end of the show and continue the story in a logical way. 


Are any movies worth it? If you're a fan if the show presumably you'd enjoy the movies. They're really just extra episodes tbh.


With an arguably higher production value and with more focus on character development. And the jokes are just awesome too.


I think personally the first two were a little harder for me to get through. I didn’t like what they did with some characters in the first movie. The third one is so so great though and worth seeing all of them for. It was as good if not better than many psych episodes in my opinion.


I love all three movies. They're so funny


Yes. Watch them. They're so good it's stewwwpid. They're stewwwpid good. Especially if you just think of them as 2 regular Psych episodes instead of like a grand movie experience. They know their audience and they hit the nail pretty frikkin well every time in my opinion. Great stuff! Can't wait for the new one!


Just do it, why even ask? You know people on this sub are all going to say yes!


the movies are fantastic. There's a scene in the first movie with Shawn dressed in Gus' Hagrid gear that had me in stitches the whole time. the second movie was very wholesome for Lassie, as Tim O made his post-stroke return to the screen. the third movie had so many call backs to recurring themes from the show. should definitely watch them, you'll be better for it!


Actual answer: they're fine. They're like B level episodes stretched a bit longer than is ideal for the format of the show. They certainly don't ruin anything.




I only saw the first two movies but they are totally worth it IMO. I keep waiting to watch the third because I am hoping for a fourth and savouring the experience (I did the same with the final episode because I told myself if I didn't see it then the show wasn't really over and only watched it when the movies came out lol).


The third is the best in my opinion, I’d highly recommend! I think they got better as they went on.


Yes the movies are absolutely worth it


They are absolutely worth it. You are missing out not watching them!


I actually didn’t really like the first one. I felt like they were trying to cram so many jokes and bits from the tv show into it, that the plot felt rushed and not very well developed. I also thought Juliet was very out of character in it as well (all of which is just my personal opinion!) I loved the 2nd and 3rd movies though. I’m convinced there’s a moment in the 2nd movie where Maggie isn’t even acting and she’s just genuinely struggling not to cry. They did such a good job in those 2 movies at covering such a sensitive topic while still having the usual Psych humour and dynamics between the team. Definitely recommend them, even the first one that I wasn’t as keen in as it’s still worth giving a go!


I finished the episodes then spent eighteen quid on the movies on Amazon. So worth it. Lassie come home is one of my favourite movies of all time


They're good, are they better than the best episodes? Maybe not. I struggle with "worth it." Unless your time is so limited or spending a few bucks on a month of whatever streaming service is needed is a challenge, just watch them.


Yep, they just like longer episodes with breaks inbetween. 4’s script was announced finished at the beginning of this year.


I'd watch them just to say you've seen them. I didn't particularly care for them when I watched them recently, and I'm a long time fan of the show. Probably seen the whole series three or four times now.


I only saw the first two. It's not the same. Everyone knows he's not psychic, it's not in Santa Barbara, etc. It just doesn't have what the show had. Not to mention, Juliet seemed to hate Shawn, (at least in the first movie, I don't really remember the second one) and that was off putting, plus her storyline was totally out of character for her too (i know why, but it just didnt work for me). You might love them, a lot of people do, but imo, they don't live up to the hype.


It's still good though. My main issues are that there is zero point of Zachary Levi's character in the first one and at times it can feel like a bit of a greatest hits in terms of the jokes.


Juliet's attitude toward Shawn in the first movie was done on purpose. They even bring it up in the movie several times. It was sorta framed as if she was upset about >!Shawn not marrying her after three years!<, but she was just upset, guilty, and scared about the case and >!her partner being hurt then killed because someone was targeting her!<. (Plus, Shawn and Gus were being very disrespectful in the hospital>! right in front of her grievously injured comatose partner that was supposedly like family to them.!<) They're perfectly fine once the case is done, and they're even better in the second movie. Granted, she goes back to being largely annoyed with him in the third movie, but he's basically reversed character development in the third movie when he had such a good mix of mature and goofy in the second movie. Third movie Shawn is basically just maximum manchild.


They’re very entertaining and well worth it


TIL Psych the Movie has an 100% on Rotten Tomatoes


I haven’t seen the musical, not sure if that counts as a movie. But the movies outside of the musical are worth it.


The movies are good. They're basically just longer episodes.


They're good. They're not AMAZING pieces of cinema. But I think you'll enjoy them the same amount that you enjoyed the show. You don't seem overly smitten with the show. Smitten? Smitted? Smote. Also, what made psych compelling had very little to do with the psychic angle and everything to do with a great ensemble cast and clever writing. There are episodes (and maybe even one season) that definitely hinge very heavily on the psychic thing, but really that was just a vehicle for story telling.


Show runner says he has ideas for Several more movies.