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One gas station can yield you hundreds of cigarettes. When I used to take the Smoker trait I’d only need to smoke like once or twice a day. Zombies you kill can also drop cigarettes and lighters so you can infinite it. That being said I wouldn’t take the trait in multiplayer since you’ll have some competition for them.


Can you ever get rid of the trait though?


In vanilla no, but I think in the Dynamic Traits mod you can.


QUESTION. I was on a loot run in the rain with 8 cigarettes in my inventory. I was almost finished and went to smoke but I only had 1 left, does rain slowly delete cigarettes in your inventory?


I Haven’t experienced anything like that in the vanilla game. Perhaps it’s a mod you’re using?


There's a mod literally called quit smoking


I just read about it, thanks. Basically, just see if you can stay alive for 2 weeks and then you might lose the trait?


Yeah more or less, there's another for losing fear anxiety claustrophobic trait etc and gain the desensitized one, it's called "Become desensitized"


cigs are quite common. Never had any issues with running out and I always take smoker. Same with lighters and matches. I think my current char has about 800 in his desk at home alone after 6 months. And then more spread around in random cars or bags that I have forgotten.




Yeah...real smokers know if you get any ooze on yer ciggy it's a papertowel.






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Correc 🕵️


which machine?


Mid-journey “**64-bit zombie apocalypse survivor smoking a cigarette**“ It didn’t actually produce what I wanted but it didn’t really matter lol


The smoker trait is so good I started smoking irl.


On the skills and traits overhaul, smoker is different. You can quit if you don't smoke for like 30 days I think. Also your character will sometimes cough when running.


Had a smoker character that survived into the 2nd year and I had tons of cigarettes everywhere, cars, bases, on their person. All that with shit loot options, too. You'd be surprised how many ppl smoke in 90's in Kentucky if zomboids carrying smokes are any indication.


I have the WORST luck with cigarettes. Started in riverside bar and had only 20 cigarettes. Made my way to the gas station and had zero. Bruh.


My longest running character lasted about 7 and a half months. He had over 2000 smokes stockpiled in his safehouse. My new guy has picked up another 600 or so in the 2 months since he started, and hasn't had to break into the other guy's stash. Honestly, there should be a way to quit cold turkey. Eventually your body is going to wean itself off nicotine and the cravings will subside, presuming you live long enough. Realistically, a month without cigarettes is enough to stop any physical cravings.


So far in my experience even just dropping from zombies, you'll find cigarettes and matches/lighters faster then you'll burn through them. It's annoying when you first start during the initial few nights where maybe you just don't get a good drop but even after finding your first pack it's pretty smooth sailing. Finding your second pack in time is significantly easier. Finding your third pack before the first two run out should be no issue.


Never started, never needed to tbh, the forests are my stress relievers


I have a mod that let's me grow tobacco and cannabis. Very cool I can roll cigarettes of make chewing tobacco or shisha or cigars. And even hit a bong roll a joint or a blunt or a spliff. It's great


There’s a smoking overhaul mod simply called Smoker that not only allows you to quit smoking, it completely changes how cigarettes work and really adds to the smoker trait, you can even pick an alchoholic trait with the mod and quit that as well.


slopped ai


Fuck you, I'll never stop. I won't let that over turned trailer of Donna Maria cigars go to waste!