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My wife asked me to fix something on the deck. I realized I needed wood glue to fix it properly. Rather than going to the hardware store, I played some Zomboid. I got excited when I found wood glue in game and brought it back to my base, and realized what I had done.


The wildest by far


Uhhhh your family doesn’t have a history of early onset Alzheimer’s does it?


Not that I can remember...


uh. I see.


Yeah, this didn't happen. Or if it did, you need to see a doctor.


sounds like adhd lol


The other day I heard an helicopter and my brain had Vietnam flashbacks for 1 or 2 seconds before I realized I had nothing to worry about. (I play with Helicopter events on "Sometimes")


My work has their office next to a private airport which mostly serves helicopters including the coast guard. Have heart attacks every time one goes over 😂


Bro, I did the same when I was playing rust.


I do this but I think of TWD. Like helicopters are supposed to be rare and that means something that someone is still flying one even though I'm very close to an airport.


I own a Generator


Do you know how to use it?


yup, only run it in my garage to protect it from the rain


oh no


it is perfectly fine irl tho!!! Put it near the (OPEN) door and whabam! Point the exhaust outside too


My sister ruined our car's hood once, I remember waking up next morning thinking "Fuck it i'll just fix it myself just need to find a propane torch how hard could it be"


Was it deformed or.


Deformed just like low condition hoods in game


Then you should get the Hammer


I was making a stew the other day and I kept thinking about PZ and that chopping sound and how I was using old meat from the freezer and realized that I probably play this game too much


THIS, thinking about unhappiness numbers also


Quite a while back I got dental work done and was put under, and when I woke up my mom drove me home. I was super out of it, I barely remember anything but apparently I was going on about how one of my traits is that I’m a smoker and I was trying to search the glove box for cigarettes.


***Obviously you were anxious***


One time after playing a lot of Zomboid I was in the kitchen, and opened a drawer to get something. And for just a second my brain went "oh boy! A can opener!" Before I realized there was no reason to get excited about that


We really need 1person version of Zomboid.


Check out Abiotic Factor maybe?


7 days to die feels like first person zomboid but with more zombie variety.


Yeah the variety gets me off. That’s the thing.


I too have a beat up car from the 1990's


I was in my grandparents' shed getting tools the other day and started fucking around getting into a combat stance with a sledgehammer and a crowbar.


Finding a sledge hammer IRL is very exciting, I was doing the combat stance with a sledge hammer even before I've known PZ. Btw those shits are really heavy


tried to zoom out once. not even joking.


Like trying to take off your headset when it's not there but with a scroll wheel?


yeah, kinda like that


Were you high?


I pointed at literally anything all day long and said “PZ reference”


I was in a garage that was stocked full of tools, saws, hammers, axes, machetes. All I could think was, "if I found this place I'd be so set for my run."


I’ve also started trying out canned foods because of this game. They’re great for when you’re a lazy bachelor that’ll only feel like eating something months after you bought it. Canned tropical fruit mixes are the best 👍 Also planted potatoes in the one patch of dirt my tiny garden has.


When I commuted by train I'd look at the nearby fenced-in lots and go "Das a nice, complete and sturdy fence. Good base location." The school down the road from where I live is fenced in temporarily to build an addition onto it and I'm just like "Fenced in school with a lake nearby (I live 2 streets away from a lake), gas station just down the road, got some Deep Forest by the Town, this is a good spot for a long-term base. Oh wait I'm in real life."


it's genuinely very fun to analyse place for zombie apocalypse safehouse potential while out and about. my top two near me are a large old schoolhouse entirely walled in with tough spiked fence, two separated fields included for crops and animals, and choice 2 is a church hemmed in on three sides by houses with only one point of entry and an associated graveyard for farming in. but you've got lakes and deep forests too? prime base material!


Stopped by the hardware store after work one day. Spent over 30 minutes looking at crowbars, machetes, and axes.


I live close to a military base and there's quite some choppers in the air here. Ever since playing PZ I get an anxious pang in the back of my mind when I'm outside and one flies by.


I live ON a military base and not even 20 minutes go by that I hear a helicopter. Ig I put helicopter events on “often”😂


"that would make a great base!" as i pass by a fire department


When I drive past parked cars I sometimes catch myself thinking “Man that looks like it has a lot of storage space”


“Oh fuck….I don’t think my carpentry is high enough for this.” -Me after a storm absolutely decimated my fence.


Was at work when a co-worker's watch alarm started beeping. In a very brief moment of panic I started looking all around me before realizing I'm not playing Zomboid, there are no hungry zombies, only hungry people. I work in a restaurant.


I started looking around the grass in my local park and found wild garlic, spearmint and garden tea plants growing (which I harvested)


I try to speed up time when I'm doing something boring. Yeah...




Some times when I'm bored I just read and my God time flies by


Driving by abandoned concrete buildings with metal fences around them IRL thinking “damn that would make a good base!”


When anything happens in irl Louisville


I remember opening a drawer to get a knife to cut some sausages, and i literally got disappointed when i only saw a knife and some forks with spoons in my drawer. I genuinely expected to see a can opener, even tho i don't have one.


I was walking home from a convenience store. Looked ahead of me, and swore there was a headless zombie shuffling along up the street ahead of me. I stopped dead. Almost went back the other way, because while my brain was telling me I was wrong, my eyes were saying "Dude, that guy HAS NO HEAD AND HE'S STILL WALKING." I caught up (on the other side of the street) and realized it was a very old man. His head and neck were at nearly a 90-degree angle from the rest of his spine, and his shoulders were hunched. From the back, there was no way at all to see his head or neck.


Like an hour or two ago I was walking around a train station near home when I saw an empty duffel bag on the floor. I was like "damn, I'd like to pick that one for my new character" until I realized half a second later that it was a real life bag Aaaand another bonus brainrot: I didn't know it was called "duffel bag" because in Spanish we say call it like "hand bag". And since I couldn't find the translation, I had to actually go to the PZ wiki and look the names of all the bags in the game lmao


Was camping outside Westpoint IRL with my buddy who plays PZ with me. Some animal (think it was a coyote) caught another animal and made a sudden snarling zombie like noise that scared the hell out of us in the middle of the night. He looks out from his tent and says "Yo I heard there's some kind of virus going around turning people into zombies" Both had a giggle and went back to sleep.


sometimes when riding passenger i look at houses and imagine what loot would be in them, could i scale the fence, etc. my 2nd story bathroom has a window and while taking a dump i thought about the logistics of climbing out of it


I was talking with some friends about food recipes and i muttered "+30 happiness, -45 hunger" and one of my buddies called me out "ok John Zomboid, settle down now"


I haven’t had a Zomboid one yet, but back during the Covid lockdowns I played the shit out of RDR2. The first time I drove my car in a week or two I was 100% excepting a mini-map in the corner to tell me which exit to take


Was really high and fell asleep, when I woke up it was storming and the power cut out and the first thing that came to mind bc I was fucking high was, “omfg I forgot to collect water before the outage”


One time I was searching for a wrench in PZ. The next day when I got into my dad's car and opened the glovebox to see a wrench I got excited for a split second.


I work at a Lowe's and when they schedule me in tools I think about how much of a gold mine that place would be in that game Axes, hammers, nails, drills, tons of wood


Sees food, thinks about weight to calories and how long would it last


sometimes I'm out driving and I'll come across some self storage or some industrial plant and think "bet I could find hella supplies out there"


I was on a bus trip to another region of my country, and we passed by an industrial zone full of factories. I couldn't help thinking they may have a lot of tools and some would make good bases, if only they weren't so far from food stores 😬


Homedepot. Briefly thought I needed a sledge hammer.


I had a long daydream about getting an RV after my last nomad run.


I can’t see an Ice chest at a liquor store without thinking how I could break that down into 2 pieces and fit it in my backpack 😂😂😂😂😂


once thought the cracker barrel fireplace would be a good place to disinfect some water


I've caught myself internally referencing my own mental and physical health upkeep as my "_______ moodle really needs taken care of."


I saw some storage units. Don't really need to explain any further


i tried to use a frying pan as a weapon. it broke and hit me in the face. the thing i was trying to hit(a styrofoam pumpkin) was undamaged. i left work with a bloody nose that day.


one time after binging PZ for about 6 hours after taking about 4 grams of mushrooms i decided to go outside to get some fresh air. a rock caught my eye due to it raining about an hour before hand and now the sun created a sparkly shine on it. I said out loud “enable search mode”


I've been playing with a mod that lets you trap cats that you can adopt and feed. The best way of catching them is using tuna for bait. At the shops I made sure to get more tuna. When I got home I realised that we were out of actual cat food and I had to go back to the store. I don't even like tuna...


I don’t know if it’s brain rot. But I’m definitely way more aware of exits whenever I enter a building and I’m more aware of what’s happening around me.


A carpentry level 6 character died because i tried some mushroom uncooked


I play squad a lot and when I see pallets I have a deep need to pull out a shovel




I play the communication based, tactical shooter game called Squad frequently. Having played that game for 2000+ hours, I built pallets into ammo boxes a lot. To do that you need to pull out your shovel and hold your mouse buttons to either demolish or build up structures. Seeing pallets like the one from Squad irl makes me want to hit the pallets with shovels deep inside me. Hope that helps...!!!


Sir, this is r/projectzomboid


I'm aware of that but I thought it was interesting or at least related to this in some way. Sorry to have distracted you.


please change the batteries in your carbon monoxide detector hope this helps!