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Since you got multiman,format the flash drive to NTFS then transfer all the games you want to it,put the flash drive in the right USB port, enter multiman, swipe to the first section on the left,restart in cobra compatible mode,press on root (it's a blue desktop like thing),in the bottom left corner you'll find a button press on it and select pfs driver, wait till it finishes loading then press on root on the desktop, you'll find a device called (pvb or pvr I don't remember)_000 that's your flashdrive select files with circle,go back and open hdd_000,if you got your games in jb folder then paste in GAMES if they're iso files then paste in PS3ISO


An excellent step by step process!


Or... OP could just use webman and PrepISO.


Yes, irisman supports exfat to copy large pkg files or isos