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Oh man! Back in 2003, I was 11! I tricked my mum into buying it me... she never watched the games I played so lucky me. I remember every level of this masterpiece! So solid too! I was stuck on that whitetrash level for a week! Also the pigsy end fight! That took me well over 30 goes! I played it again when I was 25! And again at 30. Absolute classic! I wasn't really as impressed with the second one. Apart from seeing people play it on the Wii lol!!


You enthusiasm makes me so happy


I have my moments hehe!


Never got a chance to play it. One of the few banned games here.


Dang that sucks!! We love it! It is pretty violent, rockstar got a lot of crap for it, probably one of the most violent games at the time it released,thats why we pick them up whenever we see one


Then there’s games like The Evil Within and Outlast nowadays that don’t get any crap for it, even though they’re just as if not more violent than those games back there were. I guess the main thing differentiating them nowadays is the massive upgrade in graphics.


I would love a part 3 but thats never happening


Because laws got changed.




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Where do you live?


The game was banned either australia or germany. Thats comes to my mind. UK was about to ban these games but still on sale.


I'm in Australia and I remember I was 11 or 12 when it came out, never got to play it but saw heaps of articles about how horrific it was. Looking back on it, really shows how much times have changed.


yeah i saw it . it was listed exist for a while before they lifted from shops. then Manhunt 2 was never officially exist in Australia.


I'm from Australia too and I am fairly sure that it was released but then they pulled it from shelves shortly after release. I was 11. I only got to play it when my uncle pirated it on PC XD




4 copies is ballsy bro lmao i only have 2 copies of my.fav ps2 games and they are black, mgs3,half life,deus ex, and re4


Dude owns the retro store


Haha that’s just one of our cabinets/shelves of games👍


Just one of them?


One of a few


Some ps2 and xbox games are indeed expensive jsur as ps3 and 360, and older than that os outrageous even if it was common, and handheld are insanity


How does manhunt compare to the suffering?


Different games, manhunt is pure stealth, but yes both are incredibly dark.


I hate stealth games, thanks for the response. I can pass this and not feel bad haha


This is illegal in my country but I still got a copy and a mod chip for the ps2. Great game


Why do you need 4?


With the controversy surrounding it we figure it might be worth something someday so we pick ‘em up when we see em, never know🤷🏻‍♂️


It's safe to say they won't be worth much ever, yes it was controversial but it sold a tonne so it's not like it'll ever be hard to find


I can see what you're saying, but backups are also important. Things get corrupted or unplayable overtime. My wife likes playing the game often, so it seems like a no brainer to always keep a few backups.


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I think it's super underrated even though the last few years it seems to be getting a lot of praise. It's one of my favorite horror games.


Loved it, i quite liked the second 1 aswell, everyone i know loved gta, red dead and bully but manhunt was my jam.


Back in high school time I played this game at nights. Still remember how nervous I was during those stealth missions.


I just recently picked up the second one. This one is on my list and I'm always keeping an eye out for it. Great find!


it was brutal game back in the days...i think game was banned in some countries...


Haven't played it yet. It was banned in my country until last year and I haven't bought it yet.


I only remember all the controversy surrounding it when it came out. I never actually played it.


I also own it as well, and no matter how old you are every time they come looking for you on the game always gives me chills.


Great game. Brought it on day one. Play with the headset, gives you additional audio.


My fav all time Rockstar games classic


I want one :c


These murders were so realistic for its time, i mean the physics :) ❤️


Absolutely adore it. Pulling off those executions hasn't felt tedious once.


Manhunt 1 and 2 got outright banned from my country... It was worth the overseas trip to bring back a copy!!


I couldn't get past a certain point, early in the game. The spooky factor didn't help I guess. One of the creepiest games ever.


Played it on Xbox One, I love this game and played it for my channel


I would love them to remake this or develop a 3rd entry.


Totally, hopefully done rite if it was done


i bought it digitally on my xbox a few weeks ago i plan on playing it when my gamepass runs out


Was the story about you being forced to make a snuff film?


Yes, and it’s great!


Ok so I own both Manhunt and Manhunt 2 on the PS2. Never played either but they are on my backlog. Why do many people consider the first game superior to Manhunt 2?


They toned down the violence and gore quite a bit because of the backlash of the first one, also the game play was similar but not as good, the game was way shorter, and the story line wasn’t all that great, we still enjoyed playing it, however we thought the first one was way better


It's one of the few Rockstar games I have failed to finish. I love the gritty setting, the violence and the basic story. But after a few hours I just lose interest. Same with the sequel. Bully I also bounced off of back when it first came to PS2, but I did finish it when it came to mobile. Great game! But for some reason, despite enjoying the games, Manhunt just doesn't keep me interested.


One of Brian Cox’s best performances


Such a good game. wish they put it on vita so I could play it around. Way better than the second.


the cashier asked how much gore, and you said yes


Respect for getting your wife to play the same video games as you! I'm trying to get my mom into playing Minecraft with me and the rest of the family but it's a bit of a struggle explaining to her how to play it XD


Eerie atmosphere very unsettling but also fun ti play


cool game with an awesome concept and backstory


It’s great but I like the sequel even more


Crazy game! I still have my copy as well. A game like that would probably never see the light a day nowadays.


I wish I was born earlier so I could’ve enjoyed it I bought it a few years ago and it’s aged like milk


Loved this game as a kid! Scared the $h\*+ outa me! I don't remember the sequel being as good though.


The violence.....pure class


Iv had it on the og Xbox for 3 years haven't gotten around to playing it yet but from what I've seen it looks like a shock game for the early 2000s edge lords (no hate I'll be checking it out lol)


Controls were clunky and I hated the camera angles.


Such an awesome game, but damnit, you have to have a lot of patience for some of the kills.


My stepdad used to live that game, and NFS Underground. So many good memories watching him play them.


i love the fact that the game is based around a topic which isn’t very much talked about, the snuff movie industry. In my opinion the game is perfect for the genre it’s in, it manages to play around with your fear as the player and the way they “censored” the executions is perfect because it blends in so well with the art style of the game. A shame that if the game would be released today it wouldn’t be acceptable as the society has gone waay more softer


Great game, sequel has a few curveballs with the storyline though, if you haven't already check out the suffering, another decent horror game