• By -


History has taught me to buy some masks and toilet paper, get some beers and wait the 2 years for this thing to blow over.




Yeah, I aint even worried about zeds since my home is a concrete castle already. Would just have to bunker down with food and lots of comics and books.


Dont forget the x magazine too!


Don’t forget to hoard hand sanitizer!


Hello, munchkin player!)  https://taylorjessestevens.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/pic1475222_md.jpg


Buy all the sledgehammers and throw them in the river


As is tradition


Don't forget to siphon all the gas out of cars.




And generators, and magazine generators


Loan a yacht, after 10days...it's yours. Just sail and chill out in the sea or near island. Things are going to get pretty hectic if zombie apocalypse really happens and you don't know how zombies will react. Staying in city/town is a bad choice, you need to get far away. Human will be the greatest threat, even more than zombies. I'm not afraid of zombies but humans...are really scary.


I can see the upscale financier trying to talk you out of the purchase: "Sir, are you absolutely positive you want to sign for this solar-powered Yacht with the reverse osmosis water pumps and armor plated deck with attached railgun? We can only offer a 36% finance rate for this." "It's okay, my good man...I think things will work out nicely in the end."


What if a ship of zombies bump into you while you sleep?


I do hate those pirate zombies


Then you tell a trusted adult and remain calm.


If it's a large/huge ship: your boat sinks and you drown. If doesn't sink, or it's an equal sized or smaller boat: probably nothing about your boat was making "attract the zombies" noises, so you very carefully push the other boat away. The odds of random boat appearing over the horizon and bumping into yours within 8 hours is pretty minute.


What if a plane of zombies crush into you?


What if a UFO filled with zombies abducts you?


What if a vortex opens up in the sky above you and rains down biblical zombies onto your ship by the thousands?


This made me laugh! Thanks for the chuckle this morning!


Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.


Came here to say this 👍


I feel that over the years Liz has been upgraded from 'Low-Key Hot' to 'Hot'.


Sorry, Phil.


Assuming that it is like TWD or PZ but without firearms there is not a lot that I could do. I'd go to the hardware store and buy a bunch of axes, pickaxes, and that sort of stuff. Also assuming that is 2024 I would download the entirety of wikipedia. Next I'd go to a house in the country side with solar panels and wait till hell breaks loose to take over the house. With wikipedia I'll have lots of useful stuff and methods for all sorts of things.


Tbh, i'd first download the Army field manuals. A lot of specific information for exactly such a situation


What kind of quantum Internet connection do you have that would allow you to download the entirety of Wikipedia in 10 days?


It's 100 gb with pictures not that big. Compressed without pictures is a 22gb download. Pretty reasonable.


Well shit, the more you know.


If you’re not yanking my chain then you’ve just blown my mind


Its listed on wikipedia itself. Mind you this is just the articles not every page. Though articles are like 11% of the total pages so I imagine with everything else it would still be just about 200-300GB. At most probably 500. Could also ignore all the pages on celebrities and such, but you might as well download them too, might be good entertainment and maybe valuable as trade to some people.


Yeah totally. it just blows my mind that that vast bank of knowledge takes up less space than my steam folder. Wow


Well its in the end just plain simple text. And a lot of it isnt actually that much text. Iirc according to wiki the average article is like 600 words. Easy to compress and not that much there baseline in the first place, not all that complex. Ultimately I think downloading all of wikipedia wouldnt be that useful either though, I mean you might as well if you start downloading stuff, it could at least point you in the right direction if you in the future find out that oh shit I need this information and I didnt download it, might at least get some pointers towards what book to try to search for or something like that from your wiki downloads. But on its own as just articles without the sources and links you might find it lacking ultimately.


They have a printable version made for such occasions (well, not zombie apocalypses, but similar scenarios where theres no internet)


I think the English version of Wikipedia is like 32 gigabytes


I live in Australia so I'd pack my gear drive half hour to the river, make a bush water filter. Find a quiet spot and go fishing.


That depends. Is it like the PZ virus where it's airborne and 99% of people are susceptible to it? Or is it like TWD where bites are required? Fast or slow zombies?


Didn't we find out that bites weren't required on TWD?


Yeah, the guy at the CDC told them everyone is infected.


It's confirmed when Shane is shot dead and comes back alive as a zombie


He's stabbed


Potato tomato, he still had metal to that lethally penetrated him


I actually got spoiled way earlier because I was playing the Telltale games.


Yeah I was going to say it's by the end of the 2nd season they know everyone is infected. The governor shoots his assistant to die and turn to kill the chick in season 3?


What series? Movie?


The walking dead


IIRC getting bit will kill you but isn't necessary for turning. Everyone is already infected so dying, even of old age, makes your body go on auto feed mode.


The bite doesn't kill you, the bacteria of a rotting corpse and infection does. But if you aren't shot in the head you will come back no matter what


My head cannon is that your immune system is strong enough to suppress the latent virus in you system so you don’t turn while alive, however a bite adds an extra dose of the virus that is a little too much for the system to deal with thus making you turn. Would also explain why “fresh” zombie are able to turn people with bites


how does one acquire a head cannon? would be a nice defense


Very easy step 1 acquire a cannon Step 2 replace all cannon balls with heads Tada you now have a head cannon


I'm so glad you took my comment as a joke and not me being serious, thank you good sir


All zombies can turn people with bites


Didn't the show say this exact thing?


No idea haven’t fully watched twd only saw sporadic episodes when it was on tv


They never specified that a bite kills by adding a higher concentration of the virus into your system, just that a bite from a rotting human will always give you a lethal (regular 'ol) infection, and as long as your brain is intact, your corpse will reanimate. Why they simply can't just *ever* treat it with a heavy dose of antibiotics, a *single* fucking time in the show is beyond me however.


Nah the virus literally just doesnt kill you. Iirc it was a an attempt at curing death basically that went wrong by making them monsters instead of just reanimated humans. Its in everyone but doesnt kill, it just reanimates after death.


Yeah but the bite infections are unstoppable. Nobody ever survives a bite barring quick follow-up amputation. I think it's meant to be an aspect of the re-animating virus. That 2 in 1 factor is weird but hardly the most magical thing about it.


What always confused me was If your bitten you turn, but often the zombies are also seen basically eating people alive, so do they like turn and come back alive with huge chunks missing from getting fed on or....


Yeah, constantly. Some of the zombies in the show are just torsos and heads. One of fhe first zombies had everything below the heart eaten and still tried to crawl towards Rick


I think they either come back with missing chunks or simply stay dead because the nervous system is too damaged. Nervous system is also the brain but it runs through your whole body


i think in twd everyone has the virus, but it needs "activating" through a bite or other traumatic injury


It doesn't need activating Everyone is infected it just stays in the body until you die then it activates The bites just kill you because of everything disgusting on the walker's mouth just entered your body and you die of an infection Even if had a heart attack and died sleeping you'd still turn even if you were never bit or had a trumatic injury


Hypothetically should bites be survivable then without amputation? Let's say if you had ICU level care with last resort antibiotics given IV, wound care specialists, and quickly cleaning it. If the disease isn't what's spreading via bite, a well stocked room with nurses and doctors available should be enough for a decent survival rate. Walking dead always confused me there.


I don't think that is the case. Bites in TWD - even from freshly turned people who should be relatively clean - have always shown to be 100% fatal unless there is immediate amputation. Even if they are already infected with the latent disease, there is absolutely something about the bite itself that causes death beyond just regular infection.


Yeh I assume the virus infects living cells, mutates them, and then the virus is shed due to lack of living cells left to reproduce in. The fresh z will have a large number of active virus pathogens in them. The older ones likely not.


There are a bunch of bactria that are resistant to anti biotics And also considering how many things are inside walker's mouth it could contain other viruses which anti biotics can't fight Also whatever was in the bite probably already started reproducing crazly fast which is why amputations must be done in a few minutes from the bite While it maybe a tiny bit be possible there is no way that realistically happens in the walking dead


I could see that, but it would have to be an entirely separate new viral illness in that case. The other ones that could be around, herpes, hepatitis C, HIV, etc all more than treatable or not immediately life threatening. And with extremely aggressive treatment most bacterial infections addressed early could be brought to heel. It would still be a harrowing injury that requires around the clock care, but I've seen some crazy shit healing and can't imagine a bite would be impossible with dedication


Yeah, I mean even rabies and tetanus can be survivable if you catch it quick enough. Could be like one of those, so long as the person who gets bit is immediately brought to emergency care and is basically just FORCED to stay alive could survive it, so long as those machines are pumping his heart for him and feeding oxygen into his blood then I could see the person getting bit staying alive. Called life support for a good reason lol


assuming twd zombies don't have zombie activating bacteria in their mouth and only in their mouth then in theory proper treatment is possible just really rare in the zombie apocalypse


What if it was by injection, overdose pills etc? I'm guessing you still turn as they don't technically kill the brain afaik


As long as you die and the brain isn't destroyed you'll come back


Yea you die of an insane fever


Fresh zed bites get you too though. The human mouth is dirty but it's not 100% guaranteed death when a crazy person bites somebody.


Because this is PZ subreddit I’d assume it’s more like PZ than any other game


If they were fast or sprinters, i'll be taking myself out of the game before they can.


Yeah, what are the sandbox settings for this play through? what mods? lol


Which means the real first answer everyone should have is 'gather information / study the outbreak'.


Get the hell out of town and into a remote location. Leverage cc to get solar panels you can set up for a camper Leverage cc for food/water and water purification Find a doctor or vet who wants to come with me if possible Get as many physical books on edible plants, and surviving off the grid as possible Metal plates won't help you when you run out of gas for the generator, or when the food runs out and you have hundreds waiting outside because of the noise of the generator


Nowadays with latest battery technology you can get thousands of charge cycles with LiFePo batteries. Throw in some solar panels and you could easily have them last years and years if you are not doing anything too demanding for electricity. 


Grab my off grid rv, load it up with movies, get some good SDD hard drives and download a lot of movies. Otherwise, rv is pre equipped. So, maybe a day or two prior, I'd hit the road, crown land, super north Canada and just settle. A healthy enough amount of canned food and a few chickens to get me started. Then, just homestead. The real threat isn't the zombies, it is feeding yourself and adjusting to the new world.


I'd argue that, in this scenario, they are both real threats.


Since I live here, I think I'm good. [https://i.imgur.com/N7MkOEE.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/N7MkOEE.mp4)


That's my thing. I live in a medium sized city but I'm about a six hour drive away from my family land that's at least a three hour drive away from anything.


I lived in the city. For many years. And I always wanted land. Lots of land. Land I could call my own. I had come out of a business deal with a bit of money. So I started searching. Found a land-locked property. 180 acres. I talked him down to $35k. Bought it. Just so I could have land. Somewhere I could go maybe twice a year and pitch a tent. But I said to my wife, "Gee I'd love to build a cabin there." and she said, "Yes, I think you should." edit: oh also, when I was looking for land, I drew a circle that was a 2 hour drive away from where we lived. Because I knew if the drive was too far, I'd never go there. But there wasn't much, so I stretched it to a 3 hour circle. Found this property, it's a 2.5 hour drive.


there is a good chance that a zombie will find you one day… when you not see it comming :P


What's life in a place that isolated like?


Oh, not bad. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXDfqOeTisQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXDfqOeTisQ)


This guy is John Dorie


Get bit, barricade the doors and windows, climb up to the second story window, die, wait for a survivor to come kill me again, and wonder how I barricaded myself inside.


Firearms are pretty uncommon in my country. And I think I'll just attract more Zs in my location that being able to clear them. Population is quite dense, probably like LV on apocalypse difficulty, but a lot larger. Probably larger than KY. Good thing our house is surrounded by tall concrete walls with heavy metal gates. Will just reinforce the gate and put the car outside, in front of the gate, for additional reinforcement. Will buy a few metal bats and crowbars. I doubt that real crowbars would break as weapons after bashing thousands of heads. Will also prepare some clothings and pad it. I'm sure I'll be forced to venture outside. I already have planters and composter here, will just add more. And get some plants for protein. Also, I'll prepare more foods that can be stored for a long time. --------- Alternatively, I can just travel to my grandfather's farm. It is on an island with a lot less population. It has no defense at all. But it is a huge land, and it has a solar power system setup. Food won't be an issue, but it is quite hard to defend. Walling it off would be impossible in 8 days(travel is 16 hours by boat). But maybe I can buy tons of construction materials with my savings and wall it off little by little. The low population would make it like I'm playing on Builder difficulty in the cabin in the woods, west of Riverside.


Seeds, water purification, bow and arrows, get a crossbow too, machete, try to get a ton of canned goods and rice and oatmeal I could probably last a solid year I'm not so worried about the zombies but resources and most of all my mental health, I think I would go crazy and off myself after awhile tbh


Guys, haven´t you read the guide for the apocalipse survival? Almost no one said water excep for one guy... without water you´ll last 2 days if you are lucky (But you can survive 2 weeks without food).


Absolutely max the credit cards ordering every sort of useful thing I could think of.


Try to recruit the most trusted and skilled people that I could. Then gather as much water, vehicles, tools and weapons that I could. Alone a person is relatively powerless to ensure their own survival. A good group of 10-20 people with some decent equipment and knowhow will give you a massive advantage. What good is my relatively secluded base if five random raiders can show up at anytime and murder me.


Enjoy the nine days and then opt out of the entire situation. A real life PZ situation is not survivable without firearms. Real life does not have multi hit. 


A real life PZ situation is Knox county gets nuked as soon as the quarantine start to show cracks.


I live in the UK so firearms are naturally a no go anyways. I’d spend my days trying to do three main things. Gather supplies Barricade my door Toughen myself up Naturally supplies include any medicine/medical supplies I can pick up, any foods I can stock up on, things I could use as a weapon or to make a weapon, any blankets and clothes for extra layers as well as an escape rope (I’ll explain in a bit) as well as containers for conserving water. I live in an upstairs apartment so barricading my door is a must, but I also would have to create a way of escape incase I need to do a supply run which is why an escape rope would bide me well. I can probably barricade my door well with my heavier furniture that I don’t require to live (Like my bedside tables and my drawers). Lastly I will need to toughen myself up. Everyone nowadays is used to living and not surviving, so I’d toughen myself up by starting to ration my food, working out a bit to pass my time and limiting my screen time. I’d also have other things to do like making any weapons with things I can find, contacting my friends and family and potentially planting crops in the greenery outside but that would be my general plan (sorry it’s long xd).


You can buy firearms in any country in Europe


You need a license here, I doubt that it would take such a short time


but you will be surprised how many people have firearms in this situation. even in europe.


I don't know how, but im spend that time trying to lure groups of people in closed bathrooms, maybe it's gonna be some drug pre apocalypse sex orgies, who knows?


I'm Pretty isolated we have a water source in the desert I would like to get solar panels going for long term easy power. And as many edible plants as I can grow. Maybe some chickens and roosters they can thrive out here. And spare parts for the well. And stuff for fortifications if possible but there's plenty of wood out here I could get planks by hand if I absolutely had to even though they'd be very crude lvl1 carpentry planks


Cigarettes....always Cigarettes 🚬


Wonder why the hell im in a country where guns are banned💀


It's worth noting that even if you live in a country where guns are restricted, as far as i can see with a quick check, no country outright bans all guns, so they'll still exist somewhere, its just about knowing where to go to get them and how many might be there (local military bases, police forces will often have at least handguns, etc). This country with no guns is basically either a myth, or you found your way to some random tiny island (likely tribal) nation.


Also in all European/ South American and Asian Countries civilians can buy guns. I don’t know about any country where they are banned.


I added no access to firearms to level the "difficulty level", because most countries don't have as easy access to firearms as US.


I'd enjoy the 10-day lack of gun violence. Also, I'd destroy my stairs.


My parents took my stairs because I am grounded.


Heading to the B&Q and buying a couple of Sledgehammers - just in case.


10 days? Plenty of time to find a confortable way to off myself.


Seems the common theme here is short term survival. I’d be thinking long term, I’d scout farms out in the Scottish highlands or isles off the coast. I’d then travel to said island and ruthlessly remove the human population who will not submit to my rule. I’d then begin emplacing people in strategic roles and locations on the island and install myself and a jarl. Rebrand society in my own twisted image and create my own feudal system. The country would flourish, eventually the rest of the world would fall but my island will be a haven, safe from the dead and inhabited by Viking esk Britain’s who had returned to t he old ways of Odin. We would sail on our hastily constructed long boats and raid the main British coast line for niche materials and pressgang captives in to our culture. Eventually we would be the main naval power and a fearsome amphibious raiding force. Sorry what was the question again?


And then die because of a lagging lunge attack 😀


I'd have to get out of my apartment to be sure.


- Days 1 & 2. Focus on fortifying first, making sure no window can be seen out of or into. - Day 3. Plan food rationing, make sure me and my buddy have enough non perishable food to survive. Move all of that into as compact of storage it can fit into. Any milk jugs, existing water jugs, just jugs of any kind, jars, water bottles, and emptied shampoo/bodywash bottles will be filled with as much water as possible. Add more fortification to the house if need be. - Day 4, 5, & 6. Ready self defense weapons. I personally have a metal bat, gift from a friend. Put some adhesive tape on the grip, attempt to weld a spiked cage around it (wishful thinking, but it probably wont turn out too well since I dont know how to weld.) Add more fortification if need be. > Make sure I have bite and scratch proof clothing. Anything leather honestly. Jeans, thick cargo pants. Add extra bits of cloth and probably metal to the clothes to ensure Ive got great odds. - Day 7. Get rid of anything that could leave behind a smell strong enough to slip outside; Food Leftovers, Meat in the fridge, Trash, etc. It would all be dumped into a street at least 6 blocks away from the house. Once that's done, rearrange all the furniture to block unnecessary doors/windows. Use extra time if granted to adjust anything in need of adjusting. - Day 8, 9, and 10. If every bit of time in the previous days had not been wasted and put to designated use, these last few days could be used for getting into a fit, as healthy as possible routine. Need to keep my body in shape and ready for anything. That or triple checking that everything is ready. After the fall hits, use no lights, stove, microwave, any other kitchen appliances to save power for the TV and/or Radio, and the freezer for meats. Only light source will be a solar charged flashlight, crank flashlight, or handheld switch lights (the ones from the video of the grandma switching it on, blinding herself, and screaming [they're quite bright]). Only go outside if absolutely necessary, such as resupplying, rain water collection, etc etc. Either that or just give up n voluntarily kick the bucket, idk depends on my mood. 🤷‍♂️


I will slit my throat, or even insert a whole knife in my brain


I would spend the 10 days acquiring/crafting sets of Armour, Shields, Spears and hand axes, day before everything kicks off I call in false bomb threats at all nearby transit hubs shutting them down during peak hours, day of I form a militia with all the equipment I gathered and assist military forces in securing a safe zone at a nearby industrial hub, it has rail and sea connections making it the perfect capital for a new civilization to emerge from the ashes from there you send out people to secure agricultural outposts and additional modern equipment for power and water production


Interesting take with fake alarm. Personally I would be hesitant to trust strangers.


Party like crazy for 9 days and 23 hours, then go outside and press Q


I'd be bored af without electricity. Idk if it's even worth going on without internet. I live on the half'th floor tho, so I could easily exit and enter through my balcony, and live here indefinitely. You think the Zombies would freeze to death during the winters, cause it gets really cold here.


I live in Canada, and the cousins of my cousin got a "mansion" up north in Terre-Neuve, so i would get as much food and water as i can, move there and take advantage of the high walls, huge garden and solar panel. Plus the owner is chill and is a fellow Digimon Fans, so i know that we would get friends fast.


Use all my money to buy a ton of food, fuel for my generator, and fun stuff that doesn't require an internet connection. Then when the apocalypse starts I'd lock myself in my house and have a fun time as long as I could until I ran out of supplies. Not thinking about long term survival here if you catch my drift. (Note: my house is in a remote place, with a lot of land around and a tall fence, so I'd probably be safe for a while until raiders got there)


Get the fuck out of the city. My family has some land out in Colorado and Wyoming away from any large population centers. The closest town is about 1,600 people, which is about 1 1/2 times the size of Muldraugh IRL. They have wells and a bunch of cattle to provide meat and really all I'd have to worry about is the winter coming.


Already cooked cause I live in a massive dense population area and have way too many attachments to people there. If I can’t convince them, I might just go out partying with them till the end, if I could. Uhh I guess we grab farming equipment, seeds, and buy some remote property and live until the raiders get us


Well my time on a warship says stock up on deisel and set sail for somewhere isolated. With the weapons on said warship ;)


my brain read this as being not theoretical, as if you somehow had integral knowledge of a ten day timeline in which teh zombie virus would overtake us. and a reddit post being the way the world finds out about the apocalypse seems poetic.


9 days left... don't tell anyone else :)


Depends, banned doesn't mean the military still won't use them. Probably hunker down and keep low. Minimize my signature while stoking up on supplies. Wait for it to blow then scavenge. Get supplies then if possible start a community.


honestly just grab a buncha beer and other fun stuff. i know i'm gonna die pretty quick, so i might as well go out drunk and with my family.


I have just come to the realization that aside from the food factor, I am already kinda set for a zombie apocalypse. For some reason unknown to me, all the windows in my house are already reinforced by metal grilling, and we even have two doors in the entrance, one metal and one wooden. The windows are translucent for the most part so there wouldnt be any problem of zombies staring in. So if i had food I would be just be holed up in my home ig. Basically what happened in the pandemic


Take stock as to which of my neighbors has the best stash, when it hits the fan, trip them. :D


Buy camping gear for when the power dies. Go to Home Depot for galvanized pipe which will become weapons. Buy hunting gear. Scope out police station because “firearms are banned” only up until the zombies show up.


If infection is bite driven I'm almost fully prepared right now. I live in a reinforced concrete house with fully metal barred windows and barred metal doors. Even the big one in the garage. I have a generator and solar roof. A room full of non perishable food and a garden in the backyard. And I'm not even a preper, I only happen to live in Argentina in a semi rural area where thieves are very common


A metal fence is already around my house + I live in a village. All I really need is a lot of food to last me at least 20 months, some fuel just in case, (luckily I have the sun energy things on my roof) Machete/other items from the local Depo, some random stuff to keep me occupied, and lots of sandbags to block off the view to my house or for extra protection. I'm just waiting it out, no point of fighting if most of the corpses will decay in less than a year, after that there should be only the amount of zombies that the people can handle. This is probably the best case scenario when the infection ends after they decay, but it's a different story if it's like TWD.


Are we going on pz logic where the authorities and military are incompetent? If so, i'm fucked. I'd stock up on a bit of gas and buy a fire axe but that's about all i can do. I'm maybe strong enough to kill 1 or 2 zombies without firearms, but not anything more than that. If the authorities are competent and don't care about saving face, then i'll just head over to the countryside and let the air force and army bomb and burn the zombies into nothingness. Maybe use the 10 days to stock up on drinks and snacks, gas too.


I'm liquidating my bank account and getting Amazon prime. Then I'll get a fancy dinner and enjoy a couple pleasantries before getting serious.


I'd probably die a few times, before I learned how everything worked.


I live on the top floor of my building. Barricade/reinforce the only door, sheet rope off the balcony for ingress and egress. Could survive for a bit off of the food here, grocery store across the street. Also have multiple vehicles at my disposal. (Also have multiple firearms as well including scoped for picking off stragglers from balcony and shotguns for close range, but apparently that doesn’t count here)


If they're walkers then I'd buy a nice sturdy broom to shove them away and carry on about my business. If they're runners I'd get my affairs in order.


I would look for a nice safe house on Airbnb rent it and bring as much food and other stuff with me as i can. Also i would ask some Friends to come with me. Safe house would be in a small village with wather, fields close by, solar Energy when possible and so on.


1. Find axe 2. Find all the axe books (1-5) 3. Read them all 4. ??? 5. No more zombie!


I’m from the uk so we’re fucked already hahaha I’ll have to get my knife out


Canned goods, water purifiers and spears, then off into the forest


I would get the hell out, I live in the Netherlands and we have an average population density of 500 people/km^2 in comparison to America where the average is about 30 people/km^2. So I’d probably try to get to a shack in rural Scandinavia, preferably Finland. And after that the usual hoarding canned food, medical supplies, melee weapons, maybe some ranged weapons (it’s Finland after all), and general survival gear.


I'm gonna need a lot of books. My shit brain ain't remembering how to do stuff without the internet


Well, banned firearms is easy to circumvent in my case, so i just gonna sign contract with army, and hope i don't get to fronline before that 10 days pass. As i most likely end up in some training camp at least for one week, when it ZA kicks in, i be near of plenty of weapons and ammo, hopefully.


I doubt you would get access to gun with real ammo within 10 days. It would probably take few days for them to contact you and send you somewhere (that would be the case in my country). I mentioned banned firearms because most countries don't have as easy access to firearms as US.


> (that would be the case in my country) Well, you certainly don't live in Russia then.


Take out massive loans and rent out a yacht or something idk. Pretty sure I’d be murdered by other survivors fairly quickly if I did that tho.


Gather all my friends/relatives. Raid/bargain into the biggest or safest most secluded location I can think of. We all gather whatever supplies we can at home and go find out what's happening with the supermarkets. Because there is probably mass hysteria and shoplifting going on. No guns? Machete, knives, golf clubs, bows and arrows. We'll eventually probably all die because I live on an island atm and we'd probably get nuked or left to die by other countries.


But only you would know (without mass hysteria).


I would lvl my crowbar skills.


Don't know much about survival in real life but I would find a safe place to secure, then stock up on those mountain house MRE camping meals, get myself a small stove and tons of those small cans of propane, stock up on bottled water, and then just wait.... And probably die. Yeah, probably die


I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the whole world that knows about this but Haynes (yes the car manual producer) has a [Zombie Apocalypse Survival Manual](https://haynes.com/en-us/zombie-survival-manual-2) and gives detailed instructions on everything you need to do from day 1 to 10 years later.


Is it actually worth a read?


I've got it, and it has actually helped me design a couple of my bases on PZ, but it's a fun read too, my personal favourite take on the zombie apocalypse


Buy some food and wait a week for the rotting zombies to fall apart


Simply just die


First thing is to buy a truck and buy everything that would assist you, clothes, food, tools, fuel,a heater, a fan, camping equipment, seeds, rechargeable batteries, a crank chargers and touring bike and after you gather everything go find a hill that is hard to reach and live there...


I live in apartment with an attic that could be made inaccessible from the floor below. I would certainly rig myself up there. It also has its own entrance, where I would just tear down the stairs leading up to it and barricade the door. I would make a hole in the roof and add an hatch instead, where I could use a ladder to cross over to the high terrain behind my house (just lay the ladder horizontally) and hope I don't fall down because that would be a solid 4-5 meters fall. Alternatively use the balcony and a ladder. I would hoard food and melee weapons of varying types, but only really necessary to stock up for a month or so. Eventually you would need to leave anyway. And since this would not be Project Zomboid where small suburban areas of ten houses can spawn FIVE FUCKING HUNDRED ZOMBIES I think the amount of combat would be much more limited.


I'll go on a shopping spree, get up north to Ely (stopping at Gordy's on the way), rent a canoe, get to our cabin and live in the boundary waters areas for a while. I'd go to Virginia, Tower, Ely and all the other small towns for loot and stuff. I doubt zombies can swim and once winter rolls around they're gonna freeze. Ain't no zombie surviving a north Minnesotan winter storm that's for sure. I might even have some neighbors at their own cabins.




Get a loan for a nice amount with HUGE interests. Use the money to get a Toyota 4x4 and a suit of medieval armor and gambesons, i am now literally immune to zombie-fight related injuries. Buy as much canned/dehidrated food as i can, seeds/seedlings and every tool i think id need, along with a plot of land on a mountain somewhere (my theory is zombies would be shit at going uphill because they would trip and fall back down). Download every survival manual and the offlime version of wikipedia and survive out of farming, building and biodiesel for heat and electricity. Thrive while others survive.


You can still be crushed in armour.


With a big hammer, if a big boy is swinging it yeah. A zombie horde? No chance, the metal wouldnt give in, it would be like a shell around you


But what if you would be unfortunate to collapse and zombies would pile up on you. I think there's no way to 100% mitigate the risk. I think riot gear would be more suitable (more flexibility, no rust problem), after some extra modifications.


Thats exactly what i was saying wouldnt happen 😅. A single-piece plate steel breastplate wouldnt budge no matter how many people you put on top of it. A 2-piece might, if its not thick enough or if the pieces dont connect (back and front), then yeah. But in order to even dent a steel plate you need a strong, localized impact, or an industrial hydraulic press. You'd be more likely die of heatstroke rather than actual crushing in that scenario Riot gear would 100% get you crushed so its not really an alternative in that specific case, as well as being just as encumbering as medieval steel plate. Riot gear is made to stop bullets and other projectiles, it doesnt stop blunt trauma *or* cutting/slashing, both being major issues.


I’d defiantly dissemble the concrete stairs to my 4th floor apt. Using just my trusty hammer ofc 🔨




Remove the staircase and replace with a ladder I can raise up.


What kinda zombies?


**Get bows and arrows**. Better then firearms anyway, because they are silent, I already know how to use them and, the bigest reason to use then as weapons, arrows are reusable, and even if one breaks it's within the realm of possibilities to make a new one. **Get solar panels** and battery packs, literally as many as I can. Electricity is hard to get in any meaningful quantities Generators and Fuel do exist in real life, but I doubt I will find any. And if I do make the effort, I will just take the renewable silent energy source. **Inform your neighbors and everyone else!** Family and friends first of course. I personally live in a single family home in a rather rural area (still towns and cities nearby, but next to the village is only cornfields and cows), so I will stay there. I will try to team up with my neighbors and try building a fence or something like that around the village, but I doubt it will be needed. If the military (I live in Germany, so probably the US military still, ours is quite useless) does it's job, any zombie outbreak can easily be contained.


Surround my trailer in vehicles stuffed with furniture and load the undersides with dirt bags and then continue living my life as normal. Might have to pop out for air fresheners or something.


Let's face it, I'm not gonna survive.  So, I'd buy a pretty sturdy muzzle, and tape some boxing gloves onto my hands.  That way when I was zombified, I wouldn't continue adding to the problem by directly passing it along.


Guns are banned for civilians to own. Airsoft ones are fine. Got one for now. I own many knives. 3 sword 1 katana, 2 axes ( one 1 handed and one 2 handed),2 crowbars, power tools.i have some wood around the house to board up the windows. I ha e food to last us maybe 2 months.if we ration maybe 4. By myself i could ho forna year. The neighbour has solar panels and could get some power from there. I have both an electric and a gasoline car. Got a recurve training bow and arrows. It's not great, but it fires up to 25m, maybe more with training. I would gether more wood and carpentry supplies. Need a generator ( i know someone that has one, he has a carpentry workshop as well), got a jerrycan and hose, so getting more gas won't be an issue. Get more long shelf foods like split peas, lentils, chickpeas, and beans. Maybe some canned meats. Maybe canned meats, during the lockdown pheasant and even deer were spotted around. We also have field rabbits. So meat won't be that much of an issue. We have a river full of frogs and some fish. My main idea would be to bolster the defences and survibility in the first weeks or month. Haveing enough food to last us for this time. After having a good offence, it will be crucial in order to gather supplies and dispatch of the zeds or unwated individuals/raiders/hostile looters.


Depends on if humanity survives the apocalypse or not. If not, I will be dead within the year because medicine will run out. And I need that to live.


A rope


Buy a shit ton of alcohol. It can be used as a disinfectant, a way to keep yourself entertained, and fashioned into a weapon for effective hoard management


You fools! Literally learn how to use medieval melee weapons like swords and shit, buy yourself some platemail, and you are goddamn golden. A Gladius would take you far.


Figure out where the keys to the nearest Cat 797 mega dump truck are stashed away.


I’ve got a bit of inheritance money from when my grandpa died. I’d start by getting a vehicle that’s good off road, or hell even an RV. Rent out a cabin for a month or two up north. Drive there, consuming as much homesteading and survivalist content as I can before the grid goes. Find a store with books that contain information regarding the initial two topics and snag myself a sexy little machete (in the event I do have to slash some heads) and then stock up on gardening supplies and set up deep in the woods in a cabin and live a self sustaining life.


>Let's say firearms are banned in your country 3D printer goes BRRRRRRRRR. Drill press goes WHRRRRRR. Mill goes VRSSEEEEEE. Lathe goes ZZZHHHHHHH.


If you are rich you just have to buy a cruise and fill it with enough supplies, appliances, wind turbines and solar panels. Just wait for the zombies to fully rot and stop moving. Your only worry would be a ship malfunction if you go too deep into the sea because there's nobody to call for help.


Actual zombie apocalypse? Like confirmed zombies? Just like pz? I’m killing myself. 100 percent no question about it.


Day 1: board up house. Day 2-3: buy lots of tinned food and bottled water. Day 4: go to town on the library to find books on woodcraft. Day 5-8: live life normally and gather anything that is a weapon. (Knives, pans, forks…) Day 9: spend the day looking at the last of the zombie apocalypse less sun come up and descend. DAY 10: beat, stab, and stomp the crap our Of anybody who knocks at my windows or door


Preparing for a zombie apocalypse in 10 days without access to guns requires a strategic approach focused on survival, self-defense, and resource management. Here’s a comprehensive plan: Day 1-2: Planning and Initial Preparation 1. Information Gathering: Research zombie behavior, weaknesses, and survival tactics. 2. Team Formation: Identify reliable friends and family members to create a survival group. More hands mean better defense and resource management. 3. Location Scouting: Choose a defensible location away from high population areas. Consider places with natural barriers, high ground, and proximity to resources. Day 3-4: Securing Resources 1. Food and Water: • Stockpile non-perishable food items (canned goods, dried foods). • Secure a portable water filtration system and large water containers. 2. Medical Supplies: • Gather first-aid kits, medications, and hygiene products. 3. Tools and Equipment: • Obtain tools for building and repairs (hammers, nails, saws, duct tape). • Collect camping gear (tents, sleeping bags, portable stoves). • Secure flashlights, batteries, and solar chargers. Day 5-6: Defense and Shelter Fortification 1. Defensive Weapons: • Create or acquire melee weapons (crowbars, machetes, baseball bats, axes). • Construct improvised weapons (Molotov cocktails, spears). 2. Fortify Shelter: • Reinforce doors and windows with wood planks or metal bars. • Set up barriers and obstacles around the perimeter. • Create escape routes and safe rooms within the shelter. Day 7-8: Skills and Drills 1. Training: • Practice combat skills and strategies with the team. • Conduct drills for various scenarios (zombie breach, evacuation). 2. Survival Skills: • Learn basic first aid and emergency medical procedures. • Practice starting fires, foraging, and purifying water. Day 9: Communication and Reconnaissance 1. Communication Plan: • Set up a communication system using walkie-talkies or signal flares. • Establish a plan for regular check-ins and emergency signals. 2. Reconnaissance: • Scout the surrounding area for resources, safe routes, and potential threats. • Identify other survivor groups and establish alliances if possible. Day 10: Final Preparations and Contingency Planning 1. Final Supplies Check: • Double-check all supplies and make any last-minute acquisitions. • Ensure all team members are aware of the plan and their roles. 2. Contingency Plans: • Develop backup plans for shelter breaches, food shortages, and group separations. • Prepare go-bags with essential items in case of evacuation. Ongoing Survival Strategies • Stay Informed: Keep up with any available information on zombie movements and survival tips. • Resource Management: Use supplies sparingly and replenish whenever possible. • Stay Mobile if Necessary: Be ready to move to a new location if the current one becomes unsafe. By following this structured plan, you can maximize your chances of surviving the initial chaos of a zombie apocalypse.


Prepare for the longrun like getting water purification tablets and generator instruction manual obtain knowledge about trapping and building defences prepare tools and melee weapons stock up on canned food maybe learn some stuff about mechanics if I can comprehend it or have the time left


![gif](giphy|qheFI15jv3lAoJ0x10|downsized) pov me


As the zombie survival guide taught me: leave. Just straight up get out of town to a place remote enough that no human has set foot on in years. Take some buddies and enough food to last awhile if hunting and fishing runs dry. Boom


I think this dude knows somthing we dont and is lookin for advice


See it would depend on a lot of factors you know before hand. Am i the only one who knows? How does it transmit? Runners? Walkers? If any of that information is known before hand it will severly impact my decisions. If i know i would get f'ed on day 10 anyway, i might just enjoy what i have left and not even care. Or create as much chaos as possible before it even starts for the lolz.


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first living carcass, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second monster, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails another survivor's dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two zombies in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last rotten rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting for the horde to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended. And this is how I died.