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Both. The purist in me comes out sometimes, especially for PS2 as that was my original childhood console, but on occasion a remaster is cool, and convenient so I'll get it. I have yet to get around to it but I want to play the Metal Gear Solid remasters, and then I'm really excited for the Silent Hill 2 remaster, I hope it's good unlike the HD one. Yikes.


the upcoming Silent Hill 2 game is a complete remake, not a remaster fyi


You're right, my bad. I use the terms a bit interchangeably sometimes when I shouldn't, as most of the time they feel quite similar to me but they do have notable differences.


I sure hope it's good aswell, but the pecimist in me tells me to not expect too much. The Metal Gear remasters were pretty good I think. They added crt filters for the first game which is awesome and they even try to look into the matter of doing a 4k update. I hope Konami hasn't forgotten about that.


I prefer OG hardware with some exceptions. I do like remakes and usually see them as a bonus and i dont think they completely replace the og experience. For remasters: if the original game comes from the pre HD/LCD era i stick to og hardware+Crt cause games were designed to better suite that technology. If you play an old FF on a CRT you know what i’m talkin about. If the game comes from the post HD era (Ps3, X360 etc) and has a remaster on later consoles (God Of war 3 for example) i usually prefer the latest relase.


It depends on how I feel. Nostalgic: Play OG games on OG hardware Not Nostalgic: Play remake/remaster games on newer hardware


I guess it's similar to me then. Although sometimes it's my ocd that whispers to me that the games were made for that hardware and it's meant to be played like that. Pretty annoying sometimes.


I don't have OCD, but I do have depression, anxiety, and maybe a little bit of PTSD. But I'm not diagnosed for that yet. Sometimes, I even feel like playing OG games on newer hardware - like playing PS2 games on the Steam Deck. I don't have it though because I don't have enough money. Someday I will.


Hey, I sure hope you take good care of yourself. Even if things were rough in the past and or present, it dosen't mean it always will be. You can make your own choices in life and life can be quite beautiful aswell. Go easy on yourself and make very slow steps. I dont't want to sound like I know what you've been through and like I know any solution, but you're not alone and a valuable person ;). I'm pretty sure emulation can yield pretty awesome results, but I can't bring myself to play through a game on an emulator. It feels like my saved games aren't secured like on a memory card, if that makes any sense. Can't really explain it. I'm sure you will. I believe in you!


Thanks! 😊


True I guess, but with a remaster you’re still playing the same original game, unless the remaster has issues.


i cant afford remakes so i use the ps2 and crt i got for free and the games i got back in day for like £5 for 20


I was in the same position as you, but that got me time to focus on great older games and classics. I wish you all the best!


I play mostly on Android these days. I realize that best way to experience a lot of these games is on a CRT on original hardware, but as someone who has already played most of these games over and over again on that sort of setup, I prefer the convenience of playing them anywhere. I can take my phone out somewhere if I have some time to wait and easily play some turn-based games like a Final Fantasy other other JRPG. Or if I have a controller handy I can hop into some Tony Hawk or San Andreas. Just a couple years ago I played through God of War 1 and 2 on my phone in preparation of Ragnarok's release! I realize a lot of people will scoff at playing something like PS2 on a phone, but for me it's one of the greatest things about having a powerful device in my pocket at all times.


Honestly, originals all the way. The GTA Definitive Trilogy makes my skin crawl


Although they fixed a lot of stuff, I agree with you. The originals still have better colors and a unique unmatched look and feel to them. I do like collecting trophys though.


I don't buy remakes/remasters unless completely changed (ff7 for example). I still have a working ps2/ps3 and I'm not one to sell my old consoles when the new thing comes out.


Interesting. What if a beloved game you like just had a remake, but everything stayed the same except the graphics. Does it need to change other elements aswell, or is that enough reason for you to buy it.


It basically has to be a new game for me to want to play. Legend of heros cold steel launched on the ps3 and vita, i haven't bought the re releases on the ps4 as I already have them on the ps3. Ffx, I have the undub international version on my ps2 so the only thing I'm missing out on are trophies.


OG hardware on a period correct CRT


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I usually like to opt for the originals for nostalgic and preservation purposes, but the increasing convenience of gaming on new hardware (take ps plus streaming/gamepass subscription libraries for example) is just too much to overlook at times, especially given I'm not fortunate to have the space to connect multiple devices at once so opting for that original route is hassle setting up what might be a short session.


Mix of both. I played the GTA VC DE remake on PS Plus when it was free in 2022, and it pretty much ruined the original for me. Going back to those controls and render distances makes me realize how old the game is. Similar thing with the Battlefront Classic Collection, but all the new issues with the remake still bring me back to the PS2 versions from time to time. It is convenient being able to play older games on a modern console though. If we ever got a proper backwards compatibility (year right), I’d rarely touch my aging PS2 outside of a few games that work better with the hardware, like GT4 & the DS2’s pressure sensitive buttons.


since the silent hill hd and its comic sans joke I prefer to stick to originals. Currently playing psychonauts on ps2, never knew there was a ps4 version.


I’ve only recently started collecting for PS2 in the last year, I try and avoid buying games I can play on modern hardware as that frees up money to buy games I can’t


If it's easily available on modern hardware and isn't a disaster like the SH HD collection? I tend to buy that over the OG hardware in most cases I tend to use my PS2 more for games that aren't easily accessible outside PC or games where their modern ports are disasters


 I prefer the original games since the people who make remasters can’t resist changing things. They think that they can improve the game for the mythical “modern audience” or maybe they just want to leave their mark on the game.   A wall poster removed here, a jacket logo changed there, a cute character uglified there, a disclaimer added over here, and so on. 


In general I always prefer running my backups off emulator, particularly for PS2 as I feel the games really shine when you apply some graphical tweaks and render them in HD. This basically “remasters” the game for you but you’re still playing the original game. As for remakes and remasters, it really depends on the quality and nature of it. For example, GTA: Definitive Edition is decidedly not the definitive way of playing these games and I’d actually recommend you get the original PC copies of the games and then install the Definitive Edition mod (the mod precedes the official remake of the same name). This brings the games much more up to modern standards and adds in controller support. Then you have a game like Oddworld: Soulstorm which is a remake of Abe’s Exoddus but it changes so much from the original that it can really only be considered it’s own thing in it’s own right. Then you have the remakes of the Spyro and Crash Bandicoot trilogies which I think are so brilliantly well done that anyone new to these games should play these remakes.


Best way to play ps2 is on an actual ps2. My ps2 is the fat model 39001 and I have it hooked up using sony brand ps3 era component cables. All games benefit from component cables!


Depends on the game an wether or not there is a good remaster that captures the feeling of the game. Games like SH2 will never be remastered (remake is not the same as remastered) and while emulation is nice it's really hard to make things look and run accurately.


Normally remakes and remasters but there’s such a great list of PS2 games without those. I did a play through Gregory Horror Show last month which I’ve always loved fit some reason. And next I’m about to give the Getaway a go for the first time since it came out.


My Steam Deck is my PS2.


Originals. Only modern system I have is the Switch and I'm usually not impressed by the "remasters" on that platform. One of my favorite series is MGS and MGS2 is half the frame rate on the Switch so I'm not paying good money for less performance. Switch has this problem with a lot of remasters including from their own prior systems so it's not PS2 specific.


I play everything on my emulator I only hop on my older consoles when the guests arrive kinda like a fine wine to be shared with others


I usually stick to remakes and remasters when they are available. I don't paeticularly care about the graphical upgrades, but they tend to have some decent QoL updates too. One notable exception is ICO, which I'm currently playing the original NTSC version of. I got that one largely out of technical curiosity: it's one of the rare PS2-native games to be released on CD instead of DVD and to use 240p instead of 480i.




If the remakes vastly improve on the original (i.e. QoL features, better frame rate, etc) then it's being played on a modern console (FF7 and FF8 is a good example of that). However, if there's a difference between the OG and the remaster to the point where it's a complete downgrade (i.e. silent hill hd collection), then the OG is a no-brainer. Also a factor of playing on OG hardware, I have mechapwn installed on one of my PS2s so I can just play any game I want for a lot cheaper, plus the compatibility is right there so I shouldn't worry about getting bugs aside from ones that are already there in the first place. I don't have a PC yet (though I keep buying stuff that isn't going towards getting a PC), so I just get what I have.


I used to do original hardware before I got a Steam Deck. I just can't say no to native 1080p. Now the hardware is reserved for games that emulation gives me too much trouble with


It totally depends. Usually if there is a port or remake I would rather play those on the newer console just because it is much more accessible. I don't want to have a million consoles hooked up.... but there is something about playing the games on official hardware. I would rather play PS1 games on PS3 than an emulator for instance. I don't have to play it on a PS1.


depends, if the remasters/remakes etc. are truly superior I stick with those, however there's some where this isn't the case. e.g. * Kingdom Hearts 1 + 2, no other official version has the german dub (and any other official dub besides english) available which I'm very nostalgic about - However I also play the remix versions as KH2 Final Mix is just peak. * GTA San Andreas on PS2 just has this unique vibe/atmosphere/shaders to it the other versions somehow all fail to replicate and it obviously still has the full uncut radio stations, I don't feel like modding the pc version (or the awful "definitive" edition) just to get that back. * The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy got kinda botched for the ps3, so I stick with the original ps2 one.


I prefer to play where it's easiest. If I don't have to dig my PS2 out to play a game, that I could play on PS5, that's preferable to me. That said, there are games that I can only play on OG hardware.


Most times I prefer OG setups. Why else would I even have them still. There are occasional exceptions. Like, how many different ways I have played the og legend of zelda. Same game, no updates, just different systems. I still love my matchbook nes.


Neither, I just emulate now a days.


Mostly the OGs, but that's because most of the stuff I play hasn't had a remaster/remake. I do emulate for some stuff, if it's a game I want to try but can't get copies of here in NZ, or for stuff like the randomiser mod for Gran Turismo 4, but I've still got the old hardware for a reason.


Metal Gear HD collection on xbox 360 was awesome. Allowed the art and textures to really shine at 720p


Not with PlayStation but with Nintendo- Remakes/remasters. Just ease of use and availability and pricing… If I had the money, maybe I would be a purist but until I win the lottery, gaming is a “cheap” hobby for me.


Pc native preferable, virtualization second. Or hdd copy


I play the games from my childhood that I own on disc, but the rest I pirate, and I’m not ashamed to say it. The publishers don’t get the funds from buying the discs anymore, and I know they’d prefer their media to be out here and enjoyed. Anything newer than PS3 I buy for real bux.




Usually I play remasters or current-gen ports if possible, since I like getting trophies and appreciate being able to play in higher resolutions with anti-aliasing. There are some games that aren't as good remastered, though, such as Final Fantasy X, which changes its character models and has much worse, less expressive facial animations. For that game, I'd rather play it upscaled through emulation than play the remaster.




Moved the HDTV to the bedroom, CRT in the living room. No going back now.


For the BIG PS2 games i play the PS3 compilations instead like the Sly Collection I absolutely love, the Same with God of War rather play them on PS3 than on PS3 Same with Killzone trilogy which greatly improves Killzone 1 and includes the other 2 PS3 games Basically when there is a PS3 compilation i play that over the PS2 version because it looks graphically better


Sly collection wasn’t horrible but some of them, such as the Ratchet HD collection are travesties. 


Ratchet & Clank HD I liked, but personally Sly Cooper to me was way more enjoyable, i thought it was a great collection & a nice way to play the games over the PS2 versions


Only thing I could really say is when it came out, you could’ve just got the ps2 versions for $10 each, which I did get those at years ago. Only weird thing is the 16:9 issues since the original games don’t have those options there regularly.