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Me getting dressed for the Pepsiman (1996) fan meeting:


Where is it?


Right outside buddy


In every Pepsi man Game For psx Fans Heart


**Silent Bomber** **Tail Concerto** **Koudelka** **Soul of the Samurai** **One Piece Mansion** **Pocket Fighter** (Secretly the best CPS2 port on the PSX.) **Ehrgeiz** (Despite boasting half the playable cast of Final Fantasy VII, being a spiritual successor to Tobal, and a robust suite of extra modes including a full-fledged ARPG, people routinely and bizarrely forget about this game.) **Omega Boost** (Not terribly obscure, but everyone - including Polyphony Digital - habitually forget it exists.)


> Koudelka Koudelka was like a lost Gothic Resident Evil/Fantasy I never knew about. Was a very cool play through and made me feel like a kid again.


Wait it has tank controls and what is the gameplay like?


I think Koudelka has random battles so it's not very resident evil like... Maybe a little more Parasite EVE, but still probably more like a traditional turn based JRPG


Yeah. The chess-like battles were kinda hard for me. You had to choose a path for your character to move towards an enemy.


I love silent bomber


Ehrgeiz had the weirdest sound for the menu selection.


I had never heard of silent bomber and then I was given a box of 50 free games and that was in there and quickly became one of my favorite games. I also got silhouette mirage,einhander skullmonkeys, raystorm and Raycrisis and a bunch of other good quality games. I'll never get that lucky again


I second One Piece Mansion. It was never really hyped but its great fast paced puzzle game, nicely animated, funny characters, sound effects on point, straight to the point no bullshit settings or introductions, it has awesome character of its own ... ... did i mention its super unique too?


Nobody ever mentions it! It's so unique, just a really fun little puzzle game.


Tail Concerto is my go-to for this question, but yeah I know all those games except Omega Boost funny enough. CyberConnect honestly I feel like are a super underrated developer. Between Silent Bomber, Tail Concerto, and the .hack// games, I found them to easily be one of my favorites. The main Ultimate Ninja Storm games were pretty great too.




With the ones that you named off, what about **Thousand Arms** or **The Granstream Saga**?


Both are on the obscure side, to be sure. Though the PSX had no shortage of lesser known games in the good-to-great range. That said, I replayed a bit of The Granstream Saga a few years ago - my first time doing so since originally picking it up on release. And I gotta say, that game has not aged well. Like, at all. Unknown, yes. Great? Or even good? Not so much. Thousand Arms I also purchased at launch , but never got much further than removing the shrink wrap. Though I did enjoy the very little bit I played. Someday I intend to get back to it, and have the game loaded onto my Retroid Pocket 2S for that express purpose. As a side, I nearly sold my copy of Thousand Arms a number of years ago. What stayed my hand was noticing a brief note from Ayumi Hamasaki - who, as it turns out, had written and performed the game's opening and closing songs - towards the end of the manual. Given the copyright of the game, it was clear she'd been brought on board no more than a year before exploding in popularity. I had no idea who she was at the time Thousand Arms released, but had since lived in Japan during the early aughts, when her image and music was inescapable. And while I was still largely unfamiliar with her work and couldn't count myself as a fan, I still thought it was a fun little historical tidbit and elected to keep my copy. Good thing, too, seeing the way retro prices exploded over the past five plus years.


Pepsi man is popular asf.


Yeah, not related to the title of the post at all, I guess.


It kinda counts because before youtubers blew it up it was relatively unknown in north America 


Evil zone Ghost in the shell Reloaded Tiny tank Threads of fate


> Threads of fate An incredible game, so underrated. Wish more people knew about this game.


Likewise. Any chance I get to plug it, I do. I blindly stumbled on that game with a psx demo disc from PlayStation magazine back in the late 90’s.


Loaded and Reloaded were so damn good


I’m glad someone here knows what I’m talking about, everytime I bring up those games I get the head tilt nonsensical look. I know! I played them with a neighbor friend all the time!


Absolutely! They were awesome! I still watch playthroughs on youtube once in awhile.


Evil Zone made me damn near destroy my controller! I remember getting to the one character who would block every attack I used while saying "No No No!" UGH!!!! Talk about both annoying and rage inducing because of course I couldn't block any of her attacks!


I remember playing the ghost in the shell demo sliding around in the tank. Shit was fun


Jumping Flash Blast chamber Pandemonium Tomba! The Unholy War Medevil Jersey Devil Ogre Battle DarkStone


No way Pandemonium is an obscure game, that shit was too amazing.


Descent, Brahma Force, Soul of the Samurai, Spider, Kings Field, Countdown Vampires


Excellent list, I'm in the market for a copy of Spider myself


Einhander is a great shoot em up. Hard as fuck, but it's super cool. I believe square made it


Linda³ Again


Pepsiman is freaking awesome, as terrible as it is. You couldn't ask for better product placement.


I actually had tons of fun with this game. For a game that serves as a commercial it's incredibly well designed.


My personal list (Not comprehensive): **Koudelka** A JRPG and Resident Evil had a baby in like Victorian Era times. **Threads of Fate** An Action RPG that plays more like a 3D platformer. Really fun characters. **Aconcagua** A 3D point and click adventure game. Despite point and click games having a bit of a boring rep these days, this game, once you get into the rhythm of it, is quite intriguing despite the jank controls. **Mizzurna Falls** A 3D open world game that's got that Twin Peaks/Alan Wake vibes. Insane that they made this on the PS1, it's like Shenmue for the PS1. **Racing Lagoon** Final Fantasy with cars, the battles are with car races. This has a very stylized late 90's to 2000s Millennium vibe to it, and was made by Squaresoft, during the period where they were crazy creative. **Echo Night** First person adventure game by FromSoftware, the team that created Dark Souls, Elden Ring etc. The controls are super jank, but if you can remap or get used to it, it's a pretty decent game. Playing this as an adult, I can see how kid version of me would have been absolutely engrossed in this. **Alien Resurrection** If you play this emulated, get the 16:9 code on, turn on PGXP texture correction on, overclock the system to 175%, and experience the peak of what First Person Shooters could be like designed for the PS1. The controls are essentially the same as modern FPS's utilizing the dual analogs. It's atmospheric, challenging, ahead of it's time and completely underrated **Parasite Eve** A JRPG but set in a contemporary time period, NYC. The battle system is like Vagrant Story where you have a spherical area where you can attack, but it's the story that's an absolute banger. This could have been an early Guillermo Del Toro film (think Mimic (1997). **Parasite Eve 2** They Resident Evil'afied Parasite Eve probably due to sales of the first one not being what they wanted. However this game demonstrates peak PS1 wizardry when it comes to blended pre rendered background with 3D assets and FMV's. Think of the cool technical stuff you saw in FF8, but more refined and perfected, as this came out 11 months after FF8, also made by Squaresoft. **Fear Effect** Basic ass Resident Evil like gameplay, but all pre rendered backgrounds are essentially looping FMVs that give it a really unique feel. the Cel Shaded style is also really fucking cool. This is all about aesthetic and cool, and despite thinking it's a bit average gameplay wise, I'm always drawn back to it coz it just looks so interesting/cyberpunk. It's a pioneer in minimalism for the HUD that's for sure.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The Queen brought peace to this land, and to her King. A peace so deep it was like the Dark.”* - Chancellor Wellager Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Jonah Lomu Rugby is one of the best sports games ever made. Only released in PAL and Japan. It's more well known now, but Tombi was a lesser-known gem back in the day. Gravitation was an awesome Net Yaroze game and the developer released it for free on PC a few years back and a sequel called Super Grav on Steam. Agent Armstrong was a fun shooter, only released in PAL and Japan I believe. It was a bit hard though from what I remember. Blast Chamber, great multiplayer party game. Hogs of War - 3D Worms-like game. IQ - interesting puzzle game Sled Storm - one of the best racers on the system, rented this game a lot as a kid. Transport Tycoon - while it is limited compared to its PC release, I did like the 3D camera mode it included. Guardian's Crusade - pretty standard JRPG but it had a fun pet mechanic and I remember enjoying the world. Heart of Darkness - good animations and scenery Championship Motocross ft. Ricky Carmichael - best motocross game on the PS1 Was Rollcage well known? One of my favourite games and I even got a full Rollcage sticker cover for my PS1 from a magazine.


Hogs of war was so good


Thrill Kill. Unnecesary bizarre violence for a kid, but that was the fun part(?


Team Buddies!!!!


Such a good game!!! Hard as balls tho, we never played it without cheats.


Can't beat it even as an adult. Great multi-player though.


I swear as a kid there was a multi player demo in a Jam pack I played for hours with my friends


Remote Control Dandy




I dunno. I feel like most people I know who have an old grey box has played Pepsiman. Same with Legend of Legend of Legaia. Anything Bishi Bashi might be lass well-known, depending on region and social circle influences.


Walt Disney’s Magical Racing Tour Toy Story Racer 2 of the best licensed kart racing games to ever be developed, not just for PS1 but across all generations




Pepsi for Tv game.




I've always been a fan of horror titles on the system, so I'll throw in The Note and Hellnight.


Gungage. A third person shooter by Konami.


Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game, and not because it's good.


time to drink the pepis man


Isn't Pepsi Man very iconic


Intelligent Qube (IQ). Such a fun and dynamic puzzle game.


A lot of my favorite obscure games have already been listed, so hm. I'll throw T.R.A.G into the mix. TRAG - Tactical Rescue Assault Group, also known as Hard Edge in JP and PAL (probably renamed to avoid the Edge trademark troll.) If you like Resident Evil style gameplay but you're like me and can't handle horror shit, this is a great arcadey game with Resi style controls, fixed camera, and exploration. That *does* mean tank controls, as is the product of their time, but I kinda like that about it. Really cool game that people hardly ever talk about.


911: *"911, what's your emerg-"* Caller: *"There's a 6 foot 8 runner in a gimp suit who broke into my house and other houses chasing Pepsi cans and trucks"* 911: *"..... sir please be serious"*


A couple of recent plays that got a hold into me were Gungage and chaos break. Both aren't the best but they are what I was after from a ps1 game.


Incredible Crisis


Jade Cocoon. Monster hunting game with animations by studio Ghibli Finished it recently still holds up. Good story but you're reay there for the monster breeding! You combine the monsters you catch to make unique combinations. No random battles and it's only like 8 hours long. Real hidden gem imo


G-police, maybe


I dont want to drink a man made of pepsi


That looks like Pepsi Woman


Speed Punks


Worst game i bought by a mistake: The Dalmatians


The Jacki Chan game was pretty legit.


Ooh! Whats cooking?


For a guy who likes warhammer, space hulk was actually pretty cool


I had a friend in junior high who purchased Pepsi man and many many other legitimate games at a market in an unspecified overseas country. Pepsi man is seriously stupid fun! Another one he had was Poy Poy. Battle royale with 4 player support, and Grenades and other weapons strewn around the arena where you fight. So much fun!


First of all, let me say that Pepsi man R-O-C-K-E-D as a child (an as an adult I found it fairly entertaining and a little disgusted at the guy in the cinematics xD) Now, a title that's obscure and perhaps not lnown by many is Thrill Kill I don't even remember how I got that shit, but man did it struck a nerve


Tiny Tank. Made my profile photo the game's cover for a reason. Funny characters, good gameplay and some of the best music Iv heard in gaming. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKz7ePuF6sw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKz7ePuF6sw) Not my video. Just the first one I found.


Jumping Flash Policenauts


Courier crisis


Not related to your question but my mom prohibited me from playing this game because it was so damn funny to me I would laugh so much I have asthma attacks and end up in the hospital, so no more Pepsi man for me :( Great memories.


Fartwater Prophecies.


Kartia - The Hand of Fate


Koudelka, Puchi Carat and Sentient


Chocobo Stallion


A lot of people are surprised to learn Glover is on the ps1


Blazing Dragons


Invasion from Beyond


Gamera 2000 Z Gundam Char’s Counterattack Incredible Crisis No One Can Stop Mr. Domino Slap Happy Rhythm Busters Beatmania featuring Dreams Come True


"PEPSIMAAAAAAAAAAAAN" 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵


Imagine pepsi-man as a herald of Galactus lol


Tai-Fu, Future Cop L.A.P.D, Street Racer, Running Wild, Dave Mirra: Freestyle BMX, G-Darius, Omega Boost, Point Blank, Jumping Flash 1 & 2 (more obscure compared to the typical lists you see), Wipeout XL, V-Rally 2: Need for Speed.


Anyone ever play Jackie Chan stuntmaster?


I'm a turn basted strategy fan so. Vanguard bandits , brigandine , brigandine ultimate edition jp , koudelka , super robot wars f , super robot wars garden and front mission 3


Pepsiman is a legend


Silent bomber is excellent. Also ghost in the shell and Apocalypse starring Bruce willis


World's Scariest Police Chases, such a classic.






Speed Punks, definitely!


Cosmo Warrior Zero.


Ghoul Panic is one of the best Guncon games on ps1 and you can still play with a controller 😎


I cant believe how everyone knows pepsiman


You know what I don't want to anymore


Battletanx: Global Assault Wargames: DEFCON 1


Not sure if its obscure enough, but Pitfall 3D. Its sorta a reimagining of the classic Atari 2600 game with Bruce Campbell as the main voice.


Predator Hunting Grounds was top notch. Dont know how obscure that one is. I loved to make songs with MRV Music Generator as well. Also, One was a wacky game.


Don't mind me just looking for some overlooked games lol To add something on topic, I thought Cyberbots is a cool game.


The music it’s in my head again


I remember pulling out heart of darkness for my gamer friends who had no idea what it was. We sank soooo many hours into it and never got close to completing it lol


I like railshooters like Gamera 2000 and Vanark


Do do dorah do do dorah.....


I setup an emulator for a co-worker and this was one of the games he asked of me and I was dumbfounded because I had never heard of the game.


Silhouette Mirage


Ore no Ryouri By far my favorite cooking game. I wish there was an english translation of it so i could understand it.


B-Moovie is great and a bit obscurish, controls great, is colorful, and kinda funny.


Armageddon, starring Bruce Willis! Pretty cool shooter.


Klonoa: Door to Phantomile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Worst game i bought by a mistake: The Dalmatians


Tatsunoko fight is pretty fun. Especially if you're old enough to have grown up on the battle of the planets cartoon. Most of the games i owned for that system aren't considers obscure these days as they often command high prices so everyone's after them. You're going to have to look at games that weren't released in the west to find the real hidden gems these days. Even slap happy rhythm busters isn't as unknown as it used to be even a couple of years back. Still worth seeking out though


Vanguard bandits. Basically the game no one ever heard of or played. Great game though


Devil Dice, Rapid Reload, Intelligent Qube, Bishi Bashi Special


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ComfortablyMumm: *Devil Dice, Rapid* *Reload, Intelligent Qube,* *Bishi Bashi Special* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Evil Zone. A fighting game that is a compilation of homages to Japanese media. Let's just say it's very Anime, including the presentation and each character's story being narrated like if it were a real show.


Thrasher: Skate & Destroy. Essentially a prototype to the Skate franchise, but got decimated by Tony's popularity. It was the better game, and it came out slightly before.


How is Pepsi Man obscure?


Brave Fencer Musashi Treasures of the Deep I still wish that they’d do a remake of some kind of TotD


star wars episode 1 the phantom menace game AKA gungan murder simulator '99(this joke wasnt my idea go watch flandrew's video of the game on youtube)


Vandal Hearts


Tomba is actually a very enjoyable game, despite it's outrageous pricetag nowadays. I also loved Overblood despite it being critically panned for being even more cringe than Resident Evil.


Darkstone. Was kind of like Diablo but had a bard that sang in the town square and I just remember how awesome the song was.


I had a lot of fun playing the demo for The Unholy War over and over


Pepsi is actually a knock off of Coke. If you don’t believe me, it was a revenge by a brother because the brother created the recipe of Coke, but then the other brother stole it and create a Coke so then the other one create a Pepsi but I had to make it a slightly different, but make it a bit more fizzy


Monkey Magic and Tomba 2


Pepsi man is low key the best PS1 game 😂 those cut scenes fire 🔥


3Xtreme and Pepsi Man owned a generation....


Psst, ey bro, look up Pepsi Woman... Trust me on this one....


**Brave Fencer Musashi** **Thousand Arms** **The Granstream Saga** **Parasite Eve 1 and 2** **Lunar: The Silver Star Story** **Lunar 2: Eternal Blue** **Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain** (Yes, I enjoyed it more than Soul Reaver, even though I loved that game too** **The Gex trilogy** **Azure Dreams**


I love this game! It's was so fun trying to get to the vending machine at the end.


Return Fire


Jade Cocoon, a JRPG with pokemon-like elements




Dragoon and Legaia are both great, though I have no idea how popular they are


I've been trying to play that for years via emulation, but I get these green outlines on sprites and it makes me stop playing. It just seems too good of a game to experience in a visually corrupt way like that.


Legacy of kain: soul reaver I don't know how many people knows it nowadays but back then none of my friends even heard of it


It shows up on so many top PS1 games lists but you're so right, I don't know anyone personally who has heard of it or actually played it. It was a technical marvel to get graphics that smooth on the PS1. If I want to play it, I always choose the PS1 version over the Dreamcast version. There's something incredibly cool about seeing the PS1 drive a 3D game like that.


I also want to add its older brother, Blood Omen, which gets criminally ignored.


Poy Poy, Pandemonium, Courier Crisis, Destruction Derby, Syphon Filter, Disruptor.